blob: 3cade1a5bd3caccaab96e3f2e72131083eeac204 [file] [log] [blame]
Testing the CompactMediaControls layout.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
With controls at their default size only the play/pause button is showing with a center style.
PASS mediaControls.children is [mediaControls.playPauseButton]
PASS is Button.Styles.Center
With controls just under the minimum size to show prominent controls only the play/pause button is showing with a small-center style.
PASS mediaControls.children is [mediaControls.playPauseButton]
PASS is Button.Styles.SmallCenter
With controls just under the minimum size to show any controls there are no children.
PASS mediaControls.children.length is 0
With controls above the minimum size and the error placard set only the invalid placard is shown.
PASS mediaControls.children is [mediaControls.invalidPlacard]
PASS mediaControls.invalidPlacard.width is mediaControls.width
PASS mediaControls.invalidPlacard.height is mediaControls.height
PASS successfullyParsed is true