blob: e8ac1f8a1b5524750b25f0ffb8a7d693397dcdb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All right reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2013 ChangSeok Oh <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "BidiResolver.h"
#include "Hyphenation.h"
#include "InlineIterator.h"
#include "InlineTextBox.h"
#include "Logging.h"
#include "RenderArena.h"
#include "RenderCombineText.h"
#include "RenderCounter.h"
#include "RenderFlowThread.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "RenderListMarker.h"
#include "RenderRegion.h"
#include "RenderRubyRun.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox.h"
#include "VerticalPositionCache.h"
#include "break_lines.h"
#include <wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h>
#include "ShapeInsideInfo.h"
#include "RenderSVGInlineText.h"
#include "SVGRootInlineBox.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace WTF;
using namespace Unicode;
namespace WebCore {
// We don't let our line box tree for a single line get any deeper than this.
const unsigned cMaxLineDepth = 200;
static LayoutUnit logicalHeightForLine(const RenderBlock* block, bool isFirstLine, LayoutUnit replacedHeight = 0)
if (!block->document()->inNoQuirksMode() && replacedHeight)
return replacedHeight;
if (!(block->style(isFirstLine)->lineBoxContain() & LineBoxContainBlock))
return 0;
return max<LayoutUnit>(replacedHeight, block->lineHeight(isFirstLine, block->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes));
ShapeInsideInfo* RenderBlock::layoutShapeInsideInfo() const
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo = view()->layoutState()->shapeInsideInfo();
if (!shapeInsideInfo && flowThreadContainingBlock() && allowsShapeInsideInfoSharing()) {
// regionAtBlockOffset returns regions like an array first={0,N-1}, second={N,M-1}, ...
LayoutUnit offset = logicalHeight() + logicalHeightForLine(this, false) - LayoutUnit(1);
RenderRegion* region = regionAtBlockOffset(offset);
if (region)
shapeInsideInfo = region->shapeInsideInfo();
return shapeInsideInfo;
enum IndentTextOrNot { DoNotIndentText, IndentText };
class LineWidth {
LineWidth(RenderBlock* block, bool isFirstLine, IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText)
: m_block(block)
, m_uncommittedWidth(0)
, m_committedWidth(0)
, m_overhangWidth(0)
, m_trailingWhitespaceWidth(0)
, m_trailingCollapsedWhitespaceWidth(0)
, m_left(0)
, m_right(0)
, m_availableWidth(0)
, m_segment(0)
, m_isFirstLine(isFirstLine)
, m_shouldIndentText(shouldIndentText)
if (ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo = m_block->layoutShapeInsideInfo())
m_segment = shapeInsideInfo->currentSegment();
bool fitsOnLine(bool ignoringTrailingSpace = false)
return ignoringTrailingSpace ? fitsOnLineExcludingTrailingCollapsedWhitespace() : fitsOnLineIncludingExtraWidth(0);
bool fitsOnLineIncludingExtraWidth(float extra) const { return currentWidth() + extra <= m_availableWidth; }
bool fitsOnLineExcludingTrailingWhitespace(float extra) const { return currentWidth() - m_trailingWhitespaceWidth + extra <= m_availableWidth; }
float currentWidth() const { return m_committedWidth + m_uncommittedWidth; }
// FIXME: We should eventually replace these three functions by ones that work on a higher abstraction.
float uncommittedWidth() const { return m_uncommittedWidth; }
float committedWidth() const { return m_committedWidth; }
float availableWidth() const { return m_availableWidth; }
void updateAvailableWidth(LayoutUnit minimumHeight = 0);
void shrinkAvailableWidthForNewFloatIfNeeded(RenderBlock::FloatingObject*);
void addUncommittedWidth(float delta) { m_uncommittedWidth += delta; }
void commit()
m_committedWidth += m_uncommittedWidth;
m_uncommittedWidth = 0;
void applyOverhang(RenderRubyRun*, RenderObject* startRenderer, RenderObject* endRenderer);
void fitBelowFloats();
void setTrailingWhitespaceWidth(float collapsedWhitespace, float borderPaddingMargin = 0) { m_trailingCollapsedWhitespaceWidth = collapsedWhitespace; m_trailingWhitespaceWidth = collapsedWhitespace + borderPaddingMargin; }
bool shouldIndentText() const { return m_shouldIndentText == IndentText; }
void computeAvailableWidthFromLeftAndRight()
m_availableWidth = max(0.0f, m_right - m_left) + m_overhangWidth;
bool fitsOnLineExcludingTrailingCollapsedWhitespace() const { return currentWidth() - m_trailingCollapsedWhitespaceWidth <= m_availableWidth; }
RenderBlock* m_block;
float m_uncommittedWidth;
float m_committedWidth;
float m_overhangWidth; // The amount by which |m_availableWidth| has been inflated to account for possible contraction due to ruby overhang.
float m_trailingWhitespaceWidth;
float m_trailingCollapsedWhitespaceWidth;
float m_left;
float m_right;
float m_availableWidth;
const LineSegment* m_segment;
bool m_isFirstLine;
IndentTextOrNot m_shouldIndentText;
inline void LineWidth::updateAvailableWidth(LayoutUnit replacedHeight)
LayoutUnit height = m_block->logicalHeight();
LayoutUnit logicalHeight = logicalHeightForLine(m_block, m_isFirstLine, replacedHeight);
m_left = m_block->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(height, shouldIndentText(), logicalHeight);
m_right = m_block->logicalRightOffsetForLine(height, shouldIndentText(), logicalHeight);
if (m_segment) {
m_left = max<float>(m_segment->logicalLeft, m_left);
m_right = min<float>(m_segment->logicalRight, m_right);
inline void LineWidth::shrinkAvailableWidthForNewFloatIfNeeded(RenderBlock::FloatingObject* newFloat)
LayoutUnit height = m_block->logicalHeight();
if (height < m_block->logicalTopForFloat(newFloat) || height >= m_block->logicalBottomForFloat(newFloat))
// When floats with shape outside are stacked, the floats are positioned based on the bounding box of the shape,
// not the shape's contour. Since we computed the width based on the shape contour when we added the float,
// when we add a subsequent float on the same line, we need to undo the shape delta in order to position
// based on the bounding box. In order to do this, we need to walk back through the floating object list to find
// the first previous float that is on the same side as our newFloat.
ShapeOutsideInfo* lastShapeOutsideInfo = 0;
const RenderBlock::FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_block->m_floatingObjects->set();
RenderBlock::FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.end();
RenderBlock::FloatingObjectSetIterator begin = floatingObjectSet.begin();
for (--it; it != begin; --it) {
RenderBlock::FloatingObject* lastFloat = *it;
if (lastFloat != newFloat && lastFloat->type() == newFloat->type()) {
lastShapeOutsideInfo = lastFloat->renderer()->shapeOutsideInfo();
if (lastShapeOutsideInfo)
lastShapeOutsideInfo->computeSegmentsForLine(m_block->logicalHeight() - m_block->logicalTopForFloat(lastFloat) + lastShapeOutsideInfo->shapeLogicalTop(), logicalHeightForLine(m_block, m_isFirstLine));
ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutsideInfo = newFloat->renderer()->shapeOutsideInfo();
if (shapeOutsideInfo)
shapeOutsideInfo->computeSegmentsForLine(m_block->logicalHeight() - m_block->logicalTopForFloat(newFloat) + shapeOutsideInfo->shapeLogicalTop(), logicalHeightForLine(m_block, m_isFirstLine));
if (newFloat->type() == RenderBlock::FloatingObject::FloatLeft) {
float newLeft = m_block->logicalRightForFloat(newFloat);
if (lastShapeOutsideInfo)
newLeft -= lastShapeOutsideInfo->rightSegmentShapeBoundingBoxDelta();
if (shapeOutsideInfo)
newLeft += shapeOutsideInfo->rightSegmentShapeBoundingBoxDelta();
if (shouldIndentText() && m_block->style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
newLeft += floorToInt(m_block->textIndentOffset());
m_left = max<float>(m_left, newLeft);
} else {
float newRight = m_block->logicalLeftForFloat(newFloat);
if (lastShapeOutsideInfo)
newRight -= lastShapeOutsideInfo->leftSegmentShapeBoundingBoxDelta();
if (shapeOutsideInfo)
newRight += shapeOutsideInfo->leftSegmentShapeBoundingBoxDelta();
if (shouldIndentText() && !m_block->style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
newRight -= floorToInt(m_block->textIndentOffset());
m_right = min<float>(m_right, newRight);
void LineWidth::applyOverhang(RenderRubyRun* rubyRun, RenderObject* startRenderer, RenderObject* endRenderer)
int startOverhang;
int endOverhang;
rubyRun->getOverhang(m_isFirstLine, startRenderer, endRenderer, startOverhang, endOverhang);
startOverhang = min<int>(startOverhang, m_committedWidth);
m_availableWidth += startOverhang;
endOverhang = max(min<int>(endOverhang, m_availableWidth - currentWidth()), 0);
m_availableWidth += endOverhang;
m_overhangWidth += startOverhang + endOverhang;
void LineWidth::fitBelowFloats()
LayoutUnit floatLogicalBottom;
LayoutUnit lastFloatLogicalBottom = m_block->logicalHeight();
float newLineWidth = m_availableWidth;
float newLineLeft = m_left;
float newLineRight = m_right;
while (true) {
floatLogicalBottom = m_block->nextFloatLogicalBottomBelow(lastFloatLogicalBottom);
if (floatLogicalBottom <= lastFloatLogicalBottom)
newLineLeft = m_block->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(floatLogicalBottom, shouldIndentText());
newLineRight = m_block->logicalRightOffsetForLine(floatLogicalBottom, shouldIndentText());
newLineWidth = max(0.0f, newLineRight - newLineLeft);
lastFloatLogicalBottom = floatLogicalBottom;
if (newLineWidth >= m_uncommittedWidth)
if (newLineWidth > m_availableWidth) {
m_availableWidth = newLineWidth + m_overhangWidth;
m_left = newLineLeft;
m_right = newLineRight;
class LineInfo {
: m_isFirstLine(true)
, m_isLastLine(false)
, m_isEmpty(true)
, m_previousLineBrokeCleanly(true)
, m_floatPaginationStrut(0)
, m_runsFromLeadingWhitespace(0)
{ }
bool isFirstLine() const { return m_isFirstLine; }
bool isLastLine() const { return m_isLastLine; }
bool isEmpty() const { return m_isEmpty; }
bool previousLineBrokeCleanly() const { return m_previousLineBrokeCleanly; }
LayoutUnit floatPaginationStrut() const { return m_floatPaginationStrut; }
unsigned runsFromLeadingWhitespace() const { return m_runsFromLeadingWhitespace; }
void resetRunsFromLeadingWhitespace() { m_runsFromLeadingWhitespace = 0; }
void incrementRunsFromLeadingWhitespace() { m_runsFromLeadingWhitespace++; }
void setFirstLine(bool firstLine) { m_isFirstLine = firstLine; }
void setLastLine(bool lastLine) { m_isLastLine = lastLine; }
void setEmpty(bool empty, RenderBlock* block = 0, LineWidth* lineWidth = 0)
if (m_isEmpty == empty)
m_isEmpty = empty;
if (!empty && block && floatPaginationStrut()) {
block->setLogicalHeight(block->logicalHeight() + floatPaginationStrut());
void setPreviousLineBrokeCleanly(bool previousLineBrokeCleanly) { m_previousLineBrokeCleanly = previousLineBrokeCleanly; }
void setFloatPaginationStrut(LayoutUnit strut) { m_floatPaginationStrut = strut; }
bool m_isFirstLine;
bool m_isLastLine;
bool m_isEmpty;
bool m_previousLineBrokeCleanly;
LayoutUnit m_floatPaginationStrut;
unsigned m_runsFromLeadingWhitespace;
static inline LayoutUnit borderPaddingMarginStart(RenderInline* child)
return child->marginStart() + child->paddingStart() + child->borderStart();
static inline LayoutUnit borderPaddingMarginEnd(RenderInline* child)
return child->marginEnd() + child->paddingEnd() + child->borderEnd();
static inline bool shouldAddBorderPaddingMargin(RenderObject* child)
// When deciding whether we're at the edge of an inline, adjacent collapsed whitespace is the same as no sibling at all.
return !child || (child->isText() && !toRenderText(child)->textLength());
static RenderObject* previousInFlowSibling(RenderObject* child)
child = child->previousSibling();
while (child && child->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
child = child->previousSibling();
return child;
static LayoutUnit inlineLogicalWidth(RenderObject* child, bool checkStartEdge = true, bool checkEndEdge = true)
unsigned lineDepth = 1;
LayoutUnit extraWidth = 0;
RenderObject* parent = child->parent();
while (parent->isRenderInline() && lineDepth++ < cMaxLineDepth) {
RenderInline* parentAsRenderInline = toRenderInline(parent);
if (!isEmptyInline(parentAsRenderInline)) {
checkStartEdge = checkStartEdge && shouldAddBorderPaddingMargin(previousInFlowSibling(child));
if (checkStartEdge)
extraWidth += borderPaddingMarginStart(parentAsRenderInline);
checkEndEdge = checkEndEdge && shouldAddBorderPaddingMargin(child->nextSibling());
if (checkEndEdge)
extraWidth += borderPaddingMarginEnd(parentAsRenderInline);
if (!checkStartEdge && !checkEndEdge)
return extraWidth;
child = parent;
parent = child->parent();
return extraWidth;
static void determineDirectionality(TextDirection& dir, InlineIterator iter)
while (!iter.atEnd()) {
if (iter.atParagraphSeparator())
if (UChar current = iter.current()) {
Direction charDirection = direction(current);
if (charDirection == LeftToRight) {
dir = LTR;
if (charDirection == RightToLeft || charDirection == RightToLeftArabic) {
dir = RTL;
static void checkMidpoints(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, InlineIterator& lBreak)
// Check to see if our last midpoint is a start point beyond the line break. If so,
// shave it off the list, and shave off a trailing space if the previous end point doesn't
// preserve whitespace.
if (lBreak.m_obj && lineMidpointState.numMidpoints && !(lineMidpointState.numMidpoints % 2)) {
InlineIterator* midpoints =;
InlineIterator& endpoint = midpoints[lineMidpointState.numMidpoints - 2];
const InlineIterator& startpoint = midpoints[lineMidpointState.numMidpoints - 1];
InlineIterator currpoint = endpoint;
while (!currpoint.atEnd() && currpoint != startpoint && currpoint != lBreak)
if (currpoint == lBreak) {
// We hit the line break before the start point. Shave off the start point.
if (endpoint.m_obj->style()->collapseWhiteSpace())
// Don't call this directly. Use one of the descriptive helper functions below.
static void deprecatedAddMidpoint(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, const InlineIterator& midpoint)
if (lineMidpointState.midpoints.size() <= lineMidpointState.numMidpoints)
lineMidpointState.midpoints.grow(lineMidpointState.numMidpoints + 10);
InlineIterator* midpoints =;
midpoints[lineMidpointState.numMidpoints++] = midpoint;
static inline void startIgnoringSpaces(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, const InlineIterator& midpoint)
ASSERT(!(lineMidpointState.numMidpoints % 2));
deprecatedAddMidpoint(lineMidpointState, midpoint);
static inline void stopIgnoringSpaces(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, const InlineIterator& midpoint)
ASSERT(lineMidpointState.numMidpoints % 2);
deprecatedAddMidpoint(lineMidpointState, midpoint);
// When ignoring spaces, this needs to be called for objects that need line boxes such as RenderInlines or
// hard line breaks to ensure that they're not ignored.
static inline void ensureLineBoxInsideIgnoredSpaces(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, RenderObject* renderer)
InlineIterator midpoint(0, renderer, 0);
stopIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, midpoint);
startIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, midpoint);
// Adding a pair of midpoints before a character will split it out into a new line box.
static inline void ensureCharacterGetsLineBox(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, InlineIterator& textParagraphSeparator)
InlineIterator midpoint(0, textParagraphSeparator.m_obj, textParagraphSeparator.m_pos);
startIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(0, textParagraphSeparator.m_obj, textParagraphSeparator.m_pos - 1));
stopIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(0, textParagraphSeparator.m_obj, textParagraphSeparator.m_pos));
static inline BidiRun* createRun(int start, int end, RenderObject* obj, InlineBidiResolver& resolver)
return new (obj->renderArena()) BidiRun(start, end, obj, resolver.context(), resolver.dir());
void RenderBlock::appendRunsForObject(BidiRunList<BidiRun>& runs, int start, int end, RenderObject* obj, InlineBidiResolver& resolver)
if (start > end || shouldSkipCreatingRunsForObject(obj))
LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState = resolver.midpointState();
bool haveNextMidpoint = (lineMidpointState.currentMidpoint < lineMidpointState.numMidpoints);
InlineIterator nextMidpoint;
if (haveNextMidpoint)
nextMidpoint = lineMidpointState.midpoints[lineMidpointState.currentMidpoint];
if (lineMidpointState.betweenMidpoints) {
if (!(haveNextMidpoint && nextMidpoint.m_obj == obj))
// This is a new start point. Stop ignoring objects and
// adjust our start.
lineMidpointState.betweenMidpoints = false;
start = nextMidpoint.m_pos;
if (start < end)
return appendRunsForObject(runs, start, end, obj, resolver);
} else {
if (!haveNextMidpoint || (obj != nextMidpoint.m_obj)) {
runs.addRun(createRun(start, end, obj, resolver));
// An end midpoint has been encountered within our object. We
// need to go ahead and append a run with our endpoint.
