blob: 11e68a7a7b9f2c28f900d3c0e0b3eba7dec27217 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2007 David Smith (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "PODIntervalTree.h"
#include "RootInlineBox.h"
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
#include <wtf/WeakPtr.h>
namespace WebCore {
class RenderBlockFlow;
class RenderBox;
class FloatingObject {
// Note that Type uses bits so you can use FloatLeftRight as a mask to query for both left and right.
enum Type { FloatLeft = 1, FloatRight = 2, FloatLeftRight = 3 };
static std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject> create(RenderBox&);
std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject> copyToNewContainer(LayoutSize, bool shouldPaint = false, bool isDescendant = false) const;
std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject> cloneForNewParent() const;
explicit FloatingObject(RenderBox&);
FloatingObject(RenderBox&, Type, const LayoutRect&, const LayoutSize&, bool shouldPaint, bool isDescendant);
Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(m_type); }
RenderBox& renderer() const { return *m_renderer; }
bool isPlaced() const { return m_isPlaced; }
void setIsPlaced(bool placed = true) { m_isPlaced = placed; }
LayoutUnit x() const { ASSERT(isPlaced()); return m_frameRect.x(); }
LayoutUnit maxX() const { ASSERT(isPlaced()); return m_frameRect.maxX(); }
LayoutUnit y() const { ASSERT(isPlaced()); return m_frameRect.y(); }
LayoutUnit maxY() const { ASSERT(isPlaced()); return m_frameRect.maxY(); }
LayoutUnit width() const { return m_frameRect.width(); }
LayoutUnit height() const { return m_frameRect.height(); }
void setX(LayoutUnit x) { ASSERT(!isInPlacedTree()); m_frameRect.setX(x); }
void setY(LayoutUnit y) { ASSERT(!isInPlacedTree()); m_frameRect.setY(y); }
void setWidth(LayoutUnit width) { ASSERT(!isInPlacedTree()); m_frameRect.setWidth(width); }
void setHeight(LayoutUnit height) { ASSERT(!isInPlacedTree()); m_frameRect.setHeight(height); }
void setMarginOffset(LayoutSize offset) { ASSERT(!isInPlacedTree()); m_marginOffset = offset; }
const LayoutRect& frameRect() const { ASSERT(isPlaced()); return m_frameRect; }
void setFrameRect(const LayoutRect& frameRect) { ASSERT(!isInPlacedTree()); m_frameRect = frameRect; }
LayoutUnit paginationStrut() const { return m_paginationStrut; }
void setPaginationStrut(LayoutUnit strut) { m_paginationStrut = strut; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool isInPlacedTree() const { return m_isInPlacedTree; }
void setIsInPlacedTree(bool value) { m_isInPlacedTree = value; }
bool shouldPaint() const { return m_shouldPaint; }
void setShouldPaint(bool shouldPaint) { m_shouldPaint = shouldPaint; }
bool isDescendant() const { return m_isDescendant; }
void setIsDescendant(bool isDescendant) { m_isDescendant = isDescendant; }
// FIXME: Callers of these methods are dangerous and should be whitelisted explicitly or removed.
