blob: 7c1609ae9309f8c776e73630665d0fea8324b47b [file] [log] [blame]
2021-11-17 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Add a swatch for align-content
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Introduce an inline swatch for `align-content`, that shows icons for common align-content values:
start, center, end, space-between, space-around, space-evenly, and stretch.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentCenter.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentEnd.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentSpaceAround.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentSpaceBetween.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentSpaceEvenly.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentStart.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentStretch.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/AlignmentUnknown.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/Views/AlignmentEditor.css: Added.
(.alignment-editor .glyph):
(.alignment-editor .glyph:not(:last-child)):
(.alignment-editor .glyph:active):
(.alignment-editor .glyph.selected):
(.alignment-editor .glyph.selected + .glyph):
(.alignment-editor .glyph.selected:active):
* UserInterface/Views/AlignmentEditor.js: Added.
(WI.AlignmentEditor.prototype.get element):
(WI.AlignmentEditor.prototype.get value):
(WI.AlignmentEditor.prototype.set value):
* UserInterface/Views/InlineSwatch.css:
(.inline-swatch:not(.read-only):matches(.bezier, .box-shadow, .spring, .variable, .alignment):hover):
(.inline-swatch:not(.read-only):matches(.bezier, .box-shadow, .spring, .variable, .alignment):active):
(.inline-swatch:is(.image, .alignment) > span):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) > svg,):
* UserInterface/Views/InlineSwatch.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
2021-11-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: assertion failures in `WI.GridOverlayConfigurationDiagnosticEventRecorder`
Reviewed by Patrick Angle.
* UserInterface/Controllers/GridOverlayConfigurationDiagnosticEventRecorder.js:
2021-11-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: allow left docking when in LTR and right docking when in RTL
Reviewed by Patrick Angle.
Some developers prefer docking to the left even when in LTR and/or docking to the right when
in RTL. There's no technical reason to disallow this, so let's make it possible.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
(WI.contentLoaded.addDockButton): Added.
(WI.contentLoaded.addDockLeftButton): Added.
(WI.contentLoaded.addDockRightButton): Added.
Instead of having a single `_dockToSideTabBarButton` that looks at the layout direction to
decide its image, tooltip, and action, split it into two distinct `_dockLeftTabBarButton`
and `_dockRightTabBarButton` buttons that are both always visible (unless Web Inspector is
already in the corresponding docking state).
* UserInterface/Images/DockBottom.svg:
* UserInterface/Images/DockLeft.svg:
* UserInterface/Images/DockRight.svg:
Fill in the area representing Web Inspector and make it a bit smaller so it's not as heavy.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2021-11-16 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Remove unused `dontCreateIfMissing` argument from CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.propertyForName
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
`dontCreateIfMissing` was always set to `true`.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSStyleDeclaration.js:
Drive-by: inline findMatch function, which was only used once.
* UserInterface/Models/DOMNodeStyles.js:
* UserInterface/Models/Font.js:
* UserInterface/Views/BoxModelDetailsSectionRow.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
2021-11-15 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Styles: Autocomplete should support mid-line completions
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Autocompletion for CSS property values was lacking in the ability to perform mid-line completions, including
within functions, and a lack of support for multi-line CSS property values. This resolves those pain points by
making SpreadsheetTextField multi-line aware and allowing mid-line autocompletion.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetTextField.js:
Because suggestions can occur anywhere within the value, we need to iterate through each of the nodes and
collect the text of any of them that are not the completion suggestion.
(WI.SpreadsheetTextField.prototype.set suggestionHint):
When removing the suggestion hint element, we should recombine the text nodes we may have split upon insertion
to prevent the text content from becoming endlessly fragmented into multiple text nodes unnecessarily.
Reset the last known caret position when editing starts so that we don't mistake keys that are already down as
having moved the cursor to its initial position.
We should only attempt to reattach the suggestion hint element if we have a suggestion hint to show, otherwise
we could end up with a phantom empty suggestion hint that isn't properly placed later.
Updated to use existing completion committing path to reduce duplicated logic.
When the user clicks inside the text field while suggestions are visible treat that as intent to stop
autocompletion similar to the escape key, since the new cursor location could be anywhere in the text field.
This behavior also matches other code editors like Xcode, where clicking outside a completion popup will dismiss
the completions list.
Keep track of where the caret was as well as if the the key event was handled by the suggestion view at the time
a key is pressed so that we can later compare the position to that of when the key is released to determine if
completions should be discarded.
We can no longer assume that the current selection's offset will match the value's length, as the offset could
be on any line, or the suggestion could be in middle of a line. Because a suggestionHint only contains text when
we are in middle of autocompletion, it alone is an indicator that pressing the right arrow key should commit the
completion. `document.execCommand` is deprecated, so instead we now use the existing completion committing path
to reduce duplicated logic here.
Note that the left arrow key is still explicitly handled for dismissing autocompletion, as the new mechanism for
dismissing autocompletion won't trigger unless the caret has moved, and the caret will not move if you press the
left arrow key at the start of the text field.
When a key is released, we should check to see if the caret has moved as a result of the keystroke that we have
not already explicitly handled. If it has moved and was not handled, we dismiss the autocompletion suggestions.
Provide the current caret position to the completion provided.
In order to correctly align the completion list with the current text content, it must be offset from the caret
position excluding the current prefix.
Added to get the index of the caret in the complete text value, accounting for multi-line values and mid-line
Find the range for a caret at the given position. This compliments `_getCaretPosition`, and allows us to count
back some number of characters and create a range of which we later get the client rectangle.
Add optional support for updating the caret position to be at the end of the newly inserted text.
Added to handle combining the fragmented text nodes (and possibly a suggestion hint element) back into a single
text node while maintaining the current cursor position or optionally moving the cursor to a new location (e.g.
the end of a completion).
Now that completions are not guaranteed to be at the end of the value, we may need to split the text node to
insert the suggestion hint node.
2021-11-15 Fujii Hironori <>
Web Inspector: Layers Tab: the position of composited layer with box-shadow is wrong
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
If an element has box-shadow, Layers Tab showed the composited
layer positioned wrongly. It assumed the composited layer position
was same with its element position. This isn't true. If an element
has box-shadow, its composited layer includes the surrounding
* UserInterface/Models/Layer.js:
* UserInterface/Views/Layers3DContentView.js:
2021-11-12 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Extract reusable logic from ResourceQueryController, ResourceQueryResult and ResourceQueryMatch
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Extract reusable logic from `ResourceQueryController` into a generic `QueryController`
to enable subclassing for other specialized use cases.
* UserInterface/Controllers/QueryController.js: Added.
Keep only the reusable matching logic in `QueryController`.
Subclasses like `ResourceQueryController` are responsible for agregating
the data to be queried, customization for special characters and sorting results.
* UserInterface/Controllers/ResourceQueryController.js:
(WI.ResourceQueryController.prototype._findQueryMatches.pushMatch): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryController.prototype._findQueryMatches.matchNextSpecialCharacter): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryController.prototype._findQueryMatches.backtrack): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryController.prototype._findQueryMatches): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/Models/QueryMatch.js: Renamed from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Models/ResourceQueryMatch.js.
`ResourceQueryMatch` doesn't contain any resource-specific logic. It can be generalized to `QueryMatch`.
* UserInterface/Models/QueryResult.js: Copied from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Models/ResourceQueryResult.js.
(WI.QueryResult.prototype.get value):
(WI.QueryResult.prototype.get rank):
(WI.QueryResult.prototype.get matchingTextRanges):
A generic `QueryResult` can be extracted from `ResourceQueryResult` containing
the reusable logic for ranking results and identifing matching text ranges.
* UserInterface/Models/ResourceQueryResult.js:
(WI.ResourceQueryResult.prototype.get resource):
(WI.ResourceQueryResult.prototype.get rank): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryResult.prototype.get matchingTextRanges): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryResult.prototype._calculateRank.getMultiplier): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryResult.prototype._calculateRank): Deleted.
(WI.ResourceQueryResult.prototype._createMatchingTextRanges): Deleted.