if (static_cast<int>(nextMidpoint.m_pos + 1) <= end) {
lineMidpointState.betweenMidpoints = true;
if (nextMidpoint.m_pos != UINT_MAX) { // UINT_MAX means stop at the object and don't include any of it.
if (static_cast<int>(nextMidpoint.m_pos + 1) > start)
runs.addRun(createRun(start, nextMidpoint.m_pos + 1, obj, resolver));
return appendRunsForObject(runs, nextMidpoint.m_pos + 1, end, obj, resolver);
} else
runs.addRun(createRun(start, end, obj, resolver));
static inline InlineBox* createInlineBoxForRenderer(RenderObject* obj, bool isRootLineBox, bool isOnlyRun = false)
if (isRootLineBox)
return toRenderBlock(obj)->createAndAppendRootInlineBox();
if (obj->isText()) {
InlineTextBox* textBox = toRenderText(obj)->createInlineTextBox();
// We only treat a box as text for a <br> if we are on a line by ourself or in strict mode
// (Note the use of strict mode. In "almost strict" mode, we don't treat the box for <br> as text.)
if (obj->isBR())
textBox->setIsText(isOnlyRun || obj->document()->inNoQuirksMode());
return textBox;
if (obj->isBox())
return toRenderBox(obj)->createInlineBox();
return toRenderInline(obj)->createAndAppendInlineFlowBox();
// FIXME: Don't let counters mark themselves as needing pref width recalcs during layout
// so we don't need this hack.
static inline void updateCounterIfNeeded(RenderText* o)
if (!o->preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() || !o->isCounter())
static inline void dirtyLineBoxesForRenderer(RenderObject* o, bool fullLayout)
if (o->isText()) {
RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(o);
} else
static bool parentIsConstructedOrHaveNext(InlineFlowBox* parentBox)
do {
if (parentBox->isConstructed() || parentBox->nextOnLine())
return true;
parentBox = parentBox->parent();
} while (parentBox);
return false;
InlineFlowBox* RenderBlock::createLineBoxes(RenderObject* obj, const LineInfo& lineInfo, InlineBox* childBox, bool startNewSegment)
// See if we have an unconstructed line box for this object that is also
// the last item on the line.
unsigned lineDepth = 1;
InlineFlowBox* parentBox = 0;
InlineFlowBox* result = 0;
bool hasDefaultLineBoxContain = style()->lineBoxContain() == RenderStyle::initialLineBoxContain();
do {
ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(obj->isRenderInline() || obj == this);
RenderInline* inlineFlow = (obj != this) ? toRenderInline(obj) : 0;
// Get the last box we made for this render object.
parentBox = inlineFlow ? inlineFlow->lastLineBox() : toRenderBlock(obj)->lastLineBox();
// If this box or its ancestor is constructed then it is from a previous line, and we need
// to make a new box for our line. If this box or its ancestor is unconstructed but it has
// something following it on the line, then we know we have to make a new box
// as well. In this situation our inline has actually been split in two on
// the same line (this can happen with very fancy language mixtures).
bool constructedNewBox = false;
bool allowedToConstructNewBox = !hasDefaultLineBoxContain || !inlineFlow || inlineFlow->alwaysCreateLineBoxes();
bool mustCreateBoxesToRoot = startNewSegment && !(parentBox && parentBox->isRootInlineBox());
bool canUseExistingParentBox = parentBox && !parentIsConstructedOrHaveNext(parentBox) && !mustCreateBoxesToRoot;
if (allowedToConstructNewBox && !canUseExistingParentBox) {
// We need to make a new box for this render object. Once
// made, we need to place it at the end of the current line.
InlineBox* newBox = createInlineBoxForRenderer(obj, obj == this);
parentBox = toInlineFlowBox(newBox);
if (!hasDefaultLineBoxContain)
constructedNewBox = true;
if (constructedNewBox || canUseExistingParentBox) {
if (!result)
result = parentBox;
// If we have hit the block itself, then |box| represents the root
// inline box for the line, and it doesn't have to be appended to any parent
// inline.
if (childBox)
if (!constructedNewBox || obj == this)
childBox = parentBox;
// If we've exceeded our line depth, then jump straight to the root and skip all the remaining
// intermediate inline flows.
obj = (++lineDepth >= cMaxLineDepth) ? this : obj->parent();
} while (true);
return result;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool endsWithASCIISpaces(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned pos, unsigned end)
while (isASCIISpace(characters[pos])) {
if (pos >= end)
return true;
return false;
static bool reachedEndOfTextRenderer(const BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns)
BidiRun* run = bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun();
if (!run)
return true;
unsigned pos = run->stop();
RenderObject* r = run->m_object;
if (!r->isText() || r->isBR())
return false;
RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(r);
unsigned length = renderText->textLength();
if (pos >= length)
return true;
if (renderText->is8Bit())
return endsWithASCIISpaces(renderText->characters8(), pos, length);
return endsWithASCIISpaces(renderText->characters16(), pos, length);
RootInlineBox* RenderBlock::constructLine(BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
bool rootHasSelectedChildren = false;
InlineFlowBox* parentBox = 0;
int runCount = bidiRuns.runCount() - lineInfo.runsFromLeadingWhitespace();
for (BidiRun* r = bidiRuns.firstRun(); r; r = r->next()) {
// Create a box for our object.
bool isOnlyRun = (runCount == 1);
if (runCount == 2 && !r->m_object->isListMarker())
isOnlyRun = (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? bidiRuns.lastRun() : bidiRuns.firstRun())->m_object->isListMarker();
if (lineInfo.isEmpty())
InlineBox* box = createInlineBoxForRenderer(r->m_object, false, isOnlyRun);
r->m_box = box;
if (!box)
if (!rootHasSelectedChildren && box->renderer()->selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone)
rootHasSelectedChildren = true;
// If we have no parent box yet, or if the run is not simply a sibling,
// then we need to construct inline boxes as necessary to properly enclose the
// run's inline box. Segments can only be siblings at the root level, as
// they are positioned separately.
bool runStartsSegment = r->m_startsSegment;
bool runStartsSegment = false;
if (!parentBox || parentBox->renderer() != r->m_object->parent() || runStartsSegment)
// Create new inline boxes all the way back to the appropriate insertion point.
parentBox = createLineBoxes(r->m_object->parent(), lineInfo, box, runStartsSegment);
else {
// Append the inline box to this line.
bool visuallyOrdered = r->m_object->style()->rtlOrdering() == VisualOrder;
if (box->isInlineTextBox()) {
InlineTextBox* text = toInlineTextBox(box);
text->setLen(r->m_stop - r->m_start);
if (r->m_hasHyphen)
// We should have a root inline box. It should be unconstructed and
// be the last continuation of our line list.
ASSERT(lastLineBox() && !lastLineBox()->isConstructed());
// Set the m_selectedChildren flag on the root inline box if one of the leaf inline box
// from the bidi runs walk above has a selection state.
if (rootHasSelectedChildren)
// Set bits on our inline flow boxes that indicate which sides should
// paint borders/margins/padding. This knowledge will ultimately be used when
// we determine the horizontal positions and widths of all the inline boxes on
// the line.
bool isLogicallyLastRunWrapped = bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_object && bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_object->isText() ? !reachedEndOfTextRenderer(bidiRuns) : true;
lastLineBox()->determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(lineInfo.isLastLine(), isLogicallyLastRunWrapped, bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_object);
// Now mark the line boxes as being constructed.
// Return the last line.
return lastRootBox();
ETextAlign RenderBlock::textAlignmentForLine(bool endsWithSoftBreak) const
ETextAlign alignment = style()->textAlign();
if (!endsWithSoftBreak && alignment == JUSTIFY)
alignment = TASTART;
return alignment;
static void updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(bool isLeftToRightDirection, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
// The direction of the block should determine what happens with wide lines.
// In particular with RTL blocks, wide lines should still spill out to the left.
if (isLeftToRightDirection) {
if (totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth && trailingSpaceRun)
trailingSpaceRun->m_box->setLogicalWidth(max<float>(0, trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth() - totalLogicalWidth + availableLogicalWidth));
if (trailingSpaceRun)
else if (totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth)
logicalLeft -= (totalLogicalWidth - availableLogicalWidth);
static void updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(bool isLeftToRightDirection, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
// Wide lines spill out of the block based off direction.
// So even if text-align is right, if direction is LTR, wide lines should overflow out of the right
// side of the block.
if (isLeftToRightDirection) {
if (trailingSpaceRun) {
totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth();
if (totalLogicalWidth < availableLogicalWidth)
logicalLeft += availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth;
if (totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth && trailingSpaceRun) {
trailingSpaceRun->m_box->setLogicalWidth(max<float>(0, trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth() - totalLogicalWidth + availableLogicalWidth));
totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth();
} else
logicalLeft += availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth;
static void updateLogicalWidthForCenterAlignedBlock(bool isLeftToRightDirection, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
float trailingSpaceWidth = 0;
if (trailingSpaceRun) {
totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth();
trailingSpaceWidth = min(trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth(), (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth + 1) / 2);
trailingSpaceRun->m_box->setLogicalWidth(max<float>(0, trailingSpaceWidth));
if (isLeftToRightDirection)
logicalLeft += max<float>((availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) / 2, 0);
logicalLeft += totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth ? (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) : (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) / 2 - trailingSpaceWidth;
void RenderBlock::setMarginsForRubyRun(BidiRun* run, RenderRubyRun* renderer, RenderObject* previousObject, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
int startOverhang;
int endOverhang;
RenderObject* nextObject = 0;
for (BidiRun* runWithNextObject = run->next(); runWithNextObject; runWithNextObject = runWithNextObject->next()) {
if (!runWithNextObject->m_object->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !runWithNextObject->m_box->isLineBreak()) {
nextObject = runWithNextObject->m_object;
renderer->getOverhang(lineInfo.isFirstLine(), renderer->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? previousObject : nextObject, renderer->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? nextObject : previousObject, startOverhang, endOverhang);
setMarginStartForChild(renderer, -startOverhang);
setMarginEndForChild(renderer, -endOverhang);
static inline float measureHyphenWidth(RenderText* renderer, const Font& font, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts = 0)
RenderStyle* style = renderer->style();
return font.width(RenderBlock::constructTextRun(renderer, font, style->hyphenString().string(), style), fallbackFonts);
class WordMeasurement {
: renderer(0)
, width(0)
, startOffset(0)
, endOffset(0)
RenderText* renderer;
float width;
int startOffset;
int endOffset;
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*> fallbackFonts;
static inline void setLogicalWidthForTextRun(RootInlineBox* lineBox, BidiRun* run, RenderText* renderer, float xPos, const LineInfo& lineInfo,
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*> fallbackFonts;
GlyphOverflow glyphOverflow;
const Font& font = renderer->style(lineInfo.isFirstLine())->font();
// Always compute glyph overflow if the block's line-box-contain value is "glyphs".
if (lineBox->fitsToGlyphs()) {
// If we don't stick out of the root line's font box, then don't bother computing our glyph overflow. This optimization
// will keep us from computing glyph bounds in nearly all cases.
bool includeRootLine = lineBox->includesRootLineBoxFontOrLeading();
int baselineShift = lineBox->verticalPositionForBox(run->m_box, verticalPositionCache);
int rootDescent = includeRootLine ? font.fontMetrics().descent() : 0;
int rootAscent = includeRootLine ? font.fontMetrics().ascent() : 0;
int boxAscent = font.fontMetrics().ascent() - baselineShift;
int boxDescent = font.fontMetrics().descent() + baselineShift;
if (boxAscent > rootDescent || boxDescent > rootAscent)
glyphOverflow.computeBounds = true;
LayoutUnit hyphenWidth = 0;
if (toInlineTextBox(run->m_box)->hasHyphen()) {
const Font& font = renderer->style(lineInfo.isFirstLine())->font();
hyphenWidth = measureHyphenWidth(renderer, font, &fallbackFonts);
float measuredWidth = 0;
bool kerningIsEnabled = font.typesettingFeatures() & Kerning;
bool canUseSimpleFontCodePath = renderer->canUseSimpleFontCodePath();
// Since we don't cache glyph overflows, we need to re-measure the run if
// the style is linebox-contain: glyph.
if (!lineBox->fitsToGlyphs() && canUseSimpleFontCodePath) {
int lastEndOffset = run->m_start;
for (size_t i = 0, size = wordMeasurements.size(); i < size && lastEndOffset < run->m_stop; ++i) {
WordMeasurement& wordMeasurement = wordMeasurements[i];
if (wordMeasurement.width <= 0 || wordMeasurement.startOffset == wordMeasurement.endOffset)
if (wordMeasurement.renderer != renderer || wordMeasurement.startOffset != lastEndOffset || wordMeasurement.endOffset > run->m_stop)
lastEndOffset = wordMeasurement.endOffset;
if (kerningIsEnabled && lastEndOffset == run->m_stop) {
int wordLength = lastEndOffset - wordMeasurement.startOffset;
GlyphOverflow overflow;
measuredWidth += renderer->width(wordMeasurement.startOffset, wordLength, xPos + measuredWidth, lineInfo.isFirstLine(),
&wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts, &overflow);
UChar c = renderer->characterAt(wordMeasurement.startOffset);
if (i > 0 && wordLength == 1 && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
measuredWidth += renderer->style()->wordSpacing();
} else
measuredWidth += wordMeasurement.width;
if (!wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.isEmpty()) {
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>::const_iterator end = wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.end();
for (HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>::const_iterator it = wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.begin(); it != end; ++it)
if (measuredWidth && lastEndOffset != run->m_stop) {
// If we don't have enough cached data, we'll measure the run again.
measuredWidth = 0;
if (!measuredWidth)
measuredWidth = renderer->width(run->m_start, run->m_stop - run->m_start, xPos, lineInfo.isFirstLine(), &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow);
run->m_box->setLogicalWidth(measuredWidth + hyphenWidth);
if (!fallbackFonts.isEmpty()) {
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.add(toInlineTextBox(run->m_box), make_pair(Vector<const SimpleFontData*>(), GlyphOverflow())).iterator;
copyToVector(fallbackFonts, it->value.first);
if (( || glyphOverflow.bottom || glyphOverflow.left || glyphOverflow.right)) {
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.add(toInlineTextBox(run->m_box), make_pair(Vector<const SimpleFontData*>(), GlyphOverflow())).iterator;
it->value.second = glyphOverflow;
static inline void computeExpansionForJustifiedText(BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, Vector<unsigned, 16>& expansionOpportunities, unsigned expansionOpportunityCount, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
if (!expansionOpportunityCount || availableLogicalWidth <= totalLogicalWidth)
size_t i = 0;
for (BidiRun* r = firstRun; r; r = r->next()) {
// This method is called once per segment, do not move past the current segment.
if (r->m_startsSegment)
if (!r->m_box || r == trailingSpaceRun)
if (r->m_object->isText()) {
unsigned opportunitiesInRun = expansionOpportunities[i++];
ASSERT(opportunitiesInRun <= expansionOpportunityCount);
// Only justify text if whitespace is collapsed.
if (r->m_object->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()) {
InlineTextBox* textBox = toInlineTextBox(r->m_box);
int expansion = (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) * opportunitiesInRun / expansionOpportunityCount;
totalLogicalWidth += expansion;
expansionOpportunityCount -= opportunitiesInRun;
if (!expansionOpportunityCount)
void RenderBlock::updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(const ETextAlign& textAlign, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float& availableLogicalWidth, int expansionOpportunityCount)
// Armed with the total width of the line (without justification),
// we now examine our text-align property in order to determine where to position the
// objects horizontally. The total width of the line can be increased if we end up
// justifying text.
switch (textAlign) {
case LEFT:
updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
case RIGHT:
updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
case CENTER:
updateLogicalWidthForCenterAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
adjustInlineDirectionLineBounds(expansionOpportunityCount, logicalLeft, availableLogicalWidth);
if (expansionOpportunityCount) {
if (trailingSpaceRun) {
totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->m_box->logicalWidth();
// Fall through
if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
case TAEND:
if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(style()->isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
static IndentTextOrNot requiresIndent(bool isFirstLine, bool isAfterHardLineBreak, RenderStyle* style)
IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText = DoNotIndentText;
if (isFirstLine)
shouldIndentText = IndentText;
else if (isAfterHardLineBreak && style->textIndentLine() == TextIndentEachLine)
shouldIndentText = IndentText;
if (style->textIndentType() == TextIndentHanging)
shouldIndentText = shouldIndentText == IndentText ? DoNotIndentText : IndentText;
return shouldIndentText;
static void updateLogicalInlinePositions(RenderBlock* block, float& lineLogicalLeft, float& lineLogicalRight, float& availableLogicalWidth, bool firstLine, IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText, LayoutUnit boxLogicalHeight)
LayoutUnit lineLogicalHeight = logicalHeightForLine(block, firstLine, boxLogicalHeight);
lineLogicalLeft = block->pixelSnappedLogicalLeftOffsetForLine(block->logicalHeight(), shouldIndentText == IndentText, lineLogicalHeight);
lineLogicalRight = block->pixelSnappedLogicalRightOffsetForLine(block->logicalHeight(), shouldIndentText == IndentText, lineLogicalHeight);
availableLogicalWidth = lineLogicalRight - lineLogicalLeft;
void RenderBlock::computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine(RootInlineBox* lineBox, const LineInfo& lineInfo, BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, bool reachedEnd,
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
ETextAlign textAlign = textAlignmentForLine(!reachedEnd && !lineBox->endsWithBreak());
// CSS 2.1: "'Text-indent' only affects a line if it is the first formatted line of an element. For example, the first line of an anonymous block
// box is only affected if it is the first child of its parent element."
