| This tests verifies that aria-posinset and aria-setsize are exposed to accessibility correctly. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| Verify that the first item in the list exposes setsize and posinset attributes. |
| PASS list.childAtIndex(0).isAttributeSupported('AXARIASetSize') is true |
| PASS list.childAtIndex(0).isAttributeSupported('AXARIAPosInSet') is true |
| Verify that the first item in the list returns the correct value for setsize and posinset. |
| PASS list.childAtIndex(0).numberAttributeValue('AXARIASetSize') is 100 |
| PASS list.childAtIndex(0).numberAttributeValue('AXARIAPosInSet') is 3 |
| Verify that the second item in the list does not support setsize and posinset. |
| PASS list.childAtIndex(1).isAttributeSupported('AXARIASetSize') is false |
| PASS list.childAtIndex(1).isAttributeSupported('AXARIAPosInSet') is false |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |