blob: 801639c82f8ce3a8d177bed783bc9df8ca050ac7 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests calling WebGL APIs with wrong argument types
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS Program Compiled
PASS Shader Compiled
PASS getUniformLocation succeeded
PASS context.compileShader(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.compileShader must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.linkProgram(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.linkProgram must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.attachShader(program, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.attachShader must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.attachShader(argument, shader) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.attachShader must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.detachShader(program, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.detachShader must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.detachShader(argument, shader) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.detachShader must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.useProgram(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.useProgram must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.shaderSource(argument, 'foo') threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.shaderSource must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.bindAttribLocation(argument, 0, 'foo') threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindAttribLocation must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.bindBuffer(context.ARRAY_BUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('buffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindBuffer must be an instance of WebGLBuffer.
PASS context.bindFramebuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('framebuffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindFramebuffer must be an instance of WebGLFramebuffer.
PASS context.bindRenderbuffer(context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('renderbuffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindRenderbuffer must be an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer.
PASS context.bindTexture(context.TEXTURE_2D, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('texture') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindTexture must be an instance of WebGLTexture.
PASS context.framebufferRenderbuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 4 ('renderbuffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.framebufferRenderbuffer must be an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer.
PASS context.framebufferTexture2D(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, context.TEXTURE_2D, argument, 0) threw exception TypeError: Argument 4 ('texture') to WebGLRenderingContext.framebufferTexture2D must be an instance of WebGLTexture.
PASS context.uniform2fv(argument, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0])) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.uniform2iv(argument, new Int32Array([0, 0])) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.uniformMatrix2fv(argument, false, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getProgramParameter(argument, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getShaderParameter(argument, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getUniform(argument, loc) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getUniform(program, argument) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getUniformLocation(argument, 'u_modelViewProjMatrix') threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.getUniformLocation must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.getProgramInfoLog(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramInfoLog must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.getShaderInfoLog(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderInfoLog must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.getShaderSource(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderSource must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.compileShader(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.compileShader must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.linkProgram(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.linkProgram must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.attachShader(program, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.attachShader must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.attachShader(argument, shader) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.attachShader must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.detachShader(program, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.detachShader must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.detachShader(argument, shader) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.detachShader must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.useProgram(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.useProgram must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.shaderSource(argument, 'foo') threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.shaderSource must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.bindAttribLocation(argument, 0, 'foo') threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindAttribLocation must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.bindBuffer(context.ARRAY_BUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('buffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindBuffer must be an instance of WebGLBuffer.
PASS context.bindFramebuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('framebuffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindFramebuffer must be an instance of WebGLFramebuffer.
PASS context.bindRenderbuffer(context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('renderbuffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindRenderbuffer must be an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer.
PASS context.bindTexture(context.TEXTURE_2D, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 2 ('texture') to WebGLRenderingContext.bindTexture must be an instance of WebGLTexture.
PASS context.framebufferRenderbuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 4 ('renderbuffer') to WebGLRenderingContext.framebufferRenderbuffer must be an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer.
PASS context.framebufferTexture2D(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, context.TEXTURE_2D, argument, 0) threw exception TypeError: Argument 4 ('texture') to WebGLRenderingContext.framebufferTexture2D must be an instance of WebGLTexture.
PASS context.uniform2fv(argument, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0])) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.uniform2iv(argument, new Int32Array([0, 0])) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.uniformMatrix2fv(argument, false, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getProgramParameter(argument, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getShaderParameter(argument, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getUniform(argument, loc) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getUniform(program, argument) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS context.getUniformLocation(argument, 'u_modelViewProjMatrix') threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.getUniformLocation must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.getProgramInfoLog(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('program') to WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramInfoLog must be an instance of WebGLProgram.
PASS context.getShaderInfoLog(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderInfoLog must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.getShaderSource(argument) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderSource must be an instance of WebGLShader.
PASS context.compileShader(argument) is undefined.
PASS context.linkProgram(argument) is undefined.
PASS context.attachShader(program, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.attachShader(argument, shader) is undefined.
PASS context.detachShader(program, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.detachShader(argument, shader) is undefined.
PASS context.useProgram(argument) is undefined.
PASS context.shaderSource(argument, 'foo') is undefined.
PASS context.bindAttribLocation(argument, 0, 'foo') is undefined.
PASS context.bindBuffer(context.ARRAY_BUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.bindFramebuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.bindRenderbuffer(context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.bindTexture(context.TEXTURE_2D, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.framebufferRenderbuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.framebufferTexture2D(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, context.TEXTURE_2D, argument, 0) is undefined.
PASS context.uniform2fv(argument, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0])) is undefined.
PASS context.uniform2iv(argument, new Int32Array([0, 0])) is undefined.
PASS context.uniformMatrix2fv(argument, false, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) is undefined.
PASS context.getProgramParameter(argument, 0) is null
PASS context.getShaderParameter(argument, 0) is null
PASS context.getUniform(argument, loc) is null
PASS context.getUniform(program, argument) is null
PASS context.getUniformLocation(argument, 'u_modelViewProjMatrix') is null
PASS context.getProgramInfoLog(argument) is ''
PASS context.getShaderInfoLog(argument) is ''
PASS context.getShaderSource(argument) is ''
PASS context.compileShader(argument) is undefined.
PASS context.linkProgram(argument) is undefined.
PASS context.attachShader(program, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.attachShader(argument, shader) is undefined.
PASS context.detachShader(program, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.detachShader(argument, shader) is undefined.
PASS context.useProgram(argument) is undefined.
PASS context.shaderSource(argument, 'foo') is undefined.
PASS context.bindAttribLocation(argument, 0, 'foo') is undefined.
PASS context.bindBuffer(context.ARRAY_BUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.bindFramebuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.bindRenderbuffer(context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.bindTexture(context.TEXTURE_2D, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.framebufferRenderbuffer(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, context.RENDERBUFFER, argument) is undefined.
PASS context.framebufferTexture2D(context.FRAMEBUFFER, context.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, context.TEXTURE_2D, argument, 0) is undefined.
PASS context.uniform2fv(argument, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0])) is undefined.
PASS context.uniform2iv(argument, new Int32Array([0, 0])) is undefined.
PASS context.uniformMatrix2fv(argument, false, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) is undefined.
PASS context.getProgramParameter(argument, 0) is null
PASS context.getShaderParameter(argument, 0) is null
PASS context.getUniform(argument, loc) is null
PASS context.getUniform(program, argument) is null
PASS context.getUniformLocation(argument, 'u_modelViewProjMatrix') is null
PASS context.getProgramInfoLog(argument) is ''
PASS context.getShaderInfoLog(argument) is ''
PASS context.getShaderSource(argument) is ''
PASS successfullyParsed is true