blob: 773233c14fc21b4e282c1b19f254bf19fb2521b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the select element renderer in WebCore.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderMenuList.h"
#include "AXObjectCache.h"
#include "AccessibilityMenuList.h"
#include "CSSFontSelector.h"
#include "Chrome.h"
#include "ColorBlending.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "HTMLOptGroupElement.h"
#include "HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "NodeRenderStyle.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "PopupMenu.h"
#include "RenderScrollbar.h"
#include "RenderText.h"
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "RenderTreeBuilder.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "StyleResolver.h"
#include "TextRun.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <wtf/IsoMallocInlines.h>
#include "LocalizedStrings.h"
#include "RenderThemeIOS.h"
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
static size_t selectedOptionCount(const RenderMenuList& renderMenuList)
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = renderMenuList.selectElement().listItems();
size_t numberOfItems = listItems.size();
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfItems; ++i) {
if (is<HTMLOptionElement>(*listItems[i]) && downcast<HTMLOptionElement>(*listItems[i]).selected())
return count;
RenderMenuList::RenderMenuList(HTMLSelectElement& element, RenderStyle&& style)
: RenderFlexibleBox(element, WTFMove(style))
, m_needsOptionsWidthUpdate(true)
, m_optionsWidth(0)
, m_popupIsVisible(false)
// Do not add any code here. Add it to willBeDestroyed() instead.
void RenderMenuList::willBeDestroyed()
if (m_popup)
m_popup = nullptr;
void RenderMenuList::setInnerRenderer(RenderBlock& innerRenderer)
m_innerBlock = makeWeakPtr(innerRenderer);
void RenderMenuList::adjustInnerStyle()
auto& innerStyle = m_innerBlock->mutableStyle();
// min-width: 0; is needed for correct shrinking.
innerStyle.setMinWidth(Length(0, LengthType::Fixed));
// Use margin:auto instead of align-items:center to get safe centering, i.e.
// when the content overflows, treat it the same as align-items: flex-start.
// But we only do that for the cases where html.css would otherwise use center.
if (style().alignItems().position() == ItemPosition::Center) {
innerStyle.setPaddingBox(theme().popupInternalPaddingBox(style(), document().settings()));
if (document().page()->chrome().selectItemWritingDirectionIsNatural()) {
// Items in the popup will not respect the CSS text-align and direction properties,
// so we must adjust our own style to match.
TextDirection direction = (m_buttonText && m_buttonText->text().defaultWritingDirection() == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) ? TextDirection::RTL : TextDirection::LTR;
} else if (document().page()->chrome().selectItemAlignmentFollowsMenuWritingDirection()) {
innerStyle.setTextAlign(style().direction() == TextDirection::LTR ? TextAlignMode::Left : TextAlignMode::Right);
TextDirection direction;
EUnicodeBidi unicodeBidi;
if (multiple() && selectedOptionCount(*this) != 1) {
direction = (m_buttonText && m_buttonText->text().defaultWritingDirection() == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) ? TextDirection::RTL : TextDirection::LTR;
unicodeBidi = UBNormal;
} else if (m_optionStyle) {
direction = m_optionStyle->direction();
unicodeBidi = m_optionStyle->unicodeBidi();
} else {
direction = style().direction();
unicodeBidi = style().unicodeBidi();
} else if (m_optionStyle && document().page()->chrome().selectItemAlignmentFollowsMenuWritingDirection()) {
if ((m_optionStyle->direction() != innerStyle.direction() || m_optionStyle->unicodeBidi() != innerStyle.unicodeBidi()))
innerStyle.setTextAlign(style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? TextAlignMode::Left : TextAlignMode::Right);
HTMLSelectElement& RenderMenuList::selectElement() const
return downcast<HTMLSelectElement>(nodeForNonAnonymous());
void RenderMenuList::didAttachChild(RenderObject& child, RenderObject*)
if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache())
cache->childrenChanged(this, &child);
void RenderMenuList::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
if (m_innerBlock) // RenderBlock handled updating the anonymous block's style.
