blob: 827c4b46ba3bc619c0910874a14abd7ae7cc4e9a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Resetting <input> by calling the reset() method
PASS Resetting <textarea> by calling the reset() method
PASS Resetting <output> by calling the reset() method
PASS Resetting <select> by calling the reset() method
PASS Resetting <input> by clicking the button in reset status
PASS Resetting <textarea> by clicking the button in reset status
PASS Resetting <output> by clicking the button in reset status
PASS Resetting <select> by clicking the button in reset status
PASS Resetting <input> by clicking the input in reset status
PASS Resetting <textarea> by clicking the input in reset status
PASS Resetting <output> by clicking the input in reset status
PASS Resetting <select> by clicking the input in reset status