// CSS3 "text-indent", "-webkit-each-line" affects the first line of the block container as well as each line after a forced line break,
// but does not affect lines after a soft wrap break.
bool isFirstLine = lineInfo.isFirstLine() && !(isAnonymousBlock() && parent()->firstChild() != this);
bool isAfterHardLineBreak = lineBox->prevRootBox() && lineBox->prevRootBox()->endsWithBreak();
IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText = requiresIndent(isFirstLine, isAfterHardLineBreak, style());
float lineLogicalLeft;
float lineLogicalRight;
float availableLogicalWidth;
updateLogicalInlinePositions(this, lineLogicalLeft, lineLogicalRight, availableLogicalWidth, isFirstLine, shouldIndentText, 0);
bool needsWordSpacing;
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo = layoutShapeInsideInfo();
if (shapeInsideInfo && shapeInsideInfo->hasSegments()) {
BidiRun* segmentStart = firstRun;
const SegmentList& segments = shapeInsideInfo->segments();
float logicalLeft = max<float>(roundToInt(segments[0].logicalLeft), lineLogicalLeft);
float logicalRight = min<float>(floorToInt(segments[0].logicalRight), lineLogicalRight);
float startLogicalLeft = logicalLeft;
float endLogicalRight = logicalLeft;
float minLogicalLeft = logicalLeft;
float maxLogicalRight = logicalLeft;
for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
if (i) {
logicalLeft = max<float>(roundToInt(segments[i].logicalLeft), lineLogicalLeft);
logicalRight = min<float>(floorToInt(segments[i].logicalRight), lineLogicalRight);
availableLogicalWidth = logicalRight - logicalLeft;
BidiRun* newSegmentStart = computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment(lineBox, lineInfo, textAlign, logicalLeft, availableLogicalWidth, segmentStart, trailingSpaceRun, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
needsWordSpacing = false;
endLogicalRight = lineBox->placeBoxRangeInInlineDirection(segmentStart->m_box, newSegmentStart ? newSegmentStart->m_box : 0, logicalLeft, minLogicalLeft, maxLogicalRight, needsWordSpacing, textBoxDataMap);
if (!newSegmentStart || !newSegmentStart->next())
// Discard the empty segment start marker bidi runs
segmentStart = newSegmentStart->next();
lineBox->endPlacingBoxRangesInInlineDirection(startLogicalLeft, endLogicalRight, minLogicalLeft, maxLogicalRight);
if (firstRun && firstRun->m_object->isReplaced()) {
RenderBox* renderBox = toRenderBox(firstRun->m_object);
updateLogicalInlinePositions(this, lineLogicalLeft, lineLogicalRight, availableLogicalWidth, isFirstLine, shouldIndentText, renderBox->logicalHeight());
computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment(lineBox, lineInfo, textAlign, lineLogicalLeft, availableLogicalWidth, firstRun, trailingSpaceRun, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
// The widths of all runs are now known. We can now place every inline box (and
// compute accurate widths for the inline flow boxes).
needsWordSpacing = false;
lineBox->placeBoxesInInlineDirection(lineLogicalLeft, needsWordSpacing, textBoxDataMap);
BidiRun* RenderBlock::computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment(RootInlineBox* lineBox, const LineInfo& lineInfo, ETextAlign textAlign, float& logicalLeft,
float& availableLogicalWidth, BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache,
WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
bool needsWordSpacing = false;
float totalLogicalWidth = lineBox->getFlowSpacingLogicalWidth();
unsigned expansionOpportunityCount = 0;
bool isAfterExpansion = true;
Vector<unsigned, 16> expansionOpportunities;
RenderObject* previousObject = 0;
BidiRun* r = firstRun;
for (; r; r = r->next()) {
// Once we have reached the start of the next segment, we have finished
// computing the positions for this segment's contents.
if (r->m_startsSegment)
if (!r->m_box || r->m_object->isOutOfFlowPositioned() || r->m_box->isLineBreak())
continue; // Positioned objects are only participating to figure out their
// correct static x position. They have no effect on the width.
// Similarly, line break boxes have no effect on the width.
if (r->m_object->isText()) {
RenderText* rt = toRenderText(r->m_object);
if (textAlign == JUSTIFY && r != trailingSpaceRun) {
if (!isAfterExpansion)
unsigned opportunitiesInRun;
if (rt->is8Bit())
opportunitiesInRun = Font::expansionOpportunityCount(rt->characters8() + r->m_start, r->m_stop - r->m_start, r->m_box->direction(), isAfterExpansion);
opportunitiesInRun = Font::expansionOpportunityCount(rt->characters16() + r->m_start, r->m_stop - r->m_start, r->m_box->direction(), isAfterExpansion);
expansionOpportunityCount += opportunitiesInRun;
if (int length = rt->textLength()) {
if (!r->m_start && needsWordSpacing && isSpaceOrNewline(rt->characterAt(r->m_start)))
totalLogicalWidth += rt->style(lineInfo.isFirstLine())->font().wordSpacing();
needsWordSpacing = !isSpaceOrNewline(rt->characterAt(r->m_stop - 1)) && r->m_stop == length;
setLogicalWidthForTextRun(lineBox, r, rt, totalLogicalWidth, lineInfo, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
} else {
isAfterExpansion = false;
if (!r->m_object->isRenderInline()) {
RenderBox* renderBox = toRenderBox(r->m_object);
if (renderBox->isRubyRun())
setMarginsForRubyRun(r, toRenderRubyRun(renderBox), previousObject, lineInfo);
totalLogicalWidth += marginStartForChild(renderBox) + marginEndForChild(renderBox);
totalLogicalWidth += r->m_box->logicalWidth();
previousObject = r->m_object;
if (isAfterExpansion && !expansionOpportunities.isEmpty()) {
updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, expansionOpportunityCount);
computeExpansionForJustifiedText(firstRun, trailingSpaceRun, expansionOpportunities, expansionOpportunityCount, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
return r;
void RenderBlock::computeBlockDirectionPositionsForLine(RootInlineBox* lineBox, BidiRun* firstRun, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap,
VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache)
setLogicalHeight(lineBox->alignBoxesInBlockDirection(logicalHeight(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache));
// Now make sure we place replaced render objects correctly.
for (BidiRun* r = firstRun; r; r = r->next()) {
if (!r->m_box)
continue; // Skip runs with no line boxes.
// Align positioned boxes with the top of the line box. This is
// a reasonable approximation of an appropriate y position.
if (r->m_object->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
// Position is used to properly position both replaced elements and
// to update the static normal flow x/y of positioned elements.
if (r->m_object->isText())
else if (r->m_object->isBox())
// Positioned objects and zero-length text nodes destroy their boxes in
// position(), which unnecessarily dirties the line.
static inline bool isCollapsibleSpace(UChar character, RenderText* renderer)
if (character == ' ' || character == '\t' || character == softHyphen)
return true;
if (character == '\n')
return !renderer->style()->preserveNewline();
if (character == noBreakSpace)
return renderer->style()->nbspMode() == SPACE;
return false;
static void setStaticPositions(RenderBlock* block, RenderBox* child)
// FIXME: The math here is actually not really right. It's a best-guess approximation that
// will work for the common cases
RenderObject* containerBlock = child->container();
LayoutUnit blockHeight = block->logicalHeight();
if (containerBlock->isRenderInline()) {
// A relative positioned inline encloses us. In this case, we also have to determine our
// position as though we were an inline. Set |staticInlinePosition| and |staticBlockPosition| on the relative positioned
// inline so that we can obtain the value later.
toRenderInline(containerBlock)->layer()->setStaticInlinePosition(block->startAlignedOffsetForLine(blockHeight, false));
block->updateStaticInlinePositionForChild(child, blockHeight);
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline int findFirstTrailingSpace(RenderText* lastText, const CharacterType* characters, int start, int stop)
int firstSpace = stop;
while (firstSpace > start) {
UChar current = characters[firstSpace - 1];
if (!isCollapsibleSpace(current, lastText))
return firstSpace;
inline BidiRun* RenderBlock::handleTrailingSpaces(BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, BidiContext* currentContext)
if (!bidiRuns.runCount()
|| !bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_object->style()->breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace()
|| !bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_object->style()->autoWrap())
return 0;
BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun = bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun();
RenderObject* lastObject = trailingSpaceRun->m_object;
if (!lastObject->isText())
return 0;
RenderText* lastText = toRenderText(lastObject);
int firstSpace;
if (lastText->is8Bit())
firstSpace = findFirstTrailingSpace(lastText, lastText->characters8(), trailingSpaceRun->start(), trailingSpaceRun->stop());
firstSpace = findFirstTrailingSpace(lastText, lastText->characters16(), trailingSpaceRun->start(), trailingSpaceRun->stop());
if (firstSpace == trailingSpaceRun->stop())
return 0;
TextDirection direction = style()->direction();
bool shouldReorder = trailingSpaceRun != (direction == LTR ? bidiRuns.lastRun() : bidiRuns.firstRun());
if (firstSpace != trailingSpaceRun->start()) {
BidiContext* baseContext = currentContext;
while (BidiContext* parent = baseContext->parent())
baseContext = parent;
BidiRun* newTrailingRun = new (renderArena()) BidiRun(firstSpace, trailingSpaceRun->m_stop, trailingSpaceRun->m_object, baseContext, OtherNeutral);
trailingSpaceRun->m_stop = firstSpace;
if (direction == LTR)
trailingSpaceRun = newTrailingRun;
return trailingSpaceRun;
if (!shouldReorder)
return trailingSpaceRun;
if (direction == LTR) {
trailingSpaceRun->m_level = 0;
} else {
trailingSpaceRun->m_level = 1;
return trailingSpaceRun;
void RenderBlock::appendFloatingObjectToLastLine(FloatingObject* floatingObject)
floatingObject->m_originatingLine = lastRootBox();
// FIXME: This should be a BidiStatus constructor or create method.
static inline BidiStatus statusWithDirection(TextDirection textDirection, bool isOverride)
WTF::Unicode::Direction direction = textDirection == LTR ? LeftToRight : RightToLeft;
RefPtr<BidiContext> context = BidiContext::create(textDirection == LTR ? 0 : 1, direction, isOverride, FromStyleOrDOM);
// This copies BidiStatus and may churn the ref on BidiContext. I doubt it matters.
return BidiStatus(direction, direction, direction, context.release());
// FIXME: BidiResolver should have this logic.
static inline void constructBidiRunsForSegment(InlineBidiResolver& topResolver, BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const InlineIterator& endOfRuns, VisualDirectionOverride override, bool previousLineBrokeCleanly)
// FIXME: We should pass a BidiRunList into createBidiRunsForLine instead
// of the resolver owning the runs.
ASSERT(&topResolver.runs() == &bidiRuns);
ASSERT(topResolver.position() != endOfRuns);
RenderObject* currentRoot = topResolver.position().root();
topResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(endOfRuns, override, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
while (!topResolver.isolatedRuns().isEmpty()) {
// It does not matter which order we resolve the runs as long as we resolve them all.
BidiRun* isolatedRun = topResolver.isolatedRuns().last();
RenderObject* startObj = isolatedRun->object();
// Only inlines make sense with unicode-bidi: isolate (blocks are already isolated).
// FIXME: Because enterIsolate is not passed a RenderObject, we have to crawl up the
// tree to see which parent inline is the isolate. We could change enterIsolate
// to take a RenderObject and do this logic there, but that would be a layering
// violation for BidiResolver (which knows nothing about RenderObject).
RenderInline* isolatedInline = toRenderInline(containingIsolate(startObj, currentRoot));
InlineBidiResolver isolatedResolver;
EUnicodeBidi unicodeBidi = isolatedInline->style()->unicodeBidi();
TextDirection direction;
if (unicodeBidi == Plaintext)
determineDirectionality(direction, InlineIterator(isolatedInline, isolatedRun->object(), 0));
else {
ASSERT(unicodeBidi == Isolate || unicodeBidi == IsolateOverride);
direction = isolatedInline->style()->direction();
isolatedResolver.setStatus(statusWithDirection(direction, isOverride(unicodeBidi)));
// FIXME: The fact that we have to construct an Iterator here
// currently prevents this code from moving into BidiResolver.
if (!bidiFirstSkippingEmptyInlines(isolatedInline, &isolatedResolver))
// The starting position is the beginning of the first run within the isolate that was identified
// during the earlier call to createBidiRunsForLine. This can be but is not necessarily the
// first run within the isolate.
InlineIterator iter = InlineIterator(isolatedInline, startObj, isolatedRun->m_start);
// We stop at the next end of line; we may re-enter this isolate in the next call to constructBidiRuns().
// FIXME: What should end and previousLineBrokeCleanly be?
// rniwa says previousLineBrokeCleanly is just a WinIE hack and could always be false here?
isolatedResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(endOfRuns, NoVisualOverride, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
// Note that we do not delete the runs from the resolver.
// We're not guaranteed to get any BidiRuns in the previous step. If we don't, we allow the placeholder
// itself to be turned into an InlineBox. We can't remove it here without potentially losing track of
// the logically last run.
if (isolatedResolver.runs().runCount())
bidiRuns.replaceRunWithRuns(isolatedRun, isolatedResolver.runs());
// If we encountered any nested isolate runs, just move them
// to the top resolver's list for later processing.
if (!isolatedResolver.isolatedRuns().isEmpty()) {
static inline void constructBidiRunsForLine(const RenderBlock* block, InlineBidiResolver& topResolver, BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const InlineIterator& endOfLine, VisualDirectionOverride override, bool previousLineBrokeCleanly)
constructBidiRunsForSegment(topResolver, bidiRuns, endOfLine, override, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo = block->layoutShapeInsideInfo();
if (!shapeInsideInfo || !shapeInsideInfo->hasSegments()) {
constructBidiRunsForSegment(topResolver, bidiRuns, endOfLine, override, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
const SegmentRangeList& segmentRanges = shapeInsideInfo->segmentRanges();
for (size_t i = 0; i < segmentRanges.size(); i++) {
LineSegmentIterator iterator = segmentRanges[i].start;
InlineIterator segmentStart(iterator.root, iterator.object, iterator.offset);
iterator = segmentRanges[i].end;
InlineIterator segmentEnd(iterator.root, iterator.object, iterator.offset);
if (i) {
BidiRun* segmentMarker = createRun(segmentStart.m_pos, segmentStart.m_pos, segmentStart.m_obj, topResolver);
segmentMarker->m_startsSegment = true;
// Do not collapse midpoints between segments
topResolver.midpointState().betweenMidpoints = false;
if (segmentStart == segmentEnd)
topResolver.setPosition(segmentStart, numberOfIsolateAncestors(segmentStart));
constructBidiRunsForSegment(topResolver, bidiRuns, segmentEnd, override, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
// This function constructs line boxes for all of the text runs in the resolver and computes their position.
RootInlineBox* RenderBlock::createLineBoxesFromBidiRuns(BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const InlineIterator& end, LineInfo& lineInfo, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
if (!bidiRuns.runCount())
return 0;
// FIXME: Why is this only done when we had runs?
RootInlineBox* lineBox = constructLine(bidiRuns, lineInfo);
if (!lineBox)
return 0;
bool isSVGRootInlineBox = lineBox->isSVGRootInlineBox();
bool isSVGRootInlineBox = false;
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
// Now we position all of our text runs horizontally.
if (!isSVGRootInlineBox)
computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine(lineBox, lineInfo, bidiRuns.firstRun(), trailingSpaceRun, end.atEnd(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
// Now position our text runs vertically.
computeBlockDirectionPositionsForLine(lineBox, bidiRuns.firstRun(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache);
// SVG text layout code computes vertical & horizontal positions on its own.
