| # These are the layout test expectations for Apple's Mac port of WebKit. |
| # |
| # See http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/TestExpectations for more information on this file. |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/5647952> fast/events/mouseout-on-window.html needs mac DRT to issue mouse out events |
| fast/events/mouseout-on-window.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Different behavior expectatations on mac, and puts up visible context menu. |
| webkit.org/b/102987 fast/events/context-nodrag.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/5643675> window.scrollTo scrolls a window with no scrollbars |
| fast/events/attempt-scroll-with-no-scrollbars.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Pixel test doesn't repaint entire view so result is corrupted by previous test |
| webkit.org/b/21916 tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug178855.xml [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81697 Skip file:// based notifications tests |
| fast/notifications |
| |
| webkit.org/b/108223 fast/forms/range/slider-delete-while-dragging-thumb.html [ Crash Pass ] |
| |
| # This port doesn't support detecting slow unload handlers. |
| fast/dom/Window/slow-unload-handler.html |
| fast/dom/Window/slow-unload-handler-only-frame-is-stopped.html |
| |
| # This test fails on release and crashes on debug because of trying to use isEqual() with undefined objects |
| webkit.org/b/126066 accessibility/loading-iframe-updates-axtree.html [ Failure Crash ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116636 accessibility/document-attributes.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Accessibility tests with missing AccessibilityController functionality. |
| webkit.org/b/116637 accessibility/selection-states.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Accessibility tests for notifications that don't exist or aren't needed on Mac OS X. |
| accessibility/aria-checkbox-sends-notification.html |
| accessibility/combo-box-collapsed-selection-changed.html |
| accessibility/children-changed-sends-notification.html |
| accessibility/menu-list-sends-change-notification.html |
| accessibility/multiselect-list-reports-active-option.html |
| |
| # isIndeterminate is not implemented in mac |
| webkit.org/b/125855 accessibility/aria-checked-mixed-value.html [ Skip ] |
| # Missing implementation of some functions in mac. |
| webkit.org/b/129039 accessibility/select-element-at-index.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # ariaControlsElementAtIndex is not implemented in mac |
| webkit.org/b/127908 accessibility/aria-controls.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Need to add functionality to DumpRenderTree to handle error pages |
| fast/history/back-forward-reset-after-error-handling.html |
| |
| # Need to implement this in plugins code in WebKit |
| plugins/reloadplugins-and-pages.html |
| |
| # These tests require touch support |
| fast/events/touch |
| |
| # No button tracked |
| fast/events/mouseover-button.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/33923 platform/mac/accessibility/change-notification-on-scroll.html [ Skip ] # times out |
| |
| # eventSender needs to propagate the event to the calling window, not the main frame always. |
| http/tests/plugins/plugin-document-has-focus.html |
| |
| # Requires testRunner.setMediaType() and implementation |
| fast/media/print-restores-previous-mediatype.html |
| |
| # VIEW_MODE_CSS_MEDIA is not enabled on Mac. |
| # DumpRenderTree requires testRunner.setViewModeMediaFeature() |
| fast/media/view-mode-media-feature.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/media/media-query-list-02.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/media/media-query-list-03.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/media/media-query-list-04.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/media/media-query-list-05.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/media/media-query-list-06.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Needs layoutTestController.enableAutoResizeMode() |
| fast/autoresize |
| |
| # Uses layoutTestController.titleTextDirection, which is Chromium-only |
| webkit.org/b/58845 fast/dom/title-directionality-removeChild.html |
| webkit.org/b/58845 fast/dom/title-directionality.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/36642 fast/replaced/border-radius-clip.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Need to add functionality to DumpRenderTree to handle scrollbar policy changes |
| fast/overflow/scrollbar-restored-and-then-locked.html |
| |
| # Mac port doesn't put text/html on the pasteboard for app compatibility: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19893 |
| editing/pasteboard/onpaste-text-html-types.html |
| editing/pasteboard/onpaste-text-html.html |
| fast/events/ondrop-text-html.html |
| |
| # EventSendingController does not send events on areas outside the WebView. |
| scrollbars/scrollbar-click-does-not-blur-content.html |
| |
| # Below canvas test cases from http://philip.html5.org/tests/canvas/suite/tests/ |
| # (2d.composite.operation.clear) is failing because we support the "clear" composite op |
| # without our vendor prefix since it was around in canvas before the spec was written. |
| canvas/philip/tests/2d.composite.operation.clear.html [ Failure ] |
| # (2d.composite.*) Most, if not all, of these are failing due to the webkit canvas |
| # drawing model being different than the spec's current model. There is a current |
| # effort out to change the spec to the webkit canvas model. |
| canvas/philip/tests/2d.composite.operation.darker.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # This canvas test is skipped because it is out of date with respect to |
| # the current spec, and the fix for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65709 |
| # which complies with the current spec, makes this test fail by no longer throwing |
| # exceptions that were previously expected |
| canvas/philip/tests/2d.drawImage.outsidesource.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # This port doesn't support DeviceMotion or DeviceOrientation. |
| fast/dom/DeviceMotion |
| fast/dom/DeviceOrientation |
| fast/dom/Window/window-properties-device-orientation.html |
| |
| # Link prefetch is disabled by default |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/link-and-subresource-test.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/link-and-subresource-test-nonexistent.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-beforeload.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-onerror.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-onload.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-too-many-clients.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/subresource.html |
| http/tests/misc/link-rel-prefetch-and-subresource.html |
| http/tests/misc/prefetch-purpose.html |
| |
| # Filenames aren't filtered out from edit drags yet, see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38826 |
| editing/pasteboard/file-drag-to-editable.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # EventSender::dumpFilenameBeingDragged not implemented. |
| webkit.org/b/61827 fast/events/drag-image-filename.html |
| |
| # Datalist is not yet enabled. |
| fast/forms/datalist |
| |
| # ENABLE_INPUT_TYPE_* are not enabled. |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29359 |
| fast/forms/date |
| fast/forms/datetime |
| fast/forms/datetimelocal |
| fast/forms/month |
| fast/forms/time |
| fast/forms/week |
| |
| # ENABLE_GAMEPAD not enabled. |
| gamepad/ |
| |
| # X-Content-Type-Options (ENABLE_NOSNIFF) is not enabled. |
| http/tests/security/contentTypeOptions |
| |
| # Media Stream API is not yet enabled. |
| fast/mediastream |
| fast/events/constructors/media-stream-event-constructor.html |
