blob: 96e286e271a0115002eb2c4f6e75be88066330fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Nicholas Shanks <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIother.m_ If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USm_
#ifndef FontDescription_h
#define FontDescription_h
#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "FontSelectionAlgorithm.h"
#include "FontTaggedSettings.h"
#include "TextFlags.h"
#include "WebKitFontFamilyNames.h"
#include <unicode/uscript.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/RefCountedArray.h>
#include <wtf/Variant.h>
#include "FontFamilySpecificationCoreText.h"
#include "FontFamilySpecificationNull.h"
namespace WebCore {
typedef FontFamilySpecificationCoreText FontFamilyPlatformSpecification;
typedef FontFamilySpecificationNull FontFamilyPlatformSpecification;
typedef Variant<AtomicString, FontFamilyPlatformSpecification> FontFamilySpecification;
using namespace WebKitFontFamilyNames;
class FontDescription {
WEBCORE_EXPORT FontDescription();
bool operator==(const FontDescription&) const;
bool operator!=(const FontDescription& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
float computedSize() const { return m_computedSize; }
unsigned computedPixelSize() const { return unsigned(m_computedSize + 0.5f); }
FontSelectionValue italic() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest.slope; }
FontSelectionValue stretch() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest.width; }
FontSelectionValue weight() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest.weight; }
FontSelectionRequest fontSelectionRequest() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest; }
FontRenderingMode renderingMode() const { return static_cast<FontRenderingMode>(m_renderingMode); }
TextRenderingMode textRenderingMode() const { return static_cast<TextRenderingMode>(m_textRendering); }
UScriptCode script() const { return static_cast<UScriptCode>(m_script); }
const AtomicString& locale() const { return m_locale; }
FontOrientation orientation() const { return static_cast<FontOrientation>(m_orientation); }
NonCJKGlyphOrientation nonCJKGlyphOrientation() const { return static_cast<NonCJKGlyphOrientation>(m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation); }
FontWidthVariant widthVariant() const { return static_cast<FontWidthVariant>(m_widthVariant); }
const FontFeatureSettings& featureSettings() const { return m_featureSettings; }
const FontVariationSettings& variationSettings() const { return m_variationSettings; }
FontSynthesis fontSynthesis() const { return static_cast<FontSynthesis>(m_fontSynthesis); }
FontVariantLigatures variantCommonLigatures() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantCommonLigatures); }
FontVariantLigatures variantDiscretionaryLigatures() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures); }
FontVariantLigatures variantHistoricalLigatures() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantHistoricalLigatures); }
FontVariantLigatures variantContextualAlternates() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantContextualAlternates); }
FontVariantPosition variantPosition() const { return static_cast<FontVariantPosition>(m_variantPosition); }
FontVariantCaps variantCaps() const { return static_cast<FontVariantCaps>(m_variantCaps); }
FontVariantNumericFigure variantNumericFigure() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericFigure>(m_variantNumericFigure); }
FontVariantNumericSpacing variantNumericSpacing() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericSpacing>(m_variantNumericSpacing); }
FontVariantNumericFraction variantNumericFraction() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericFraction>(m_variantNumericFraction); }
FontVariantNumericOrdinal variantNumericOrdinal() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericOrdinal>(m_variantNumericOrdinal); }
FontVariantNumericSlashedZero variantNumericSlashedZero() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericSlashedZero>(m_variantNumericSlashedZero); }
FontVariantAlternates variantAlternates() const { return static_cast<FontVariantAlternates>(m_variantAlternates); }
FontVariantEastAsianVariant variantEastAsianVariant() const { return static_cast<FontVariantEastAsianVariant>(m_variantEastAsianVariant); }
FontVariantEastAsianWidth variantEastAsianWidth() const { return static_cast<FontVariantEastAsianWidth>(m_variantEastAsianWidth); }
FontVariantEastAsianRuby variantEastAsianRuby() const { return static_cast<FontVariantEastAsianRuby>(m_variantEastAsianRuby); }
FontVariantSettings variantSettings() const
return { variantCommonLigatures(),
variantEastAsianRuby() };
FontOpticalSizing opticalSizing() const { return static_cast<FontOpticalSizing>(m_opticalSizing); }
FontStyleAxis fontStyleAxis() const { return m_fontStyleAxis ? FontStyleAxis::ital : FontStyleAxis::slnt; }
AllowUserInstalledFonts shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts() const { return static_cast<AllowUserInstalledFonts>(m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts); }
void setComputedSize(float s) { m_computedSize = clampToFloat(s); }
void setItalic(FontSelectionValue italic) { m_fontSelectionRequest.slope = italic; }
void setStretch(FontSelectionValue stretch) { m_fontSelectionRequest.width = stretch; }
void setIsItalic(bool i) { setItalic(i ? italicValue() : normalItalicValue()); }
void setWeight(FontSelectionValue weight) { m_fontSelectionRequest.weight = weight; }
void setRenderingMode(FontRenderingMode mode) { m_renderingMode = static_cast<unsigned>(mode); }
void setTextRenderingMode(TextRenderingMode rendering) { m_textRendering = rendering; }
void setOrientation(FontOrientation orientation) { m_orientation = orientation; }
void setNonCJKGlyphOrientation(NonCJKGlyphOrientation orientation) { m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation = static_cast<unsigned>(orientation); }
void setWidthVariant(FontWidthVariant widthVariant) { m_widthVariant = widthVariant; } // Make sure new callers of this sync with FontPlatformData::isForTextCombine()!
