blob: 4c752ae93c5549df506f227a480ca4cc3e098ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
"This tests Abstract Relatioal Comparison results with Symbols."
var symbol = Symbol("Cocoa");
// Test Abstract Relational Comparison.
var relationalOperators = [
"<", "<=", ">", ">="
var object = {};
var array = [];
var date = new Date();
relationalOperators.forEach(function (op) {
var targets = [
targets.forEach(function (target) {
shouldThrow(target + " " + op + " symbol", `"TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a number"`);
shouldThrow("symbol " + op + " " + target, `"TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a number"`);
successfullyParsed = true;