// Note that we still need to execute computeVerticalPositionsForLine() as
// it calls InlineTextBox::positionLineBox(), which tracks whether the box
// contains reversed text or not. If we wouldn't do that editing and thus
// text selection in RTL boxes would not work as expected.
if (isSVGRootInlineBox) {
// Compute our overflow now.
lineBox->computeOverflow(lineBox->lineTop(), lineBox->lineBottom(), textBoxDataMap);
// Highlight acts as an overflow inflation.
if (style()->highlight() != nullAtom)
return lineBox;
// Like LayoutState for layout(), LineLayoutState keeps track of global information
// during an entire linebox tree layout pass (aka layoutInlineChildren).
class LineLayoutState {
LineLayoutState(bool fullLayout, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalBottom, RenderFlowThread* flowThread)
: m_lastFloat(0)
, m_endLine(0)
, m_floatIndex(0)
, m_endLineLogicalTop(0)
, m_endLineMatched(false)
, m_checkForFloatsFromLastLine(false)
, m_isFullLayout(fullLayout)
, m_repaintLogicalTop(repaintLogicalTop)
, m_repaintLogicalBottom(repaintLogicalBottom)
, m_adjustedLogicalLineTop(0)
, m_usesRepaintBounds(false)
, m_flowThread(flowThread)
{ }
void markForFullLayout() { m_isFullLayout = true; }
bool isFullLayout() const { return m_isFullLayout; }
bool usesRepaintBounds() const { return m_usesRepaintBounds; }
void setRepaintRange(LayoutUnit logicalHeight)
m_usesRepaintBounds = true;
m_repaintLogicalTop = m_repaintLogicalBottom = logicalHeight;
void updateRepaintRangeFromBox(RootInlineBox* box, LayoutUnit paginationDelta = 0)
m_usesRepaintBounds = true;
m_repaintLogicalTop = min(m_repaintLogicalTop, box->logicalTopVisualOverflow() + min<LayoutUnit>(paginationDelta, 0));
m_repaintLogicalBottom = max(m_repaintLogicalBottom, box->logicalBottomVisualOverflow() + max<LayoutUnit>(paginationDelta, 0));
bool endLineMatched() const { return m_endLineMatched; }
void setEndLineMatched(bool endLineMatched) { m_endLineMatched = endLineMatched; }
bool checkForFloatsFromLastLine() const { return m_checkForFloatsFromLastLine; }
void setCheckForFloatsFromLastLine(bool check) { m_checkForFloatsFromLastLine = check; }
LineInfo& lineInfo() { return m_lineInfo; }
const LineInfo& lineInfo() const { return m_lineInfo; }
LayoutUnit endLineLogicalTop() const { return m_endLineLogicalTop; }
void setEndLineLogicalTop(LayoutUnit logicalTop) { m_endLineLogicalTop = logicalTop; }
RootInlineBox* endLine() const { return m_endLine; }
void setEndLine(RootInlineBox* line) { m_endLine = line; }
RenderBlock::FloatingObject* lastFloat() const { return m_lastFloat; }
void setLastFloat(RenderBlock::FloatingObject* lastFloat) { m_lastFloat = lastFloat; }
Vector<RenderBlock::FloatWithRect>& floats() { return m_floats; }
unsigned floatIndex() const { return m_floatIndex; }
void setFloatIndex(unsigned floatIndex) { m_floatIndex = floatIndex; }
LayoutUnit adjustedLogicalLineTop() const { return m_adjustedLogicalLineTop; }
void setAdjustedLogicalLineTop(LayoutUnit value) { m_adjustedLogicalLineTop = value; }
RenderFlowThread* flowThread() const { return m_flowThread; }
void setFlowThread(RenderFlowThread* thread) { m_flowThread = thread; }
Vector<RenderBlock::FloatWithRect> m_floats;
RenderBlock::FloatingObject* m_lastFloat;
RootInlineBox* m_endLine;
LineInfo m_lineInfo;
unsigned m_floatIndex;
LayoutUnit m_endLineLogicalTop;
bool m_endLineMatched;
bool m_checkForFloatsFromLastLine;
bool m_isFullLayout;
// FIXME: Should this be a range object instead of two ints?
LayoutUnit& m_repaintLogicalTop;
LayoutUnit& m_repaintLogicalBottom;
LayoutUnit m_adjustedLogicalLineTop;
bool m_usesRepaintBounds;
RenderFlowThread* m_flowThread;
static void deleteLineRange(LineLayoutState& layoutState, RenderArena* arena, RootInlineBox* startLine, RootInlineBox* stopLine = 0)
RootInlineBox* boxToDelete = startLine;
while (boxToDelete && boxToDelete != stopLine) {
// Note: deleteLineRange(renderArena(), firstRootBox()) is not identical to deleteLineBoxTree().
// deleteLineBoxTree uses nextLineBox() instead of nextRootBox() when traversing.
RootInlineBox* next = boxToDelete->nextRootBox();
boxToDelete = next;
void RenderBlock::layoutRunsAndFloats(LineLayoutState& layoutState, bool hasInlineChild)
// We want to skip ahead to the first dirty line
InlineBidiResolver resolver;
RootInlineBox* startLine = determineStartPosition(layoutState, resolver);
unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines = 0;
if (startLine) {
for (RootInlineBox* line = startLine->prevRootBox(); line && line->isHyphenated(); line = line->prevRootBox())
// FIXME: This would make more sense outside of this function, but since
// determineStartPosition can change the fullLayout flag we have to do this here. Failure to call
// determineStartPosition first will break fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9.html.
if (layoutState.isFullLayout() && hasInlineChild && !selfNeedsLayout()) {
setNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis); // Mark as needing a full layout to force us to repaint.
RenderView* v = view();
if (v && !v->doingFullRepaint() && hasLayer()) {
// Because we waited until we were already inside layout to discover
// that the block really needed a full layout, we missed our chance to repaint the layer
// before layout started. Luckily the layer has cached the repaint rect for its original
// position and size, and so we can use that to make a repaint happen now.
repaintUsingContainer(containerForRepaint(), pixelSnappedIntRect(layer()->repaintRect()));
if (containsFloats())
// We also find the first clean line and extract these lines. We will add them back
// if we determine that we're able to synchronize after handling all our dirty lines.
InlineIterator cleanLineStart;
BidiStatus cleanLineBidiStatus;
if (!layoutState.isFullLayout() && startLine)
determineEndPosition(layoutState, startLine, cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus);
if (startLine) {
if (!layoutState.usesRepaintBounds())
deleteLineRange(layoutState, renderArena(), startLine);
if (!layoutState.isFullLayout() && lastRootBox() && lastRootBox()->endsWithBreak()) {
// If the last line before the start line ends with a line break that clear floats,
// adjust the height accordingly.
// A line break can be either the first or the last object on a line, depending on its direction.
if (InlineBox* lastLeafChild = lastRootBox()->lastLeafChild()) {
RenderObject* lastObject = lastLeafChild->renderer();
if (!lastObject->isBR())
lastObject = lastRootBox()->firstLeafChild()->renderer();
if (lastObject->isBR()) {
EClear clear = lastObject->style()->clear();
if (clear != CNONE)
layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(layoutState, resolver, cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus, consecutiveHyphenatedLines);
: m_text(0)
, m_font(0)
// Before restarting the layout loop with a new logicalHeight, remove all floats that were added and reset the resolver.
inline const InlineIterator& RenderBlock::restartLayoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight, LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, InlineBidiResolver& resolver, const InlineIterator& oldEnd)
removeFloatingObjectsBelow(lastFloatFromPreviousLine, oldLogicalHeight);
return oldEnd;
static inline float firstPositiveWidth(const WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
for (size_t i = 0; i < wordMeasurements.size(); ++i) {
if (wordMeasurements[i].width > 0)
return wordMeasurements[i].width;
return 0;
static inline LayoutUnit adjustLogicalLineTop(ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo, InlineIterator start, InlineIterator end, const WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
if (!shapeInsideInfo || end != start)
return 0;
float minWidth = firstPositiveWidth(wordMeasurements);
ASSERT(minWidth || wordMeasurements.isEmpty());
if (minWidth > 0 && shapeInsideInfo->adjustLogicalLineTop(minWidth))
return shapeInsideInfo->logicalLineTop();
return shapeInsideInfo->shapeLogicalBottom();
static inline void pushShapeContentOverflowBelowTheContentBox(RenderBlock* block, ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineHeight)
LayoutUnit logicalLineBottom = lineTop + lineHeight;
LayoutUnit shapeContainingBlockHeight = shapeInsideInfo->shapeContainingBlockHeight();
bool isOverflowPositionedAlready = (shapeContainingBlockHeight - shapeInsideInfo->owner()->borderAndPaddingAfter() + lineHeight) <= lineTop;
if (logicalLineBottom <= shapeInsideInfo->shapeLogicalBottom() || !shapeContainingBlockHeight || isOverflowPositionedAlready)
LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight = block->logicalHeight() + (shapeContainingBlockHeight - (lineTop + shapeInsideInfo->owner()->borderAndPaddingAfter()));
void RenderBlock::updateShapeAndSegmentsForCurrentLine(ShapeInsideInfo*& shapeInsideInfo, LayoutUnit& absoluteLogicalTop, LineLayoutState& layoutState)
if (layoutState.flowThread())
return updateShapeAndSegmentsForCurrentLineInFlowThread(shapeInsideInfo, layoutState);
if (!shapeInsideInfo)
LayoutUnit lineTop = logicalHeight() + absoluteLogicalTop;
LayoutUnit lineHeight = this->lineHeight(layoutState.lineInfo().isFirstLine(), isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
// FIXME: Bug 95361: It is possible for a line to grow beyond lineHeight, in which case these segments may be incorrect.
shapeInsideInfo->computeSegmentsForLine(lineTop, lineHeight);
pushShapeContentOverflowBelowTheContentBox(this, shapeInsideInfo, lineTop, lineHeight);
void RenderBlock::updateShapeAndSegmentsForCurrentLineInFlowThread(ShapeInsideInfo*& shapeInsideInfo, LineLayoutState& layoutState)
LayoutUnit lineHeight = this->lineHeight(layoutState.lineInfo().isFirstLine(), isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
RenderRegion* currentRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(logicalHeight());
if (!currentRegion)
shapeInsideInfo = currentRegion->shapeInsideInfo();
LayoutUnit logicalLineTopInFlowThread = logicalHeight() + offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
LayoutUnit logicalLineBottomInFlowThread = logicalLineTopInFlowThread + lineHeight;
LayoutUnit logicalRegionTopInFlowThread = currentRegion->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent();
LayoutUnit logicalRegionBottomInFlowThread = logicalRegionTopInFlowThread + currentRegion->logicalHeight() - currentRegion->borderAndPaddingBefore() - currentRegion->borderAndPaddingAfter();
// We only want to deal regions with shapes, so we look up for the next region whether it has a shape
if (!shapeInsideInfo && !currentRegion->isLastRegion()) {
LayoutUnit deltaToNextRegion = logicalHeight() + logicalRegionBottomInFlowThread - logicalLineTopInFlowThread;
RenderRegion* lookupForNextRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(logicalHeight() + deltaToNextRegion);
if (!lookupForNextRegion->shapeInsideInfo())
LayoutUnit shapeBottomInFlowThread = LayoutUnit::max();
if (shapeInsideInfo)
shapeBottomInFlowThread = shapeInsideInfo->shapeLogicalBottom() + currentRegion->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent();
// If the line is between two shapes/regions we position the line to the top of the next shape/region
RenderRegion* nextRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(logicalHeight() + lineHeight);
if ((currentRegion != nextRegion && (logicalLineBottomInFlowThread > logicalRegionBottomInFlowThread)) || (!currentRegion->isLastRegion() && shapeBottomInFlowThread < logicalLineBottomInFlowThread)) {
LayoutUnit deltaToNextRegion = logicalRegionBottomInFlowThread - logicalLineTopInFlowThread;
nextRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(logicalHeight() + deltaToNextRegion);
ASSERT(currentRegion != nextRegion);
shapeInsideInfo = nextRegion->shapeInsideInfo();
setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + deltaToNextRegion);
currentRegion = nextRegion;
logicalLineTopInFlowThread = logicalHeight() + offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
logicalLineBottomInFlowThread = logicalLineTopInFlowThread + lineHeight;
logicalRegionTopInFlowThread = currentRegion->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent();
logicalRegionBottomInFlowThread = logicalRegionTopInFlowThread + currentRegion->logicalHeight() - currentRegion->borderAndPaddingBefore() - currentRegion->borderAndPaddingAfter();
if (!shapeInsideInfo)
// We position the first line to the top of the shape in the region or to the previously adjusted position in the shape
if (logicalLineBottomInFlowThread <= (logicalRegionTopInFlowThread + lineHeight) || (logicalLineTopInFlowThread - logicalRegionTopInFlowThread) < (layoutState.adjustedLogicalLineTop() - currentRegion->borderAndPaddingBefore())) {
LayoutUnit shapeTopOffset = layoutState.adjustedLogicalLineTop();
if (!shapeTopOffset)
shapeTopOffset = shapeInsideInfo->shapeLogicalTop();
LayoutUnit shapePositionInFlowThread = currentRegion->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent() + shapeTopOffset;
LayoutUnit shapeTopLineTopDelta = shapePositionInFlowThread - logicalLineTopInFlowThread - currentRegion->borderAndPaddingBefore();
setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + shapeTopLineTopDelta);
logicalLineTopInFlowThread += shapeTopLineTopDelta;
LayoutUnit lineTop = logicalLineTopInFlowThread - currentRegion->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent() + currentRegion->borderAndPaddingBefore();
shapeInsideInfo->computeSegmentsForLine(lineTop, lineHeight);
if (currentRegion->isLastRegion())
pushShapeContentOverflowBelowTheContentBox(this, shapeInsideInfo, lineTop, lineHeight);
bool RenderBlock::adjustLogicalLineTopAndLogicalHeightIfNeeded(ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo, LayoutUnit absoluteLogicalTop, LineLayoutState& layoutState, InlineBidiResolver& resolver, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, InlineIterator& end, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
LayoutUnit adjustedLogicalLineTop = adjustLogicalLineTop(shapeInsideInfo, resolver.position(), end, wordMeasurements);
if (!adjustedLogicalLineTop)
return false;
LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight = adjustedLogicalLineTop - absoluteLogicalTop;
if (layoutState.flowThread()) {
newLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
end = restartLayoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(logicalHeight(), newLogicalHeight, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, resolver, end);
return true;
void RenderBlock::layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(LineLayoutState& layoutState, InlineBidiResolver& resolver, const InlineIterator& cleanLineStart, const BidiStatus& cleanLineBidiStatus, unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines)
RenderStyle* styleToUse = style();
bool paginated = view()->layoutState() && view()->layoutState()->isPaginated();
LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState = resolver.midpointState();
InlineIterator end = resolver.position();
bool checkForEndLineMatch = layoutState.endLine();
RenderTextInfo renderTextInfo;
VerticalPositionCache verticalPositionCache;
LineBreaker lineBreaker(this);
LayoutUnit absoluteLogicalTop;
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo = layoutShapeInsideInfo();
if (shapeInsideInfo) {
ASSERT(shapeInsideInfo->owner() == this || allowsShapeInsideInfoSharing());
if (shapeInsideInfo != this->shapeInsideInfo()) {
// FIXME Bug 100284: If subsequent LayoutStates are pushed, we will have to add
// their offsets from the original shape-inside container.
absoluteLogicalTop = logicalTop();
// Begin layout at the logical top of our shape inside.
if (logicalHeight() + absoluteLogicalTop < shapeInsideInfo->shapeLogicalTop()) {
LayoutUnit logicalHeight = shapeInsideInfo->shapeLogicalTop() - absoluteLogicalTop;
if (layoutState.flowThread())
logicalHeight -= shapeInsideInfo->owner()->borderAndPaddingBefore();
while (!end.atEnd()) {
// FIXME: Is this check necessary before the first iteration or can it be moved to the end?
if (checkForEndLineMatch) {
layoutState.setEndLineMatched(matchedEndLine(layoutState, resolver, cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus));
if (layoutState.endLineMatched()) {
resolver.setPosition(InlineIterator(resolver.position().root(), 0, 0), 0);
const InlineIterator oldEnd = end;
bool isNewUBAParagraph = layoutState.lineInfo().previousLineBrokeCleanly();
FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine = (containsFloats()) ? m_floatingObjects->set().last() : 0;
updateShapeAndSegmentsForCurrentLine(shapeInsideInfo, absoluteLogicalTop, layoutState);
WordMeasurements wordMeasurements;
end = lineBreaker.nextLineBreak(resolver, layoutState.lineInfo(), renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
if (resolver.position().atEnd()) {
// FIXME: We shouldn't be creating any runs in nextLineBreak to begin with!
// Once BidiRunList is separated from BidiResolver this will not be needed.
resolver.markCurrentRunEmpty(); // FIXME: This can probably be replaced by an ASSERT (or just removed).
resolver.setPosition(InlineIterator(resolver.position().root(), 0, 0), 0);
if (adjustLogicalLineTopAndLogicalHeightIfNeeded(shapeInsideInfo, absoluteLogicalTop, layoutState, resolver, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, end, wordMeasurements))
ASSERT(end != resolver.position());
// This is a short-cut for empty lines.
if (layoutState.lineInfo().isEmpty()) {
if (lastRootBox())
lastRootBox()->setLineBreakInfo(end.m_obj, end.m_pos, resolver.status());
} else {
VisualDirectionOverride override = (styleToUse->rtlOrdering() == VisualOrder ? (styleToUse->direction() == LTR ? VisualLeftToRightOverride : VisualRightToLeftOverride) : NoVisualOverride);
if (isNewUBAParagraph && styleToUse->unicodeBidi() == Plaintext && !resolver.context()->parent()) {
TextDirection direction = styleToUse->direction();
determineDirectionality(direction, resolver.position());
resolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(direction, isOverride(styleToUse->unicodeBidi())));
// FIXME: This ownership is reversed. We should own the BidiRunList and pass it to createBidiRunsForLine.
BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns = resolver.runs();
constructBidiRunsForLine(this, resolver, bidiRuns, end, override, layoutState.lineInfo().previousLineBrokeCleanly());
ASSERT(resolver.position() == end);
BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun = !layoutState.lineInfo().previousLineBrokeCleanly() ? handleTrailingSpaces(bidiRuns, resolver.context()) : 0;
if (bidiRuns.runCount() && lineBreaker.lineWasHyphenated()) {
bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_hasHyphen = true;
} else
consecutiveHyphenatedLines = 0;
// Now that the runs have been ordered, we create the line boxes.
// At the same time we figure out where border/padding/margin should be applied for
// inline flow boxes.
LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
RootInlineBox* lineBox = createLineBoxesFromBidiRuns(bidiRuns, end, layoutState.lineInfo(), verticalPositionCache, trailingSpaceRun, wordMeasurements);
resolver.markCurrentRunEmpty(); // FIXME: This can probably be replaced by an ASSERT (or just removed).
if (lineBox) {
lineBox->setLineBreakInfo(end.m_obj, end.m_pos, resolver.status());
if (layoutState.usesRepaintBounds())
if (paginated) {
LayoutUnit adjustment = 0;
adjustLinePositionForPagination(lineBox, adjustment, layoutState.flowThread());
if (adjustment) {
LayoutUnit oldLineWidth = availableLogicalWidthForLine(oldLogicalHeight, layoutState.lineInfo().isFirstLine());
if (layoutState.usesRepaintBounds())
if (availableLogicalWidthForLine(oldLogicalHeight + adjustment, layoutState.lineInfo().isFirstLine()) != oldLineWidth) {
// We have to delete this line, remove all floats that got added, and let line layout re-run.
end = restartLayoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(oldLogicalHeight, oldLogicalHeight + adjustment, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, resolver, oldEnd);
if (layoutState.flowThread())
for (size_t i = 0; i < lineBreaker.positionedObjects().size(); ++i)
setStaticPositions(this, lineBreaker.positionedObjects()[i]);
if (!layoutState.lineInfo().isEmpty()) {
if (m_floatingObjects && lastRootBox()) {
const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin();
FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
if (layoutState.lastFloat()) {
FloatingObjectSetIterator lastFloatIterator = floatingObjectSet.find(layoutState.lastFloat());
ASSERT(lastFloatIterator != end);
it = lastFloatIterator;
for (; it != end; ++it) {
FloatingObject* f = *it;
ASSERT(f->m_renderer == layoutState.floats()[layoutState.floatIndex()].object);
// If a float's geometry has changed, give up on syncing with clean lines.
if (layoutState.floats()[layoutState.floatIndex()].rect != f->frameRect())
checkForEndLineMatch = false;
layoutState.setFloatIndex(layoutState.floatIndex() + 1);
layoutState.setLastFloat(!floatingObjectSet.isEmpty() ? floatingObjectSet.last() : 0);
resolver.setPosition(end, numberOfIsolateAncestors(end));
if (paginated && !style()->hasAutoWidows()) {
// Check the line boxes to make sure we didn't create unacceptable widows.
// However, we'll prioritize orphans - so nothing we do here should create
// a new orphan.
RootInlineBox* lineBox = lastRootBox();
// Count from the end of the block backwards, to see how many hanging
// lines we have.
RootInlineBox* firstLineInBlock = firstRootBox();
int numLinesHanging = 1;
while (lineBox && lineBox != firstLineInBlock && !lineBox->isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
// If there were no breaks in the block, we didn't create any widows.
if (!lineBox || !lineBox->isFirstAfterPageBreak() || lineBox == firstLineInBlock)
if (numLinesHanging < style()->widows()) {
// We have detected a widow. Now we need to work out how many
// lines there are on the previous page, and how many we need
// to steal.
int numLinesNeeded = style()->widows() - numLinesHanging;
RootInlineBox* currentFirstLineOfNewPage = lineBox;
// Count the number of lines in the previous page.
lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
int numLinesInPreviousPage = 1;
while (lineBox && lineBox != firstLineInBlock && !lineBox->isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
// If there was an explicit value for orphans, respect that. If not, we still
// shouldn't create a situation where we make an orphan bigger than the initial value.
// This means that setting widows implies we also care about orphans, but given
// the specification says the initial orphan value is non-zero, this is ok. The
// author is always free to set orphans explicitly as well.
int orphans = style()->hasAutoOrphans() ? style()->initialOrphans() : style()->orphans();
int numLinesAvailable = numLinesInPreviousPage - orphans;
if (numLinesAvailable <= 0)
int numLinesToTake = min(numLinesAvailable, numLinesNeeded);
// Wind back from our first widowed line.
lineBox = currentFirstLineOfNewPage;
for (int i = 0; i < numLinesToTake; ++i)
lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
// We now want to break at this line. Remember for next layout and trigger relayout.
markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(lastRootBox()->lineBottomWithLeading(), lineBox->lineBottomWithLeading(), lineBox);
void RenderBlock::linkToEndLineIfNeeded(LineLayoutState& layoutState)
if (layoutState.endLine()) {
if (layoutState.endLineMatched()) {
bool paginated = view()->layoutState() && view()->layoutState()->isPaginated();
// Attach all the remaining lines, and then adjust their y-positions as needed.
LayoutUnit delta = logicalHeight() - layoutState.endLineLogicalTop();
for (RootInlineBox* line = layoutState.endLine(); line; line = line->nextRootBox()) {
if (paginated) {
delta -= line->paginationStrut();
adjustLinePositionForPagination(line, delta, layoutState.flowThread());
if (delta) {
layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(line, delta);
if (layoutState.flowThread())
if (Vector<RenderBox*>* cleanLineFloats = line->floatsPtr()) {
Vector<RenderBox*>::iterator end = cleanLineFloats->end();
for (Vector<RenderBox*>::iterator f = cleanLineFloats->begin(); f != end; ++f) {
FloatingObject* floatingObject = insertFloatingObject(*f);
floatingObject->m_originatingLine = line;
setLogicalHeight(logicalTopForChild(*f) - marginBeforeForChild(*f) + delta);
} else {
// Delete all the remaining lines.
deleteLineRange(layoutState, renderArena(), layoutState.endLine());
if (m_floatingObjects && (layoutState.checkForFloatsFromLastLine() || positionNewFloats()) && lastRootBox()) {
// In case we have a float on the last line, it might not be positioned up to now.
// This has to be done before adding in the bottom border/padding, or the float will
// include the padding incorrectly. -dwh
if (layoutState.checkForFloatsFromLastLine()) {
LayoutUnit bottomVisualOverflow = lastRootBox()->logicalBottomVisualOverflow();
LayoutUnit bottomLayoutOverflow = lastRootBox()->logicalBottomLayoutOverflow();
TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox* trailingFloatsLineBox = new (renderArena()) TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox(this);
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
VerticalPositionCache verticalPositionCache;
LayoutUnit blockLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
trailingFloatsLineBox->alignBoxesInBlockDirection(blockLogicalHeight, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache);
trailingFloatsLineBox->setLineTopBottomPositions(blockLogicalHeight, blockLogicalHeight, blockLogicalHeight, blockLogicalHeight);
LayoutRect logicalLayoutOverflow(0, blockLogicalHeight, 1, bottomLayoutOverflow - blockLogicalHeight);
LayoutRect logicalVisualOverflow(0, blockLogicalHeight, 1, bottomVisualOverflow - blockLogicalHeight);
trailingFloatsLineBox->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(logicalLayoutOverflow, logicalVisualOverflow, trailingFloatsLineBox->lineTop(), trailingFloatsLineBox->lineBottom());
if (layoutState.flowThread())
const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin();
FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
if (layoutState.lastFloat()) {
FloatingObjectSetIterator lastFloatIterator = floatingObjectSet.find(layoutState.lastFloat());
ASSERT(lastFloatIterator != end);
it = lastFloatIterator;
for (; it != end; ++it)
layoutState.setLastFloat(!floatingObjectSet.isEmpty() ? floatingObjectSet.last() : 0);
void RenderBlock::repaintDirtyFloats(Vector<FloatWithRect>& floats)
size_t floatCount = floats.size();
// Floats that did not have layout did not repaint when we laid them out. They would have
// painted by now if they had moved, but if they stayed at (0, 0), they still need to be
// painted.
for (size_t i = 0; i < floatCount; ++i) {
if (!floats[i].everHadLayout) {
RenderBox* f = floats[i].object;
if (!f->x() && !f->y() && f->checkForRepaintDuringLayout())
void RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalBottom)
// Lay out our hypothetical grid line as though it occurs at the top of the block.
if (view()->layoutState() && view()->layoutState()->lineGrid() == this)
RenderFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock();
bool clearLinesForPagination = firstLineBox() && flowThread && !flowThread->hasRegions();
// Figure out if we should clear out our line boxes.
// FIXME: Handle resize eventually!
bool isFullLayout = !firstLineBox() || selfNeedsLayout() || relayoutChildren || clearLinesForPagination;
LineLayoutState layoutState(isFullLayout, repaintLogicalTop, repaintLogicalBottom, flowThread);
if (isFullLayout)
// Text truncation kicks in in two cases:
// 1) If your overflow isn't visible and your text-overflow-mode isn't clip.
// 2) If you're an anonymous block with a block parent that satisfies #1.
// FIXME: CSS3 says that descendants that are clipped must also know how to truncate. This is insanely
// difficult to figure out in general (especially in the middle of doing layout), so we only handle the
// simple case of an anonymous block truncating when it's parent is clipped.
bool hasTextOverflow = (style()->textOverflow() && hasOverflowClip())
|| (isAnonymousBlock() && parent() && parent()->isRenderBlock() && parent()->style()->textOverflow() && parent()->hasOverflowClip());
// Walk all the lines and delete our ellipsis line boxes if they exist.
if (hasTextOverflow)
if (firstChild()) {
// In full layout mode, clear the line boxes of children upfront. Otherwise,
// siblings can run into stale root lineboxes during layout. Then layout
// the replaced elements later. In partial layout mode, line boxes are not
// deleted and only dirtied. In that case, we can layout the replaced
// elements at the same time.
bool hasInlineChild = false;
Vector<RenderBox*> replacedChildren;
for (InlineWalker walker(this); !walker.atEnd(); walker.advance()) {
RenderObject* o = walker.current();
if (!hasInlineChild && o->isInline())
hasInlineChild = true;
if (o->isReplaced() || o->isFloating() || o->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
if (relayoutChildren || box->hasRelativeDimensions())
o->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
// If relayoutChildren is set and the child has percentage padding or an embedded content box, we also need to invalidate the childs pref widths.
if (relayoutChildren && box->needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation())
o->setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true, MarkOnlyThis);
if (o->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
else if (o->isFloating())
else if (isFullLayout || o->needsLayout()) {
// Replaced element.
if (isFullLayout)
} else if (o->isText() || (o->isRenderInline() && !walker.atEndOfInline())) {
if (!o->isText())
if (layoutState.isFullLayout() || o->selfNeedsLayout())
dirtyLineBoxesForRenderer(o, layoutState.isFullLayout());
for (size_t i = 0; i < replacedChildren.size(); i++)
layoutRunsAndFloats(layoutState, hasInlineChild);
// Expand the last line to accommodate Ruby and emphasis marks.
int lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment = 0;
if (lastRootBox()) {
LayoutUnit lowestAllowedPosition = max(lastRootBox()->lineBottom(), logicalHeight() + paddingAfter());
if (!style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode())
lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment = lastRootBox()->computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(lowestAllowedPosition);
lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment = lastRootBox()->computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(lowestAllowedPosition);
// Now add in the bottom border/padding.
setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment + borderAndPaddingAfter() + scrollbarLogicalHeight());
if (!firstLineBox() && hasLineIfEmpty())
setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + lineHeight(true, isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes));
// See if we have any lines that spill out of our block. If we do, then we will possibly need to
// truncate text.
if (hasTextOverflow)
void RenderBlock::checkFloatsInCleanLine(RootInlineBox* line, Vector<FloatWithRect>& floats, size_t& floatIndex, bool& encounteredNewFloat, bool& dirtiedByFloat)
Vector<RenderBox*>* cleanLineFloats = line->floatsPtr();
if (!cleanLineFloats)
Vector<RenderBox*>::iterator end = cleanLineFloats->end();
for (Vector<RenderBox*>::iterator it = cleanLineFloats->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
RenderBox* floatingBox = *it;
LayoutSize newSize(floatingBox->width() + floatingBox->marginWidth(), floatingBox->height() + floatingBox->marginHeight());
ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(floatIndex < floats.size());
if (floats[floatIndex].object != floatingBox) {
encounteredNewFloat = true;
if (floats[floatIndex].rect.size() != newSize) {
LayoutUnit floatTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floats[floatIndex].rect.y() : floats[floatIndex].rect.x();
LayoutUnit floatHeight = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? max(floats[floatIndex].rect.height(), newSize.height())
: max(floats[floatIndex].rect.width(), newSize.width());
floatHeight = min(floatHeight, LayoutUnit::max() - floatTop);
markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(line->lineBottomWithLeading(), floatTop + floatHeight, line);
dirtiedByFloat = true;
RootInlineBox* RenderBlock::determineStartPosition(LineLayoutState& layoutState, InlineBidiResolver& resolver)
RootInlineBox* curr = 0;
RootInlineBox* last = 0;
// FIXME: This entire float-checking block needs to be broken into a new function.
bool dirtiedByFloat = false;
if (!layoutState.isFullLayout()) {
// Paginate all of the clean lines.
bool paginated = view()->layoutState() && view()->layoutState()->isPaginated();
LayoutUnit paginationDelta = 0;
size_t floatIndex = 0;
for (curr = firstRootBox(); curr && !curr->isDirty(); curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
if (paginated) {
if (lineWidthForPaginatedLineChanged(curr, 0, layoutState.flowThread())) {
paginationDelta -= curr->paginationStrut();
adjustLinePositionForPagination(curr, paginationDelta, layoutState.flowThread());
if (paginationDelta) {
if (containsFloats() || !layoutState.floats().isEmpty()) {
// FIXME: Do better eventually. For now if we ever shift because of pagination and floats are present just go to a full layout.
layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(curr, paginationDelta);
if (layoutState.flowThread())
// If a new float has been inserted before this line or before its last known float, just do a full layout.
bool encounteredNewFloat = false;
checkFloatsInCleanLine(curr, layoutState.floats(), floatIndex, encounteredNewFloat, dirtiedByFloat);
if (encounteredNewFloat)
if (dirtiedByFloat || layoutState.isFullLayout())
// Check if a new float has been inserted after the last known float.
if (!curr && floatIndex < layoutState.floats().size())
if (layoutState.isFullLayout()) {
curr = 0;
ASSERT(!firstLineBox() && !lastLineBox());
} else {
if (curr) {
// We have a dirty line.
if (RootInlineBox* prevRootBox = curr->prevRootBox()) {
// We have a previous line.
if (!dirtiedByFloat && (!prevRootBox->endsWithBreak() || !prevRootBox->lineBreakObj() || (prevRootBox->lineBreakObj()->isText() && prevRootBox->lineBreakPos() >= toRenderText(prevRootBox->lineBreakObj())->textLength())))
// The previous line didn't break cleanly or broke at a newline
// that has been deleted, so treat it as dirty too.
curr = prevRootBox;
} else {
// No dirty lines were found.
// If the last line didn't break cleanly, treat it as dirty.
if (lastRootBox() && !lastRootBox()->endsWithBreak())
curr = lastRootBox();
// If we have no dirty lines, then last is just the last root box.
last = curr ? curr->prevRootBox() : lastRootBox();
unsigned numCleanFloats = 0;
if (!layoutState.floats().isEmpty()) {
LayoutUnit savedLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
// Restore floats from clean lines.
RootInlineBox* line = firstRootBox();
while (line != curr) {
if (Vector<RenderBox*>* cleanLineFloats = line->floatsPtr()) {
Vector<RenderBox*>::iterator end = cleanLineFloats->end();
for (Vector<RenderBox*>::iterator f = cleanLineFloats->begin(); f != end; ++f) {
FloatingObject* floatingObject = insertFloatingObject(*f);
floatingObject->m_originatingLine = line;
setLogicalHeight(logicalTopForChild(*f) - marginBeforeForChild(*f));
ASSERT(layoutState.floats()[numCleanFloats].object == *f);
line = line->nextRootBox();
layoutState.lineInfo().setPreviousLineBrokeCleanly(!last || last->endsWithBreak());
if (last) {
InlineIterator iter = InlineIterator(this, last->lineBreakObj(), last->lineBreakPos());
resolver.setPosition(iter, numberOfIsolateAncestors(iter));
} else {
TextDirection direction = style()->direction();
if (style()->unicodeBidi() == Plaintext)
determineDirectionality(direction, InlineIterator(this, bidiFirstSkippingEmptyInlines(this), 0));
resolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(direction, isOverride(style()->unicodeBidi())));
InlineIterator iter = InlineIterator(this, bidiFirstSkippingEmptyInlines(this, &resolver), 0);
resolver.setPosition(iter, numberOfIsolateAncestors(iter));
return curr;
void RenderBlock::determineEndPosition(LineLayoutState& layoutState, RootInlineBox* startLine, InlineIterator& cleanLineStart, BidiStatus& cleanLineBidiStatus)
size_t floatIndex = layoutState.floatIndex();
RootInlineBox* last = 0;
for (RootInlineBox* curr = startLine->nextRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
if (!curr->isDirty()) {
bool encounteredNewFloat = false;
bool dirtiedByFloat = false;
checkFloatsInCleanLine(curr, layoutState.floats(), floatIndex, encounteredNewFloat, dirtiedByFloat);
if (encounteredNewFloat)
if (curr->isDirty())
last = 0;
else if (!last)
last = curr;
if (!last)
// At this point, |last| is the first line in a run of clean lines that ends with the last line
// in the block.