`ResourceQueryResult` extends `QueryResult` with resource-specifc members:
- the `cookie` property which holds the optional line and column info used when jumping to matched files
- the `resource` property which maps to the generic `QueryResult.value`; this is used in tests and when sorting in `ResourceQueryController`
* UserInterface/Test.html:
2021-11-10 Tim Nguyen <>
Remove non-standard -webkit-border-fit CSS property
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
2021-11-10 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
WebInspectorUI needs to support InstallAPI
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* Configurations/WebInspectorUIFramework.xcconfig:
2021-11-09 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Add script to update CSSDocumentation.js
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* Scripts/update-inspector-css-documentation: Added.
Add a script to update the contextual CSS documentation data source at
with the latest information from the upstream data source.
* UserInterface/Controllers/CSSManager.js:
Add a comment to keep the list of accepted prefixes in sync with the one from the script.
2021-11-08 Razvan Caliman <>
Update CSSDocumentation.js with latest upstream data to fix wrong documentation for block-size
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Update CSSDocumentation.js with latest upstream data source which contains
fixes for descriptions of logical properties for sizing:
block-size, inline-size, min-/max-block-size, min-/max-inline-size
* UserInterface/External/CSSDocumentation/CSSDocumentation.js:
2021-11-03 Alex Christensen <>
Remove QuickTimePluginReplacement and YouTubePluginReplacement
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
* UserInterface/Models/NativeFunctionParameters.js:
2021-11-03 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Display swatch popovers below the swatch by default, not on the left side
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
The new defaults are: below, above, left.
Displaying the swatch popover on the left side covers the relevant property name.
Displaying it below or above doesn't have this problem; below is preferred because
it doesn't hide the CSS selector of the relevant rule.
* UserInterface/Views/InlineSwatch.js:
Introduce a method to remove code duplication.
2021-10-29 David Kilzer <>
Web Inspector: Enable -Wformat=2 warnings
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
* Configurations/Base.xcconfig:
- Add -Wformat=2 switch, which includes -Wformat-nonliteral.
2021-10-28 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Audit: testForLinkLabels Accessibility audit should ignore anchors if aria-hidden
Update `testForLinkLabels` accessibility audit test to exclude hidden links.
See `AccessibilityObject->isHidden()`
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/NonMinified/DefaultAudits.js:
2021-10-27 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: extension iframes leak when disabling an extension
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Since shouldNotRemoveFromDOMWhenHidden() is true, the <iframe> will not
be detached and unload its document in the normal tab-closing code path.
Add a `dispose()` method for cleaning up the tab when its extension is
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
* UserInterface/Views/WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.js:
2021-10-21 Devin Rousso <>
[css-values-4] Support small (sv*), large (lv*) and dynamic (dv*) viewport units
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSCompletions.js:
2021-10-18 David Kilzer <>
Web Inspector: Remove Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js.orig
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js.orig: Remove.
2021-10-15 BJ Burg <>
[Cocoa] Web Inspector: handle Promise objects returned from evaluateScriptInExtensionTab
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
This patch improves the handling of promises and exceptions that come from
For promises, wait for the returned promise to settle before fulfilling our returned value.
For errors, perform a better stringification of the Error instance. The is needed because
the default toString implementation leaves out most of the relevant details of the error.
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
* UserInterface/Protocol/InspectorFrontendAPI.js:
Fix incorrect header docs for InspectorFrontendAPI.evaluateScriptForExtension.
Copy the improved header doc for InspectorFrontendAPI.evaluateScriptInExtensionTab
since it now has the same calling convention.
2021-10-14 Myles C. Maxfield <>
All the SDKVariant.xcconfig files should match
Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.
* Configurations/SDKVariant.xcconfig:
2021-10-13 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
HTTP method in web inspector network tab is not what WebKit actually sent after a redirect from POST to GET
Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.
Test: http/tests/inspector/network/resource-redirect-request-headers.html
For redirects, use the previous request information combined with the new response information to create a
Redirect record.
* UserInterface/Models/Resource.js:
2021-10-12 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
Invoke build scripts with python3 explicitly
Reviewed by Jonathan Bedard.
Much of the work to support Python 3 was done years ago, but we need this to
actually use Python 3 on macOS.
* Scripts/
2021-10-11 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: add TabBar context menu support for WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView
Unreviewed. Land parts of the previous patch which seem to have been mis-merged and not landed.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
* UserInterface/Views/TabBar.js:
2021-10-11 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Move CSS longhand and shorthand mapping away from WI.CSSCompletions
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
`WI.CSSCompletions` has scope creep. Beyond handling filtering for CSS completions,
it holds logic to deal with CSS property name longhand-to-shorthand mapping.
But it already relies heavily on metadata about properties set on `WI.CSSKeywordCompletions`
populated as a result of the one-time initialization from `WI.CSSCompletions.initializeCSSCompletions(target)` >
This change moves the longhand-to-shorthand mapping from `WI.CSSCompletions` to
`WI.CSSKeywordCompletions.ShorthandNamesForLongHandProperty` and updates relevant consumers.
The aim is to gradually remove all specialized logic for property names from `WI.CSSCompletions`.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSCompletions.js:
(WI.CSSCompletions.prototype.isShorthandPropertyName): Deleted.
(WI.CSSCompletions.prototype.shorthandsForLonghand): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
* UserInterface/Models/CSSProperty.js:
* UserInterface/Models/DOMNodeStyles.js:
2021-10-08 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: add TabBar context menu support for WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
The existing TabBar/TabBrowser system relies on the fact that each tab class can
be instantiated once. This is no longer true with extension tabs, as all of them
are instances of the same WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView class.
The new approach builds on bug 230758 by introducing a 'visible' property on ContentView.
This is necessary to mark extension tabs as "attached by not showing" due to the
override of shouldNotRemoveFromDOMWhenHidden().
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
List WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView as a known tab class. But do not allow
this tab class to be instantiated directly. Extension tabs are intended to be
created using WebInspectorExtensionController.createTabForExtension().
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
Drive-by, suppress animations when extension tabs are created and destroyed. Otherwise
there is a lot of unnecessary and glitchy animation when multiple extension tabs are
created upon loading Web Inspector the first time.
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionController.prototype.hideExtensionTab): Added.
These methods are counterparts. They toggle tabContentView.visible to make the tab
visible and not visible. Note that 'hiding' does not actually close/destroy the
extension tab. Extension tabs are hidden by setting .not-visible ('display:none') and
removing the tab's TabBarItem from the TabBar.
Added. TabBar delegates the creation of extension tab context menu items to this class.
The first method only shows hidden extension tabs (for the Reopen Closed Tabs + item).
The second method shows visible and not visible extension tabs and feeds the main context menu.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentView.css:
* UserInterface/Views/ContentViewContainer.css:
(.content-view-container > .content-view):
(.content-view-container > .content-view.not-visible): Deleted.
This style class is now managed by ContentView.js. So, move the style declaration.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentView.js:
(WI.ContentView.prototype.get visible):
(WI.ContentView.prototype.set visible):
Add a flag so that clients can determine when the content view is not visible and not closed.
This can be true if a subclass overrides shouldNotRemoveFromDOMWhenHidden() to return true.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentViewContainer.js:
Fix this code to not detach extension tabs that are hidden.
Adopt new setter for ContentView.prototype.hidden.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBar.js:
Don't add generic context menu items for WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView. Call out
to WebInspectorExtensionController to create the appropriate extension tab context menu items.
* UserInterface/Views/WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.js:
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.isTabAllowed): Drive-by, gate creation of this class
on Web Extensions being enabled (InspectorFrontendHost.supportsWebExtensions).
2021-10-08 BJ Burg <>
[Cocoa] Web Inspector: provide a way for _WKInspectorExtension clients to be notified when the inspected page navigates
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Pass along an onNavigated event to InspectorFrontendHost when the WI.Frame.MainResourceDidChange
event fires at a main frame target.
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
Do not add this global listener unless at least one WI.WebInspectorExtension
is currently registered.
2021-10-07 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView should not reload its iframe when detached
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
When an <iframe> element detaches from the DOM, the script context is destroyed, which we don't
want to happen for _WKInspectorExtension tabs. Fix this by teaching ContentViewContainer to
'hide' such content views by setting `display:none` rather than detaching from the DOM.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentViewContainer.js:
Set and unset 'display:none' instead of calling addSubview() / removeSubview().
* UserInterface/Views/ContentViewContainer.css:
(.content-view-container > .content-view.hidden-for-detach): Added.