bool fontChanged = !oldStyle || oldStyle->fontCascade() != style().fontCascade();
if (fontChanged) {
m_needsOptionsWidthUpdate = false;
void RenderMenuList::updateOptionsWidth()
float maxOptionWidth = 0;
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
int size = listItems.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
HTMLElement* element = listItems[i];
if (!is<HTMLOptionElement>(*element))
String text = downcast<HTMLOptionElement>(*element).textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel();
text = applyTextTransform(style(), text, ' ');
if (theme().popupOptionSupportsTextIndent()) {
// Add in the option's text indent. We can't calculate percentage values for now.
float optionWidth = 0;
if (auto* optionStyle = element->computedStyle())
optionWidth += minimumValueForLength(optionStyle->textIndent(), 0);
if (!text.isEmpty()) {
const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(text, style());
optionWidth += font.width(run);
maxOptionWidth = std::max(maxOptionWidth, optionWidth);
} else if (!text.isEmpty()) {
const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(text, style());
maxOptionWidth = std::max(maxOptionWidth, font.width(run));
int width = static_cast<int>(ceilf(maxOptionWidth));
if (m_optionsWidth == width)
m_optionsWidth = width;
if (parent())
void RenderMenuList::updateFromElement()
if (m_needsOptionsWidthUpdate) {
m_needsOptionsWidthUpdate = false;
if (m_popupIsVisible)
void RenderMenuList::setTextFromOption(int optionIndex)
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
int size = listItems.size();
int i = selectElement().optionToListIndex(optionIndex);
String text = emptyString();
if (i >= 0 && i < size) {
Element* element = listItems[i];
if (is<HTMLOptionElement>(*element)) {
text = downcast<HTMLOptionElement>(*element).textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel();
auto* style = element->computedStyle();
m_optionStyle = style ? RenderStyle::clonePtr(*style) : nullptr;
if (multiple()) {
size_t count = selectedOptionCount(*this);
if (count != 1)
text = htmlSelectMultipleItems(count);
void RenderMenuList::setText(const String& s)
String textToUse = s.isEmpty() ? "\n"_str : s;
if (m_buttonText) {
m_buttonText->setText(textToUse.impl(), true);
} else {
auto newButtonText = createRenderer<RenderText>(document(), textToUse);
m_buttonText = makeWeakPtr(*newButtonText);
// FIXME: This mutation should go through the normal RenderTreeBuilder path.
if (RenderTreeBuilder::current())
RenderTreeBuilder::current()->attach(*this, WTFMove(newButtonText));
RenderTreeBuilder(*document().renderView()).attach(*this, WTFMove(newButtonText));
String RenderMenuList::text() const
return m_buttonText ? m_buttonText->text() : String();
LayoutRect RenderMenuList::controlClipRect(const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset) const
// Clip to the intersection of the content box and the content box for the inner box
// This will leave room for the arrows which sit in the inner box padding,
// and if the inner box ever spills out of the outer box, that will get clipped too.
LayoutRect outerBox(additionalOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(),
additionalOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop(),
LayoutRect innerBox(additionalOffset.x() + m_innerBlock->x() + m_innerBlock->paddingLeft(),
additionalOffset.y() + m_innerBlock->y() + m_innerBlock->paddingTop(),
return intersection(outerBox, innerBox);
void RenderMenuList::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const
maxLogicalWidth = shouldApplySizeContainment(*this) ? theme().minimumMenuListSize(style()) : std::max(m_optionsWidth, theme().minimumMenuListSize(style()));
maxLogicalWidth += m_innerBlock->paddingLeft() + m_innerBlock->paddingRight();
if (!style().width().isPercentOrCalculated())
minLogicalWidth = maxLogicalWidth;
void RenderMenuList::computePreferredLogicalWidths()
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
if (style().width().isFixed() && style().width().value() > 0)
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(style().width());
computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth);
RenderBox::computePreferredLogicalWidths(style().minWidth(), style().maxWidth(), horizontalBorderAndPaddingExtent());
void RenderMenuList::showPopup()
void RenderMenuList::showPopup()
if (m_popupIsVisible)
if (!m_popup)
m_popup = document().page()->chrome().createPopupMenu(*this);
m_popupIsVisible = true;
// Compute the top left taking transforms into account, but use
// the actual width of the element to size the popup.