| http/tests/media/media-stream |
| |
| # Asserts in debug. |
| [ Debug ] fast/images/large-size-image-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Directory upload is not enabled. |
| fast/forms/file/input-file-directory-upload.html |
| |
| # Resource Timing is not enabled. |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=133321 |
| http/tests/w3c/webperf |
| |
| # Content Security Policy 1.1 (ENABLE_CSP_NEXT) is not enabled |
| webkit.org/b/85558 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1 |
| |
| # Still working out flakiness issues with the perf tests. |
| perf |
| |
| webkit.org/b/42821 animations/play-state.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/113598 animations/animation-delay-changed.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/113599 svg/animations/reinserting-svg-into-document.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Flakey notification test. |
| webkit.org/b/112499 http/tests/notifications/window-show-on-click.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112499 http/tests/notifications/legacy/window-show-on-click.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Safari doesn't allow to customize outermost scrollbars. |
| webkit.org/b/43960 scrollbars/custom-scrollbar-with-incomplete-style.html |
| |
| # viewport meta tag support |
| fast/viewport |
| |
| # The WebKit plugin implementation does not support iframe shims. |
| webkit.org/b/46223 plugins/iframe-shims.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116640 plugins/plugin-initiate-popup-window.html |
| |
| # Requires WebP support. |
| fast/canvas/canvas-toDataURL-webp.html |
| fast/images/webp-image-decoding.html |
| fast/images/webp-color-profile-lossless.html |
| fast/images/webp-color-profile-lossy-alpha.html |
| fast/images/webp-color-profile-lossy.html |
| http/tests/images/webp-partial-load.html |
| http/tests/images/webp-progressive-load.html |
| |
| # Times out because plugins aren't allowed to execute JS after NPP_Destroy has been called in WebKit1's OOP plugins implementation |
| webkit.org/b/48929 plugins/evaluate-js-after-removing-plugin-element.html |
| |
| # DRT does not support toggling caret browsing on / off |
| editing/selection/caret-mode-paragraph-keys-navigation.html |
| |
| # Non-premultiplied-alpha currently broken on mac. |
| webkit.org/b/55509 compositing/webgl/webgl-nonpremultiplied-blend.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/114321 compositing/plugins/invalidate_rect.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # DataTransferItems is not yet implemented. |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items.html |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-image-png.html |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-drag-drop-file.html |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-drag-drop-entry.html |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-drag-drop-string.html |
| fast/events/clipboard-dataTransferItemList.html |
| fast/events/drag-dataTransferItemList.html |
| fast/events/drag-dataTransferItemList-file-handling.html |
| |
| # Replacement text for misspelling is not given from NSSpellChecker. |
| webkit.org/b/77934 editing/spelling/spelling-marker-description.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Custom MIME type support in DataTransfer is not yet implemented. |
| editing/pasteboard/clipboard-customData.html |
| fast/events/drag-customData.html |
| |
| # Need to implement WebGeolocationRequest::cancelPermissionRequest on mac. |
| webkit.org/b/55944 fast/dom/Geolocation/page-reload-cancel-permission-requests.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/103435 fast/backgrounds/background-opaque-images-over-color.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/56685 webarchive/test-link-rel-icon.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Quota API is not supported. |
| storage/storageinfo-missing-arguments.html |
| storage/storageinfo-no-callbacks.html |
| storage/storageinfo-query-usage.html |
| storage/storageinfo-request-quota.html |
| storage/storagequota-query-usage.html |
| storage/storagequota-request-quota.html |
| fast/workers/worker-storagequota-query-usage.html |
| fast/workers/shared-worker-storagequota-query-usage.html |
| |
| # Tests that require ENABLE(DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE). |
| fast/dom/HTMLAnchorElement/anchor-nodownload.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLAnchorElement/anchor-download.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLAnchorElement/anchor-nodownload-set.html |
| fast/dom/HTMLAnchorElement/anchor-download-unset.html |
| |
| # HTTP 204 (No Content) should be ignored |
| webkit.org/b/60206 http/tests/navigation/response204.html |
| |
| # Styled scope element is not yet enabled. |
| webkit.org/b/49142 fast/css/style-scoped |
| |
| # fails because of antialiasing differences. |
| fast/css/object-fit/object-fit-canvas.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # ENABLE(SHADOW_DOM) is disabled. |
| fast/dom/shadow |
| fast/dom/HTMLTemplateElement/cycles-in-shadow.html |
| editing/shadow |
| accessibility/corresponding-control-deleted-crash.html |
| editing/text-iterator/basic-iteration-shadowdom.html |
| |
| # JSC does not support setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin |
| webkit.org/b/61540 http/tests/security/isolatedWorld/cross-origin-xhr.html |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63282 layerTreeAsText doesn't work for iframes |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-absolute-overflow-scrolled.html [ Skip ] |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-fixed-overflow-scrolled.html [ Skip ] |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-absolute-overflow.html [ Skip ] |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-absolute.html [ Skip ] |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-fixed-overflow.html [ Skip ] |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-fixed.html [ Skip ] |
| compositing/rtl/rtl-iframe-relative.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # ENABLE(DRAGGABLE_REGION) is disabled |
| fast/css/draggable-region-parser.html |
| |
| # Font feature settings is not implemented. |
| css3/font-feature-settings-rendering.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/68278 http/tests/history/back-with-fragment-change.php [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Skip because this platform does not support a paging mouse wheel event |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-x-in-non-scrolling-div.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-x-in-non-scrolling-page.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-x-in-scrolling-div.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-x-in-scrolling-page.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-xy-in-scrolling-div.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-xy-in-scrolling-page.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-y-in-non-scrolling-div.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-y-in-non-scrolling-page.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-y-in-scrolling-div.html |
| fast/events/platform-wheelevent-paging-y-in-scrolling-page.html |
| |
| # Pointer Lock is not implemented. |
| pointer-lock/ |
| http/tests/pointer-lock/ |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82763 fast/forms/textarea-placeholder-set-attribute.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/102257 fast/dom/Window/open-window-min-size.html |
| |
| # Fails because MutationObservers are not notified at end-of-task |
| webkit.org/b/78290 fast/dom/MutationObserver/end-of-task-delivery.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Needs PageClients::vibrationClient() implementation. |
| webkit.org/b/72010 vibration |