Clean up any remaining content views that were not detached due to overriding shouldNotRemoveFromDOMWhenHidden.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentView.js:
(WI.ContentView.prototype.get shouldNotRemoveFromDOMWhenHidden): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.js:
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.prototype.get shouldNotRemoveFromDOMWhenHidden):
Override this to opt into the alternate behavior that does not detach from the DOM. It is still
necessary to call attached() and detached() so that WebInpectorExtensionTabContentView can generate
didShowExtensionTab/didHideExtensionTab event callbacks.
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionController.prototype.get registeredExtensionIDs):
* UserInterface/Debug/Bootstrap.js:
This is a drive-by fix to address a console assertion seen while developing the API test.
Don't unregister the mock extension if it is not registered in the first place.
2021-10-07 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Styles: format style declarations after editing
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Indent CSS properties with spaces/tabs set in Web Inspector settings. Increse indentation level when CSS rules are
inside of at-rules (e.g. @media, @keyframes, @supports).
Don't indent CSS properties in style attributes. Keep them on the single line, separated by a space character:
style="font-size: 12px; color: black;"
* UserInterface/Models/CSSProperty.js:
(WI.CSSProperty.prototype.set text):
Introduce `_isTextPendingSave` flag. It's needed when saving pasted text, and saving commented out or uncommented CSS properties.
(WI.CSSProperty.prototype.get formattedText):
(WI.CSSProperty.prototype.replaceWithText): Deleted.
This is redundant - setting `text` works the same.
(WI.CSSProperty.prototype._prependSemicolonIfNeeded): Deleted.
Greatly simplify the logic now that we save formatted text and don't modify styleText.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSStyleDeclaration.js:
Remode unnecessary code that modifies `_styleSheetTextRange`. The backend sends new `_styleSheetTextRange` data
upon a change.
(WI.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.generateFormattedText): Renamed from 'generateCSSRuleString'.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationSection.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
2021-10-05 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Show color space for canvases in the Graphics tab on the overview cards
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
For canvas context's with a color space attribute, show the color space next to the context type in the header
of each context card in the Graphics tab.
* UserInterface/Models/Canvas.js:
* UserInterface/Views/CanvasContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/CanvasOverviewContentView.css:
(.content-view.canvas-overview > .content-view.canvas > header > .titles > :matches(.subtitle, .color-space),):
(.content-view.canvas-overview > .content-view.canvas > header .color-space::before):
2021-09-29 BJ Burg <>
[Cocoa] add _WKInspectorExtension SPI to evaluate script on an extension tab
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Add a new InspectorFrontendAPI method to evaluate script on an iframe within
Web Inspector. This in turn calls out to InspectorFrontendHost to do the actual evaluation.
Otherwise, the CSP policy set by the tab content may block any such evaluation
if the 'script-src' directive does not include 'unsafe-eval'.
* UserInterface/Protocol/InspectorFrontendAPI.js:
Call through to the WebInspectorExtensionController method.
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionController.prototype.evaluateScriptInExtensionTab): Added.
Try to get the <iframe> for a extensionTabID, and use InspectorFrontendHost to
evaluate script in the context of the <iframe>. Be sure to correctly wrap the result.
* UserInterface/Views/WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.js:
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.prototype.get iframeElement):
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView.prototype.initialLayout): Deleted.
While writing the API test, I saw that the first evaluation frequently failed
because the <iframe> did not exist. Change this class so that the <iframe>
is created in the constructor. Add a getter for the <iframe> element.
While writing this patch, it became apparent that didShowExtensionTab() was being
called prior to the iframe actually completing its initial load. Then, the test
would try to evaluate script on about:blank instead of the actual tab content.
To fix this, require that the <iframe> be attached and have fired the `onload` event
before we notify clients that it has been 'shown'.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
Adjust the default CSP policy to not mention img-src. This allows ports such as
Cocoa to set their own img-src CSP directive. These changes are necessary to allow
images to load from custom URL schemes.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBrowser.js:
The new API test exposes a bug in this assertion, namely, that it does not account
for the situation where a tab does not wish to be saved. In that case, the displayed
WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView is *not* at index 0 of WI.TabBrowser.recentTabContentViews.
This is correctly handled with a special case in WI.TabBrowser._tabBarItemSelected,
so incorporate that logic into the assertion.
2021-09-28 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: add settings option for 'Show Mock Web Extension Tab' in engineering builds
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
This is an engineering-only facility to quickly check the behavior of
WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView (aka Web Extension Tabs). The behavior
of these tabs differs from other tabs, so it is important to make this easy to verify.
* UserInterface/Base/Setting.js: Add new setting.
* UserInterface/Debug/Bootstrap.js:
Call the InspectorFrontendAPI commands that would be called by WebInspectorUIExtensionController
to register an extension and create a tab for it.
* UserInterface/Debug/MockWebExtensionTab.html: Added.
This is adapted from InspectorExtension-basic-tab.html as used in TestWebKitAPI.
* UserInterface/Protocol/InspectorFrontendAPI.js: Fix a typo in the headerdoc
for createTabForExtension.
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.js:
2021-09-28 BJ Burg <>
[Cocoa] Add SPI to select a tab created by _WKInspectorExtension
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Add a method to look up a WebInspectorExtensionTabContentView
by its extensionTabID and then show it with WI.tabBrowser.
* UserInterface/Controllers/WebInspectorExtensionController.js:
Remove extra newlines.
(WI.WebInspectorExtensionController.prototype.showExtensionTab): Added.
* UserInterface/Protocol/InspectorFrontendAPI.js:
(InspectorFrontendAPI.showExtensionTab): Added.
2021-09-23 Myles C. Maxfield <>
Web Inspector support for font-palette
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Provide keyword completions.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
2021-09-22 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: add a pinned [+] button to the tab bar to make it easier to re-open closed tabs
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBar.js:
(WI.TabBar.prototype._pinnedButtons): Added.
(WI.TabBar.prototype._closedTabClasses): Added.
(WI.TabBar.prototype._handleShowHiddenTabsTabBarItemMouseDown): Added.
(WI.TabBar.prototype._handleAddClosedTabsTabBarItemMouseDown): Added.
(WI.TabBar.prototype._handleTabContainerClick): Deleted.
Add a `_openClosedTabsTabBarItem` that's a `WI.PinnedTabBarItem` without a `representedObject`,
meaning that it's basically just a button and won't actually open a tab when clicked. This
suits our purposes perfectly as we only want to show a contextmenu on click, not to mention
that it will only be shown if there are closed tabs.
Drive-by: Rename `_tabPickerTabBarItem` to `_showHiddenTabsTabBarItem` to clarify purpose.
Drive-by: Remove `_handleTabContainerClick` as tabs can only be removed via the contextmenu.
* UserInterface/Images/Overflow.svg: Renamed from UserInterface/Images/TabPicker.svg.
Drive-by: Rename to clarify purpose.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2021-09-16 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Regression(r279613) Audit result scope toggles are missing
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
The sizing calculations modified in r279613 were erroneously applied to both the minimum space calculation as
well as the navigation item hiding calculations, despite hiding navigation items never being done for non-sidebar
navigation bars. The logic in `WI.NavigationBar.prototype._calculateMinimumWidth` remains unchanged, as we still
need sidebars to provide a minimum width that can accommodate all items in a flex layout in order to avoid
flowing navigation items on to another row. The navigation bar in a sidebar is unique in this respect, as other
navigation bars will gracefully hide components if they truly don't have enough space, but a sidebar relies on
getting a minimum size that can actually accommodate all items in a single row.
* UserInterface/Views/NavigationBar.js:
2021-09-16 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Don't maintain a back-forward stack for `ContentBrowser`/`ContentViewContainer` when not necessary
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
We currently maintain a back/forward stack for all ContentViewContainers, even if other history entries won't be
used. Instead, subclasses of ContentBrowserTabContentView should be able to disable the history stack, which
helps us ensure that outdated content views are not kept around for these subclasses and their views.
This does not line up one-to-one with views that hide the back/forward buttons, as the back/forward stack is
used in some places to provide a memory of selection across different views, like in the Graphics tab.
