blob: 88df9ec0273fadfcd4044df73c97fb92d49b378b [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Indeterminate progress bar should have position -1
PASS Revoming the value attribute makes an intermediate progress bar, which should have position -1
PASS Determinate progress bar should have fractional position
PASS Indeterminate progress bar should have value 0
PASS Value must equal max if the parsed value is larger than max
PASS Max must be 1 by default
PASS Max must be 1 by default, even if value is specified
PASS Max must be 1 if max value is invalid
PASS Max must be 1 if the parsed max value is less than or equal to zero
PASS Value must be 0 if value is invalid
PASS Value must be 0 if the parsed value is less than or equal to zero