RootInlineBox* prev = last->prevRootBox();
cleanLineStart = InlineIterator(this, prev->lineBreakObj(), prev->lineBreakPos());
cleanLineBidiStatus = prev->lineBreakBidiStatus();
for (RootInlineBox* line = last; line; line = line->nextRootBox())
line->extractLine(); // Disconnect all line boxes from their render objects while preserving
// their connections to one another.
bool RenderBlock::checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(LineLayoutState& layoutState)
LayoutUnit lineDelta = logicalHeight() - layoutState.endLineLogicalTop();
bool paginated = view()->layoutState() && view()->layoutState()->isPaginated();
if (paginated && layoutState.flowThread()) {
// Check all lines from here to the end, and see if the hypothetical new position for the lines will result
// in a different available line width.
for (RootInlineBox* lineBox = layoutState.endLine(); lineBox; lineBox = lineBox->nextRootBox()) {
if (paginated) {
// This isn't the real move we're going to do, so don't update the line box's pagination
// strut yet.
LayoutUnit oldPaginationStrut = lineBox->paginationStrut();
lineDelta -= oldPaginationStrut;
adjustLinePositionForPagination(lineBox, lineDelta, layoutState.flowThread());
if (lineWidthForPaginatedLineChanged(lineBox, lineDelta, layoutState.flowThread()))
return false;
if (!lineDelta || !m_floatingObjects)
return true;
// See if any floats end in the range along which we want to shift the lines vertically.
LayoutUnit logicalTop = min(logicalHeight(), layoutState.endLineLogicalTop());
RootInlineBox* lastLine = layoutState.endLine();
while (RootInlineBox* nextLine = lastLine->nextRootBox())
lastLine = nextLine;
LayoutUnit logicalBottom = lastLine->lineBottomWithLeading() + absoluteValue(lineDelta);
const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
FloatingObjectSetIterator end = floatingObjectSet.end();
for (FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
FloatingObject* f = *it;
if (logicalBottomForFloat(f) >= logicalTop && logicalBottomForFloat(f) < logicalBottom)
return false;
return true;
bool RenderBlock::matchedEndLine(LineLayoutState& layoutState, const InlineBidiResolver& resolver, const InlineIterator& endLineStart, const BidiStatus& endLineStatus)
if (resolver.position() == endLineStart) {
if (resolver.status() != endLineStatus)
return false;
return checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(layoutState);
// The first clean line doesn't match, but we can check a handful of following lines to try
// to match back up.
static int numLines = 8; // The # of lines we're willing to match against.
RootInlineBox* originalEndLine = layoutState.endLine();
RootInlineBox* line = originalEndLine;
for (int i = 0; i < numLines && line; i++, line = line->nextRootBox()) {
if (line->lineBreakObj() == resolver.position().m_obj && line->lineBreakPos() == resolver.position().m_pos) {
// We have a match.
if (line->lineBreakBidiStatus() != resolver.status())
return false; // ...but the bidi state doesn't match.
bool matched = false;
RootInlineBox* result = line->nextRootBox();
if (result) {
matched = checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(layoutState);
// Now delete the lines that we failed to sync.
deleteLineRange(layoutState, renderArena(), originalEndLine, result);
return matched;
return false;
static inline bool skipNonBreakingSpace(const InlineIterator& it, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
if (it.m_obj->style()->nbspMode() != SPACE || it.current() != noBreakSpace)
return false;
// FIXME: This is bad. It makes nbsp inconsistent with space and won't work correctly
// with m_minWidth/m_maxWidth.
// Do not skip a non-breaking space if it is the first character
// on a line after a clean line break (or on the first line, since previousLineBrokeCleanly starts off
// |true|).
if (lineInfo.isEmpty() && lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly())
return false;
return true;
enum WhitespacePosition { LeadingWhitespace, TrailingWhitespace };
static inline bool shouldCollapseWhiteSpace(const RenderStyle* style, const LineInfo& lineInfo, WhitespacePosition whitespacePosition)
// CSS2 16.6.1
// If a space (U+0020) at the beginning of a line has 'white-space' set to 'normal', 'nowrap', or 'pre-line', it is removed.
// If a space (U+0020) at the end of a line has 'white-space' set to 'normal', 'nowrap', or 'pre-line', it is also removed.
// If spaces (U+0020) or tabs (U+0009) at the end of a line have 'white-space' set to 'pre-wrap', UAs may visually collapse them.
return style->collapseWhiteSpace()
|| (whitespacePosition == TrailingWhitespace && style->whiteSpace() == PRE_WRAP && (!lineInfo.isEmpty() || !lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly()));
static bool requiresLineBoxForContent(RenderInline* flow, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
RenderObject* parent = flow->parent();
if (flow->document()->inNoQuirksMode()
&& (flow->style(lineInfo.isFirstLine())->lineHeight() != parent->style(lineInfo.isFirstLine())->lineHeight()
|| flow->style()->verticalAlign() != parent->style()->verticalAlign()
|| !parent->style()->font().fontMetrics().hasIdenticalAscentDescentAndLineGap(flow->style()->font().fontMetrics())))
return true;
return false;
static bool hasInlineDirectionBordersPaddingOrMargin(RenderInline* flow)
// Where an empty inline is split across anonymous blocks we should only give lineboxes to the 'sides' of the
// inline that have borders, padding or margin.
bool shouldApplyStartBorderPaddingOrMargin = !flow->parent()->isAnonymousBlock() || !flow->isInlineElementContinuation();
if (shouldApplyStartBorderPaddingOrMargin && (flow->borderStart() || flow->marginStart() || flow->paddingStart()))
return true;
bool shouldApplyEndBorderPaddingOrMargin = !flow->parent()->isAnonymousBlock() || flow->isInlineElementContinuation() || !flow->inlineElementContinuation();
return shouldApplyEndBorderPaddingOrMargin && (flow->borderEnd() || flow->marginEnd() || flow->paddingEnd());
static bool alwaysRequiresLineBox(RenderObject* flow)
// FIXME: Right now, we only allow line boxes for inlines that are truly empty.
// We need to fix this, though, because at the very least, inlines containing only
// ignorable whitespace should should also have line boxes.
return isEmptyInline(flow) && hasInlineDirectionBordersPaddingOrMargin(toRenderInline(flow));
static bool requiresLineBox(const InlineIterator& it, const LineInfo& lineInfo = LineInfo(), WhitespacePosition whitespacePosition = LeadingWhitespace)
if (it.m_obj->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
return false;
if (it.m_obj->isRenderInline() && !alwaysRequiresLineBox(it.m_obj) && !requiresLineBoxForContent(toRenderInline(it.m_obj), lineInfo))
return false;
if (!shouldCollapseWhiteSpace(it.m_obj->style(), lineInfo, whitespacePosition) || it.m_obj->isBR())
return true;
UChar current = it.current();
bool notJustWhitespace = current != ' ' && current != '\t' && current != softHyphen && (current != '\n' || it.m_obj->preservesNewline()) && !skipNonBreakingSpace(it, lineInfo);
return notJustWhitespace || isEmptyInline(it.m_obj);
bool RenderBlock::generatesLineBoxesForInlineChild(RenderObject* inlineObj)
ASSERT(inlineObj->parent() == this);
InlineIterator it(this, inlineObj, 0);
// FIXME: We should pass correct value for WhitespacePosition.
while (!it.atEnd() && !requiresLineBox(it))
return !it.atEnd();
// FIXME: The entire concept of the skipTrailingWhitespace function is flawed, since we really need to be building
// line boxes even for containers that may ultimately collapse away. Otherwise we'll never get positioned
// elements quite right. In other words, we need to build this function's work into the normal line
// object iteration process.
// NB. this function will insert any floating elements that would otherwise
// be skipped but it will not position them.
void RenderBlock::LineBreaker::skipTrailingWhitespace(InlineIterator& iterator, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
while (!iterator.atEnd() && !requiresLineBox(iterator, lineInfo, TrailingWhitespace)) {
RenderObject* object = iterator.m_obj;
if (object->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
setStaticPositions(m_block, toRenderBox(object));
else if (object->isFloating())
void RenderBlock::LineBreaker::skipLeadingWhitespace(InlineBidiResolver& resolver, LineInfo& lineInfo,
FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, LineWidth& width)
while (!resolver.position().atEnd() && !requiresLineBox(resolver.position(), lineInfo, LeadingWhitespace)) {
RenderObject* object = resolver.position().m_obj;
if (object->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
setStaticPositions(m_block, toRenderBox(object));
if (object->style()->isOriginalDisplayInlineType()) {
resolver.runs().addRun(createRun(0, 1, object, resolver));
} else if (object->isFloating()) {
// The top margin edge of a self-collapsing block that clears a float intrudes up into it by the height of the margin,
// so in order to place this first child float at the top content edge of the self-collapsing block add the margin back in before placement.
LayoutUnit marginOffset = (!object->previousSibling() && m_block->isSelfCollapsingBlock() && m_block->style()->clear() && m_block->getClearDelta(m_block, LayoutUnit())) ? m_block->collapsedMarginBeforeForChild(m_block) : LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight = m_block->logicalHeight();
m_block->setLogicalHeight(oldLogicalHeight + marginOffset);
m_block->positionNewFloatOnLine(m_block->insertFloatingObject(toRenderBox(object)), lastFloatFromPreviousLine, lineInfo, width);
} else if (object->isText() && object->style()->hasTextCombine() && object->isCombineText() && !toRenderCombineText(object)->isCombined()) {
if (toRenderCombineText(object)->isCombined())
// This is currently just used for list markers and inline flows that have line boxes. Neither should
// have an effect on whitespace at the start of the line.
static bool shouldSkipWhitespaceAfterStartObject(RenderBlock* block, RenderObject* o, LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState)
RenderObject* next = bidiNextSkippingEmptyInlines(block, o);
while (next && next->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
next = bidiNextSkippingEmptyInlines(block, next);
if (next && !next->isBR() && next->isText() && toRenderText(next)->textLength() > 0) {
RenderText* nextText = toRenderText(next);
UChar nextChar = nextText->characterAt(0);
if (nextText->style()->isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(nextChar)) {
startIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(0, o, 0));
return true;
return false;
static ALWAYS_INLINE float textWidth(RenderText* text, unsigned from, unsigned len, const Font& font, float xPos, bool isFixedPitch, bool collapseWhiteSpace, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>& fallbackFonts, TextLayout* layout = 0)
GlyphOverflow glyphOverflow;
if (isFixedPitch || (!from && len == text->textLength()) || text->style()->hasTextCombine())
return text->width(from, len, font, xPos, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow);
if (layout)
return Font::width(*layout, from, len, &fallbackFonts);
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(text, font, text, from, len, text->style());
run.setCharactersLength(text->textLength() - from);
ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());
run.setTabSize(!collapseWhiteSpace, text->style()->tabSize());
return font.width(run, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow);
static void tryHyphenating(RenderText* text, const Font& font, const AtomicString& localeIdentifier, unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines, int consecutiveHyphenatedLinesLimit, int minimumPrefixLimit, int minimumSuffixLimit, unsigned lastSpace, unsigned pos, float xPos, int availableWidth, bool isFixedPitch, bool collapseWhiteSpace, int lastSpaceWordSpacing, InlineIterator& lineBreak, int nextBreakable, bool& hyphenated)
// Map 'hyphenate-limit-{before,after}: auto;' to 2.
unsigned minimumPrefixLength;
unsigned minimumSuffixLength;
if (minimumPrefixLimit < 0)
minimumPrefixLength = 2;
minimumPrefixLength = static_cast<unsigned>(minimumPrefixLimit);
if (minimumSuffixLimit < 0)
minimumSuffixLength = 2;
minimumSuffixLength = static_cast<unsigned>(minimumSuffixLimit);
if (pos - lastSpace <= minimumSuffixLength)
if (consecutiveHyphenatedLinesLimit >= 0 && consecutiveHyphenatedLines >= static_cast<unsigned>(consecutiveHyphenatedLinesLimit))
int hyphenWidth = measureHyphenWidth(text, font);
float maxPrefixWidth = availableWidth - xPos - hyphenWidth - lastSpaceWordSpacing;
// If the maximum width available for the prefix before the hyphen is small, then it is very unlikely
// that an hyphenation opportunity exists, so do not bother to look for it.
if (maxPrefixWidth <= font.pixelSize() * 5 / 4)
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(text, font, text, lastSpace, pos - lastSpace, text->style());
run.setCharactersLength(text->textLength() - lastSpace);
ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());
run.setTabSize(!collapseWhiteSpace, text->style()->tabSize());
run.setXPos(xPos + lastSpaceWordSpacing);
unsigned prefixLength = font.offsetForPosition(run, maxPrefixWidth, false);
if (prefixLength < minimumPrefixLength)
prefixLength = lastHyphenLocation(text->characters() + lastSpace, pos - lastSpace, min(prefixLength, pos - lastSpace - minimumSuffixLength) + 1, localeIdentifier);
if (!prefixLength || prefixLength < minimumPrefixLength)
// When lastSapce is a space, which it always is except sometimes at the beginning of a line or after collapsed
// space, it should not count towards hyphenate-limit-before.
if (prefixLength == minimumPrefixLength) {
UChar characterAtLastSpace = text->characterAt(lastSpace);
if (characterAtLastSpace == ' ' || characterAtLastSpace == '\n' || characterAtLastSpace == '\t' || characterAtLastSpace == noBreakSpace)
ASSERT(pos - lastSpace - prefixLength >= minimumSuffixLength);
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*> fallbackFonts;
float prefixWidth = hyphenWidth + textWidth(text, lastSpace, prefixLength, font, xPos, isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, fallbackFonts) + lastSpaceWordSpacing;
ASSERT(xPos + prefixWidth <= availableWidth);
lineBreak.moveTo(text, lastSpace + prefixLength, nextBreakable);
hyphenated = true;
class TrailingObjects {
void setTrailingWhitespace(RenderText*);
void clear();
void appendBoxIfNeeded(RenderBoxModelObject*);
enum CollapseFirstSpaceOrNot { DoNotCollapseFirstSpace, CollapseFirstSpace };
void updateMidpointsForTrailingBoxes(LineMidpointState&, const InlineIterator& lBreak, CollapseFirstSpaceOrNot);
RenderText* m_whitespace;
Vector<RenderBoxModelObject*, 4> m_boxes;
: m_whitespace(0)
inline void TrailingObjects::setTrailingWhitespace(RenderText* whitespace)
m_whitespace = whitespace;
inline void TrailingObjects::clear()
m_whitespace = 0;
inline void TrailingObjects::appendBoxIfNeeded(RenderBoxModelObject* box)
if (m_whitespace)
void TrailingObjects::updateMidpointsForTrailingBoxes(LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState, const InlineIterator& lBreak, CollapseFirstSpaceOrNot collapseFirstSpace)
if (!m_whitespace)
// This object is either going to be part of the last midpoint, or it is going to be the actual endpoint.
// In both cases we just decrease our pos by 1 level to exclude the space, allowing it to - in effect - collapse into the newline.
if (lineMidpointState.numMidpoints % 2) {
// Find the trailing space object's midpoint.
int trailingSpaceMidpoint = lineMidpointState.numMidpoints - 1;
for ( ; trailingSpaceMidpoint > 0 && lineMidpointState.midpoints[trailingSpaceMidpoint].m_obj != m_whitespace; --trailingSpaceMidpoint) { }
ASSERT(trailingSpaceMidpoint >= 0);
if (collapseFirstSpace == CollapseFirstSpace)
// Now make sure every single trailingPositionedBox following the trailingSpaceMidpoint properly stops and starts
// ignoring spaces.
size_t currentMidpoint = trailingSpaceMidpoint + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_boxes.size(); ++i) {
if (currentMidpoint >= lineMidpointState.numMidpoints) {
// We don't have a midpoint for this box yet.
ensureLineBoxInsideIgnoredSpaces(lineMidpointState, m_boxes[i]);
} else {
ASSERT(lineMidpointState.midpoints[currentMidpoint].m_obj == m_boxes[i]);
ASSERT(lineMidpointState.midpoints[currentMidpoint + 1].m_obj == m_boxes[i]);
currentMidpoint += 2;
} else if (!lBreak.m_obj) {
ASSERT(collapseFirstSpace == CollapseFirstSpace);
// Add a new end midpoint that stops right at the very end.
unsigned length = m_whitespace->textLength();
unsigned pos = length >= 2 ? length - 2 : UINT_MAX;
InlineIterator endMid(0, m_whitespace, pos);
startIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, endMid);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_boxes.size(); ++i) {
ensureLineBoxInsideIgnoredSpaces(lineMidpointState, m_boxes[i]);
void RenderBlock::LineBreaker::reset()
m_hyphenated = false;
m_clear = CNONE;
InlineIterator RenderBlock::LineBreaker::nextLineBreak(InlineBidiResolver& resolver, LineInfo& lineInfo, RenderTextInfo& renderTextInfo, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
return nextSegmentBreak(resolver, lineInfo, renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInsideInfo = m_block->layoutShapeInsideInfo();
if (!shapeInsideInfo || !shapeInsideInfo->lineOverlapsShapeBounds())
return nextSegmentBreak(resolver, lineInfo, renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
// In layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange we have to use lineOverlapsShapeBounds() to determine the line segments since shape-outside's codepaths uses the same code to determine its segments. The line containing is not a requirement for shape-outside,
// so in this case we can end up with some extra segments for the overflowing content, but we don't want to apply the segments for the overflowing content, so we need to reset it.
if (!m_block->flowThreadContainingBlock() && !shapeInsideInfo->lineWithinShapeBounds()) {
return nextSegmentBreak(resolver, lineInfo, renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
InlineIterator end = resolver.position();
InlineIterator oldEnd = end;
if (!shapeInsideInfo->hasSegments()) {
end = nextSegmentBreak(resolver, lineInfo, renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
return oldEnd;
const SegmentList& segments = shapeInsideInfo->segments();
SegmentRangeList& segmentRanges = shapeInsideInfo->segmentRanges();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < segments.size() && !end.atEnd(); i++) {
InlineIterator segmentStart = resolver.position();
end = nextSegmentBreak(resolver, lineInfo, renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
ASSERT(segmentRanges.size() == i);
if (resolver.position().atEnd()) {
segmentRanges.append(LineSegmentRange(segmentStart, end));
if (resolver.position() == end) {
// Nothing fit this segment
end = segmentStart;
segmentRanges.append(LineSegmentRange(segmentStart, segmentStart));
} else {
// Note that resolver.position is already skipping some of the white space at the beginning of the line,
// so that's why segmentStart might be different than resolver.position().
