blob: 82a012e2f68532761b18428c3eaed9479ec8c7e5 [file] [log] [blame]
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function test_initial_value(reg, expected) {
let suffix = reg.inherits === true ? ', inherits' : '';
let name = generate_property(reg);
let actual = getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name);
assert_equals(actual, expected);
}, `Initial value for ${reg.syntax} correctly computed [${reg.initialValue}${suffix}]`);
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<length>', initialValue: 'calc(10px + 15px)' }, '25px');
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<length-percentage>', initialValue: 'calc(1in + 10% + 4px)' }, 'calc(10% + 100px)');
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<color>', initialValue: 'pink', inherits: true }, 'rgb(255, 192, 203)');
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<color>', initialValue: 'purple' }, 'rgb(128, 0, 128)');
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<transform-function>', initialValue: 'rotate(42deg)' }, 'rotate(42deg)');
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<transform-list>', initialValue: 'scale(calc(2 + 2))' }, 'scale(4)');
test_initial_value({ syntax: '<transform-list>', initialValue: 'scale(calc(2 + 1)) translateX(calc(3px + 1px))' }, 'scale(3) translateX(4px)');
// Test that the initial value of the custom property 'reg' is successfully
// substituted into 'property'.
function test_substituted_value(reg, property, expected) {
let inherits_text = reg.inherits === true ? 'inherited' : 'non-inherited';
try {
let name = generate_property(reg); = `${property}:var(${name});`;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(property), expected);
} finally { = '';
}, `Initial ${inherits_text} value can be substituted [${reg.initialValue}, ${property}]`);
test_substituted_value({ syntax: '<color>', initialValue: 'purple', inherits: true }, 'color', 'rgb(128, 0, 128)');
test_substituted_value({ syntax: '<color>', initialValue: 'pink' }, 'background-color', 'rgb(255, 192, 203)');