blob: fab6f2f731a5ac4acf13fff10b3d47470e7a7d05 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>position:sticky elements should respect padding on their ancestor overflow element</title>
<link rel="help" href="" />
<meta name="assert" content="This test checks that position:sticky elements respect padding on their ancestor overflow element" />
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/sticky-util.js"></script>
test(() => {
const elements = setupStickyTest('top', 50); = '20px 0';
// Before sticking; the element isn't within the padding range.
elements.scroller.scrollTop = 150;
const nonStickyTopY = elements.container.offsetTop +
assert_equals(elements.sticky.offsetTop, nonStickyTopY);
}, 'A sticky element should not be affected by ancestor padding until it ' +
'reaches it');
test(() => {
const elements = setupStickyTest('top', 50); = '0'; = '20px 0';
elements.scroller.scrollTop = 200;
// This math cancels to sticky.offsetTop == (scroller.scrollTop + 50), but
// for clarity the calculations are left explicit.
const nonStickyTopY = elements.container.offsetTop +
const targetTopY = elements.scroller.scrollTop;
const stickyOffset = targetTopY - nonStickyTopY;
assert_equals(elements.sticky.offsetTop, nonStickyTopY + stickyOffset + 20);
}, 'A sticky element should be offset by ancestor padding even when stuck');
test(() => {
const elements = setupStickyTest('top', 50); = '0'; = '20px 0';
elements.scroller.scrollTop = 315;
const maxOffsetInContainer = elements.container.offsetTop +
elements.container.clientHeight - elements.sticky.clientHeight;
assert_equals(elements.sticky.offsetTop, maxOffsetInContainer);
}, 'Ancestor overflow padding does not allow a sticky element to escape its ' +