LineSegmentRange range(resolver.position(), end);
resolver.setPosition(end, numberOfIsolateAncestors(end));
if (lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly()) {
// If we hit a new line break, just stop adding anything to this line.
return end;
static inline bool iteratorIsBeyondEndOfRenderCombineText(const InlineIterator& iter, RenderCombineText* renderer)
return iter.m_obj == renderer && iter.m_pos >= renderer->textLength();
InlineIterator RenderBlock::LineBreaker::nextSegmentBreak(InlineBidiResolver& resolver, LineInfo& lineInfo, RenderTextInfo& renderTextInfo, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
ASSERT(resolver.position().root() == m_block);
bool appliedStartWidth = resolver.position().m_pos > 0;
bool includeEndWidth = true;
LineMidpointState& lineMidpointState = resolver.midpointState();
LineWidth width(m_block, lineInfo.isFirstLine(), requiresIndent(lineInfo.isFirstLine(), lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly(), m_block->style()));
skipLeadingWhitespace(resolver, lineInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, width);
if (resolver.position().atEnd())
return resolver.position();
// This variable is used only if whitespace isn't set to PRE, and it tells us whether
// or not we are currently ignoring whitespace.
bool ignoringSpaces = false;
InlineIterator ignoreStart;
// This variable tracks whether the very last character we saw was a space. We use
// this to detect when we encounter a second space so we know we have to terminate
// a run.
bool currentCharacterIsSpace = false;
bool currentCharacterIsWS = false;
TrailingObjects trailingObjects;
InlineIterator lBreak = resolver.position();
// FIXME: It is error-prone to split the position object out like this.
// Teach this code to work with objects instead of this split tuple.
InlineIterator current = resolver.position();
RenderObject* last = current.m_obj;
bool atStart = true;
bool startingNewParagraph = lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly();
bool autoWrapWasEverTrueOnLine = false;
bool floatsFitOnLine = true;
// Firefox and Opera will allow a table cell to grow to fit an image inside it under
// very specific circumstances (in order to match common WinIE renderings).
// Not supporting the quirk has caused us to mis-render some real sites. (See Bugzilla 10517.)
RenderStyle* blockStyle = m_block->style();
bool allowImagesToBreak = !m_block->document()->inQuirksMode() || !m_block->isTableCell() || !blockStyle->logicalWidth().isIntrinsicOrAuto();
EWhiteSpace currWS = blockStyle->whiteSpace();
EWhiteSpace lastWS = currWS;
while (current.m_obj) {
RenderStyle* currentStyle = current.m_obj->style();
RenderObject* next = bidiNextSkippingEmptyInlines(m_block, current.m_obj);
if (next && next->parent() && !next->parent()->isDescendantOf(current.m_obj->parent()))
includeEndWidth = true;
currWS = current.m_obj->isReplaced() ? current.m_obj->parent()->style()->whiteSpace() : currentStyle->whiteSpace();
lastWS = last->isReplaced() ? last->parent()->style()->whiteSpace() : last->style()->whiteSpace();
bool autoWrap = RenderStyle::autoWrap(currWS);
autoWrapWasEverTrueOnLine = autoWrapWasEverTrueOnLine || autoWrap;
bool preserveNewline = current.m_obj->isSVGInlineText() ? false : RenderStyle::preserveNewline(currWS);
bool preserveNewline = RenderStyle::preserveNewline(currWS);
bool collapseWhiteSpace = RenderStyle::collapseWhiteSpace(currWS);
if (current.m_obj->isBR()) {
if (width.fitsOnLine()) {
// A <br> always breaks a line, so don't let the line be collapsed
// away. Also, the space at the end of a line with a <br> does not
// get collapsed away. It only does this if the previous line broke
// cleanly. Otherwise the <br> has no effect on whether the line is
// empty or not.
if (startingNewParagraph)
lineInfo.setEmpty(false, m_block, &width);
// A <br> with clearance always needs a linebox in case the lines below it get dirtied later and
// need to check for floats to clear - so if we're ignoring spaces, stop ignoring them and add a
// run for this object.
if (ignoringSpaces && currentStyle->clear() != CNONE)
ensureLineBoxInsideIgnoredSpaces(lineMidpointState, current.m_obj);
if (!lineInfo.isEmpty())
m_clear = currentStyle->clear();
goto end;
if (current.m_obj->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// If our original display wasn't an inline type, then we can
// go ahead and determine our static inline position now.
RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(current.m_obj);
bool isInlineType = box->style()->isOriginalDisplayInlineType();
if (!isInlineType)
m_block->setStaticInlinePositionForChild(box, m_block->logicalHeight(), m_block->startOffsetForContent(m_block->logicalHeight()));
else {
// If our original display was an INLINE type, then we can go ahead
// and determine our static y position now.
// If we're ignoring spaces, we have to stop and include this object and
// then start ignoring spaces again.
if (isInlineType || current.m_obj->container()->isRenderInline()) {
if (ignoringSpaces)
ensureLineBoxInsideIgnoredSpaces(lineMidpointState, current.m_obj);
} else
// Reset prior line break context characters.
} else if (current.m_obj->isFloating()) {
RenderBox* floatBox = toRenderBox(current.m_obj);
FloatingObject* f = m_block->insertFloatingObject(floatBox);
// check if it fits in the current line.
// If it does, position it now, otherwise, position
// it after moving to next line (in newLine() func)
// FIXME: Bug 110372: Properly position multiple stacked floats with non-rectangular shape outside.
if (floatsFitOnLine && width.fitsOnLineExcludingTrailingWhitespace(m_block->logicalWidthForFloat(f))) {
m_block->positionNewFloatOnLine(f, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, lineInfo, width);
if (lBreak.m_obj == current.m_obj) {
} else
floatsFitOnLine = false;
// Update prior line break context characters, using U+FFFD (OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER) for floating element.
} else if (current.m_obj->isRenderInline()) {
// Right now, we should only encounter empty inlines here.
RenderInline* flowBox = toRenderInline(current.m_obj);
// Now that some inline flows have line boxes, if we are already ignoring spaces, we need
// to make sure that we stop to include this object and then start ignoring spaces again.
// If this object is at the start of the line, we need to behave like list markers and
// start ignoring spaces.
bool requiresLineBox = alwaysRequiresLineBox(current.m_obj);
if (requiresLineBox || requiresLineBoxForContent(flowBox, lineInfo)) {
// An empty inline that only has line-height, vertical-align or font-metrics will only get a
// line box to affect the height of the line if the rest of the line is not empty.
if (requiresLineBox)
lineInfo.setEmpty(false, m_block, &width);
if (ignoringSpaces) {
ensureLineBoxInsideIgnoredSpaces(lineMidpointState, current.m_obj);
} else if (blockStyle->collapseWhiteSpace() && resolver.position().m_obj == current.m_obj
&& shouldSkipWhitespaceAfterStartObject(m_block, current.m_obj, lineMidpointState)) {
// Like with list markers, we start ignoring spaces to make sure that any
// additional spaces we see will be discarded.
currentCharacterIsSpace = true;
currentCharacterIsWS = true;
ignoringSpaces = true;
} else {
width.addUncommittedWidth(inlineLogicalWidth(current.m_obj) + borderPaddingMarginStart(flowBox) + borderPaddingMarginEnd(flowBox));
} else if (current.m_obj->isReplaced()) {
RenderBox* replacedBox = toRenderBox(current.m_obj);
if (atStart)
// Break on replaced elements if either has normal white-space.
if ((autoWrap || RenderStyle::autoWrap(lastWS)) && (!current.m_obj->isImage() || allowImagesToBreak)) {
if (ignoringSpaces)
stopIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(0, current.m_obj, 0));
lineInfo.setEmpty(false, m_block, &width);
ignoringSpaces = false;
currentCharacterIsSpace = false;
currentCharacterIsWS = false;
// Optimize for a common case. If we can't find whitespace after the list
// item, then this is all moot.
LayoutUnit replacedLogicalWidth = m_block->logicalWidthForChild(replacedBox) + m_block->marginStartForChild(replacedBox) + m_block->marginEndForChild(replacedBox) + inlineLogicalWidth(current.m_obj);
if (current.m_obj->isListMarker()) {
if (blockStyle->collapseWhiteSpace() && shouldSkipWhitespaceAfterStartObject(m_block, current.m_obj, lineMidpointState)) {
// Like with inline flows, we start ignoring spaces to make sure that any
// additional spaces we see will be discarded.
currentCharacterIsSpace = true;
currentCharacterIsWS = true;
ignoringSpaces = true;
if (toRenderListMarker(current.m_obj)->isInside())
} else
if (current.m_obj->isRubyRun())
width.applyOverhang(toRenderRubyRun(current.m_obj), last, next);
// Update prior line break context characters, using U+FFFD (OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER) for replaced element.
} else if (current.m_obj->isText()) {
if (!current.m_pos)
appliedStartWidth = false;
RenderText* t = toRenderText(current.m_obj);
bool isSVGText = t->isSVGInlineText();
// If we have left a no-wrap inline and entered an autowrap inline while ignoring spaces
// then we need to mark the start of the autowrap inline as a potential linebreak now.
if (autoWrap && !RenderStyle::autoWrap(lastWS) && ignoringSpaces) {
if (t->style()->hasTextCombine() && current.m_obj->isCombineText() && !toRenderCombineText(current.m_obj)->isCombined()) {
RenderCombineText* combineRenderer = toRenderCombineText(current.m_obj);
// The length of the renderer's text may have changed. Increment stale iterator positions
if (iteratorIsBeyondEndOfRenderCombineText(lBreak, combineRenderer)) {
ASSERT(iteratorIsBeyondEndOfRenderCombineText(resolver.position(), combineRenderer));
RenderStyle* style = t->style(lineInfo.isFirstLine());
const Font& f = style->font();
bool isFixedPitch = f.isFixedPitch();
bool canHyphenate = style->hyphens() == HyphensAuto && WebCore::canHyphenate(style->locale());
unsigned lastSpace = current.m_pos;
float wordSpacing = currentStyle->wordSpacing();
float lastSpaceWordSpacing = 0;
float wordSpacingForWordMeasurement = 0;
float wrapW = width.uncommittedWidth() + inlineLogicalWidth(current.m_obj, !appliedStartWidth, true);
float charWidth = 0;
bool breakNBSP = autoWrap && currentStyle->nbspMode() == SPACE;
// Auto-wrapping text should wrap in the middle of a word only if it could not wrap before the word,
// which is only possible if the word is the first thing on the line, that is, if |w| is zero.
bool breakWords = currentStyle->breakWords() && ((autoWrap && !width.committedWidth()) || currWS == PRE);
bool midWordBreak = false;
bool breakAll = currentStyle->wordBreak() == BreakAllWordBreak && autoWrap;
float hyphenWidth = 0;
if (isSVGText) {
breakWords = false;
breakAll = false;
if (t->isWordBreak()) {
ASSERT(current.m_pos == t->textLength());
if (renderTextInfo.m_text != t) {
renderTextInfo.m_text = t;
renderTextInfo.m_font = &f;
renderTextInfo.m_layout = f.createLayout(t, width.currentWidth(), collapseWhiteSpace);
renderTextInfo.m_lineBreakIterator.resetStringAndReleaseIterator(t->text(), style->locale());
} else if (renderTextInfo.m_layout && renderTextInfo.m_font != &f) {
renderTextInfo.m_font = &f;
renderTextInfo.m_layout = f.createLayout(t, width.currentWidth(), collapseWhiteSpace);
TextLayout* textLayout = renderTextInfo.m_layout.get();
// Non-zero only when kerning is enabled and TextLayout isn't used, in which case we measure
// words with their trailing space, then subtract its width.
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*> fallbackFonts;
float wordTrailingSpaceWidth = (f.typesettingFeatures() & Kerning) && !textLayout ? f.width(constructTextRun(t, f, &space, 1, style), &fallbackFonts) + wordSpacing : 0;
UChar lastCharacter = renderTextInfo.m_lineBreakIterator.lastCharacter();
UChar secondToLastCharacter = renderTextInfo.m_lineBreakIterator.secondToLastCharacter();
for (; current.m_pos < t->textLength(); current.fastIncrementInTextNode()) {
bool previousCharacterIsSpace = currentCharacterIsSpace;
bool previousCharacterIsWS = currentCharacterIsWS;
UChar c = current.current();
currentCharacterIsSpace = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || (!preserveNewline && (c == '\n'));
if (!collapseWhiteSpace || !currentCharacterIsSpace)
lineInfo.setEmpty(false, m_block, &width);
if (c == softHyphen && autoWrap && !hyphenWidth && style->hyphens() != HyphensNone) {
hyphenWidth = measureHyphenWidth(t, f, &fallbackFonts);
bool applyWordSpacing = false;
currentCharacterIsWS = currentCharacterIsSpace || (breakNBSP && c == noBreakSpace);
if ((breakAll || breakWords) && !midWordBreak) {
wrapW += charWidth;
bool midWordBreakIsBeforeSurrogatePair = U16_IS_LEAD(c) && current.m_pos + 1 < t->textLength() && U16_IS_TRAIL(t->characters()[current.m_pos + 1]);
charWidth = textWidth(t, current.m_pos, midWordBreakIsBeforeSurrogatePair ? 2 : 1, f, width.committedWidth() + wrapW, isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, fallbackFonts, textLayout);
midWordBreak = width.committedWidth() + wrapW + charWidth > width.availableWidth();
bool betweenWords = c == '\n' || (currWS != PRE && !atStart && isBreakable(renderTextInfo.m_lineBreakIterator, current.m_pos, current.m_nextBreakablePosition, breakNBSP)
&& (style->hyphens() != HyphensNone || (current.previousInSameNode() != softHyphen)));
if (betweenWords || midWordBreak) {
bool stoppedIgnoringSpaces = false;
if (ignoringSpaces) {
lastSpaceWordSpacing = 0;
if (!currentCharacterIsSpace) {
// Stop ignoring spaces and begin at this
// new point.
ignoringSpaces = false;
wordSpacingForWordMeasurement = 0;
lastSpace = current.m_pos; // e.g., "Foo goo", don't add in any of the ignored spaces.
stopIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(0, current.m_obj, current.m_pos));
stoppedIgnoringSpaces = true;
} else {
// Just keep ignoring these spaces.
goto nextCharacter;
wordMeasurements.grow(wordMeasurements.size() + 1);
WordMeasurement& wordMeasurement = wordMeasurements.last();
wordMeasurement.renderer = t;
wordMeasurement.endOffset = current.m_pos;
wordMeasurement.startOffset = lastSpace;
float additionalTempWidth;
if (wordTrailingSpaceWidth && c == ' ')
additionalTempWidth = textWidth(t, lastSpace, current.m_pos + 1 - lastSpace, f, width.currentWidth(), isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts, textLayout) - wordTrailingSpaceWidth;
additionalTempWidth = textWidth(t, lastSpace, current.m_pos - lastSpace, f, width.currentWidth(), isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts, textLayout);
if (wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.isEmpty() && !fallbackFonts.isEmpty())
wordMeasurement.width = additionalTempWidth + wordSpacingForWordMeasurement;
additionalTempWidth += lastSpaceWordSpacing;
if (collapseWhiteSpace && previousCharacterIsSpace && currentCharacterIsSpace && additionalTempWidth)
if (!appliedStartWidth) {
width.addUncommittedWidth(inlineLogicalWidth(current.m_obj, true, false));
appliedStartWidth = true;
applyWordSpacing = wordSpacing && currentCharacterIsSpace;
if (!width.committedWidth() && autoWrap && !width.fitsOnLine())
if (autoWrap || breakWords) {
// If we break only after white-space, consider the current character
// as candidate width for this line.
bool lineWasTooWide = false;
if (width.fitsOnLine() && currentCharacterIsWS && currentStyle->breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace() && !midWordBreak) {
float charWidth = textWidth(t, current.m_pos, 1, f, width.currentWidth(), isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts, textLayout) + (applyWordSpacing ? wordSpacing : 0);
// Check if line is too big even without the extra space
// at the end of the line. If it is not, do nothing.