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ConsoleTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ContentBrowser.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ContentBrowserTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ContentViewContainer.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ElementsTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/GraphicsTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/LayersTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/NetworkDetailView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/NetworkTabContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineRecordingContentView.js:
2021-09-16 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: `FrameDOMTreeContentView` may update after it has `closed` called, causing hangs on some webpages on reload
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
`FrameDOMTreeContentView` may be `closed` between a call to `_requestRootDOMNode` and the response being
provided to `_rootDOMNodeAvailable`. This can result in an attempt to select a DOM node in an old and detached
DOM tree. To combat this, add a flag to `ContentView` to mark a closed `ContentView` as such, and then return
early from `_rootDOMNodeAvailable` if the `ContentView` is already closed.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentView.js:
(WI.ContentView.prototype.get isClosed):
* UserInterface/Views/FrameDOMTreeContentView.js:
2021-09-15 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: `TreeOutline` should return early when failing to find an ancestor while populating the tree
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
When an ancestor can not be found, we should return to prevent additional work (which will fail) from being done.
* UserInterface/Views/TreeOutline.js:
2021-09-15 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: `DOMTreeUpdater` doesn't complete deferred updating/clear updated lists when a node isn't found in the tree
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Instead of an early return when a tree element can't be found, we should continue on to the next updated node
and finish out by clearing the collections of updated nodes, otherwise a node that will never be findable again
will cause extra work to be done on every update.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeUpdater.js:
2021-09-13 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Update naming of WI.CSSCompletions callback used for collecting supported CSS properties from the target
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Rename `WI.CSSCompletions.initializeCSSCompletions.propertyNamesCallback(names)` to `propertiesCallback(properties)`
to remove confusion about what the payload actually contains: not a list of property names, but a list of objects with
CSS property names, values, aliases, longhands, etc.
The constructor of `WI.CSSCompletions` expects and handles this payload.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSCompletions.js:
(WI.CSSCompletions.initializeCSSCompletions.propertyNamesCallback): Deleted.
2021-08-27 Russell Epstein <>
Land Windows build fixes from safari-612.1.29.14-branch.
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
* WebInspectorUI.vcxproj/WebInspectorUI.make:
* WebInspectorUI.vcxproj/WebInspectorUI.proj:
2021-08-26 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Rename `ContextualDocumentation*` to `CSSDocumentation` to reduce path length and improve code readability
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Reduce the length and complexity of naming around the documentation that was added for CSS properties by
using `CSSDocumentation` to refer to the feature instead of `ContextualDocumentation`.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
* Scripts/
* UserInterface/External/CSSDocumentation/CSSDocumentation.js: Renamed from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/External/ContextualDocumentationDatabase/ContextualDocumentationDatabase.js.
* UserInterface/External/CSSDocumentation/LICENSE: Renamed from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/External/ContextualDocumentationDatabase/LICENSE.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/Views/CSSDocumentationPopover.css: Renamed from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/ContextualDocumentationPopover.css.
* UserInterface/Views/CSSDocumentationPopover.js: Renamed from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/ContextualDocumentationPopover.js.
* UserInterface/Views/ComputedStyleSection.css:
(.computed-style-section .property-trace-item .property :is(.name, .colon, .semicolon, .css-documentation-button)):
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item > .property > .content > .css-documentation-button):
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item:not(:hover) > .property > .content > .css-documentation-button):
(.computed-style-section .property-trace-item .property :is(.name, .colon, .semicolon, .contextual-documentation-button)): Deleted.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item > .property > .content > .contextual-documentation-button): Deleted.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item:not(:hover) > .property > .content > .contextual-documentation-button): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/Main.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .css-documentation-button):
(.contextual-documentation-button): Deleted.
(.contextual-documentation-button:active): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .contextual-documentation-button): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.css:
(.spreadsheet-style-declaration-editor > .property:not(:hover) > .content > .css-documentation-button,):
(.spreadsheet-style-declaration-editor > .property:not(:hover) > .content > .contextual-documentation-button,): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
(WI.SpreadsheetStyleProperty.prototype._addContextualDocumentationButton): Deleted.
(WI.SpreadsheetStyleProperty.prototype._handleContextualDocumentationButtonClicked): Deleted.
(WI.SpreadsheetStyleProperty.prototype._presentContextualDocumentation): Deleted.
2021-08-23 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: CSS Changes: changes are not updated live
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Dispatch an event whenever the list of modified styles changes.
Re-layout the Changes details sidebar panel in response to this event
to reflect the latest state of the modified styles.
* UserInterface/Controllers/CSSManager.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ChangesDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
2021-08-19 Alex Christensen <>
Remove more non-inclusive language from Source
Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.
* UserInterface/External/three.js/three.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ConsoleMessageView.js:
(WI.ConsoleMessageView.prototype._formatWithSubstitutionString.isWhitelistedProperty): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeElement.js:
2021-08-19 Tim Nguyen <>
Implement ::backdrop pseudo element
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
This adds UA styles, RenderTreeBuilder support and WebInspector support for ::backdrop.
Some imported blink tests now start passing, some still need proper top layer support.
* UserInterface/Controllers/CSSManager.js:
2021-08-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: match the undocked tab bar style when docked bottom/side
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
This will avoid confusion when switching from docked to undocked (and vice versa) as the tab
bar UI will no longer be significantly different.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBar.js:
(WI.TabBar.get horizontalPadding): Deleted.
(WI.TabBar.prototype._recordTabBarItemSizesAndPositions.add): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBar.css:
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar): Added.
(body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar): Added.
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar, body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar): Added.
(.tab-bar > .tabs > .item):
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Added.
(body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Added.
(.tab-bar > .tabs:not(.calculate-width) > .item:not(.pinned)):
(.tab-bar > .tabs > .item:nth-child(n + 2 of :not(.hidden)), .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.hide-border-start) > .item:nth-child(1 of :not(.hidden)), .tab-bar > .tabs.dragging-tab > .item.selected):
(.tab-bar > .tabs:not(.hide-border-end) > .item:nth-last-child(1 of :not(.hidden))):
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Added.
(body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Added.
(.tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover, .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover + .item):
(.tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:last-child:not(.selected, .disabled):hover):
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item, body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Added.
(body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item):
(body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected):
(.tab-bar > .tabs.dragging-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected, .tab-bar > .tabs.static-layout:not(.animating.inserting-tab):not(.dragging-tab) > .item:nth-last-child(1 of :not(.pinned)), .tab-bar > .tabs.animating.closing-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected):
(body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs.dragging-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected, body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs.static-layout:not(.animating.inserting-tab):not(.dragging-tab) > .item:nth-last-child(1 of :not(.pinned)), body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs.animating.closing-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar, body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover > .icon):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar, body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Added.
(body.big-sur .tab-bar): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar): Deleted.
(body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar): Deleted.
(body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar): Deleted.
(body.big-sur:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar, body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar): Deleted.
(body.docked.window-inactive .tab-bar): Deleted.
(body.docked.bottom .tab-bar > Deleted.
(body.big-sur.docked .tab-bar > .border.bottom): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar .tabs): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs > .flexible-space): Deleted.
(body.docked.bottom .tab-bar > .tabs > .flexible-space): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.calculate-width) > .item:not(.pinned)): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:nth-child(n + 3 of :not(.hidden)), body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.hide-border-start) > .item:nth-child(2 of :not(.hidden)), .tab-bar > .tabs.dragging-tab > .item.selected): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.hide-border-end) > .item:nth-last-child(1 of :not(.hidden))): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs > .item.pinned): Deleted.
(body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled):matches(.selected, :hover)): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover, body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover + .item): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:last-child:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(body.big-sur:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item, body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(body.docked.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs.dragging-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected, body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs.static-layout:not(.animating.inserting-tab):not(.dragging-tab) > .item:nth-last-child(1 of :not(.pinned)), body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs.animating.closing-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(body:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs.dragging-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected, body:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs.static-layout:not(.animating.inserting-tab):not(.dragging-tab) > .item:nth-last-child(1 of :not(.pinned)), body:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs.animating.closing-tab > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur .tab-bar, body:not(.big-sur) .tab-bar): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.docked .tab-bar): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.docked.bottom .tab-bar > Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.docked .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.docked.window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.docked) .tab-bar > .tabs:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover > .icon): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar, body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur:not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur):not(.docked).window-inactive .tab-bar > .tabs > .item:not(.disabled).selected): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBarItem.js:
(WI.TabBarItem.get horizontalMargin): Deleted.
