blob: fb95134019b5d0e4ed0c0d49e710d91433d1c36f [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Property display value 'grid' computes to 'grid'
PASS Property display value 'inline-grid' computes to 'inline-grid'
PASS Property display value 'inline' computes to 'inline'
PASS Property display value 'block' computes to 'block'
PASS Property display value 'list-item' computes to 'list-item'
PASS Property display value 'inline-block' computes to 'inline-block'
PASS Property display value 'table' computes to 'table'
PASS Property display value 'inline-table' computes to 'inline-table'
PASS Property display value 'table-row-group' computes to 'table-row-group'
PASS Property display value 'table-header-group' computes to 'table-header-group'
PASS Property display value 'table-footer-group' computes to 'table-footer-group'
PASS Property display value 'table-row' computes to 'table-row'
PASS Property display value 'table-column-group' computes to 'table-column-group'
PASS Property display value 'table-column' computes to 'table-column'
PASS Property display value 'table-cell' computes to 'table-cell'
PASS Property display value 'table-caption' computes to 'table-caption'
PASS Property display value 'none' computes to 'none'
PASS Property display value 'flex' computes to 'flex'
PASS Property display value 'inline-flex' computes to 'inline-flex'
PASS Property display value 'contents' computes to 'contents'
PASS position absolute affects computed display
PASS position fixed affects computed display
PASS float left affects computed display
PASS float right affects computed display