blob: 20645c5e3559161d81212c2f4ff600267b39cf30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// PoolAlloc.cpp:
// Implements the class methods for PoolAllocator and Allocation classes.
#include "common/PoolAlloc.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/mathutil.h"
#include "common/platform.h"
#include "common/tls.h"
namespace angle
// Implement the functionality of the PoolAllocator class, which
// is documented in PoolAlloc.h.
PoolAllocator::PoolAllocator(int growthIncrement, int allocationAlignment)
: mAlignment(allocationAlignment),
if (mAlignment == 1)
// This is a special fast-path where fastAllocation() is enabled
mAlignmentMask = 0;
mHeaderSkip = sizeof(Header);
// Adjust mAlignment to be at least pointer aligned and
// power of 2.
size_t minAlign = sizeof(void *);
mAlignment &= ~(minAlign - 1);
if (mAlignment < minAlign)
mAlignment = minAlign;
mAlignment = gl::ceilPow2(static_cast<unsigned int>(mAlignment));
mAlignmentMask = mAlignment - 1;
// Align header skip
mHeaderSkip = minAlign;
if (mHeaderSkip < sizeof(Header))
mHeaderSkip = rx::roundUp(sizeof(Header), mAlignment);
// Don't allow page sizes we know are smaller than all common
// OS page sizes.
if (mPageSize < 4 * 1024)
mPageSize = 4 * 1024;
// A large mCurrentPageOffset indicates a new page needs to
// be obtained to allocate memory.
mCurrentPageOffset = mPageSize;
#else // !defined(ANGLE_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOC)
while (mInUseList)
Header *next = mInUseList->nextPage;
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char *>(mInUseList);
mInUseList = next;
// We should not check the guard blocks
// here, because we did it already when the block was
// placed into the free list.
while (mFreeList)
Header *next = mFreeList->nextPage;
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char *>(mFreeList);
mFreeList = next;
#else // !defined(ANGLE_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOC)
for (auto &allocs : mStack)
for (auto alloc : allocs)
// Check a single guard block for damage
void Allocation::checkGuardBlock(unsigned char *blockMem,
unsigned char val,
const char *locText) const
for (size_t x = 0; x < kGuardBlockSize; x++)
if (blockMem[x] != val)
char assertMsg[80];
// We don't print the assert message. It's here just to be helpful.
snprintf(assertMsg, sizeof(assertMsg),
"PoolAlloc: Damage %s %zu byte allocation at 0x%p\n", locText, mSize, data());
assert(0 && "PoolAlloc: Damage in guard block");
void PoolAllocator::push()
AllocState state = {mCurrentPageOffset, mInUseList};
// Indicate there is no current page to allocate from.
mCurrentPageOffset = mPageSize;
#else // !defined(ANGLE_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOC)
// Do a mass-deallocation of all the individual allocations
// that have occurred since the last push(), or since the
// last pop(), or since the object's creation.
// The deallocated pages are saved for future allocations.
void PoolAllocator::pop()
if (mStack.size() < 1)
Header *page = mStack.back().page;
mCurrentPageOffset = mStack.back().offset;
while (mInUseList != page)
// invoke destructor to free allocation list
Header *nextInUse = mInUseList->nextPage;
if (mInUseList->pageCount > 1)
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char *>(mInUseList);
mInUseList->nextPage = mFreeList;
mFreeList = mInUseList;
mInUseList = nextInUse;
#else // !defined(ANGLE_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOC)
for (auto &alloc : mStack.back())
// Do a mass-deallocation of all the individual allocations
// that have occurred.
void PoolAllocator::popAll()
while (mStack.size() > 0)
void *PoolAllocator::allocate(size_t numBytes)
// Just keep some interesting statistics.
mTotalBytes += numBytes;
// If we are using guard blocks, all allocations are bracketed by
// them: [guardblock][allocation][guardblock]. numBytes is how
// much memory the caller asked for. allocationSize is the total
// size including guard blocks. In release build,
// kGuardBlockSize=0 and this all gets optimized away.
size_t allocationSize = Allocation::AllocationSize(numBytes) + mAlignment;
// Detect integer overflow.
if (allocationSize < numBytes)
return 0;
// Do the allocation, most likely case first, for efficiency.
// This step could be moved to be inline sometime.
if (allocationSize <= mPageSize - mCurrentPageOffset)
// Safe to allocate from mCurrentPageOffset.
unsigned char *memory = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(mInUseList) + mCurrentPageOffset;
mCurrentPageOffset += allocationSize;
mCurrentPageOffset = (mCurrentPageOffset + mAlignmentMask) & ~mAlignmentMask;
return initializeAllocation(mInUseList, memory, numBytes);
if (allocationSize > mPageSize - mHeaderSkip)
// Do a multi-page allocation. Don't mix these with the others.
// The OS is efficient in allocating and freeing multiple pages.
size_t numBytesToAlloc = allocationSize + mHeaderSkip;
// Detect integer overflow.
if (numBytesToAlloc < allocationSize)
return 0;
Header *memory = reinterpret_cast<Header *>(::new char[numBytesToAlloc]);
if (memory == 0)
return 0;
// Use placement-new to initialize header
new (memory) Header(mInUseList, (numBytesToAlloc + mPageSize - 1) / mPageSize);
mInUseList = memory;
mCurrentPageOffset = mPageSize; // make next allocation come from a new page
// No guard blocks for multi-page allocations (yet)
void *unalignedPtr =
reinterpret_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(memory) + mHeaderSkip);
return std::align(mAlignment, numBytes, unalignedPtr, allocationSize);
unsigned char *newPageAddr =
static_cast<unsigned char *>(allocateNewPage(numBytes, allocationSize));
return initializeAllocation(mInUseList, newPageAddr, numBytes);
#else // !defined(ANGLE_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOC)
void *alloc = malloc(numBytes + mAlignmentMask);
intptr_t intAlloc = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(alloc);
intAlloc = (intAlloc + mAlignmentMask) & ~mAlignmentMask;
return reinterpret_cast<void *>(intAlloc);
void *PoolAllocator::allocateNewPage(size_t numBytes, size_t allocationSize)
// Need a simple page to allocate from.
Header *memory;
if (mFreeList)
memory = mFreeList;
mFreeList = mFreeList->nextPage;
memory = reinterpret_cast<Header *>(::new char[mPageSize]);
if (memory == 0)
return 0;
// Use placement-new to initialize header
new (memory) Header(mInUseList, 1);
mInUseList = memory;
unsigned char *ret = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(mInUseList) + mHeaderSkip;
mCurrentPageOffset = (mHeaderSkip + allocationSize + mAlignmentMask) & ~mAlignmentMask;
return ret;
void PoolAllocator::lock()
mLocked = true;
void PoolAllocator::unlock()
mLocked = false;
// Check all allocations in a list for damage by calling check on each.
void Allocation::checkAllocList() const
for (const Allocation *alloc = this; alloc != 0; alloc = alloc->mPrevAlloc)
} // namespace angle