- remove the flexible space filler elements (and associated CSS) before and after the tabs
- remove any `.docked` CSS
- remove the (now unnecessary) `:not(.docked)` from all CSS related to the `WI.TabBar`
- replace `.big-sur` with `.mac-platform.big-sur` for clarity
- add `.mac-platform.monterey` alongside any `.mac-platform.big-sur`
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
* UserInterface/Views/Main.css:
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) #undocked-title-area): Added.
(body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) #undocked-title-area): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) #undocked-title-area): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur) #undocked-title-area): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive #undocked-title-area): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur).window-inactive #undocked-title-area): Added.
(body.big-sur #undocked-title-area): Deleted.
(body:not(.big-sur) #undocked-title-area): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur #undocked-title-area): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur) #undocked-title-area): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur.window-inactive #undocked-title-area): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:not(.big-sur).window-inactive #undocked-title-area): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/Variables.css:
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur)): Added.
(body:not(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur):not(.docked)): Added.
(body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur):not(.docked)): Added.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body:is(.mac-platform.monterey, .mac-platform.big-sur)): Added.
(body.big-sur): Deleted.
(body.mac-platform:not(.big-sur):not(.docked)): Deleted.
(body.mac-platform.big-sur:not(.docked)): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.big-sur): Deleted.
Add support for macOS Monterey.
2021-08-17 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Do not show contextual documentation popup in the Changes panel
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Add config option to WI.SpreadsheetStyleProperty to prevent showing a contextual documentation button.
* UserInterface/Views/ChangesDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
2021-08-12 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Adding execution contexts after page load doesn't show a hidden execution selector
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Add a handler for execution contexts being added to update the display of the execution context list, as when
there is only a single context at page load the dropdown will be hidden and thus needs to be shown when an
execution context is added after page load.
* UserInterface/Views/QuickConsole.js:
2021-08-12 Nikita Vasilyev <>
REGRESSION (r271348): Web Inspector: Table headers have vertical scrollbar
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Views/Table.css:
(.table > .header):
Set overflow hidden for the y axis, not just x axis.
2021-08-03 Sonia Singla <>
Web Inspector: Add standard logical properties to CSS keyword completion
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
2021-08-02 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: [AppleWin] Speculative internal build fix for copying `InspectorBackendCommands.js`
Reviewed by Maciej Stachowiak.
Speculative fix for AppleWin port internal build by using the correct directory for JSC headers. Also update the
logging message to reflect that the file will by copied later in the build.
* WebInspectorUI.vcxproj/WebInspectorUI.make:
* WebInspectorUI.vcxproj/
2021-08-02 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Network: sorting of transfer size for failed requests is causing the ordering to change every layout
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
Don't change the item order when both values are NaN.
2021-07-26 Qiaosong Zhou <>
FormDataEvent added.
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
* UserInterface/Models/ScriptTimelineRecord.js:
2021-07-19 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(?): alpha slider doesn't match alpha input for `transparent` in color picker
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Views/Slider.js:
(WI.Slider.prototype.set value):
When the initial value was set to 0, `set value` was exiting early when the passed value was 0.
2021-07-19 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Elements: selecting a sibling node in the breadcrumb navigation doesn't do anything
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
The `WI.HierarchicalPathComponent.Event.Clicked` event is only fired when there are no sibling path components
to select, therefor we must also listen for the `WI.HierarchicalPathComponent.Event.SiblingWasSelected` event to
be able to then reveal and highlight the correct DOM node in the tree.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeContentView.js:
(WI.DOMTreeContentView.prototype.get selectionPathComponents):
Drive-by to match our style of `_handle*` event handler naming.
2021-07-19 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Add another Protocol Version (iOS 15.0)
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy/15.0/InspectorBackendCommands.js: Added.
* Versions/Inspector-iOS-15.0.json: Added.
2021-07-15 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Regression (r278607) Jump to CSS variable declaration from Computed panel not working
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
When attempting to highlight a hidden unused CSS variable, use the same method to identify a corresponding WI.CSSProperty
as used with other CSS property types. The method checks the canonical property name instead of strict object equality.
When a CSS variable is shown in the Computed panel, its corresponding WI.CSSProperty instance has slightly different
properties than the WI.CSSProperty used in the Styles panel. The instances are generated by different calls to
WI.DOMNodeStyles._parseStylePropertyPayload(), one for the payload of matching styles and another for computed styles.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.js:
2021-07-14 Devin Rousso <>
Implement Array.prototype.findLast and Array.prototype.findLastIndex
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
* UserInterface/Models/NativeFunctionParameters.js:
2021-07-12 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r279510): Elements: Computed: an (i) button is shown for computed property traces
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Property traces need to opt out of displaying the (i) button as they do for things like the colon and semicolon.
* UserInterface/Views/ComputedStyleSection.css:
(.computed-style-section .property-trace-item .property .name,):
2021-07-12 Commit Queue <>
Unreviewed, reverting r279493.
Web Inspector: Can't reveal local overrides in the sidebar if
lots of scripts are visible
Reverted changeset:
"Web Inspector: [Regression: r279271] Sources: Breakpoints
section in navigation sidebar disappears when Web Inspector
becomes taller than 650px"
2021-07-09 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Perform sidebar panel and navigation bar layout asynchronously during resize
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Perform layout updates to the navigation bar and selected panel asynchronously so that they can be batched
together, instead of blocking on layout for each resize (of which there will be many during a dragging resize).
* UserInterface/Views/SingleSidebar.js:
2021-07-06 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Elements Tab Details Sidebar navigation items sometime wrap to a second line
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
When resizing a sidebar, it was possible that the cumulative widths of each navigation item could add up to just
less than the actual amount of space necessary to lay out each item in a single row, leading to wrapping items
to the next line. This resolves that issue by taking the ceiling of each item's width when calculating the
total amount of space needed to display all the items. Additionally, every time a panel is added or removed from
the sidebar, we need to recalculate the width of the sidebar to make sure the new navigation item, or the
removal thereof, is accommodated.
* UserInterface/Views/NavigationBar.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SingleSidebar.js:
2021-07-02 Harshil Ratnu <>
Web Inspector: add contextual documentation for CSS properties
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Overview: Add contextual documentation for all supported CSS properties in Styles and Computed panel within Web
Details: Add an info button which appears next to the property field on Hover. Clicking on the info button shows
a popover with the documentation for the property. Tabbing out or clicking anywhere other than the value field
dismisses the popover.
Architecture: Add a ContextualDocumentationButton in SpreadsheetStyleProperty and append that to the end of the
property content. This Button, when clicked, creates an instance of the ContextualDocumentation.js which will
search the ContextualDocumentationDB to find the related property and it's relevant details. Embed these details
in an instance of Popover.js and present next to the associated propertyName.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
* Scripts/
Add details for the ContextualDocumentationDatabase from External Folder to build properly.
* UserInterface/Base/Setting.js:
Add setting to show syntax in documentation popover and define default state as false.
* UserInterface/External/ContextualDocumentationDatabase/ContextualDocumentationDatabase.js: Added.
* UserInterface/External/ContextualDocumentationDatabase/LICENSE: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/InfoIcon.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
Add and link new files.
* UserInterface/Views/ComputedStyleDetailsPanel.css:
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed > .details-section.computed-style-variables .property .go-to-arrow):
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed > .details-section.computed-style-variables .property:not(:hover) .go-to-arrow):
Remove absolute positioning from go-to-arrow button to align it with rest of the text in line and style it
similar to contextual-documentation-button.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .property .go-to-arrow): Deleted.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .property:not(:hover) .go-to-arrow): Deleted.
Change hover area to include white space on the side of computed variables.
* UserInterface/Views/ComputedStyleSection.css:
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item > .property .go-to-arrow):
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item:not(:hover) > .property .go-to-arrow):
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item > .property > .content > .contextual-documentation-button):
(.sidebar > .panel.details.css-style > .content > .computed .computed-property-item:not(:hover) > .property > .content > .contextual-documentation-button):
Add unifrom styling for go-to-arrow button and contextual-documentation-button for computed properties.
* UserInterface/Views/ContextualDocumentationPopover.css: Added.
