blob: 0587078109dc50aa56a5f94e548d98b2bb8f1567 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS getAnimations for non-animated content
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations
PASS getAnimations returns CSSAnimation objects for CSS Animations
PASS getAnimations for multi-property animations
PASS getAnimations for both CSS Animations and CSS Transitions at once
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations that have finished
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations that have finished but are forwards filling
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations with animation-name: none
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations with animation-name: missing
FAIL getAnimations for CSS Animations where the @keyframes rule is added later assert_equals: getAnimations includes Animation when @keyframes rule is added later expected 2 but got 1
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations with duplicated animation-name
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations with empty keyframes rule
PASS getAnimations for CSS animations in delay phase
PASS getAnimations for zero-duration CSS Animations
PASS getAnimations returns objects with the same identity
PASS getAnimations for CSS Animations that are canceled
FAIL getAnimations for CSS Animations follows animation-name order assert_equals: animation order after prepending to list expected "anim1" but got "anim2"
PASS { subtree: false } on a leaf element returns the element's animations and ignore pseudo-elements
FAIL { subtree: true } on a leaf element returns the element's animations and its pseudo-elements' animations assert_equals: getAnimations({ subtree: true }) should return animations on pseudo-elements expected 3 but got 1
PASS { subtree: false } on an element with a child returns only the element's animations
FAIL { subtree: true } on an element with a child returns animations from the element, its pseudo-elements, its child and its child pseudo-elements assert_equals: Should find all elements, pesudo-elements that parent has expected 6 but got 1
FAIL { subtree: true } on an element with many descendants returns animations from all the descendants assert_equals: Should find all descendants of the element expected 5 but got 1