void setLocale(const AtomicString&);
void setFeatureSettings(FontFeatureSettings&& settings) { m_featureSettings = WTFMove(settings); }
void setVariationSettings(FontVariationSettings&& settings) { m_variationSettings = WTFMove(settings); }
void setFontSynthesis(FontSynthesis fontSynthesis) { m_fontSynthesis = fontSynthesis; }
void setVariantCommonLigatures(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantCommonLigatures = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantDiscretionaryLigatures(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantHistoricalLigatures(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantHistoricalLigatures = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantContextualAlternates(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantContextualAlternates = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantPosition(FontVariantPosition variant) { m_variantPosition = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantCaps(FontVariantCaps variant) { m_variantCaps = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantNumericFigure(FontVariantNumericFigure variant) { m_variantNumericFigure = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantNumericSpacing(FontVariantNumericSpacing variant) { m_variantNumericSpacing = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantNumericFraction(FontVariantNumericFraction variant) { m_variantNumericFraction = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantNumericOrdinal(FontVariantNumericOrdinal variant) { m_variantNumericOrdinal = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantNumericSlashedZero(FontVariantNumericSlashedZero variant) { m_variantNumericSlashedZero = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantAlternates(FontVariantAlternates variant) { m_variantAlternates = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantEastAsianVariant(FontVariantEastAsianVariant variant) { m_variantEastAsianVariant = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantEastAsianWidth(FontVariantEastAsianWidth variant) { m_variantEastAsianWidth = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setVariantEastAsianRuby(FontVariantEastAsianRuby variant) { m_variantEastAsianRuby = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
void setOpticalSizing(FontOpticalSizing sizing) { m_opticalSizing = static_cast<unsigned>(sizing); }
void setFontStyleAxis(FontStyleAxis axis) { m_fontStyleAxis = axis == FontStyleAxis::ital; }
void setShouldAllowUserInstalledFonts(AllowUserInstalledFonts shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts) { m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts = static_cast<unsigned>(shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts); }
static void invalidateCaches();
// FIXME: Investigate moving these into their own object on the heap (to save memory).
FontFeatureSettings m_featureSettings;
FontVariationSettings m_variationSettings;
AtomicString m_locale;
FontSelectionRequest m_fontSelectionRequest;
float m_computedSize { 0 }; // Computed size adjusted for the minimum font size and the zoom factor.
unsigned m_orientation : 1; // FontOrientation - Whether the font is rendering on a horizontal line or a vertical line.
unsigned m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation : 1; // NonCJKGlyphOrientation - Only used by vertical text. Determines the default orientation for non-ideograph glyphs.
unsigned m_widthVariant : 2; // FontWidthVariant
unsigned m_renderingMode : 1; // Used to switch between CG and GDI text on Windows.
unsigned m_textRendering : 2; // TextRenderingMode
unsigned m_script : 7; // Used to help choose an appropriate font for generic font families.