| |
| # Touch adjustment not enabled |
| webkit.org/b/78801 touchadjustment |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/11059777> |
| webkit.org/b/81289 canvas/philip/tests/2d.line.cap.round.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Needs BatteryClient implementation. |
| webkit.org/b/62698 batterystatus/ |
| |
| # Proximity Events is not supported. |
| proximity |
| fast/events/constructors/device-proximity-event-constructor.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/81410 scrollbars/scrollbar-middleclick-nopaste.html |
| |
| # These canvas tests are flaky (fail on bots, not locally, or vice versa) |
| webkit.org/b/81599 fast/canvas/canvas-createPattern-fillRect-shadow.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/81599 fast/canvas/canvas-draw-canvas-on-canvas-shadow.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/81599 fast/canvas/canvas-fillRect-gradient-shadow.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/81599 fast/canvas/set-colors.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/81599 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.arc.scale.1.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/81618 fast/workers/storage/use-same-database-in-page-and-workers.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Has failed since its introduction in r105826. Skipped everywhere but chromium. |
| webkit.org/b/61630 fast/events/dropzone-005.html |
| |
| # Spelling tests that are flakey. |
| webkit.org/b/82555 editing/spelling/spellcheck-async-mutation.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82665 http/tests/webarchive/test-css-url-encoding-shift-jis.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82665 http/tests/webarchive/test-css-url-encoding-utf-8.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82665 http/tests/webarchive/test-css-url-encoding.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82665 webarchive/test-css-url-resources-in-stylesheets.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82665 webarchive/test-css-url-resources-inline-styles.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82672 http/tests/xmlhttprequest/range-test.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82762 fast/animation/request-animation-frame-during-modal.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82805 fast/canvas/webgl/framebuffer-object-attachment.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82817 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-1-prepare.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82817 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-2-create.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82817 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-6-create.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82817 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-7-usage.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82817 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-3-delete-all.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82972 plugins/keyboard-events.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82972 plugins/layout-in-beforeload-listener-affects-plugin-loading.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82972 plugins/mouse-events-fixedpos.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82972 plugins/multiple-plugins.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82979 fast/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.maxWidth.gradient.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82979 canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.align.center.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # No CORS support for media elements is implemented yet. |
| http/tests/security/video-cross-origin-readback.html |
| http/tests/security/video-cross-origin-accessfailure.html |
| |
| fast/forms/file/file-input-capture.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/85523 fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/85969 http/tests/loading/post-in-iframe-with-back-navigation.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/86480 plugins/npruntime/delete-plugin-within-setProperty.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/86480 plugins/npruntime/delete-plugin-within-hasProperty-return-true.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/86480 plugins/npruntime/delete-plugin-within-hasProperty-return-false.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Implement textInputController.setComposition() |
| webkit.org/b/89845 fast/forms/input-set-composition-scroll.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/11224160> Focus not transferring properly in DumpRenderTree in Mountain Lion |
| fast/events/show-modal-dialog-onblur-onfocus.html [ Skip ] |
| platform/mac/fast/forms/listbox-scrollbar-hit-test.html [ Failure ] |
| platform/mac/fast/overflow/overflow-scrollbar-hit-test.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| [ Mavericks ] platform/mac/accessibility/form-control-value-settable.html [ Failure ] |
| platform/mac/fast/forms/input-appearance-spinbutton-up.html [ Failure ] |
| platform/mac/fast/forms/input-appearance-spinbutton.html [ Failure ] |
| platform/mac/fast/text/vertical-no-sideways.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| fast/css/resize-corner-tracking.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| fast/events/shadow-event-path-2.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Multiple non contiguous selection with keyboard not enabled on mac |
| webkit.org/b/15816 fast/forms/listbox-non-contiguous-keyboard-selection.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/11224894> Several Japanese vertical text tests failing on Mountain Lion |
| fast/dynamic/text-combine.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/repaint/japanese-rl-selection-clear.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/repaint/japanese-rl-selection-repaint.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/repaint/repaint-across-writing-mode-boundary.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/ruby/base-shorter-than-text.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/text/emphasis-vertical.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/text/international/text-spliced-font.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/writing-mode/border-vertical-lr.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/writing-mode/fallback-orientation.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/writing-mode/japanese-lr-selection.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/writing-mode/japanese-lr-text.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/writing-mode/japanese-rl-selection.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/writing-mode/japanese-rl-text.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/11059031> Many, many Java tests fail on Mountain Lion |
| java/ |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/11187491> storage/websql/quota-tracking.html is failing on Mountain Lion |
| storage/websql/quota-tracking.html |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95009 |
| compositing/overflow/overflow-auto-with-touch.html [ Failure ] |
| compositing/overflow/overflow-overlay-with-touch.html [ Failure ] |
| compositing/overflow/scrolling-content-clip-to-viewport.html [ Failure ] |
| compositing/overflow/textarea-scroll-touch.html [ Failure ] |
| compositing/overflow/updating-scrolling-content.html [ Failure ] |
| compositing/overflow/scrolling-without-painting.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # <rdar://problem/11229810> SVG square caps on zero-length paths draw incorrectly on Mountain Lion |
| svg/W3C-SVG-1.1-SE/painting-control-04-f.svg [ Failure ] |
| svg/custom/zero-path-square-cap-rendering.svg [ Failure ] |