(.popover .documentation-popover-content):
(.popover .documentation-popover-content > p):
(.popover .documentation-popover-content > .name-header):
(.popover .documentation-popover-content > .syntax):
(.popover .documentation-popover-content > .syntax > .syntax-title):
(.popover .documentation-popover-content > .reference-link):
* UserInterface/Views/ContextualDocumentationPopover.js: Added.
Add new class that extends Popover.js and handles fetching the values from VS Code documentation, puts relevant
information in the popover and presents the popover when the documentation-button is clicked.
* UserInterface/Views/Main.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .contextual-documentation-button):
Add general styling for contextualDocumentationButton.
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.js:
Add a new setting in Elements Tab to show syntax.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
Add a method - willDismissPopover to handle changes when the documentation popover is about to dismiss.
Add a method which gets called for all property fields and also gets called when property name is changed and
updated by clicking out of the property name field or tabbing into the next value field and is responsible for
adding the info button add the end of the property.
Add a method which creates an instance of the ContextualDocumentationPopover.js class and shows it.
2021-07-02 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Styles: should autocomplete `var()` and `attr()` values
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Add support for completion suggestions in the Styles details sidebar panel
for CSS Variables for use with var() and DOM node attributes for use with attr().
* UserInterface/Models/CSSCompletions.js:
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
* UserInterface/Models/DOMNodeStyles.js:
(WI.DOMNodeStyles.prototype.get allCSSVariables):
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
2021-07-01 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: [Regression: r279271] Sources: Breakpoints section in navigation sidebar disappears when Web Inspector becomes taller than 650px
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
As of r279271, flex base size is no longer clamped by max-height. As a result the non-clamped element
(`resources-container`) was sized to the full height of the container, leaving no space for the other sections
to be shown. Removing the `height: 100%;` declaration resolves this by allowing the flex container to lay out
its children as needed. Because the resources container has no maximum height constraint, it still occupies the
remaining height of the container. Each container will also continue to shrink/grow at their prescribed ratio
just as they did before r279271.
* UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.css:
(@media (min-height: 650px) .sidebar > .panel.navigation.sources > .content > :matches(.call-stack-container, .breakpoints-container, .resources-container, .local-overrides-container)):
2021-06-30 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Styles: Autocomplete should support function completions
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Covered by new test:
- inspector/unit-tests/css-keyword-completions.html
Add support for completing autocompleting values as part of a CSS function in the Styles sidebar panel.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
Tokenize the provided partial value text to correct provide completion for functions, like `env(`.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
Moved logic to `WI.CSSKeywordCompletions`.
2021-06-25 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Sources: Scope Chain sidebar panel is stripping repeating whitespace from strings
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
String and Regular Expression values in Object Trees were having `white-space: nowrap;` applied to them, which
was redundant because `white-space: pre;` was already defined for `.formatted-string` and `.formatted-regexp`,
which makes sure that the text does not wrap unless it contains a newline, and these previews have newlines
replaced with a Unicode symbol to visually represent a newline without breaking to a new line.
* UserInterface/Views/ObjectTreeView.css:
(.object-tree-property :matches(.formatted-string, .formatted-regexp)): Deleted.
2021-06-14 Patrick Angle <>
[REGRESSION: r276616] Uncaught Exception: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this._setupCodeMirror.getValue')
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Audit test groups share a single setup editor for all their test cases, leaving individual test cases without
their own setup editor. In this case, we should not attempt to save the setup script for every test, and instead
allow the instance of `AuditTestGroupContentView` that does have a setup editor to save the script.
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTestContentView.js:
2021-06-11 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Add instrumentation to node destruction for InspectorDOMAgent
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Listen for the new `DOM.willDestroyDOMNode` event in order to cleanup and remaining references to that Node.
This work serves as a prelude to <> (Web Inspector: preserve DOM.NodeId if a node is
removed and re-added) to eventually only forget about nodes upon destruction, instead of removal from the DOM
* UserInterface/Controllers/DOMManager.js:
* UserInterface/Protocol/DOMObserver.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeUpdater.js:
2021-06-08 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Styles panel slow to render when inspecting node with many inherited CSS variables
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Do not show unused inherited CSS variables in the Styles details sidebar.
When aggregating styles for the selected node in `WI.DOMNodeStyles`, collect a list of names of CSS variables used in CSS property values.
In the Styles details sidebar, skip rendering declarations of inherited CSS variables that are not found in this list.
Always show inherited variables that are used, either directly inherited or via reference (variables using other variables in their value).
Always show inherited variables used as values of inheritable properties like color, font-size, etc.
When a CSS rule contains hidden inherited variables, offer a button to request disclosing them for that rule.
Option-click to show unused inherited variables in all matching rules.
Clicking the "Go to variable" button automatically renders all the unused variables in the CSS rule where the target variable is declared.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
* UserInterface/Models/CSSProperty.js:
* UserInterface/Models/DOMNodeStyles.js:
(WI.DOMNodeStyles.prototype.get usedCSSVariables):
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.css:
(.spreadsheet-style-declaration-editor .property):
(.spreadsheet-style-declaration-editor > .hidden-variables-button):
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.js:
(WI.SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.prototype.get propertiesToRender):
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationSection.js:
(WI.SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationSection.prototype.set propertyVisibilityMode):
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetRulesStyleDetailsPanel.js:
2021-06-04 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: cannot see experimental settings when inspecting `ServiceWorker`
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.js:
There are experimental settings that have nothing to do with preview features or CSS. Don't
limit the Experimental pane to only if those things exist.
2021-06-04 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Uncaught Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'InspectorBackend.Enum.Page.ResourceType')
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Protocol/InspectorBackend.js:
(InspectorBackendClass.prototype.get Enum):
Use the list of all registered domains, not just the active domains, as only commands/events
are able to be filtered by target type.
2021-05-15 Said Abou-Hallawa <>
Implement CanvasRenderingContext2D.createConicGradient
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
* UserInterface/Models/NativeFunctionParameters.js:
* UserInterface/Models/Recording.js:
(WI.Recording.prototype.async swizzle):
* UserInterface/Views/RecordingActionTreeElement.js:
2021-05-10 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Network: rename "XHR" to "XHR/Fetch"
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
(WI.NetworkTableContentView.addScopeBarItem): Added.
(WI.NetworkTableContentView.shortDisplayNameForResourceType): Deleted.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2021-05-10 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Layout panel "Grid Overlays" main checkbox has dead space (no interaction) between checkbox and label text
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Make the empty space between the checkbox and the label text clickable in:
- Everywhere in Settings tab
- Layout panel, Page Overlay Options
- Grid Overlay header
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.css:
(.css-grid-section .node-display-name):
(.css-grid-section .toggle-all):
(.css-grid-section :is(.setting-editor, .node-overlay-list-item-container, .heading) input[type="checkbox"]):
(.css-grid-section .setting-editor > input[type="checkbox"]):
(.css-grid-section .node-display-name,): Deleted.
Make all checkbox labels in the Grid section align vertically.
* UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SettingEditor.css: Copied from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.css.
(.setting-editor input):
(.setting-editor > input[type="checkbox"]):
(.setting-editor > label):
* UserInterface/Views/SettingEditor.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.css:
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor):
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor:first-child > *):
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor input[type="checkbox"]):
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor select):
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor input[type="number"]):
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor input[type="text"]):
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor): Deleted.
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor:first-child > *): Deleted.
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input): Deleted.
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input[type="checkbox"]): Deleted.
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor select): Deleted.
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input[type="number"]): Deleted.
( > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input[type="text"]): Deleted.
Rename ".editor" to ".setting-editor" so it matches SettingEditor.css.
2021-05-10 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: add support for panning/zooming on images
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Controllers/GestureController.js: Added.
(WI.GestureController.prototype.get scale):
(WI.GestureController.prototype.set scale):
(WI.GestureController.prototype.get translate):
(WI.GestureController.prototype.set translate):
Add a general controller class that takes a `target` (and optionally a `container`) and adds
event listeners to handle various gestures:
- scale (both via trackpad and mouse wheel)
- transform (mouse click and drag)
* UserInterface/Views/ImageResourceContentView.js:
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype.get navigationItems):
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype.gestureControllerDidScale): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype.gestureControllerDidTranslate): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._updateResetGestureButtonNavigationItemLabel): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._handleResetGestureButtonNavitationItemClicked): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._handleZoomOutGestureButtonNavitationItemClicked): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._handleZoomInGestureButtonNavitationItemClicked): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/ImageResourceContentView.css:
(.content-view.resource.image > .img-container):
(.navigation-bar > .item.image-gesture-reset): Added.
