blob: b5010827fdf632f6924e7bd02961a070c3b30581 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Document.createProcessingInstruction in HTML documents
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "A" and data "?>".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "·A" and data "x".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "×A" and data "x".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "A×" and data "x".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "\\A" and data "x".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "\f" and data "x".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target 0 and data "x".
PASS Should throw an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR for target "0" and data "x".
PASS Should get a ProcessingInstruction for target "xml:fail" and data "x".
PASS Should get a ProcessingInstruction for target "A·A" and data "x".
PASS Should get a ProcessingInstruction for target "a0" and data "x".