blob: 31afa3d91fcafebc2258325c557faf6a4dd8570e [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance2/rendering/fs-color-type-mismatch-color-buffer-type.html
[ 1: PASS ] WebGL context exists
[ 2: PASS ] Succeed to set up program
[ 3: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 4: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_OPERATION : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 5: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 6: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 7: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 8: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 9: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 10: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_OPERATION : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 11: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 12: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 13: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 14: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : If color buffers' type mismatch the type of fragment shader's outputs, geneate INVALID_OPERATION. Otherwise, it should be NO_ERROR
[ 15: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 2 failures reported