blob: b16a51aa71a416c7e9d5f6573f69a82d50b83240 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS idl_test setup
PASS idl_test validation
PASS Partial namespace CSS: original namespace defined
PASS Partial namespace CSS: member names are unique
PASS Partial interface CSSRule: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface CSSRule: member names are unique
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface object length assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface object name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: attribute name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: attribute syntax assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: attribute inherits assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSPropertyRule interface: attribute initialValue assert_own_property: self does not have own property "CSSPropertyRule" expected property "CSSPropertyRule" missing
FAIL CSSRule interface: constant PROPERTY_RULE on interface object assert_own_property: expected property "PROPERTY_RULE" missing
FAIL CSSRule interface: constant PROPERTY_RULE on interface prototype object assert_own_property: expected property "PROPERTY_RULE" missing
PASS CSS namespace: operation escape(CSSOMString)
PASS CSS namespace: operation registerProperty(PropertyDefinition)