| This test verifies that the functions of the Date prototype object are not generic, as documented in ECMA-262 rev3 section 15.9.5 Properties of the Date Prototype Object. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS o.__proto__.toString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toDateString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toTimeString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toGMTString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toUTCString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toLocaleString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toLocaleDateString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.toLocaleTimeString() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getTime() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getYear() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getFullYear() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getMonth() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getDate() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getDay() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getHours() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getMinutes() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getSeconds() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getMilliseconds() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.getTimezoneOffset() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setTime() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setMilliseconds() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setSeconds() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setMinutes() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setHours() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setDate() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setMonth() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setFullYear() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS o.__proto__.setYear() threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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