PASS Blob interface object | |
PASS Blob constructor with no arguments | |
PASS Blob constructor with no arguments, without 'new' | |
PASS Blob constructor without brackets | |
PASS Blob constructor with undefined as first argument | |
PASS Passing non-objects, Dates and RegExps for blobParts should throw a TypeError. | |
PASS A plain object with @@iterator should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument. | |
PASS A plain object with custom @@iterator should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument. | |
PASS A plain object with @@iterator and a length property should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument. | |
PASS A String object should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument. | |
PASS A Uint8Array object should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument. | |
PASS The length getter should be invoked and any exceptions should be propagated. | |
PASS A platform object that supports indexed properties should be treated as a sequence for the blobParts argument (overwritten 'length'.) | |
PASS ToUint32 should be applied to the length and any exceptions should be propagated. | |
PASS Getters and value conversions should happen in order until an exception is thrown. | |
PASS ToString should be called on elements of the blobParts array and any exceptions should be propagated. | |
PASS Changes to the blobParts array should be reflected in the returned Blob (pop). | |
PASS Changes to the blobParts array should be reflected in the returned Blob (unshift). | |
PASS ToString should be called on elements of the blobParts array. | |
PASS ArrayBuffer elements of the blobParts array should be supported. | |
PASS Passing typed arrays as elements of the blobParts array should work. | |
PASS Passing a Float64Array as element of the blobParts array should work. | |
PASS Passing an platform object that supports indexed properties as the blobParts array should work (select). | |
PASS Passing an platform object that supports indexed properties as the blobParts array should work (attributes). | |
PASS Passing a FrozenArray as the blobParts array should work (FrozenArray<MessagePort>). | |
PASS Array with two blobs | |
PASS Array with two buffers | |
PASS Array with two bufferviews | |
PASS Array with mixed types | |
PASS options properties should be accessed in lexicographic order. | |
PASS Arguments should be evaluated from left to right. | |
PASS Passing null (index 0) for options should use the defaults. | |
PASS Passing null (index 0) for options should use the defaults (with newlines). | |
PASS Passing undefined (index 1) for options should use the defaults. | |
PASS Passing undefined (index 1) for options should use the defaults (with newlines). | |
PASS Passing object "[object Object]" (index 2) for options should use the defaults. | |
PASS Passing object "[object Object]" (index 2) for options should use the defaults (with newlines). | |
PASS Passing object "[object Object]" (index 3) for options should use the defaults. | |
PASS Passing object "[object Object]" (index 3) for options should use the defaults (with newlines). | |
PASS Passing object "/regex/" (index 4) for options should use the defaults. | |
PASS Passing object "/regex/" (index 4) for options should use the defaults (with newlines). | |
PASS Passing function "function () {}" (index 5) for options should use the defaults. | |
PASS Passing function "function () {}" (index 5) for options should use the defaults (with newlines). | |
PASS Passing 123 for options should throw | |
PASS Passing 123.4 for options should throw | |
PASS Passing true for options should throw | |
PASS Passing "abc" for options should throw | |
PASS Blob with type "" | |
PASS Blob with type "a" | |
PASS Blob with type "A" | |
PASS Blob with type "text/html" | |
PASS Blob with type "TEXT/HTML" | |
PASS Blob with type "text/plain;charset=utf-8" | |
PASS Blob with type "å" | |
PASS Blob with type "𐑾" | |
PASS Blob with type " image/gif " | |
PASS Blob with type "\timage/gif\t" | |
PASS Blob with type "image/gif;" | |
PASS Blob with type "İmage/gif" | |
PASS Blob with type "ımage/gif" | |
PASS Blob with type "image/gif\0" | |
PASS Blob with type "unknown/unknown" | |
PASS Blob with type "text/plain" | |
PASS Blob with type "image/png" | |