| svg/stroke/zero-length-arc-linecaps-rendering.svg [ Failure ] |
| svg/stroke/zero-length-path-linecap-rendering.svg [ Failure ] |
| svg/stroke/zero-length-subpaths-linecap-rendering.svg [ Failure ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=110871 |
| compositing/overlap-blending/reflection-opacity-huge.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114340 |
| compositing/overlap-blending/nested-overlap.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114338 |
| compositing/overlap-blending/nested-overlap-overflow.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95027 |
| fast/block/float/016.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93878 |
| # Due to JSC::Bindings::Instance::createRuntimeObject(JSC::ExecState*) crashes: |
| editing/pasteboard/paste-TIFF.html [ Skip ] |
| platform/mac/editing/pasteboard/dataTransfer-set-data-file-url.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94458 |
| # Assertion failure in MessagePort::contextDestroyed, usually attributed to later tests |
| http/tests/security/MessagePort/event-listener-context.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93812 |
| # REGRESSION(r125251): It made svg/custom/use-instanceRoot-as-event-target.xhtml assert and flakey |
| # ASSERTION FAILED: m_wrapper || !m_jsFunction |
| svg/custom/use-instanceRoot-as-event-target.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/112620 [ Debug ] svg/custom/image-with-attr-change-after-delete-crash.html [ Crash Pass ] |
| |
| # Assorted failures that need investigation |
| |
| # --- Canvas --- |
| canvas/philip/tests/2d.gradient.interpolate.colouralpha.html |
| canvas/philip/tests/2d.line.miter.lineedge.html |
| canvas/philip/tests/2d.strokeRect.zero.4.html |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=107118 |
| fast/canvas/canvas-quadratic-same-endpoint.html |
| |
| # --- Compositing ---- |
| css3/filters/composited-during-transition-layertree.html |
| webkit.org/b/95622 css3/filters/composited-during-animation-layertree.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| platform/mac/fast/text/combining-character-sequence-fallback.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # --- Editing --- |
| # Pasting replaces the three periods with an ellipsis on Lion and Mountain Lion |
| editing/pasteboard/5478250.html |
| |
| # Mac does not have global selections. |
| editing/pasteboard/paste-global-selection.html |
| |
| # Unexpected WebGL Conformance tests that need to be fixed |
| # These tests pass when run through webgl-conformance-tests.html but not when just opened via a browser (or via run-webkit-tests) |
| webgl/1.0.2/conformance/context/context-creation-and-destruction.html [ Failure Timeout ] |
| webgl/1.0.2/conformance/ogles/GL/operators/operators_009_to_016.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webgl/1.0.2/conformance/rendering/multisample-corruption.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| http/tests/webgl/1.0.2/origin-clean-conformance.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=124935 |
| webgl/1.0.2/conformance/glsl/misc/shader-with-non-reserved-words.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Some WebGL tests don't work properly on MountainLion |
| [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/glsl/functions/glsl-function-smoothstep-gentype.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/glsl/variables/gl-pointcoord.html [ Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/limits/gl-max-texture-dimensions.html [ Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/ogles/GL/control_flow/control_flow_009_to_010.html [ Crash Pass Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/ogles/GL/operators/operators_009_to_016.html [ Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/textures/texture-size.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Skip 1.0.3 tests for now, to be unskipped when we get closer to conformance |
| webgl/1.0.3 |
| |
| # Sending the mouse down event to the scrollbar starts a nested run loop which causes a hang. |
| fast/events/mousedown-in-subframe-scrollbar.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # http://webkit.org/b/96828 |
| fast/canvas/webgl/oes-vertex-array-object.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # --- WebKit1 only --- |
| http/tests/misc/willCacheResponse-delegate-callback.html [ Failure ] |
| http/tests/multipart/load-last-non-html-frame.php [ Failure ] |
| http/tests/xmlhttprequest/basic-auth-nopassword.html [ Failure ] |
| platform/mac/accessibility/selection-value-changes-for-aria-textbox.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # -- Flaky tests (WebKit 1 only) --- |
| platform/mac/accessibility/search-with-frames.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # --- Plugins --- |
| # WebKit1 OOP plug-ins: Can't evaluate JavaScript from NPP_Destroy. |
| plugins/document-open.html |
| plugins/geturlnotify-during-document-teardown.html |
| plugins/nested-plugin-objects.html |
| plugins/netscape-destroy-plugin-script-objects.html |
| plugins/open-and-close-window-with-plugin.html |
| |
| # WebKit1 OOP plug-ins: No support for getting the form value. |
| plugins/form-value.html |
| |
| # WebKit1 OOP plug-ins: Exceptions aren't thrown on invoke failure. |
| plugins/npruntime/invoke-failure.html |
| |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93589 |
| # Very flaky, often failing on retry, too. |
| svg/dom/SVGScriptElement/script-change-externalResourcesRequired-while-loading.svg |
| |
| # Unknown failures |
| http/tests/multipart/invalid-image-data-standalone.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/76439 [ Debug ] fast/dom/shadow/content-element-api.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # ENABLE(CUSTOM_ELEMENTS) is disabled. |
| fast/dom/custom |
| |
| # CSS image-resolution is not yet enabled. |
| webkit.org/b/85262 fast/css/image-resolution |
| |
| # Resolution media query is not yet enabled. |
| webkit.org/b/85262 fast/media/mq-resolution.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/85262 fast/media/mq-resolution-dpi-dpcm-warning.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # CSS image-orientation is not yet enabled. |
| webkit.org/b/89052 fast/css/image-orientation |
| |
| # CSS3 Text support is not yet enabled (needs ENABLE_CSS3_TEXT). |
| webkit.org/b/76173 fast/css3-text/css3-text-align-last |
| webkit.org/b/99945 fast/css3-text/css3-text-justify [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/112755 fast/css3-text/css3-text-indent [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/58491 editing/pasteboard/insert-text-decoration.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # MHTML is not yet enabled |
| mhtml [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Our slow tests, in alphabetical order. |
| webkit.org/b/57672 http/tests/local/fileapi/send-sliced-dragged-file.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/57799 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-4-create.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/57799 storage/domstorage/localstorage/storagetracker/storage-tracker-5-delete-one.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Flaky tests that appear to be fail depending on which earlier tests |
| # run in the same process |
| webkit.org/b/57688 fast/text/international/bidi-AN-after-empty-run.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/57688 fast/text/international/bidi-CS-after-AN.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/57688 fast/text/international/thai-line-breaks.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Fails on WK1, but passes on WK2. (No syntax available for this situation.) |
| webkit.org/b/58192 plugins/npp-set-window-called-during-destruction.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/112646 plugins/private-browsing-mode.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112616 plugins/plugin-clip-subframe.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Occasional assertion in JSNPObject::invalidate() |