RootInlineBox* originatingLine() const { return m_originatingLine.get(); }
void clearOriginatingLine() { m_originatingLine = nullptr; }
void setOriginatingLine(RootInlineBox& line) { m_originatingLine = makeWeakPtr(line); }
LayoutSize locationOffsetOfBorderBox() const
return LayoutSize(m_frameRect.location().x() + m_marginOffset.width(), m_frameRect.location().y() + m_marginOffset.height());
LayoutSize marginOffset() const { ASSERT(isPlaced()); return m_marginOffset; }
LayoutSize translationOffsetToAncestor() const;
WeakPtr<RenderBox> m_renderer;
WeakPtr<RootInlineBox> m_originatingLine;
LayoutRect m_frameRect;
LayoutUnit m_paginationStrut;
LayoutSize m_marginOffset;
unsigned m_type : 2; // Type (left or right aligned)
unsigned m_shouldPaint : 1;
unsigned m_isDescendant : 1;
unsigned m_isPlaced : 1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
unsigned m_isInPlacedTree : 1;
struct FloatingObjectHashFunctions {
static unsigned hash(const std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>& key) { return PtrHash<RenderBox*>::hash(&key->renderer()); }
static bool equal(const std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>& a, const std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>& b) { return &a->renderer() == &b->renderer(); }
static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = true;
struct FloatingObjectHashTranslator {
static unsigned hash(const RenderBox& key) { return PtrHash<const RenderBox*>::hash(&key); }
static unsigned hash(const FloatingObject& key) { return PtrHash<RenderBox*>::hash(&key.renderer()); }
static bool equal(const std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>& a, const RenderBox& b) { return &a->renderer() == &b; }
static bool equal(const std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>& a, const FloatingObject& b) { return &a->renderer() == &b.renderer(); }
typedef ListHashSet<std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>, FloatingObjectHashFunctions> FloatingObjectSet;
typedef PODInterval<LayoutUnit, FloatingObject*> FloatingObjectInterval;
typedef PODIntervalTree<LayoutUnit, FloatingObject*> FloatingObjectTree;
// FIXME: This is really the same thing as FloatingObjectSet.
// Change clients to use that set directly, and replace the moveAllToFloatInfoMap function with a takeSet function.
typedef HashMap<RenderBox*, std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>> RendererToFloatInfoMap;
class FloatingObjects {
explicit FloatingObjects(const RenderBlockFlow&);
void clear();
void moveAllToFloatInfoMap(RendererToFloatInfoMap&);
FloatingObject* add(std::unique_ptr<FloatingObject>);
void remove(FloatingObject*);
void addPlacedObject(FloatingObject*);
void removePlacedObject(FloatingObject*);
void setHorizontalWritingMode(bool b = true) { m_horizontalWritingMode = b; }
bool hasLeftObjects() const { return m_leftObjectsCount > 0; }
bool hasRightObjects() const { return m_rightObjectsCount > 0; }
const FloatingObjectSet& set() const { return m_set; }
void clearLineBoxTreePointers();
LayoutUnit logicalLeftOffset(LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalHeight);
LayoutUnit logicalRightOffset(LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalHeight);
LayoutUnit logicalLeftOffsetForPositioningFloat(LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit* heightRemaining);
LayoutUnit logicalRightOffsetForPositioningFloat(LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit* heightRemaining);
LayoutUnit findNextFloatLogicalBottomBelow(LayoutUnit logicalHeight);
LayoutUnit findNextFloatLogicalBottomBelowForBlock(LayoutUnit logicalHeight);
RenderBlockFlow& renderer() const { return *m_renderer; }
void computePlacedFloatsTree();
const FloatingObjectTree* placedFloatsTree();
void increaseObjectsCount(FloatingObject::Type);
void decreaseObjectsCount(FloatingObject::Type);
FloatingObjectInterval intervalForFloatingObject(FloatingObject*);
FloatingObjectSet m_set;
std::unique_ptr<FloatingObjectTree> m_placedFloatsTree;
unsigned m_leftObjectsCount;
unsigned m_rightObjectsCount;
bool m_horizontalWritingMode;
WeakPtr<RenderBlockFlow> m_renderer;
} // namespace WebCore
#ifndef NDEBUG
namespace WTF {
// This helper is used by PODIntervalTree for debugging purposes.
template<> struct ValueToString<WebCore::FloatingObject*> {
static String string(const WebCore::FloatingObject* floatingObject)
return String::format("%p (%ix%i %ix%i)", floatingObject, floatingObject->frameRect().x().toInt(), floatingObject->frameRect().y().toInt(), floatingObject->frameRect().maxX().toInt(), floatingObject->frameRect().maxY().toInt());
} // namespace WTF