blob: 196e176f96f210f182417684d68e60b77b20910f [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Assigning to classList (HTML node)
PASS .supports() must throw TypeError (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when removed (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to " \t \f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "\r\na\t\f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a a a a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a b b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A B b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a b c c b a a b c c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a\tb\nc\fd\re f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toString() when removed (HTML node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to "foo" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to null (HTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "aa AA aa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to null (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("") when set to null (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains(" ") when set to null (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("A") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a.") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a)") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a'") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\"") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a$") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a~") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a?") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\\") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\t") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\ta") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\n") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\na") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\f") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\fa") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\r") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\ra") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a ") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains(" a") when set to "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "aa AA" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("AA") when set to "aa AA" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aA") when set to "aa AA" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains(null) when set to "null undefined" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "null undefined" (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add(" ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("\ta") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\t") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("\na") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\n") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("\fa") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\f") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("\ra") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\r") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add(" a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", " ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "aa ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("AA") with attribute value "aa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", true) with attribute value "aa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " \f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " \f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("b") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", true) with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add() with attribute value "a b c a " (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.add(null) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.add(undefined) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, true) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("", false) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove(" ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", false) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\ta") with attribute value "\ta" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", false) with attribute value "\ta" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\t") with attribute value "a\t" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", false) with attribute value "a\t" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\na") with attribute value "\na" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", false) with attribute value "\na" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\n") with attribute value "a\n" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", false) with attribute value "a\n" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\fa") with attribute value "\fa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", false) with attribute value "\fa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\f") with attribute value "a\f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", false) with attribute value "a\f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\ra") with attribute value "\ra" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", false) with attribute value "\ra" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\r") with attribute value "a\r" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", false) with attribute value "a\r" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove(" a") with attribute value " a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", false) with attribute value " a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a ") with attribute value "a " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", false) with attribute value "a " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("aa ") with attribute value "aa " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ", false) with attribute value "aa " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("d") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", false) with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("A") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("A", false) with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value " a a a " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value " a a a " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("aa") with attribute value "aa aa bb" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa", false) with attribute value "aa aa bb" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("bbb") with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("bbb", false) with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b b b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b b b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c c c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c c c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("AA") with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", false) with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "c") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove(null) with attribute value "null" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, false) with attribute value "null" (HTML node)
PASS classList.remove(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, false) with attribute value "undefined" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " \f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("A") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a a a " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " A A A " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c b b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a b c " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "null" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (HTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("", "a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("", " ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\ta", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\t", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\na", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\n", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\fa", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\f", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\ra", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\r", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace(" a", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a ", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", " ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ta") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\t") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\na") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\n") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\fa") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\f") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ra") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\r") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", " a") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a ") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("A", "b") with attribute value "a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "A") with attribute value "a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "d") with attribute value "a a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value null (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " " (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " a \f" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "d") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b c" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "c b a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace(null, "b") with attribute value "a null" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", null) with attribute value "a b" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace(undefined, "b") with attribute value "a undefined" (HTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", undefined) with attribute value "a b" (HTML node)
PASS Assigning to classList (XHTML node)
PASS .supports() must throw TypeError (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when removed (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to " \t \f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "\r\na\t\f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a a a a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a b b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A B b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a b c c b a a b c c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a\tb\nc\fd\re f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toString() when removed (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to "foo" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "aa AA aa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("") when set to null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains(" ") when set to null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("A") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a.") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a)") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a'") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\"") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a$") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a~") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a?") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\\") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\t") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\ta") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\n") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\na") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\f") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\fa") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\r") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("\ra") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a ") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains(" a") when set to "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "aa AA" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("AA") when set to "aa AA" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aA") when set to "aa AA" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains(null) when set to "null undefined" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "null undefined" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add(" ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("\ta") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\t") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("\na") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\n") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("\fa") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\f") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("\ra") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a\r") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add(" a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", " ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "aa ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("AA") with attribute value "aa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", true) with attribute value "aa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " \f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " \f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("b") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", true) with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add() with attribute value "a b c a " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add(null) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.add(undefined) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, true) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("", false) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove(" ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", false) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\ta") with attribute value "\ta" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", false) with attribute value "\ta" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\t") with attribute value "a\t" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", false) with attribute value "a\t" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\na") with attribute value "\na" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", false) with attribute value "\na" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\n") with attribute value "a\n" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", false) with attribute value "a\n" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\fa") with attribute value "\fa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", false) with attribute value "\fa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\f") with attribute value "a\f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", false) with attribute value "a\f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("\ra") with attribute value "\ra" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", false) with attribute value "\ra" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\r") with attribute value "a\r" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", false) with attribute value "a\r" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove(" a") with attribute value " a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", false) with attribute value " a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a ") with attribute value "a " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", false) with attribute value "a " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("aa ") with attribute value "aa " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ", false) with attribute value "aa " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("d") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("A") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("A", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value " a a a " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value " a a a " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("aa") with attribute value "aa aa bb" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa", false) with attribute value "aa aa bb" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("bbb") with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("bbb", false) with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b b b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b b b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c c c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c c c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("AA") with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", false) with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "c") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove(null) with attribute value "null" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, false) with attribute value "null" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.remove(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, false) with attribute value "undefined" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " \f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("A") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a a a " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " A A A " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c b b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a b c " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "null" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("", "a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("", " ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\ta", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\t", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\na", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\n", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\fa", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\f", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("\ra", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\r", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace(" a", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a ", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", " ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ta") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\t") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\na") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\n") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\fa") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\f") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ra") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\r") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", " a") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a ") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("A", "b") with attribute value "a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "A") with attribute value "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "d") with attribute value "a a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value null (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " a \f" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "d") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b c" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "c b a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace(null, "b") with attribute value "a null" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", null) with attribute value "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace(undefined, "b") with attribute value "a undefined" (XHTML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", undefined) with attribute value "a b" (XHTML node)
PASS Assigning to classList (MathML node)
PASS .supports() must throw TypeError (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when removed (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to " \t \f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "\r\na\t\f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a a a a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a b b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A B b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a b c c b a a b c c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a\tb\nc\fd\re f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toString() when removed (MathML node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to "foo" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to null (MathML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "aa AA aa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to null (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("") when set to null (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains(" ") when set to null (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("A") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a.") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a)") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a'") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\"") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a$") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a~") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a?") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\\") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\t") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("\ta") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\n") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("\na") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\f") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("\fa") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a\r") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("\ra") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a ") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains(" a") when set to "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "aa AA" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("AA") when set to "aa AA" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("aA") when set to "aa AA" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains(null) when set to "null undefined" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "null undefined" (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add(" ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("\ta") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a\t") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("\na") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a\n") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("\fa") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a\f") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("\ra") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a\r") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add(" a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a", " ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "aa ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("AA") with attribute value "aa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", true) with attribute value "aa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " \f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " \f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("b") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", true) with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add() with attribute value "a b c a " (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.add(null) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.add(undefined) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, true) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("", false) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove(" ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", false) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("\ta") with attribute value "\ta" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", false) with attribute value "\ta" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\t") with attribute value "a\t" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", false) with attribute value "a\t" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("\na") with attribute value "\na" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", false) with attribute value "\na" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\n") with attribute value "a\n" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", false) with attribute value "a\n" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("\fa") with attribute value "\fa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", false) with attribute value "\fa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\f") with attribute value "a\f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", false) with attribute value "a\f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("\ra") with attribute value "\ra" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", false) with attribute value "\ra" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a\r") with attribute value "a\r" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", false) with attribute value "a\r" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove(" a") with attribute value " a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", false) with attribute value " a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a ") with attribute value "a " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", false) with attribute value "a " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("aa ") with attribute value "aa " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ", false) with attribute value "aa " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("d") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", false) with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("A") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("A", false) with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value " a a a " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value " a a a " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("aa") with attribute value "aa aa bb" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa", false) with attribute value "aa aa bb" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("bbb") with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("bbb", false) with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b b b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b b b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c c c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c c c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("AA") with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", false) with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "c") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove(null) with attribute value "null" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, false) with attribute value "null" (MathML node)
