blob: ea078558c80ed7583a182c3433663709c64fa976 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2015-2016 Apple Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "Region.h"
#include "RenderBlockFlow.h"
#include "RenderWidget.h"
#include "SelectionRangeData.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
namespace WebCore {
class ImageQualityController;
class RenderLayerCompositor;
class RenderLayoutState;
class RenderQuote;
class RenderView final : public RenderBlockFlow {
RenderView(Document&, RenderStyle&&);
virtual ~RenderView();
const char* renderName() const override { return "RenderView"; }
bool requiresLayer() const override { return true; }
bool isChildAllowed(const RenderObject&, const RenderStyle&) const override;
void layout() override;
void updateLogicalWidth() override;
LogicalExtentComputedValues computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit logicalTop) const override;
LayoutUnit availableLogicalHeight(AvailableLogicalHeightType) const override;
// The same as the FrameView's layoutHeight/layoutWidth but with null check guards.
int viewHeight() const;
int viewWidth() const;
int viewLogicalWidth() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? viewWidth() : viewHeight(); }
int viewLogicalHeight() const;
LayoutUnit clientLogicalWidthForFixedPosition() const;
LayoutUnit clientLogicalHeightForFixedPosition() const;
float zoomFactor() const;
FrameView& frameView() const { return m_frameView; }
bool needsRepaintHackAfterCompositingLayerUpdateForDebugOverlaysOnly() const { return m_needsRepaintHackAfterCompositingLayerUpdateForDebugOverlaysOnly; };
void setNeedsRepaintHackAfterCompositingLayerUpdateForDebugOverlaysOnly(bool value = true) { m_needsRepaintHackAfterCompositingLayerUpdateForDebugOverlaysOnly = value; }
bool needsEventRegionUpdateForNonCompositedFrame() const { return m_needsEventRegionUpdateForNonCompositedFrame; }
void setNeedsEventRegionUpdateForNonCompositedFrame(bool value = true) { m_needsEventRegionUpdateForNonCompositedFrame = value; }
std::optional<LayoutRect> computeVisibleRectInContainer(const LayoutRect&, const RenderLayerModelObject* container, VisibleRectContext) const override;
void repaintRootContents();
void repaintViewRectangle(const LayoutRect&) const;
void repaintViewAndCompositedLayers();
void paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) override;
void paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) override;
// Return the renderer whose background style is used to paint the root background.
RenderElement* rendererForRootBackground() const;
SelectionRangeData& selection() { return m_selection; }
bool printing() const;
void absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const override;
void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&, bool* wasFixed) const override;
LayoutRect viewRect() const;
void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&) override;
void setPageLogicalSize(LayoutSize);
LayoutUnit pageOrViewLogicalHeight() const;
// This method is used to assign a page number only when pagination modes have
// a block progression. This happens with vertical-rl books for example, but it
// doesn't happen for normal horizontal-tb books. This is a very specialized
// function and should not be mistaken for a general page number API.
unsigned pageNumberForBlockProgressionOffset(int offset) const;
unsigned pageCount() const;
// FIXME: These functions are deprecated. No code should be added that uses these.
int bestTruncatedAt() const { return m_legacyPrinting.m_bestTruncatedAt; }
void setBestTruncatedAt(int y, RenderBoxModelObject* forRenderer, bool forcedBreak = false);
int truncatedAt() const { return m_legacyPrinting.m_truncatedAt; }
void setTruncatedAt(int y)
m_legacyPrinting.m_truncatedAt = y;
m_legacyPrinting.m_bestTruncatedAt = 0;
m_legacyPrinting.m_truncatorWidth = 0;
m_legacyPrinting.m_forcedPageBreak = false;
const IntRect& printRect() const { return m_legacyPrinting.m_printRect; }
void setPrintRect(const IntRect& r) { m_legacyPrinting.m_printRect = r; }
// End deprecated functions.
// Notification that this view moved into or out of a native window.
void setIsInWindow(bool);
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderLayerCompositor& compositor();
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool usesCompositing() const;
bool usesFirstLineRules() const { return m_usesFirstLineRules; }
bool usesFirstLetterRules() const { return m_usesFirstLetterRules; }
void setUsesFirstLineRules(bool value) { m_usesFirstLineRules = value; }
void setUsesFirstLetterRules(bool value) { m_usesFirstLetterRules = value; }
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect unscaledDocumentRect() const;
LayoutRect unextendedBackgroundRect() const;
LayoutRect backgroundRect() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect documentRect() const;
// Renderer that paints the root background has background-images which all have background-attachment: fixed.
bool rootBackgroundIsEntirelyFixed() const;
IntSize viewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits() const;
bool hasQuotesNeedingUpdate() const { return m_hasQuotesNeedingUpdate; }
void setHasQuotesNeedingUpdate(bool b) { m_hasQuotesNeedingUpdate = b; }
// FIXME: This is a work around because the current implementation of counters
// requires walking the entire tree repeatedly and most pages don't actually use either
// feature so we shouldn't take the performance hit when not needed. Long term we should
// rewrite the counter code.
