blob: d1c4c2fe681aca81dcad6da5698f52ccdbc303c4 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Partial interface URL: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface URL: valid exposure set
PASS Partial interface URL: member names are unique
PASS Partial interface AudioTrack: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface AudioTrack: member names are unique
PASS Partial interface VideoTrack: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface VideoTrack: member names are unique
PASS Partial interface TextTrack: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface TextTrack: member names are unique
PASS URL interface: operation createObjectURL(MediaSource)
PASS AudioTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer
PASS VideoTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer
PASS TextTrack interface: attribute sourceBuffer
PASS MediaSource interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS MediaSource interface object length
PASS MediaSource interface object name
PASS MediaSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS MediaSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS MediaSource interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute sourceBuffers
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute activeSourceBuffers
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute readyState
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute duration
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute onsourceopen
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute onsourceended
PASS MediaSource interface: attribute onsourceclose
PASS MediaSource interface: operation addSourceBuffer(DOMString)
PASS MediaSource interface: operation removeSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer)
PASS MediaSource interface: operation endOfStream(EndOfStreamError)
PASS MediaSource interface: operation setLiveSeekableRange(double, double)
PASS MediaSource interface: operation clearLiveSeekableRange()
PASS MediaSource interface: operation isTypeSupported(DOMString)
PASS MediaSource must be primary interface of mediaSource
PASS Stringification of mediaSource
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "sourceBuffers" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "activeSourceBuffers" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "readyState" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "duration" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceopen" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceended" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "onsourceclose" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "addSourceBuffer(DOMString)" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: calling addSourceBuffer(DOMString) on mediaSource with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "removeSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer)" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: calling removeSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer) on mediaSource with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "endOfStream(EndOfStreamError)" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: calling endOfStream(EndOfStreamError) on mediaSource with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "setLiveSeekableRange(double, double)" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: calling setLiveSeekableRange(double, double) on mediaSource with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "clearLiveSeekableRange()" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: mediaSource must inherit property "isTypeSupported(DOMString)" with the proper type
PASS MediaSource interface: calling isTypeSupported(DOMString) on mediaSource with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS SourceBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS SourceBuffer interface object length
PASS SourceBuffer interface object name
PASS SourceBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS SourceBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS SourceBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute mode
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute updating
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute buffered
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute timestampOffset
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute audioTracks
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute videoTracks
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute textTracks
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute appendWindowStart
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute appendWindowEnd
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute onupdatestart
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute onupdate
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute onupdateend
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute onerror
PASS SourceBuffer interface: attribute onabort
PASS SourceBuffer interface: operation appendBuffer(BufferSource)
PASS SourceBuffer interface: operation abort()
PASS SourceBuffer interface: operation remove(double, unrestricted double)
PASS SourceBuffer must be primary interface of sourceBuffer
PASS Stringification of sourceBuffer
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "mode" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "updating" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "buffered" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "timestampOffset" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "textTracks" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "appendWindowStart" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "appendWindowEnd" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onupdatestart" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onupdate" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onupdateend" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "appendBuffer(BufferSource)" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: calling appendBuffer(BufferSource) on sourceBuffer with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: sourceBuffer must inherit property "remove(double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS SourceBuffer interface: calling remove(double, unrestricted double) on sourceBuffer with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS SourceBufferList interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS SourceBufferList interface object length
PASS SourceBufferList interface object name
PASS SourceBufferList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS SourceBufferList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS SourceBufferList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS SourceBufferList interface: attribute length
PASS SourceBufferList interface: attribute onaddsourcebuffer
PASS SourceBufferList interface: attribute onremovesourcebuffer
PASS SourceBufferList must be primary interface of mediaSource.sourceBuffers
PASS Stringification of mediaSource.sourceBuffers
PASS SourceBufferList interface: mediaSource.sourceBuffers must inherit property "length" with the proper type
PASS SourceBufferList interface: mediaSource.sourceBuffers must inherit property "onaddsourcebuffer" with the proper type
PASS SourceBufferList interface: mediaSource.sourceBuffers must inherit property "onremovesourcebuffer" with the proper type