PASS classList.remove(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, false) with attribute value "undefined" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " \f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("A") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a a a " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " A A A " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c b b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a b c " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "null" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (MathML node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("", "a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("", " ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("\ta", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\t", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("\na", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\n", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("\fa", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\f", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("\ra", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a\r", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace(" a", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a ", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", " ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ta") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\t") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\na") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\n") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\fa") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\f") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ra") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\r") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", " a") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a ") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("A", "b") with attribute value "a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "A") with attribute value "a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "d") with attribute value "a a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value null (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " " (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " a \f" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "d") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b c" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "c b a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace(null, "b") with attribute value "a null" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", null) with attribute value "a b" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace(undefined, "b") with attribute value "a undefined" (MathML node)
PASS classList.replace("a", undefined) with attribute value "a b" (MathML node)
PASS Assigning to classList (XML node with null namespace)
PASS .supports() must throw TypeError (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when removed (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to " \t \f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "\r\na\t\f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a a a a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a b b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A B b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a b c c b a a b c c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.length when set to "a\tb\nc\fd\re f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toString() when removed (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toString() when set to "foo" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toString() when set to " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.item() when set to null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.item() when set to "aa AA aa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.item() when set to " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.item() when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("") when set to null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains(" ") when set to null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("A") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a.") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a)") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a'") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a\"") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a$") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a~") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a?") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a\\") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a\t") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("\ta") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a\n") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("\na") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a\f") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("\fa") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a\r") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("\ra") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a ") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains(" a") when set to "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "aa AA" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("AA") when set to "aa AA" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("aA") when set to "aa AA" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains(null) when set to "null undefined" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "null undefined" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a", "") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add(" ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("\ta") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a\t") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("\na") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a\n") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("\fa") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a\f") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("\ra") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a\r") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add(" a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a", " ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a", "aa ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("AA") with attribute value "aa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", true) with attribute value "aa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " \f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " \f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("b") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b", true) with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add() with attribute value "a b c a " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add(null) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(null, true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.add(undefined) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, true) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("", false) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove(" ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", false) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("\ta") with attribute value "\ta" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", false) with attribute value "\ta" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a\t") with attribute value "a\t" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", false) with attribute value "a\t" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("\na") with attribute value "\na" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", false) with attribute value "\na" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a\n") with attribute value "a\n" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", false) with attribute value "a\n" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("\fa") with attribute value "\fa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", false) with attribute value "\fa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a\f") with attribute value "a\f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", false) with attribute value "a\f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("\ra") with attribute value "\ra" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", false) with attribute value "\ra" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a\r") with attribute value "a\r" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", false) with attribute value "a\r" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove(" a") with attribute value " a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", false) with attribute value " a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a ") with attribute value "a " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", false) with attribute value "a " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("aa ") with attribute value "aa " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ", false) with attribute value "aa " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("d") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("d", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("A") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("A", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value " a a a " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value " a a a " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("aa") with attribute value "aa aa bb" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("aa", false) with attribute value "aa aa bb" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("bbb") with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("bbb", false) with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b b b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b b b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c c c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c c c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("AA") with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", false) with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a", "c") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove(null) with attribute value "null" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(null, false) with attribute value "null" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.remove(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, false) with attribute value "undefined" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " \f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("A") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a a a " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " A A A " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c b b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a b c " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "null" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("", "a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("", " ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("\ta", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a\t", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("\na", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a\n", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("\fa", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a\f", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("\ra", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a\r", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace(" a", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a ", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", " ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ta") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\t") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\na") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\n") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\fa") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\f") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ra") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\r") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", " a") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a ") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("A", "b") with attribute value "a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "A") with attribute value "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("c", "d") with attribute value "a a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value null (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " a \f" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "d") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b c" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "c b a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace(null, "b") with attribute value "a null" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", null) with attribute value "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace(undefined, "b") with attribute value "a undefined" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS classList.replace("a", undefined) with attribute value "a b" (XML node with null namespace)