void addRenderCounter() { ++m_renderCounterCount; }
void removeRenderCounter() { ASSERT(m_renderCounterCount > 0); --m_renderCounterCount; }
bool hasRenderCounters() const { return m_renderCounterCount; }
void incrementRendersWithOutline() { ++m_renderersWithOutlineCount; }
void decrementRendersWithOutline() { ASSERT(m_renderersWithOutlineCount > 0); --m_renderersWithOutlineCount; }
bool hasRenderersWithOutline() const { return m_renderersWithOutlineCount; }
ImageQualityController& imageQualityController();
void setHasSoftwareFilters(bool hasSoftwareFilters) { m_hasSoftwareFilters = hasSoftwareFilters; }
bool hasSoftwareFilters() const { return m_hasSoftwareFilters; }
uint64_t rendererCount() const { return m_rendererCount; }
void didCreateRenderer() { ++m_rendererCount; }
void didDestroyRenderer() { --m_rendererCount; }
void updateVisibleViewportRect(const IntRect&);
void registerForVisibleInViewportCallback(RenderElement&);
void unregisterForVisibleInViewportCallback(RenderElement&);
void resumePausedImageAnimationsIfNeeded(const IntRect& visibleRect);
void addRendererWithPausedImageAnimations(RenderElement&, CachedImage&);
void removeRendererWithPausedImageAnimations(RenderElement&);
void removeRendererWithPausedImageAnimations(RenderElement&, CachedImage&);
class RepaintRegionAccumulator {
WeakPtr<RenderView> m_rootView;
bool m_wasAccumulatingRepaintRegion { false };
void scheduleLazyRepaint(RenderBox&);
void unscheduleLazyRepaint(RenderBox&);
void layerChildrenChangedDuringStyleChange(RenderLayer&);
RenderLayer* takeStyleChangeLayerTreeMutationRoot();
void protectRenderWidgetUntilLayoutIsDone(RenderWidget& widget) { m_protectedRenderWidgets.append(&widget); }
void releaseProtectedRenderWidgets() { m_protectedRenderWidgets.clear(); }
void registerBoxWithScrollSnapPositions(const RenderBox&);
void unregisterBoxWithScrollSnapPositions(const RenderBox&);
const HashSet<const RenderBox*>& boxesWithScrollSnapPositions() { return m_boxesWithScrollSnapPositions; }
void mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags, bool* wasFixed) const override;
const RenderObject* pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap&) const override;
void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags, TransformState&) const override;
bool requiresColumns(int desiredColumnCount) const override;
void computeColumnCountAndWidth() override;
bool shouldRepaint(const LayoutRect&) const;
void flushAccumulatedRepaintRegion() const;
void layoutContent(const RenderLayoutState&);
bool isScrollableOrRubberbandableBox() const override;
Node* nodeForHitTest() const override;
FrameView& m_frameView;
// Include this RenderView.
uint64_t m_rendererCount { 1 };
mutable std::unique_ptr<Region> m_accumulatedRepaintRegion;
SelectionRangeData m_selection;
WeakPtr<RenderLayer> m_styleChangeLayerMutationRoot;
// FIXME: Only used by embedded WebViews inside AppKit NSViews. Find a way to remove.
struct LegacyPrinting {
int m_bestTruncatedAt { 0 };
int m_truncatedAt { 0 };
int m_truncatorWidth { 0 };
IntRect m_printRect;
bool m_forcedPageBreak { false };
LegacyPrinting m_legacyPrinting;
// End deprecated members.
bool shouldUsePrintingLayout() const;
void lazyRepaintTimerFired();
Timer m_lazyRepaintTimer;
HashSet<RenderBox*> m_renderersNeedingLazyRepaint;
std::unique_ptr<ImageQualityController> m_imageQualityController;
std::optional<LayoutSize> m_pageLogicalSize;
bool m_pageLogicalHeightChanged { false };
std::unique_ptr<RenderLayerCompositor> m_compositor;
bool m_hasQuotesNeedingUpdate { false };
unsigned m_renderCounterCount { 0 };
unsigned m_renderersWithOutlineCount { 0 };
bool m_hasSoftwareFilters { false };
bool m_usesFirstLineRules { false };
bool m_usesFirstLetterRules { false };
bool m_needsRepaintHackAfterCompositingLayerUpdateForDebugOverlaysOnly { false };
bool m_needsEventRegionUpdateForNonCompositedFrame { false };
HashMap<RenderElement*, Vector<CachedImage*>> m_renderersWithPausedImageAnimation;
HashSet<RenderElement*> m_visibleInViewportRenderers;
Vector<RefPtr<RenderWidget>> m_protectedRenderWidgets;
HashSet<const RenderBox*> m_boxesWithScrollSnapPositions;
} // namespace WebCore