blob: 25787a82e0ef877ce750ccbfc1f397240843946b [file] [log] [blame]
Test parsing, element style and computed style for paint-order property.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "normal") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "fill") is "fill"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke") is "stroke"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "markers") is "markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "fill stroke") is "fill"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "fill stroke markers") is "fill"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "fill markers") is "fill markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "fill markers stroke") is "fill markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill") is "stroke"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill markers") is "stroke"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers") is "stroke markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers fill") is "stroke markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill") is "stroke"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill markers") is "stroke"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers") is "stroke markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers fill") is "stroke markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "normal") is "normal"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "fill") is "fill"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke") is "stroke"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "markers") is "markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "fill stroke") is "fill"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "fill stroke markers") is "fill"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "fill markers") is "fill markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "fill markers stroke") is "fill markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill") is "stroke"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill markers") is "stroke"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers") is "stroke markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers fill") is "stroke markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill") is "stroke"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke fill markers") is "stroke"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers") is "stroke markers"
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke markers fill") is "stroke markers"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "normal fill") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "normal fill") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "normal stroke") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "normal stroke") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "normal markers") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "normal markers") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "fill fill") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "fill fill") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "stroke stroke") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "stroke stroke") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "markers markers") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "markers markers") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "markers fill markers") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "markers fill markers") is "normal"
PASS innerStyle("paint-order", "markers stroke markers") is ""
PASS computedStyle("paint-order", "markers stroke markers") is "normal"
PASS successfullyParsed is true