PASS Assigning to classList (foo node)
PASS .supports() must throw TypeError (foo node)
PASS classList.length when removed (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to " \t \f" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "\r\na\t\f" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a a a a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a a b b" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a A B b" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a b c c b a a b c c" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.length when set to "a\tb\nc\fd\re f" (foo node)
PASS classList.toString() when removed (foo node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to "foo" (foo node)
PASS classList.toString() when set to " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.item() when set to null (foo node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "aa AA aa" (foo node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.item() when set to " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.item() when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to null (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("") when set to null (foo node)
PASS classList.contains(" ") when set to null (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("A") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a.") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a)") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a'") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a\"") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a$") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a~") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a?") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a\\") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a\t") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("\ta") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a\n") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("\na") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a\f") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("\fa") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a\r") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("\ra") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a ") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains(" a") when set to "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "aa AA" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("AA") when set to "aa AA" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("aA") when set to "aa AA" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("aa") when set to "a a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains(null) when set to "null undefined" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains(undefined) when set to "null undefined" (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("a") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.contains("b") when set to "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a", "") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add(" ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("\ta") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a\t") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("\na") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a\n") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("\fa") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a\f") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("\ra") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a\r") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add(" a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a", " ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a", "aa ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("AA") with attribute value "aa" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", true) with attribute value "aa" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "a a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "a a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " \f" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " \f" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("b") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", true) with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("d") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", true) with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a") with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", true) with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.add("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", true) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.add() with attribute value "a b c a " (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add("a", "b") with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.add(null) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.add(undefined) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, true) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("", false) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.remove(" ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(" ", false) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("\ta") with attribute value "\ta" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ta", false) with attribute value "\ta" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a\t") with attribute value "a\t" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\t", false) with attribute value "a\t" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("\na") with attribute value "\na" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\na", false) with attribute value "\na" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a\n") with attribute value "a\n" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\n", false) with attribute value "a\n" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("\fa") with attribute value "\fa" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\fa", false) with attribute value "\fa" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a\f") with attribute value "a\f" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\f", false) with attribute value "a\f" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("\ra") with attribute value "\ra" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("\ra", false) with attribute value "\ra" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a\r") with attribute value "a\r" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a\r", false) with attribute value "a\r" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove(" a") with attribute value " a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(" a", false) with attribute value " a" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a ") with attribute value "a " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a ", false) with attribute value "a " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("aa ") with attribute value "aa " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ", false) with attribute value "aa " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("d") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("d", false) with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("A") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("A", false) with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value " a a a " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value " a a a " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("aa") with attribute value "aa aa bb" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa", false) with attribute value "aa aa bb" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a a b a a c a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("bbb") with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("bbb", false) with attribute value "aaa bbb ccc" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("b") with attribute value "a b b b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b", false) with attribute value "a b b b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("c") with attribute value "a b c c c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c", false) with attribute value "a b c c c" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "a b a c a d a" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("AA") with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("AA", false) with attribute value "AA BB aa CC AA dd aa" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\ra\na\ta\f" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a", false) with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "c") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "a") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("d", "d") with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.remove("a", "b") with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove() with attribute value "a a" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove(null) with attribute value "null" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(null, false) with attribute value "null" (foo node)
PASS classList.remove(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined, false) with attribute value "undefined" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("aa ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " \f" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("A") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("d") with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a a a " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " A A A " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a b c b b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value " a b c " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("b") with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("a") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle("c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "null" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(null) with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "undefined" (foo node)
PASS classList.toggle(undefined) with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("", "a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("", " ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("\ta", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a\t", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("\na", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a\n", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("\fa", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a\f", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("\ra", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a\r", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace(" a", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a ", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace(" ", "") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", " ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ta") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\t") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\na") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\n") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\fa") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\f") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "\ra") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a\r") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", " a") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "a ") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("A", "b") with attribute value "a" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "A") with attribute value "a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("d", "e") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "a") with attribute value "a a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "d") with attribute value "a a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value null (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value "" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " " (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "b") with attribute value " a \f" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "d") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "a b c" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("c", "a") with attribute value "c b a" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "a b a" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value " a a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("b", "c") with attribute value "\t\n\f\r a\t\n\f\r b\t\n\f\r " (foo node)
PASS classList.replace(null, "b") with attribute value "a null" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", null) with attribute value "a b" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace(undefined, "b") with attribute value "a undefined" (foo node)
PASS classList.replace("a", undefined) with attribute value "a b" (foo node)