| webkit.org/b/112518 [ Debug ] plugins/object-onfocus-mutation-crash.html [ Crash Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112518 [ Debug ] plugins/npruntime/evaluate.html [ Crash Pass ] |
| |
| # Flakey plugin tests |
| webkit.org/b/82752 plugins/netscape-dom-access-and-reload.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Flaky tests when run multi-process |
| webkit.org/b/58192 fast/dom/frame-loading-via-document-write.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/58192 http/tests/appcache/fail-on-update-2.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/58192 http/tests/appcache/fail-on-update.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/58192 fast/canvas/webgl/gl-teximage.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/58192 svg/dom/SVGScriptElement/script-set-href.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Flakey frame flattening tests |
| webkit.org/b/112532 fast/frames/flattening/iframe-flattening-offscreen.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112532 fast/frames/flattening/iframe-flattening-out-of-view.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112532 fast/frames/flattening/frameset-flattening-advanced.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112532 fast/frames/flattening/frameset-flattening-subframesets.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/106185 fast/frames/flattening/iframe-flattening-fixed-height.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/106185 fast/frames/flattening/frameset-flattening-grid.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/69999 [ Release ] http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/media-src-allowed.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/73766 css3/unicode-bidi-isolate-aharon-failing.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Failing ref tests |
| webkit.org/b/84759 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-containing-block-001.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84760 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-containing-block-002.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84761 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-filling-001.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84770 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-007.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84771 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-009.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84772 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-010.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84773 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-012.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84777 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-015.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/85404 fast/loader/javascript-url-in-embed.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/longTextOnPath.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/paints/gradientLimit.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/textOnPath.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/verticalTextOnPath.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/textPosition.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/verticalText.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/textLength.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/textEffect.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/paints/patternRegions-positioned-objects.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/85408 svg/batik/text/textDecoration.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/114120 svg/batik/masking/maskRegions.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/114375 svg/batik/filters/feTile.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/99893 svg/animations/mozilla/animateMotion-mpath-targetChange-1.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/98718 svg/animations/animate-css-xml-attributeType.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # IETC flexbox failures |
| webkit.org/b/85211 ietestcenter/css3/flexbox/flexbox-align-stretch-001.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/85212 ietestcenter/css3/flexbox/flexbox-layout-002.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Interferes with the tests that should pass |
| webkit.org/b/85689 fast/animation/request-animation-frame-disabled.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Hits assert https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86208 |
| webkit.org/b/85308 ietestcenter/css3/valuesandunits/units-000.htm [ Skip ] |
| |
| # IETC namespace failures |
| webkit.org/b/86142 ietestcenter/css3/namespaces/syntax-021.xml [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webaudio/mediastreamaudiodestinationnode.html [ Failure ] |
| webaudio/mediastreamaudiosourcenode.html [ Failure ] |
| webaudio/codec-tests/vorbis/ [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/119467 webaudio/audiobuffersource-loop-points.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Mavericks ] webaudio/codec-tests/wav/24bit-22khz-resample.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Text Autosizing is not enabled. |
| webkit.org/b/84186 fast/text-autosizing |
| |
| # Skip tests in fast/text/shaping |
| webkit.org/b/90951 fast/text/shaping |
| |
| # Flakey WebGL tests |
| webkit.org/b/93560 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-array-buffer-view.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/93560 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-image-data-rgb565.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/93560 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-image-data-rgba4444.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/93560 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-image-data-rgba5551.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/93560 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-image-data.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/87541 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-video-rgb565.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/87541 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-video-rgba4444.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/87541 fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-video-rgba5551.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/126624 [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/textures/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-video-rgb565.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/92464 [ Debug ] fast/events/tabindex-focus-blur-all.html [ Crash Pass ] |
| |
| # MountainLion doesn't support textures this large. |
| [ MountainLion ] fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-potentially-subsampled-image.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # CSS Device Adaptation is not enabled. |
| webkit.org/b/95959 css3/device-adapt [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Accelerated overflow scrolling (ENABLE_ACCELERATED_OVERFLOW_SCROLLING) is not enabled. |
| fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-touch-repaint.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Hardware accelerated CSS transitions appear pixelated when scaled up using transform |
| webkit.org/b/27684 compositing/text-on-scaled-layer.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/27684 compositing/text-on-scaled-surface.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Asserts in MessagePort::contextDestroyed, but the assert usually gets attributed to later tests. |
| webkit.org/b/94458 fast/events/message-port-constructor-for-deleted-document.html |
