blob: 4285a41e85f40cca6111be63f3bba6dd3afddf6a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS var() references work with registered properties
FAIL References to registered var()-properties work in registered lists assert_equals: expected "1px, 10px, 2px" but got "0px"
FAIL References to mixed registered and unregistered var()-properties work in registered lists assert_equals: expected "1px, 20px, 10px, 2px" but got "0px"
FAIL Registered lists may be concatenated assert_equals: expected "1px, 10px, 2px, 1px, 20px, 10px, 2px" but got "0px"
PASS Font-relative units are absolutized when substituting
PASS Calc expressions are resolved when substituting
FAIL Lists with relative units are absolutized when substituting assert_equals: expected "110px, 120px" but got "0px"
PASS Valid fallback does not invalidate var()-reference [<length>, 10px]
PASS Valid fallback does not invalidate var()-reference [<length> | <color>, red]
PASS Valid fallback does not invalidate var()-reference [<length> | none, none]
FAIL Invalid fallback invalidates var()-reference [<length>, red] assert_equals: expected "" but got "40px"
FAIL Invalid fallback invalidates var()-reference [<length> | none, nolength] assert_equals: expected "" but got "40px"
FAIL Invalid fallback invalidates var()-reference [<length>, var(--novar)] assert_equals: expected "" but got "40px"