// If the line needs the extra whitespace to be too long,
// then move the line break to the space and skip all
// additional whitespace.
if (!width.fitsOnLineIncludingExtraWidth(charWidth)) {
lineWasTooWide = true;
lBreak.moveTo(current.m_obj, current.m_pos, current.m_nextBreakablePosition);
skipTrailingWhitespace(lBreak, lineInfo);
if (lineWasTooWide || !width.fitsOnLine()) {
if (canHyphenate && !width.fitsOnLine()) {
tryHyphenating(t, f, style->locale(), consecutiveHyphenatedLines, blockStyle->hyphenationLimitLines(), style->hyphenationLimitBefore(), style->hyphenationLimitAfter(), lastSpace, current.m_pos, width.currentWidth() - additionalTempWidth, width.availableWidth(), isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, lastSpaceWordSpacing, lBreak, current.m_nextBreakablePosition, m_hyphenated);
if (m_hyphenated)
goto end;
if (lBreak.atTextParagraphSeparator()) {
if (!stoppedIgnoringSpaces && current.m_pos > 0)
ensureCharacterGetsLineBox(lineMidpointState, current);
wordMeasurement.endOffset = lBreak.m_pos;
if (lBreak.m_obj && lBreak.m_pos && lBreak.m_obj->isText() && toRenderText(lBreak.m_obj)->textLength() && toRenderText(lBreak.m_obj)->characterAt(lBreak.m_pos - 1) == softHyphen && style->hyphens() != HyphensNone)
m_hyphenated = true;
if (lBreak.m_pos && lBreak.m_pos != (unsigned)wordMeasurement.endOffset && !wordMeasurement.width) {
if (charWidth) {
wordMeasurement.endOffset = lBreak.m_pos;
wordMeasurement.width = charWidth;
// Didn't fit. Jump to the end unless there's still an opportunity to collapse whitespace.
if (ignoringSpaces || !collapseWhiteSpace || !currentCharacterIsSpace || !previousCharacterIsSpace)
goto end;
} else {
if (!betweenWords || (midWordBreak && !autoWrap))
if (hyphenWidth) {
// Subtract the width of the soft hyphen out since we fit on a line.
hyphenWidth = 0;
if (c == '\n' && preserveNewline) {
if (!stoppedIgnoringSpaces && current.m_pos > 0)
ensureCharacterGetsLineBox(lineMidpointState, current);
lBreak.moveTo(current.m_obj, current.m_pos, current.m_nextBreakablePosition);
return lBreak;
if (autoWrap && betweenWords) {
wrapW = 0;
lBreak.moveTo(current.m_obj, current.m_pos, current.m_nextBreakablePosition);
// Auto-wrapping text should not wrap in the middle of a word once it has had an
// opportunity to break after a word.
breakWords = false;
if (midWordBreak && !U16_IS_TRAIL(c) && !(category(c) & (Mark_NonSpacing | Mark_Enclosing | Mark_SpacingCombining))) {
// Remember this as a breakable position in case
// adding the end width forces a break.
lBreak.moveTo(current.m_obj, current.m_pos, current.m_nextBreakablePosition);
midWordBreak &= (breakWords || breakAll);
if (betweenWords) {
lastSpaceWordSpacing = applyWordSpacing ? wordSpacing : 0;
wordSpacingForWordMeasurement = (applyWordSpacing && wordMeasurement.width) ? wordSpacing : 0;
lastSpace = current.m_pos;
if (!ignoringSpaces && currentStyle->collapseWhiteSpace()) {
// If we encounter a newline, or if we encounter a
// second space, we need to go ahead and break up this
// run and enter a mode where we start collapsing spaces.
if (currentCharacterIsSpace && previousCharacterIsSpace) {
ignoringSpaces = true;
// We just entered a mode where we are ignoring
// spaces. Create a midpoint to terminate the run
// before the second space.
startIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, ignoreStart);
trailingObjects.updateMidpointsForTrailingBoxes(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(), TrailingObjects::DoNotCollapseFirstSpace);
} else if (ignoringSpaces) {
// Stop ignoring spaces and begin at this
// new point.
ignoringSpaces = false;
lastSpaceWordSpacing = applyWordSpacing ? wordSpacing : 0;
wordSpacingForWordMeasurement = (applyWordSpacing && wordMeasurements.last().width) ? wordSpacing : 0;
lastSpace = current.m_pos; // e.g., "Foo goo", don't add in any of the ignored spaces.
stopIgnoringSpaces(lineMidpointState, InlineIterator(0, current.m_obj, current.m_pos));
if (isSVGText && current.m_pos > 0) {
// Force creation of new InlineBoxes for each absolute positioned character (those that start new text chunks).
if (toRenderSVGInlineText(t)->characterStartsNewTextChunk(current.m_pos))
ensureCharacterGetsLineBox(lineMidpointState, current);
if (currentCharacterIsSpace && !previousCharacterIsSpace) {
ignoreStart.m_obj = current.m_obj;
ignoreStart.m_pos = current.m_pos;
if (!currentCharacterIsWS && previousCharacterIsWS) {
if (autoWrap && currentStyle->breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace())
lBreak.moveTo(current.m_obj, current.m_pos, current.m_nextBreakablePosition);
if (collapseWhiteSpace && currentCharacterIsSpace && !ignoringSpaces)
else if (!currentStyle->collapseWhiteSpace() || !currentCharacterIsSpace)
atStart = false;
secondToLastCharacter = lastCharacter;
lastCharacter = c;
renderTextInfo.m_lineBreakIterator.setPriorContext(lastCharacter, secondToLastCharacter);
wordMeasurements.grow(wordMeasurements.size() + 1);
WordMeasurement& wordMeasurement = wordMeasurements.last();
wordMeasurement.renderer = t;
// IMPORTANT: current.m_pos is > length here!
float additionalTempWidth = ignoringSpaces ? 0 : textWidth(t, lastSpace, current.m_pos - lastSpace, f, width.currentWidth(), isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts, textLayout);
wordMeasurement.startOffset = lastSpace;
wordMeasurement.endOffset = current.m_pos;
wordMeasurement.width = ignoringSpaces ? 0 : additionalTempWidth + wordSpacingForWordMeasurement;
additionalTempWidth += lastSpaceWordSpacing;
float inlineLogicalTempWidth = inlineLogicalWidth(current.m_obj, !appliedStartWidth, includeEndWidth);
width.addUncommittedWidth(additionalTempWidth + inlineLogicalTempWidth);
if (wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.isEmpty() && !fallbackFonts.isEmpty())
if (collapseWhiteSpace && currentCharacterIsSpace && additionalTempWidth)
width.setTrailingWhitespaceWidth(additionalTempWidth, inlineLogicalTempWidth);
includeEndWidth = false;
if (!width.fitsOnLine()) {
if (canHyphenate)
tryHyphenating(t, f, style->locale(), consecutiveHyphenatedLines, blockStyle->hyphenationLimitLines(), style->hyphenationLimitBefore(), style->hyphenationLimitAfter(), lastSpace, current.m_pos, width.currentWidth() - additionalTempWidth, width.availableWidth(), isFixedPitch, collapseWhiteSpace, lastSpaceWordSpacing, lBreak, current.m_nextBreakablePosition, m_hyphenated);
if (!m_hyphenated && lBreak.previousInSameNode() == softHyphen && style->hyphens() != HyphensNone)
m_hyphenated = true;
if (m_hyphenated)
goto end;
} else
bool checkForBreak = autoWrap;
if (width.committedWidth() && !width.fitsOnLine(currentCharacterIsSpace) && lBreak.m_obj && currWS == NOWRAP)
checkForBreak = true;
else if (next && current.m_obj->isText() && next->isText() && !next->isBR() && (autoWrap || next->style()->autoWrap())) {
if (autoWrap && currentCharacterIsSpace)
checkForBreak = true;
else {
RenderText* nextText = toRenderText(next);
if (nextText->textLength()) {
UChar c = nextText->characterAt(0);
// If we allow whitespace collapsing, 'word ' and 'word' are equivalent before a whitespace
// character, so treat both as a potential linebreak.
checkForBreak = autoWrap && (ignoringSpaces || !currentCharacterIsSpace) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || (c == '\n' && !next->preservesNewline()));
} else if (nextText->isWordBreak())
checkForBreak = true;
if (!width.fitsOnLine() && !width.committedWidth())
bool canPlaceOnLine = width.fitsOnLine() || !autoWrapWasEverTrueOnLine;
if (canPlaceOnLine && checkForBreak) {
if (checkForBreak && !width.fitsOnLine(ignoringSpaces)) {
// if we have floats, try to get below them.
if (currentCharacterIsSpace && !ignoringSpaces && currentStyle->collapseWhiteSpace())
if (width.committedWidth())
goto end;
// |width| may have been adjusted because we got shoved down past a float (thus
// giving us more room), so we need to retest, and only jump to
// the end label if we still don't fit on the line. -dwh
if (!width.fitsOnLine(ignoringSpaces))
goto end;
} else if (blockStyle->autoWrap() && !width.fitsOnLine() && !width.committedWidth()) {
// If the container autowraps but the current child does not then we still need to ensure that it
// wraps and moves below any floats.
if (!current.m_obj->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
last = current.m_obj;
if (last->isReplaced() && autoWrap && (!last->isImage() || allowImagesToBreak) && (!last->isListMarker() || toRenderListMarker(last)->isInside())) {
// Clear out our character space bool, since inline <pre>s don't collapse whitespace
// with adjacent inline normal/nowrap spans.
if (!collapseWhiteSpace)
currentCharacterIsSpace = false;
atStart = false;
if (width.fitsOnLine(true) || lastWS == NOWRAP)
ShapeInsideInfo* shapeInfo = m_block->layoutShapeInsideInfo();
bool segmentAllowsOverflow = !shapeInfo || !shapeInfo->hasSegments();
bool segmentAllowsOverflow = true;
if (lBreak == resolver.position() && (!lBreak.m_obj || !lBreak.m_obj->isBR()) && segmentAllowsOverflow) {
// we just add as much as possible
if (blockStyle->whiteSpace() == PRE && !current.m_pos) {
lBreak.moveTo(last, last->isText() ? last->length() : 0);
} else if (lBreak.m_obj) {
// Don't ever break in the middle of a word if we can help it.
// There's no room at all. We just have to be on this line,
// even though we'll spill out.
lBreak.moveTo(current.m_obj, current.m_pos);
// make sure we consume at least one char/object.
if (lBreak == resolver.position() && segmentAllowsOverflow)
// Sanity check our midpoints.
checkMidpoints(lineMidpointState, lBreak);
trailingObjects.updateMidpointsForTrailingBoxes(lineMidpointState, lBreak, TrailingObjects::CollapseFirstSpace);
// We might have made lBreak an iterator that points past the end
// of the object. Do this adjustment to make it point to the start
// of the next object instead to avoid confusing the rest of the
// code.
if (lBreak.m_pos > 0) {
return lBreak;
void RenderBlock::addOverflowFromInlineChildren()
LayoutUnit endPadding = hasOverflowClip() ? paddingEnd() : LayoutUnit();
// FIXME: Need to find another way to do this, since scrollbars could show when we don't want them to.
if (hasOverflowClip() && !endPadding && node() && node()->isRootEditableElement() && style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
endPadding = 1;
for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
if (!hasOverflowClip())
addVisualOverflow(curr->visualOverflowRect(curr->lineTop(), curr->lineBottom()));
void RenderBlock::deleteEllipsisLineBoxes()
ETextAlign textAlign = style()->textAlign();
bool ltr = style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
bool firstLine = true;
for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
if (curr->hasEllipsisBox()) {
// Shift the line back where it belongs if we cannot accomodate an ellipsis.
float logicalLeft = pixelSnappedLogicalLeftOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), firstLine);
float availableLogicalWidth = logicalRightOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), false) - logicalLeft;
float totalLogicalWidth = curr->logicalWidth();
updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, 0, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, 0);
if (ltr)
curr->adjustLogicalPosition((logicalLeft - curr->logicalLeft()), 0);
curr->adjustLogicalPosition(-(curr->logicalLeft() - logicalLeft), 0);
firstLine = false;
void RenderBlock::checkLinesForTextOverflow()
// Determine the width of the ellipsis using the current font.
// FIXME: CSS3 says this is configurable, also need to use 0x002E (FULL STOP) if horizontal ellipsis is "not renderable"
const Font& font = style()->font();
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, ellipsisStr, (&horizontalEllipsis, 1));
const Font& firstLineFont = firstLineStyle()->font();
int firstLineEllipsisWidth = firstLineFont.width(constructTextRun(this, firstLineFont, &horizontalEllipsis, 1, firstLineStyle()));
int ellipsisWidth = (font == firstLineFont) ? firstLineEllipsisWidth : font.width(constructTextRun(this, font, &horizontalEllipsis, 1, style()));
// For LTR text truncation, we want to get the right edge of our padding box, and then we want to see
// if the right edge of a line box exceeds that. For RTL, we use the left edge of the padding box and
// check the left edge of the line box to see if it is less
// Include the scrollbar for overflow blocks, which means we want to use "contentWidth()"
bool ltr = style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
ETextAlign textAlign = style()->textAlign();
bool firstLine = true;
for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
// FIXME: Use pixelSnappedLogicalRightOffsetForLine instead of snapping it ourselves once the column workaround in said method has been fixed.
int blockRightEdge = snapSizeToPixel(logicalRightOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), firstLine), curr->x());
int blockLeftEdge = pixelSnappedLogicalLeftOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), firstLine);
int lineBoxEdge = ltr ? snapSizeToPixel(curr->x() + curr->logicalWidth(), curr->x()) : snapSizeToPixel(curr->x(), 0);
if ((ltr && lineBoxEdge > blockRightEdge) || (!ltr && lineBoxEdge < blockLeftEdge)) {
// This line spills out of our box in the appropriate direction. Now we need to see if the line
// can be truncated. In order for truncation to be possible, the line must have sufficient space to
// accommodate our truncation string, and no replaced elements (images, tables) can overlap the ellipsis
// space.
LayoutUnit width = firstLine ? firstLineEllipsisWidth : ellipsisWidth;
LayoutUnit blockEdge = ltr ? blockRightEdge : blockLeftEdge;
if (curr->lineCanAccommodateEllipsis(ltr, blockEdge, lineBoxEdge, width)) {
float totalLogicalWidth = curr->placeEllipsis(ellipsisStr, ltr, blockLeftEdge, blockRightEdge, width);
float logicalLeft = 0; // We are only intersted in the delta from the base position.
float truncatedWidth = pixelSnappedLogicalRightOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), firstLine);
updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, 0, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, truncatedWidth, 0);
if (ltr)
curr->adjustLogicalPosition(logicalLeft, 0);
curr->adjustLogicalPosition(-(truncatedWidth - (logicalLeft + totalLogicalWidth)), 0);
firstLine = false;
bool RenderBlock::positionNewFloatOnLine(FloatingObject* newFloat, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, LineInfo& lineInfo, LineWidth& width)
if (!positionNewFloats())
return false;
// We only connect floats to lines for pagination purposes if the floats occur at the start of
// the line and the previous line had a hard break (so this line is either the first in the block
// or follows a <br>).
if (!newFloat->m_paginationStrut || !lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly() || !lineInfo.isEmpty())
return true;
const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
ASSERT(floatingObjectSet.last() == newFloat);
LayoutUnit floatLogicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(newFloat);
int paginationStrut = newFloat->m_paginationStrut;
if (floatLogicalTop - paginationStrut != logicalHeight() + lineInfo.floatPaginationStrut())
return true;
FloatingObjectSetIterator it = floatingObjectSet.end();
--it; // Last float is newFloat, skip that one.
FloatingObjectSetIterator begin = floatingObjectSet.begin();
while (it != begin) {
FloatingObject* f = *it;
if (f == lastFloatFromPreviousLine)
if (logicalTopForFloat(f) == logicalHeight() + lineInfo.floatPaginationStrut()) {
f->m_paginationStrut += paginationStrut;
RenderBox* o = f->m_renderer;
setLogicalTopForChild(o, logicalTopForChild(o) + marginBeforeForChild(o) + paginationStrut);
if (o->isRenderBlock())
toRenderBlock(o)->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
// Save the old logical top before calling removePlacedObject which will set
// isPlaced to false. Otherwise it will trigger an assert in logicalTopForFloat.
LayoutUnit oldLogicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(f);
setLogicalTopForFloat(f, oldLogicalTop + paginationStrut);
// Just update the line info's pagination strut without altering our logical height yet. If the line ends up containing
// no content, then we don't want to improperly grow the height of the block.
lineInfo.setFloatPaginationStrut(lineInfo.floatPaginationStrut() + paginationStrut);
return true;
LayoutUnit RenderBlock::startAlignedOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit position, bool firstLine)
ETextAlign textAlign = style()->textAlign();
if (textAlign == TASTART) // FIXME: Handle TAEND here
return startOffsetForLine(position, firstLine);
// updateLogicalWidthForAlignment() handles the direction of the block so no need to consider it here
float totalLogicalWidth = 0;
float logicalLeft = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(logicalHeight(), false);
float availableLogicalWidth = logicalRightOffsetForLine(logicalHeight(), false) - logicalLeft;
updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, 0, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, 0);
if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
return logicalWidth() - logicalLeft;
return logicalLeft;
void RenderBlock::layoutLineGridBox()
if (style()->lineGrid() == RenderStyle::initialLineGrid()) {
RootInlineBox* lineGridBox = new (renderArena()) RootInlineBox(this);
lineGridBox->setHasTextChildren(); // Needed to make the line ascent/descent actually be honored in quirks mode.
GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
VerticalPositionCache verticalPositionCache;
lineGridBox->alignBoxesInBlockDirection(logicalHeight(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache);
// FIXME: If any of the characteristics of the box change compared to the old one, then we need to do a deep dirtying
// (similar to what happens when the page height changes). Ideally, though, we only do this if someone is actually snapping
// to this grid.