unsigned m_fontSynthesis : 3; // FontSynthesis type
unsigned m_variantCommonLigatures : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
unsigned m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
unsigned m_variantHistoricalLigatures : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
unsigned m_variantContextualAlternates : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
unsigned m_variantPosition : 2; // FontVariantPosition
unsigned m_variantCaps : 3; // FontVariantCaps
unsigned m_variantNumericFigure : 2; // FontVariantNumericFigure
unsigned m_variantNumericSpacing : 2; // FontVariantNumericSpacing
unsigned m_variantNumericFraction : 2; // FontVariantNumericFraction
unsigned m_variantNumericOrdinal : 1; // FontVariantNumericOrdinal
unsigned m_variantNumericSlashedZero : 1; // FontVariantNumericSlashedZero
unsigned m_variantAlternates : 1; // FontVariantAlternates
unsigned m_variantEastAsianVariant : 3; // FontVariantEastAsianVariant
unsigned m_variantEastAsianWidth : 2; // FontVariantEastAsianWidth
unsigned m_variantEastAsianRuby : 1; // FontVariantEastAsianRuby
unsigned m_opticalSizing : 1; // FontOpticalSizing
unsigned m_fontStyleAxis : 1; // Whether "font-style: italic" or "font-style: oblique 20deg" was specified
unsigned m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts : 1; // AllowUserInstalledFonts: If this description is allowed to match a user-installed font
inline bool FontDescription::operator==(const FontDescription& other) const
return m_computedSize == other.m_computedSize
&& m_fontSelectionRequest == other.m_fontSelectionRequest
&& m_renderingMode == other.m_renderingMode
&& m_textRendering == other.m_textRendering
&& m_orientation == other.m_orientation
&& m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation == other.m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation
&& m_widthVariant == other.m_widthVariant
&& m_locale == other.m_locale
&& m_featureSettings == other.m_featureSettings
&& m_variationSettings == other.m_variationSettings
&& m_fontSynthesis == other.m_fontSynthesis
&& m_variantCommonLigatures == other.m_variantCommonLigatures
&& m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures == other.m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures
&& m_variantHistoricalLigatures == other.m_variantHistoricalLigatures
&& m_variantContextualAlternates == other.m_variantContextualAlternates
&& m_variantPosition == other.m_variantPosition
&& m_variantCaps == other.m_variantCaps
&& m_variantNumericFigure == other.m_variantNumericFigure
&& m_variantNumericSpacing == other.m_variantNumericSpacing
&& m_variantNumericFraction == other.m_variantNumericFraction
&& m_variantNumericOrdinal == other.m_variantNumericOrdinal
&& m_variantNumericSlashedZero == other.m_variantNumericSlashedZero
&& m_variantAlternates == other.m_variantAlternates
&& m_variantEastAsianVariant == other.m_variantEastAsianVariant
&& m_variantEastAsianWidth == other.m_variantEastAsianWidth
&& m_variantEastAsianRuby == other.m_variantEastAsianRuby
&& m_opticalSizing == other.m_opticalSizing
&& m_fontStyleAxis == other.m_fontStyleAxis
&& m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts == other.m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts;
// FIXME: Move to a file of its own.
class FontCascadeDescription : public FontDescription {
WEBCORE_EXPORT FontCascadeDescription();
bool operator==(const FontCascadeDescription&) const;
bool operator!=(const FontCascadeDescription& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
unsigned familyCount() const { return m_families.size(); }
const AtomicString& firstFamily() const { return familyAt(0); }
const AtomicString& familyAt(unsigned i) const { return m_families[i]; }
const RefCountedArray<AtomicString>& families() const { return m_families; }
static bool familyNamesAreEqual(const AtomicString&, const AtomicString&);
static unsigned familyNameHash(const AtomicString&);
static String foldedFamilyName(const AtomicString&);
unsigned effectiveFamilyCount() const;
FontFamilySpecification effectiveFamilyAt(unsigned) const;
float specifiedSize() const { return m_specifiedSize; }
bool isAbsoluteSize() const { return m_isAbsoluteSize; }
FontSelectionValue lighterWeight() const { return lighterWeight(weight()); }
FontSelectionValue bolderWeight() const { return bolderWeight(weight()); }
static FontSelectionValue lighterWeight(FontSelectionValue);
static FontSelectionValue bolderWeight(FontSelectionValue);
// only use fixed default size when there is only one font family, and that family is "monospace"
bool useFixedDefaultSize() const { return familyCount() == 1 && firstFamily() == monospaceFamily; }
Kerning kerning() const { return static_cast<Kerning>(m_kerning); }
unsigned keywordSize() const { return m_keywordSize; }
CSSValueID keywordSizeAsIdentifier() const
CSSValueID identifier = m_keywordSize ? static_cast<CSSValueID>(CSSValueXxSmall + m_keywordSize - 1) : CSSValueInvalid;
ASSERT(identifier == CSSValueInvalid || (identifier >= CSSValueXxSmall && identifier <= CSSValueWebkitXxxLarge));
return identifier;
FontSmoothingMode fontSmoothing() const { return static_cast<FontSmoothingMode>(m_fontSmoothing); }
bool isSpecifiedFont() const { return m_isSpecifiedFont; }
void setOneFamily(const AtomicString& family) { ASSERT(m_families.size() == 1); m_families[0] = family; }
void setFamilies(const Vector<AtomicString>& families) { m_families = RefCountedArray<AtomicString>(families); }
void setFamilies(const RefCountedArray<AtomicString>& families) { m_families = families; }
void setSpecifiedSize(float s) { m_specifiedSize = clampToFloat(s); }
void setIsAbsoluteSize(bool s) { m_isAbsoluteSize = s; }
void setKerning(Kerning kerning) { m_kerning = static_cast<unsigned>(kerning); }
void setKeywordSize(unsigned size)
ASSERT(size <= 8);
m_keywordSize = size;
ASSERT(m_keywordSize == size); // Make sure it fits in the bitfield.