Add a `WI.GestureController` and manipulate the `scale` and `transform` of the `<img>`.
Add navigation items that show the current scale (clicking it will reset the gesture), zoom
in, and zoom out.
* UserInterface/Views/LocalResourceOverrideLabelView.css:
Add a `z-index` so that zoomed images don't appear on top.
* UserInterface/Views/ResourceCollectionContentView.js:
(WI.ResourceCollectionContentView.prototype.get contentViewConstructorOptions):
Don't create the `WI.GestureController` in collection views.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/Images/ZoomIn.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/ZoomOut.svg: Added.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2021-05-07 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Breakpoint action add/remove buttons are not vertically aligned with action dropdown
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Change the breakpoint action add/remove button's `margin-top` to `margin-block-start`, and adjust the value to
properly vertically center the buttons with the action type menu.
* UserInterface/Views/BreakpointActionView.css:
(:matches(.breakpoint-action-append-button, .breakpoint-action-remove-button)):
2021-05-07 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Default source for new test cases is minified
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Move the placeholder test code to `WI.DefaultAudits` as part of the non-minified sources so that new audit test
cases do not have their default placeholder script minified. This also allows us to remove
`WI.AuditTestCase.stringifyFunction` as it is no longer needed.
* UserInterface/Models/AuditTestCase.js:
(WI.AuditTestCase.stringifyFunction): Deleted.
* UserInterface/NonMinified/DefaultAudits.js:
* UserInterface/Views/CreateAuditPopover.js:
(WI.CreateAuditPopover.prototype.dismiss.const.placeholderTestFunction): Deleted.
2021-05-04 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: add assertion for `WI.View` re-entrancy
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Add `console.assert` (which are removed from production builds) around each critical
`WI.View` subclass member function to prevent reentrancy.
- `initialLayout`
- `sizeDidChange`
- `layout`
- `didLayoutSubtree`
This is important because `WI.View.prototype._layoutSubtree` sets any related state after
calling any of the above (e.g. `_didInitialLayout` after `initialLayout`), meaning that any
checks for the related state (which sometimes control whether the function is called, such
as in the case of `initialLayout`) would think that the function hadn't been called yet. See
r276170 for an example of how this can happen and the potential problems it can cause.
* UserInterface/Views/View.js:
* UserInterface/Base/Utilities.js:
(WI.setReentrantCheck): Added.
(WI.clearReentrantCheck): Added.
2021-05-04 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Sources: Inconsistent selection in source tree when grouped by path
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Ensure origin tree elements for different domains in the Sources Tab behave as folder tree elements
in that they can be individually selected without triggering rendering of any resource.
In essence, restore behavior prior to
The only exception is for document resources. Clicking on the origin tree element associated with a document resource,
triggers rendering of the corresponding document.
* UserInterface/Views/OriginTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
2021-04-28 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: CSS Grid - measure usage of grid overlay options
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
Add telemetry instrumentation to track grid overlay configurations and time spent using them.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
* UserInterface/Controllers/GridOverlayConfigurationDiagnosticEventRecorder.js: Added.
(WI.GridOverlayConfigurationDiagnosticEventRecorder.get eventSamplingInterval):
* UserInterface/Controllers/OverlayManager.js:
* UserInterface/Main.html:
2021-04-27 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Rename "Open in New Tab" context menu item to "Open in New Window"
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
Update the context menu item label, as the "Open in..." context menu item opens the target item in a new window,
not a new tab.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ContextMenuUtilities.js:
2021-04-27 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Default Audits script are minified in release builds
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
Covered by new test:
- inspector/audit/non-minified-default-audits.html
The default audits have been moved out of `AuditManager.js` and into a special `DefaultAudits.js` in the new
`NonMinified` directory, which contains JavaScript sources that should be included in `Main.js` and
`TestCombined.js`, but should not have whitespace stripped from their contents because the whitespace is
important to the script. For example, the source for the default audits are visible to the user, and therefore
we want to present well-formatted source in those contexts.
* Scripts/
- Added `NonMinified` directory to list of default `inputDirectoryPattern` exceptions for combining resources.
- Added `--skip-concatenate-tag` so that we don't add tags for script we will eventually append to another script.
* Scripts/
- Handle `NonMinified` directory for sources that will be appended to Main.js, but should not be minified.
- Handle `NonMinified` directory for sources that will be appended to TestCombined.js.
- Drive-by fix for typo in combineOrStripResourcesForWebKitAdditions that caused errors to be emitted during builds.
* UserInterface/Controllers/AuditManager.js:
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.levelPass): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.levelWarn): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.levelFail): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.levelError): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.levelUnsupported): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.dataDOMNodes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.dataDOMAttributes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.dataErrors): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.dataCustom): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getElementsByComputedRole): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getActiveDescendant): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getChildNodes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getComputedProperties): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getControlledNodes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getFlowedNodes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getMouseEventNode): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getOwnedNodes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getParentNode): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getSelectedChildNodes): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.hasEventListeners): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.hasEventListenersClick): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getResources): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.getResourceContent): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.unsupported): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.hasChildWithRole): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testMenuRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testGridRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForAriaLabelledBySpelling): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForMultipleBanners): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForLinkLabels): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testRowGroupRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testTableRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForMultipleLiveRegions): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testListBoxRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testImageLabels): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForAriaHiddenFalse): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testTreeRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testRadioGroupRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testFeedRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testTabListRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testButtonLabels): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testRowRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testListRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testComboBoxRoleForRequiredChildren): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForMultipleMainContentSections): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testDialogsForLabels): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.const.testForInvalidAriaHiddenValue): Deleted.
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.removeWhitespace): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/NonMinified/DefaultAudits.js: Added.
* UserInterface/Test.html:
2021-04-27 Don Olmstead <>
[CMake] Don't use FORWARDING_HEADERS_DIR for GTK WebKit headers
Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.
* PlatformGTK.cmake:
2021-04-26 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Audit Tab: Edits are not committed when leaving edit mode unless you first click into another text field
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Save test and setup code when pressing "Done" button. Don't rely on the blur event because it doesn't fire on
the focused element when it's removed from the DOM.
* UserInterface/Models/AuditTestBase.js:
(WI.AuditTestBase.prototype.set setup):
* UserInterface/Models/AuditTestCase.js:
(WI.AuditTestCase.prototype.set test):
Allow setting `test` and `setup` after editing is finished.
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTestCaseContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTestContentView.js:
Saving test on `detached` saves it when selecting a different test in the navigation sidebar.
2021-04-26 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Audit: Uncaught Exception: Failed to execute 'delete' on 'IDBObjectStore': The parameter is not a valid key range.
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Controllers/AuditManager.js:
(WI.AuditManager.prototype.async processJSON):
(WI.AuditManager.prototype.async addTest):
* UserInterface/Views/AuditNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTreeElement.js:
Make sure to save any newly created audits not already in `WI.objectStores.audits` immediately
so that if the developer tries to delete it before exiting Edit mode (which is normally when
everything is saved) an exception isn't thrown about it not being in `WI.objectStores.audits`.
2021-04-26 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r270134) Elements Tab: Details Sidebar toggle is unexpectedly disabled after switching from Timelines tab
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Ensure the logic for identifying and showing the represented object for the selected `DOMNode`
is not run unless the Elements Tab is visible. This guards agains the partial setting of state
when the Elements Tab is not the default tab while opening Web Inspector.
* UserInterface/Views/ElementsTabContentView.js:
2021-04-25 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Audit: REGRESSION(?): creating a new test in Edit mode causes the Results folder to appear
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
* UserInterface/Views/AuditNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
2021-04-22 BJ Burg <>
[Cocoa] re-enable test case WKInspectorDelegate.InspectorConfiguration
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Adjust the CSP directive list in the <meta> tag to allow for customization
by WebKit ports.
* UserInterface/Main.html:
- Remove `default-src 'self'` so as not to block custom scheme loads.
- Remove `connect-src * ws:` so as not to block custom scheme loads.
