blob: 1f892fe9cce07b11d367210421fec149555015ca [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Element.getElementsByTagNameNS
PASS getElementsByTagNameNS('*', 'body')
PASS Empty string namespace
PASS body element in test namespace, no prefix
PASS body element in test namespace, prefix
PASS BODY element in test namespace, no prefix
PASS abc element in html namespace
PASS ABC element in html namespace
PASS AÇ, case sensitivity
PASS BODY element in test namespace, prefix
PASS getElementsByTagNameNS('', '*')
PASS getElementsByTagNameNS('*', '*')
PASS Empty lists
PASS getElementsByTagNameNS() should be a live collection
PASS Matching the context object (wildcard namespace)
PASS Matching the context object (specific namespace)