FloatPoint absTopLeft = localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), UseTransforms);
IntRect absBounds = absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
m_popup->show(absBounds, &view().frameView(), selectElement().optionToListIndex(selectElement().selectedIndex()));
void RenderMenuList::hidePopup()
if (m_popup)
void RenderMenuList::valueChanged(unsigned listIndex, bool fireOnChange)
// Check to ensure a page navigation has not occurred while
// the popup was up.
if (&document() != document().frame()->document())
selectElement().optionSelectedByUser(selectElement().listToOptionIndex(listIndex), fireOnChange);
void RenderMenuList::listBoxSelectItem(int listIndex, bool allowMultiplySelections, bool shift, bool fireOnChangeNow)
selectElement().listBoxSelectItem(listIndex, allowMultiplySelections, shift, fireOnChangeNow);
bool RenderMenuList::multiple() const
return selectElement().multiple();
void RenderMenuList::didSetSelectedIndex(int listIndex)
void RenderMenuList::didUpdateActiveOption(int optionIndex)
if (!AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled())
auto* axCache = document().existingAXObjectCache();
if (!axCache)
if (m_lastActiveIndex == optionIndex)
m_lastActiveIndex = optionIndex;
int listIndex = selectElement().optionToListIndex(optionIndex);
if (listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= static_cast<int>(selectElement().listItems().size()))
auto* axObject = axCache->get(this);
if (is<AccessibilityMenuList>(axObject))
String RenderMenuList::itemText(unsigned listIndex) const
auto& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
return String();
String itemString;
auto& element = *listItems[listIndex];
if (is<HTMLOptGroupElement>(element))
itemString = downcast<HTMLOptGroupElement>(element).groupLabelText();
else if (is<HTMLOptionElement>(element))
itemString = downcast<HTMLOptionElement>(element).textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel();
return applyTextTransform(style(), itemString, ' ');
String RenderMenuList::itemLabel(unsigned) const
return String();
String RenderMenuList::itemIcon(unsigned) const
return String();
String RenderMenuList::itemAccessibilityText(unsigned listIndex) const
// Allow the accessible name be changed if necessary.
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
return String();
return listItems[listIndex]->attributeWithoutSynchronization(aria_labelAttr);
String RenderMenuList::itemToolTip(unsigned listIndex) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
return String();
return listItems[listIndex]->title();
bool RenderMenuList::itemIsEnabled(unsigned listIndex) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
return false;
HTMLElement* element = listItems[listIndex];
if (!is<HTMLOptionElement>(*element))
return false;
bool groupEnabled = true;
if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
if (is<HTMLOptGroupElement>(*parentElement))
groupEnabled = !parentElement->isDisabledFormControl();
if (!groupEnabled)
return false;
return !element->isDisabledFormControl();
PopupMenuStyle RenderMenuList::itemStyle(unsigned listIndex) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size()) {
// If we are making an out of bounds access, then we want to use the style
// of a different option element (index 0). However, if there isn't an option element
// before at index 0, we fall back to the menu's style.
if (!listIndex)
return menuStyle();
// Try to retrieve the style of an option element we know exists (index 0).
listIndex = 0;
HTMLElement* element = listItems[listIndex];
Color itemBackgroundColor;
bool itemHasCustomBackgroundColor;
getItemBackgroundColor(listIndex, itemBackgroundColor, itemHasCustomBackgroundColor);
auto& style = *element->computedStyle();
return PopupMenuStyle(style.visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyColor), itemBackgroundColor, style.fontCascade(), style.visibility() == Visibility::Visible,
style.display() == DisplayType::None, true, style.textIndent(), style.direction(), isOverride(style.unicodeBidi()),
itemHasCustomBackgroundColor ? PopupMenuStyle::CustomBackgroundColor : PopupMenuStyle::DefaultBackgroundColor);
void RenderMenuList::getItemBackgroundColor(unsigned listIndex, Color& itemBackgroundColor, bool& itemHasCustomBackgroundColor) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size()) {
itemBackgroundColor = style().visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
itemHasCustomBackgroundColor = false;
HTMLElement* element = listItems[listIndex];
Color backgroundColor = element->computedStyle()->visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
itemHasCustomBackgroundColor = backgroundColor.isValid() && backgroundColor.isVisible();
// If the item has an opaque background color, return that.
if (backgroundColor.isOpaque()) {
itemBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
// Otherwise, the item's background is overlayed on top of the menu background.
backgroundColor = blendSourceOver(style().visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor), backgroundColor);
if (backgroundColor.isOpaque()) {
itemBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
// If the menu background is not opaque, then add an opaque white background behind.