- Add `object-src 'none'` as we have no reason to allow <object>, <embed>, or <applet>.
2021-04-20 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Tree Outlines: `ondetach` can be called without `onattach` ever being called
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Ensure `TreeElement.ondetach()` cannot be called if the conditions
for previously calling `TreeElement.onattach()` have not been met.
* UserInterface/Views/TreeElement.js:
2021-04-19 Patrick Angle <>
REGRESSION (r268691 && r270134): Web Inspector: Clicking on go-to arrow in Computed panel no longer works
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
The Styles panel will not always be part of the same sidebar as the Computed panel as of r268691, so we should
look for the Styles panel in WI.detailsSidebar, which will report all of the panels it manages across multiple
sidebars. Additionally, as of r270134, there is no longer a private `_visible` property for
`WI.StyleDetailsPanel`, so it can not be used by `WI.SpreadsheetRulesStyleDetailsPanel`. Instead, visibility
should be determined by checking if the panel is attached and not pending layout.
* UserInterface/Views/ComputedStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetRulesStyleDetailsPanel.js:
2021-04-19 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Graphics: add support for `steps()`/`spring()` CSS timing functions
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Models/Geometry.js:
(WI.StepsFunction): Added.
(WI.StepsFunction.fromString): Added.
(WI.StepsFunction.prototype.get type): Added.
(WI.StepsFunction.prototype.get count): Added.
(WI.StepsFunction.prototype.copy): Added.
(WI.StepsFunction.prototype.toString): Added.
Create a model object for `steps()` CSS timing function.
* UserInterface/Models/Animation.js:
Also support `effect.timingFunction`/`keyframe.easing` being a `steps()`/`spring()` CSS timing function.
* UserInterface/Views/AnimationContentView.js:
Create a UI for `steps()`/`spring()` CSS timing functions.
2021-04-19 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(?): Network: Request (Object Tree) is sometimes empty
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Views/LocalJSONContentView.js:
If the `WI.RemoteObject` is simple enough to be rendered inline, `WI.ObjectTreeView` won't
show a `WI.TreeOutline` by default. We have to tell it to use a `WI.TreeOutline` by passing
`forceExpanding = true` into the constructor.
* UserInterface/Views/ObjectTreeView.js:
Add some `console.assert` to help prevent this from happening again.
2021-04-19 Kimmo Kinnunen <>
Enable -Wthread-safety, add attributes to custom lock classes, and provide macros to declare guards
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
Add -Wthread-safety to compile flags.
* Configurations/Base.xcconfig:
2021-04-16 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(?): Graphics: dropping a recording leaves behind a drop zone view
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Views/GraphicsTabContentView.js:
It appears that it's possible for re-entrancy issues in the `WI.View` system since the
`_didInitialLayout` flag isn't set until _after_ `initialLayout` returns, meaning that if
the logic inside `initialLayout` triggers a synchronous `layout` then that second `layout`
won't know that it's already in the middle of an `initialLayout`. In this case, showing the
`WI.GraphicsOverviewContentView` causes the navigation sidebar to be shown, which forces a
synchronous `layout` from handling `WI.Sidebar.Event.WidthDidChange`. For now, there's no
"rush" to show the `WI.GraphicsOverviewContentView` so we delay it by one event loop turn.
* UserInterface/Views/CanvasContentView.js:
(WI.CanvasContentView.prototype.dropZoneShouldAppearForDragEvent): Deleted.
(WI.CanvasContentView.prototype.dropZoneHandleDrop): Deleted.
There's no reason to have another `WI.DropZoneView` here since there's already one that
covers the entire tab.
2021-04-16 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Uncaught Exception: null is not an object (evaluating 'this._listeners.get')
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Base/Object.js:
Add early-return checks just in case `_listeners` or `listenersForEventType` is falsy. While
ideally it would be the case that these would never be falsy, the logic of Web Inspector is
complex and far reaching, so better safe than sorry.
* UserInterface/Views/TreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/BootstrapScriptTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/BreakpointTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/FrameTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/JavaScriptBreakpointTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/LocalResourceOverrideTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ShaderProgramTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/WebSocketResourceTreeElement.js:
Add FIXME comments warning of this issue so that future changes can take it into account.
<> (Web Inspector: Tree Outlines: `ondetach` can be called without `onattach` ever being called)
2021-04-16 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Sources: don't show the create local override contextmenu if the navigation item is disabled
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Views/ResourceContentView.js:
2021-04-13 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: add setting to allow inspecting Web Inspector
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Instead of telling curious users to set the WebKitDeveloperExtras default,
expose an experimental setting that does the same thing.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
* UserInterface/Base/Setting.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.js:
2021-04-06 BJ Burg <>
Web Inspector: remove duplicate Box Model section from Layout panel in Elements Tab
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
For now, remove it from Layout panel. It may go back there
when it is able to show used values. It currently only shows computed.
* UserInterface/Views/LayoutDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
(WI.LayoutDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype.get minimumWidth): Deleted.
2021-04-06 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: Layout sidebar grid overlay color swatch tooltip shouldn't include "switch format" hint
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.js:
* UserInterface/Views/InlineSwatch.js:
(WI.InlineSwatch.prototype.set shiftClickColorEnabled):
2021-03-31 Patrick Angle <>
Web Inspector: Regression (r270134) Timeline recordings 2 and beyond do not show a timescale.
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
When a new `TimelineOverview` is created, it calls `TimelineOverview.prototype._viewModeDidChange` inside the
constructor, which in turn called `updateLayout`. This was problematic in that a `TimelineRuler` would have
`sizeDidChange` invoked before it was attached to the DOM, which meant that there was no width to cache. Because
`sizeDidChange` is only invoked during the first layout and on resize events, the cached width is not updated
when the ruler is attached to the view hierarchy, having already performed an early initial layout.
This patch now checks if the `TimelineOverview` has performed its initial layout before updating the layout
inside `_viewModeDidChange`, which means that the initial layout on the child `TimelineRuler` will be done while
attached, thus producing a valid width value to cache.
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineOverview.js:
2021-03-31 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Autocomplete experimental CSS Color values (hwb, lch, lab, color-mix, color-contrast)
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSKeywordCompletions.js:
2021-03-28 Sam Weinig <>
Remove ENABLE_INDEXED_DATABASE & ENABLE_INDEXED_DATABASE_IN_WORKERS, it seems like it is on for all ports
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
* Versions/Inspector-iOS-14.0.json:
* Versions/Inspector-iOS-14.5.json:
Update for removed ENABLE_INDEXED_DATABASE conditional.
2021-03-26 Jessie Berlin <>
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
* Configurations/DebugRelease.xcconfig:
* Configurations/Version.xcconfig:
2021-03-25 Jessie Berlin <>
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
* Configurations/Base.xcconfig:
* Configurations/DebugRelease.xcconfig:
* Configurations/Version.xcconfig:
2021-03-25 Razvan Caliman <>
REGRESSION (r270134) Web Inspector: Audit: Results are stacked on top of each other.
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Ensure pre-existing `ContentView`s are removed when navigating back/forward
even when the incoming `ContentView` is already attached.
For example, `AuditTestContentView` instances for individual tests are already attached
when shown as part of a test group `AuditTestGroupContentView`.
Navigating from the group to the individual test view must remove the group view.
* UserInterface/Views/ContentViewContainer.js:
2021-03-24 Razvan Caliman <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION (r269359): Timelines: TypeError: this.deselect is not a function
Reviewed by BJ Burg.
Ensure individual timeline views can be closed to return to the Timelines overview.
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineTreeElement.js:
2021-03-19 BJ Burg <>
Uncaught Exception: RangeError: Array size is not a small enough positive integer.
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
This patch fixes the broken CPU instrument when viewing a JSON timeline recordng.
This exception is thrown when viewing a timeline recording that has been
imported from JSON file. Aside from the exception, the code is functionally
broken in this situation since passing a negative number to Array() doesn't work.
I tested this change manually and selection ranges now behave as expected, and
have not regressed in other instruments / UI.
* UserInterface/Views/CPUTimelineView.js:
Based on my investigation, the visibleEndTime is incorrectly computed when
showing a JSON timeline recording because the currentTime property is always '0'.
If this is the case, then let's assume that the entire range should be displayed.
== Rolled over to ChangeLog-2021-03-18 ==