| description("This test checks the String.prototype.padStart."); |
| |
| shouldBe('String.prototype.padStart.length', '1'); |
| shouldBeEqualToString('String.prototype.padStart.name', 'padStart'); |
| shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padStart").configurable', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padStart").enumerable', 'false'); |
| shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padStart").writable', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padStart").get', 'undefined'); |
| shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padStart").set', 'undefined'); |
| shouldBe('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padStart").value', 'String.prototype.padStart'); |
| |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart()", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(+0)", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(-0)", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(1)", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(2)", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(-2)", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(10)", "' foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(10, undefined)", "' foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(10, 'x')", "'xxxxxxxfoo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(10.5, 'z')", "'zzzzzzzfoo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(10, 'bar')", "'barbarbfoo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(10, '123456789')", "'1234567foo'"); |
| shouldBe("'foo'.padStart(999, '')", "'foo'"); |
| shouldBe("''.padStart(1, '')", "''"); |
| shouldBe("''.padStart(2, 'bar')", "'ba'"); |
| shouldBe("'x'.padStart(2, 'bar')", "'bx'"); |
| shouldBe("'xx'.padStart(2, 'bar')", "'xx'"); |
| shouldBe("'xx'.padStart(Math.PI, 'bar')", "'bxx'"); |
| |
| // Coerce length (ToLength). |
| shouldBe("''.padStart(true, 'ABC')", "'A'"); |
| shouldBe("''.padStart(false, 'ABC')", "''"); |
| shouldBe("''.padStart(null, 'ABC')", "''"); |
| shouldBe("''.padStart({}, 'ABC')", "''"); |
| shouldBe("''.padStart(NaN, 'ABC')", "''"); |
| |
| // Coerce fillString (ToString). |
| shouldBe("'ABC'.padStart(10, true)", "'truetruABC'"); |
| shouldBe("'ABC'.padStart(10, false)", "'falsefaABC'"); |
| shouldBe("'ABC'.padStart(10, null)", "'nullnulABC'"); |
| shouldBe("'ABC'.padStart(10, {})", "'[objectABC'"); |
| shouldBe("'ABC'.padStart(10, NaN)", "'NaNNaNNABC'"); |
| |
| // Check out of memory errors. |
| shouldNotThrow('"x".padStart(Infinity, "")'); // Empty string filler is fine. |
| shouldThrow('"x".padStart(Infinity, "x")', "'Error: Out of memory'"); |
| shouldThrow('"x".padStart(0x80000000, "x")', "'Error: Out of memory'"); |
| shouldThrow('"x".padStart(0xFFFFFFFF, "x")', "'Error: Out of memory'"); |
| |
| // Check side-effects. |
| let sideEffects = ""; |
| let thisObject = new String("foo bar"); |
| let lengthObject = new Number(10); |
| let fillObject = new String("X"); |
| |
| sideEffects = ""; |
| thisObject.toString = function() { sideEffects += "A"; return this; }; |
| lengthObject.valueOf = function() { sideEffects += "B"; return this; }; |
| fillObject.toString = function() { sideEffects += "C"; return this; }; |
| shouldBeEqualToString("String.prototype.padStart.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject)", "XXXfoo bar"); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("sideEffects", "ABC"); |
| |
| sideEffects = ""; |
| thisObject.toString = function() { throw "ERROR"; }; |
| lengthObject.valueOf = function() { sideEffects += "B"; return this; }; |
| fillObject.toString = function() { sideEffects += "C"; return this; }; |
| shouldThrow("String.prototype.padStart.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject)", "'ERROR'"); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("sideEffects", ""); |
| |
| sideEffects = ""; |
| thisObject.toString = function() { sideEffects += "A"; return this; }; |
| lengthObject.valueOf = function() { throw "ERROR"; }; |
| fillObject.toString = function() { sideEffects += "C"; return this; }; |
| shouldThrow("String.prototype.padStart.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject)", "'ERROR'"); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("sideEffects", "A"); |
| |
| sideEffects = ""; |
| thisObject.toString = function() { sideEffects += "A"; return this; }; |
| lengthObject.valueOf = function() { sideEffects += "B"; return this; }; |
| fillObject.toString = function() { throw "ERROR"; return this; }; |
| shouldThrow("String.prototype.padStart.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject)", "'ERROR'"); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("sideEffects", "AB"); |