itemBackgroundColor = blendSourceOver(Color::white, backgroundColor);
PopupMenuStyle RenderMenuList::menuStyle() const
const RenderStyle& styleToUse = m_innerBlock ? m_innerBlock->style() : style();
IntRect absBounds = absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms();
return PopupMenuStyle(styleToUse.visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyColor), styleToUse.visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor),
styleToUse.fontCascade(), styleToUse.visibility() == Visibility::Visible, styleToUse.display() == DisplayType::None,
style().hasAppearance() && style().appearance() == MenulistPart, styleToUse.textIndent(),
style().direction(), isOverride(style().unicodeBidi()), PopupMenuStyle::DefaultBackgroundColor,
PopupMenuStyle::SelectPopup, theme().popupMenuSize(styleToUse, absBounds));
HostWindow* RenderMenuList::hostWindow() const
return view().frameView().hostWindow();
Ref<Scrollbar> RenderMenuList::createScrollbar(ScrollableArea& scrollableArea, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize controlSize)
bool hasCustomScrollbarStyle = style().hasPseudoStyle(PseudoId::Scrollbar);
if (hasCustomScrollbarStyle)
return RenderScrollbar::createCustomScrollbar(scrollableArea, orientation, &selectElement());
return Scrollbar::createNativeScrollbar(scrollableArea, orientation, controlSize);
int RenderMenuList::clientInsetLeft() const
return 0;
int RenderMenuList::clientInsetRight() const
return 0;
const int endOfLinePadding = 2;
LayoutUnit RenderMenuList::clientPaddingLeft() const
if ((style().appearance() == MenulistPart || style().appearance() == MenulistButtonPart) && style().direction() == TextDirection::RTL) {
// For these appearance values, the theme applies padding to leave room for the
// drop-down button. But leaving room for the button inside the popup menu itself
// looks strange, so we return a small default padding to avoid having a large empty
// space appear on the side of the popup menu.
return endOfLinePadding;
// If the appearance isn't MenulistPart, then the select is styled (non-native), so
// we want to return the user specified padding.
return paddingLeft() + m_innerBlock->paddingLeft();
LayoutUnit RenderMenuList::clientPaddingRight() const
if ((style().appearance() == MenulistPart || style().appearance() == MenulistButtonPart) && style().direction() == TextDirection::LTR)
return endOfLinePadding;
return paddingRight() + m_innerBlock->paddingRight();
int RenderMenuList::listSize() const
return selectElement().listItems().size();
int RenderMenuList::selectedIndex() const
return selectElement().optionToListIndex(selectElement().selectedIndex());
void RenderMenuList::popupDidHide()
// PopupMenuMac::show in WebKitLegacy can call this callback even when popup had already been dismissed.
m_popupIsVisible = false;
bool RenderMenuList::itemIsSeparator(unsigned listIndex) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
return listIndex < listItems.size() && listItems[listIndex]->hasTagName(hrTag);
bool RenderMenuList::itemIsLabel(unsigned listIndex) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
return listIndex < listItems.size() && is<HTMLOptGroupElement>(*listItems[listIndex]);
bool RenderMenuList::itemIsSelected(unsigned listIndex) const
const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = selectElement().listItems();
if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
return false;
HTMLElement* element = listItems[listIndex];
return is<HTMLOptionElement>(*element) && downcast<HTMLOptionElement>(*element).selected();
void RenderMenuList::setTextFromItem(unsigned listIndex)
FontSelector* RenderMenuList::fontSelector() const
return &document().fontSelector();
void RenderMenuList::layout()
// Ideally, we should not be adjusting styles during layout. However, for a
// pill-shaped appearance, the horizontal border radius is dependent on the
// computed height of the box. This means that the appearance cannot be declared
// prior to layout, since CSS only allows the horizontal border radius to be
// dependent on the computed width of the box.
// Ignoring the style's border radius and forcing a pill-shaped appearance at
// paint time is not an option, since focus rings and tap highlights will not
// use the correct border radius. Consequently, we need to adjust the border
// radius here.
// Note that similar adjustments are made in RenderSliderThumb, RenderButton
// and RenderTextControlSingleLine.
RenderThemeIOS::adjustRoundBorderRadius(mutableStyle(), *this);