| |
| webkit.org/b/95501 http/tests/security/inactive-document-with-empty-security-origin.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Rendering/Layout issue of CJK vertical text with some fonts. |
| webkit.org/b/98560 fast/writing-mode/vertical-subst-font-vert-no-dflt.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # This test is failing and causing subsequent tests to time out. |
| webkit.org/b/98837 http/tests/security/svg-image-leak.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Should never have been a ref test. |
| webkit.org/b/98456 compositing/images/truncated-direct-png-image.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Color profile dependent, passes on some bots and fails on others. |
| webkit.org/b/121526 compositing/images/positioned-image-content-rect.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Ref tests suffering from colorspace issues |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing-add-text.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing-contain.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing-cover.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing-padding.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing-position.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing-size.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| compositing/patterns/direct-pattern-compositing.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Timing out on Mountain Lion WK1 release sometimes |
| webkit.org/b/99221 js/dom/random-array-gc-stress.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| # User Timing is not enable yet. so skip it. |
| webkit.org/b/84893 http/tests/w3c/webperf/submission/Intel/user-timing [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Expected to fail until WebGL extension implementation lands |
| webkit.org/b/98257 fast/canvas/webgl/oes-element-index-uint.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Expected to fail until GL_EXT_draw_buffers works properly for DARWIN. See WebGLDrawBuffers::supported |
| webkit.org/b/112486 fast/canvas/webgl/webgl-draw-buffers.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Resource Timing is not enable yet, skip it. |
| webkit.org/b/61138 http/tests/w3c/webperf/submission/Intel/resource-timing [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Flacky on Mountain Lion Release, fails everywhere else. |
| fast/css/sticky/sticky-top-zoomed.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/107356 [ MountainLion Release ] fast/css/sticky/sticky-top-zoomed.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Overflowing LayoutUnits cause RenderGeometryMap assertions |
| webkit.org/b/67434 [ Debug ] fast/overflow/overflow-height-float-not-removed-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67434 [ Debug ] fast/overflow/overflow-height-float-not-removed-crash2.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67434 [ Debug ] fast/overflow/overflow-height-float-not-removed-crash3.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67434 [ Debug ] fast/block/float/overhanging-tall-block.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/104954 http/tests/canvas/canvas-slow-font-loading.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/104962 platform/mac/fast/loader/file-url-mimetypes-2.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/105777 platform/mac/editing/spelling/autocorrection-in-textarea.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Enable when support drag-and-drop autoscrolling |
| webkit.org/b/39725 fast/events/drag-and-drop-autoscroll.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/106415 fast/workers/worker-close-more.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/106415 fast/workers/worker-document-leak.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/106415 fast/workers/worker-lifecycle.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/119374 fast/workers/termination-early.html [ Pass Crash ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/110186 inspector-protocol/page/javascriptDialogEvents.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Need support for ResourceHandle::didChangePriority and DRT support |
| webkit.org/b/111016 http/tests/loading/promote-img-preload-priority.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/110546 [ Debug ] fast/parser/document-write-fighting-eof.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/110546 [ Debug ] fast/parser/document-write-partial-entity-before-load.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/07_Lexical_Conventions/7.8_Literals/7.8.5_Regular_Expression_Literals/S7.8.5_A1.1_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/07_Lexical_Conventions/7.8_Literals/7.8.5_Regular_Expression_Literals/S7.8.5_A1.4_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/07_Lexical_Conventions/7.8_Literals/7.8.5_Regular_Expression_Literals/S7.8.5_A2.1_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/07_Lexical_Conventions/7.8_Literals/7.8.5_Regular_Expression_Literals/S7.8.5_A2.4_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/10_Execution_Contexts/10.1_Definitions/10.1.8_Arguments_Object/S10.1.8_A3_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/07_Lexical_Conventions/7.4_Comments/S7.4_A5.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/07_Lexical_Conventions/7.4_Comments/S7.4_A6.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/12_Statement/12.6_Iteration_Statements/12.6.2_The_while_statement/S12.6.2_A6_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Conformance/13_Function_Definition/S13_A4_T4.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/111647 [ Debug ] sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_218/S7.6_A5.3_T2.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/111606 fast/borders/border-fit-2.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/111606 fast/borders/border-fit.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/111606 fast/repaint/border-fit-lines.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| |
| # The following tests only fail on Mac EWS bots. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to figure out the cause of these failures. |
| webkit.org/b/112176 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.arc.scale.2.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.arcTo.scale.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.arcTo.transformation.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.stroke.scale1.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.stroke.skew.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 compositing/overflow/composited-scrolling-paint-phases.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 fast/canvas/canvas-composite-alpha.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 fast/canvas/webgl/read-pixels-test.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # The following ref-test appears to fail on EWS bots as well. |
| webkit.org/b/112176 fast/css/sticky/inline-sticky-abspos-child.html [ ImageOnlyFailure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 fast/css/sticky/inline-sticky.html [ ImageOnlyFailure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/112176 fast/css/sticky/sticky-both-sides.html [ ImageOnlyFailure Pass ] |
| # Once the bug 112176 is fixed, potentially restore the following test expectations. |
| # webkit.org/b/105998 [ MountainLion Debug ] fast/css/sticky/inline-sticky-abspos-child.html [ ImageOnlyFailure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/76364 fast/css/lang-mapped-to-webkit-locale-dynamic.xhtml [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Always very slow, frequently timing out (only on bots, not locally). |
| webkit.org/b/121331 http/tests/misc/submit-post-keygen.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| # isProtocolHandlerRegistered() isn't supported yet. |
