blob: 312595729666983c7c47c1f2172048edded4af09 [file] [log] [blame]
Before scrolling.
PASS is 0
PASS topRectBeforeScrolling.left is 0
PASS topRectBeforeScrolling.width is innerWidth
PASS topRectBeforeScrolling.height is 50
PASS is >= innerHeight
PASS bottomRectBeforeScrolling.left is 0
PASS bottomRectBeforeScrolling.width is innerWidth
PASS bottomRectBeforeScrolling.height is 50
PASS is 0
PASS layoutViewportBeforeScrolling.left is 0
PASS layoutViewportBeforeScrolling.width is innerWidth
PASS layoutViewportBeforeScrolling.height is >= innerHeight
After scrolling 2500px down.
PASS 0 is >= topRectAfterScrolling.bottom
PASS topRectAfterScrolling.left is 0
PASS topRectAfterScrolling.width is innerWidth
PASS topRectAfterScrolling.height is 50
PASS bottomRectAfterScrolling.bottom is innerHeight
PASS bottomRectAfterScrolling.left is 0
PASS bottomRectAfterScrolling.width is innerWidth
PASS bottomRectAfterScrolling.height is 50
PASS layoutViewportAfterScrolling.bottom is 2500 + innerHeight
PASS layoutViewportAfterScrolling.left is 0
PASS layoutViewportAfterScrolling.width is innerWidth
PASS layoutViewportAfterScrolling.height is >= innerHeight
After shortening document height to 100px.
PASS is 0
PASS topRectAfterShorteningBody.left is 0
PASS topRectAfterShorteningBody.width is innerWidth
PASS topRectAfterShorteningBody.height is 50
PASS bottomRectAfterShorteningBody.bottom is innerHeight
PASS bottomRectAfterShorteningBody.left is 0
PASS bottomRectAfterShorteningBody.width is innerWidth
PASS bottomRectAfterShorteningBody.height is 50
PASS is 0
PASS layoutViewportAfterShorteningBody.left is 0
PASS layoutViewportAfterShorteningBody.width is innerWidth
PASS layoutViewportAfterShorteningBody.height is innerHeight
After extending document height to 1.5x innerHeight.
PASS is 0
PASS topRectAfterExtendingBody.left is 0
PASS topRectAfterExtendingBody.width is innerWidth
PASS topRectAfterExtendingBody.height is 50
PASS is >= innerHeight
PASS bottomRectAfterExtendingBody.left is 0
PASS bottomRectAfterExtendingBody.width is innerWidth
PASS bottomRectAfterExtendingBody.height is 50
PASS is 0
PASS layoutViewportAfterExtendingBody.left is 0
PASS layoutViewportAfterExtendingBody.width is innerWidth
PASS layoutViewportAfterExtendingBody.height is >= innerHeight
PASS layoutViewportAfterExtendingBody.height < layoutViewportBeforeScrolling.height is true
PASS finalDocumentHeight is layoutViewportAfterExtendingBody.height
PASS successfullyParsed is true