void setKeywordSizeFromIdentifier(CSSValueID identifier)
ASSERT(!identifier || (identifier >= CSSValueXxSmall && identifier <= CSSValueWebkitXxxLarge));
static_assert(CSSValueWebkitXxxLarge - CSSValueXxSmall + 1 == 8, "Maximum keyword size should be 8.");
setKeywordSize(identifier ? identifier - CSSValueXxSmall + 1 : 0);
void setFontSmoothing(FontSmoothingMode smoothing) { m_fontSmoothing = smoothing; }
void setIsSpecifiedFont(bool isSpecifiedFont) { m_isSpecifiedFont = isSpecifiedFont; }
bool familiesEqualForTextAutoSizing(const FontCascadeDescription& other) const;
bool equalForTextAutoSizing(const FontCascadeDescription& other) const
return familiesEqualForTextAutoSizing(other)
&& m_specifiedSize == other.m_specifiedSize
&& variantSettings() == other.variantSettings()
&& m_isAbsoluteSize == other.m_isAbsoluteSize;
// Initial values for font properties.
static FontSelectionValue initialItalic() { return normalItalicValue(); }
static FontStyleAxis initialFontStyleAxis() { return FontStyleAxis::slnt; }
static FontSelectionValue initialWeight() { return normalWeightValue(); }
static FontSelectionValue initialStretch() { return normalStretchValue(); }
static FontSmallCaps initialSmallCaps() { return FontSmallCapsOff; }
static Kerning initialKerning() { return Kerning::Auto; }
static FontSmoothingMode initialFontSmoothing() { return AutoSmoothing; }
static TextRenderingMode initialTextRenderingMode() { return AutoTextRendering; }
static FontSynthesis initialFontSynthesis() { return FontSynthesisWeight | FontSynthesisStyle | FontSynthesisSmallCaps; }
static FontVariantPosition initialVariantPosition() { return FontVariantPosition::Normal; }
static FontVariantCaps initialVariantCaps() { return FontVariantCaps::Normal; }
static FontVariantAlternates initialVariantAlternates() { return FontVariantAlternates::Normal; }
static FontOpticalSizing initialOpticalSizing() { return FontOpticalSizing::Enabled; }
static const AtomicString& initialLocale() { return nullAtom(); }
RefCountedArray<AtomicString> m_families { 1 };
float m_specifiedSize { 0 }; // Specified CSS value. Independent of rendering issues such as integer
// rounding, minimum font sizes, and zooming.
unsigned m_isAbsoluteSize : 1; // Whether or not CSS specified an explicit size
// (logical sizes like "medium" don't count).
unsigned m_kerning : 2; // Kerning
unsigned m_keywordSize : 4; // We cache whether or not a font is currently represented by a CSS keyword (e.g., medium). If so,
// then we can accurately translate across different generic families to adjust for different preference settings
// (e.g., 13px monospace vs. 16px everything else). Sizes are 1-8 (like the HTML size values for <font>).
unsigned m_fontSmoothing : 2; // FontSmoothingMode
unsigned m_isSpecifiedFont : 1; // True if a web page specifies a non-generic font family as the first font family.
inline bool FontCascadeDescription::operator==(const FontCascadeDescription& other) const
return FontDescription::operator==(other)
&& m_families == other.m_families
&& m_specifiedSize == other.m_specifiedSize
&& m_isAbsoluteSize == other.m_isAbsoluteSize
&& m_kerning == other.m_kerning
&& m_keywordSize == other.m_keywordSize
&& m_fontSmoothing == other.m_fontSmoothing
&& m_isSpecifiedFont == other.m_isSpecifiedFont;