| webkit.org/b/92749 fast/dom/NavigatorContentUtils/is-protocol-handler-registered.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # New test failing, needs investigation. |
| webkit.org/b/103857 fast/events/mouse-cursor-change.html |
| |
| # Reference test fast/sub-pixel/float-wrap-zoom.html fails |
| webkit.org/b/114800 fast/sub-pixel/float-wrap-zoom.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116244 fast/events/mouse-cursor-image-set.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116245 canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.fontface.notinpage.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/118479 fast/repaint/fixed-right-in-page-scale.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82747 fast/events/scroll-div-with-prevent-default-in-subframe.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/90708 fullscreen/exit-full-screen-iframe.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/120387 svg/animations/svglengthlist-animation-3.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/120923 animations/cross-fade-background-image.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/121053 fast/history/go-back-to-iframe-with-plugin.html [ Crash Timeout Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/114280 svg/animations/smil-leak-dynamically-added-element-instances.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/114280 svg/animations/smil-leak-element-instances-noBaseValRef.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/114280 svg/animations/smil-leak-element-instances.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/114280 svg/animations/smil-leak-elements.svg [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/131244 svg/as-image/svg-as-image-canvas.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/90363 [ Debug ] fast/overflow/lots-of-sibling-inline-boxes.html [ Failure Pass Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/121452 fast/frames/lots-of-objects.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/121452 fast/frames/lots-of-iframes.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/117427 compositing/reflections/load-video-in-reflection.html [ Pass Failure Crash Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/137589 compositing/hidpi-compositing-vs-non-compositing-check-on-testing-framework.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Resizing windows appears broken in both DRT and WTR, making the test fail or time out flakily. |
| webkit.org/b/96642 loader/go-back-to-different-window-size.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/122031 fast/animation/request-animation-frame-time-unit.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/122038 animations/transform-non-accelerated.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/121628 fast/history/history-back-while-pdf-in-pagecache.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/122490 [ Debug ] mathml/very-large-stretchy-operators.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/122508 [ MountainLion ] compositing/video/video-reflection.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| [ MountainLion ] compositing/video/video-object-fit.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/138662 [ MountainLion ] compositing/video/video-border-radius.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/123220 compositing/regions/floated-region-with-transformed-child.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138179 compositing/regions/propagate-region-box-shadow-border-padding-for-video.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/123250 plugins/destroy-during-npp-new-object-with-fallback-content.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/123369 svg/css/parent-shadow-offscreen.svg [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/123369 [ MountainLion ] svg/css/parent-shadow-offscreen.svg [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/123369 svg/css/root-shadow-offscreen.svg [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/123369 [ MountainLion ] svg/css/root-shadow-offscreen.svg [ Pass ] |
| |
| # webkit.org/b/100846, webkit.org/b/136715 |
| inspector-protocol/debugger |
| |
| webkit.org/b/123490 [ Mavericks ] webaudio/oscillator-sawtooth.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # SubtleCrypto is disabled on Mountain Lion |
| webkit.org/b/124261 [ MountainLion ] crypto/subtle [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124311 compositing/regions/transform-transparent-positioned-video-inside-region.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124321 [ Mavericks ] animations/resume-after-page-cache.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124373 [ MountainLion Release ] http/tests/security/frameNavigation/xss-DENIED-plugin-navigation.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124424 webgl/1.0.2/conformance/ogles/GL/tan/tan_001_to_006.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/121646 webaudio/delaynode-max-default-delay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # These fast/forms/select tests open a pop-up menu (visible on screen even when using run-webkit-tests), and get stuck in its nested event loop. |
| webkit.org/b/87748 fast/forms/select/optgroup-clicking.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/73304 fast/forms/select/menulist-popup-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/113220 fast/forms/select/popup-closes-on-blur.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/74384 fast/forms/select/menulist-onchange-fired-with-key-up-down.html [ WontFix ] # Additionally, this is not an expected behavior on Mac. |
| |
| webkit.org/b/123029 [ Debug ] platform/mac/editing/attributed-string [ Pass Crash ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124933 svg/animations/getCurrentTime-pause-unpause.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # GL Scissors don't work properly in Mountain Lion. |
| webkit.org/b/126455 [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/rendering/gl-scissor-test.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/126586 [ Mavericks Debug ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/rendering/gl-scissor-test.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/52016 http/tests/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-50ms-download-dispatch.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| # Subpixel failures START |
| # Inline text positioning |
| webkit.org/b/85532 fast/sub-pixel/file-upload-control-at-fractional-offset.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # -webkit-flex off-by-one px |
| webkit.org/b/126898 css3/flexbox/image-percent-max-height.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # repaintRectsAsText reports different repaintrects. |
| webkit.org/b/131887 fast/repaint/hidpi-wrong-repaint-rect-when-parent-has-noncompositing-transform.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Some CSS region expected tests do not properly match CSS region's behavior. |
| webkit.org/b/132990 fast/regions/overflow/overflow-size-change-with-stacking-context.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # These tests require fractional text widths. Ahem can't provide it -> using LucidaGrandeUI -> fails on ML due to different font size. |
| [ MountainLion ] fast/inline/hidpi-selection-gap-overlaps-inline-selection.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] fast/inline/hidpi-selection-gap-and-inline-selection-have-gap-rtl.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124342 fast/hidpi/image-srcset-svg-canvas.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Clipping filter effects when region is present. |
