blob: 831b8607a29cc69b41e500f86c3ed1e670faa725 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- webkit-test-runner [ useFlexibleViewport=true ] -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/ui-helper.js"></script>
jsTestIsAsync = true;
async function runTest() {
description(`This test verifies that the time picker is presented and can be used to choose a time. To manually run the test, tap the time input to show the time picker, and then select '9:41 am'.`);
time = document.querySelector("input");
time.addEventListener("change", () => testPassed("Handled change event"));
time.addEventListener("blur", () => testPassed("Handled blur event"));
if (!window.testRunner)
await UIHelper.activateElementAndWaitForInputSession(time);
await UIHelper.setTimePickerValue(9, 41);
await UIHelper.waitForKeyboardToHide();
shouldBe("time.value", "'09:41'");
<body onload="runTest()">
<input type="time" value="04:01" style="width: 320px; height: 100px;"></input>