| webkit.org/b/133523 fast/regions/inline-block-inside-anonymous-overflow.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/136419 fast/sub-pixel/block-with-margin-overflow.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137729 fast/sub-pixel/client-width-height-snapping.html [ Failure ] |
| # Subpixel failures END |
| |
| webkit.org/b/127310 svg/filters/feComponentTransfer-style-crash.xhtml [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| # These tests were always flaky, but became a lot more so at in r163472-r163476. |
| webkit.org/b/49182 animations/stop-animation-on-suspend.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/50959 animations/play-state-suspend.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122040 animations/combo-transform-translate+scale.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/128379 animations/suspend-resume-animation.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Regressions in svg/clip-path |
| webkit.org/b/129180 svg/clip-path/clip-path-on-svg-001.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/129180 svg/clip-path/clip-path-on-svg-002.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/129758 js/dom/create-lots-of-workers.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test fails because the structure of mfenced/mo operators was changed in bug 124838. |
| webkit.org/b/124836 platform/mac/accessibility/mathml-elements.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/130693 mathml/presentation/tokenElements-background-color.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # These tests require an OpenType MATH font on the Apple bots. |
| webkit.org/b/130322 [ MountainLion Lion Mavericks ] mathml/opentype/large-operators.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/130322 [ MountainLion Lion Mavericks ] mathml/opentype/vertical.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/72828 mathml/opentype/horizontal.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/72828 mathml/opentype/horizontal-munderover.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Missing references |
| webkit.org/b/119038 mathml/presentation/mo-stretch.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/119038 mathml/presentation/roots.xhtml [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/130953 compositing/columns/composited-rl-paginated-repaint.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/130972 transitions/3d/interrupted-transition.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/118153 compositing/repaint/positioned-movement.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/131715 transitions/cancel-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/89153 http/tests/websocket/tests/hybi/workers/close.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/images/image-controls-basic.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/131886 [ MountainLion ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/textures/texture-size-limit.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131886 [ MountainLion ] fast/canvas/webgl/webgl-compressed-texture-size-limit.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/132385 compositing/repaint/repaint-on-layer-grouping-change.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Mavericks and prior do not support web timing. |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/Window/window-properties-performance.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/Window/web-timing-minimal-performance-now.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/navigation-type-back-forward.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/navigation-type-navigate.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/navigation-type-reload.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/webtiming.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/webtiming-document-open.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/dom/webtiming-navigate-within-document.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] http/tests/misc/webtiming-origins.html [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] http/tests/misc/webtiming-one-redirect.php [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] http/tests/misc/webtiming-slow-load.php [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] http/tests/misc/webtiming-ssl.php [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] http/tests/misc/webtiming-two-redirects.php [ Skip ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] fast/performance [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test, originally written for Chromium, historically was not testing anything on Mac because |
| # resizing didn't work. Now the test fails. I believe this bug was never fixed for the Mac port. |
| fast/dom/rtl-scroll-to-leftmost-and-resize.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/135015 plugins/quicktime-plugin-replacement.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/131477 fast/repaint/obscured-background-no-repaint.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116259 http/tests/cache/willsendrequest-returns-null-for-memory-cache-load.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/131787 fast/canvas/canvas-putImageData-zero-alpha.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/135133 [ MountainLion ] fast/layers/no-clipping-overflow-hidden-added-after-transform.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/136717 js/dom/string-replace-exception-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/136718 fast/dynamic/layer-no-longer-paginated.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/137737 accessibility/table-cells-roles.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # --- Start media tests --- |
| ## --- Start media wontfix tests --- |
| # This test requires ogg codecs |
| media/media-can-play-ogg.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This test requires flac codec |
| media/media-can-play-flac-audio.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This tests requires support for non-Range HTTP requests. |
| http/tests/media/media-seeking-no-ranges-server.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This test requires MKV and OGV support. |
| media/track/in-band [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # These tests require MKV, Vorbis, and Theora support. |
| media/track/audio [ WontFix ] |
| media/track/video [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This test requires alpha-channel video support. |
| compositing/video/video-background-color.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Mac doesn't have a toggle for CC any more, it's based on a menu of choices. |
| media/video-controls-captions.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Mac doesn't support YUV 420/422 colorspace |
| media/video-colorspace-yuv420.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/video-colorspace-yuv422.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # The logic in this test is no longer correct for Apple ports |
| media/track/track-user-preferences.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This test requires the QuickTime LOOP user data property, which AVFoundation and QTKit64 do not support. |
| media/video-does-not-loop.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This test uses movie matricies, which AVFoundation and QTKit64 do not support. |
| media/video-size-intrinsic-scale.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # These tests are for an obsolete version of the EME spec. |
| fast/events/constructors/media-key-event-constructor.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/encrypted-media/encrypted-media-can-play-type-webm.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/encrypted-media/encrypted-media-events.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/encrypted-media/encrypted-media-not-loaded.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/encrypted-media/encrypted-media-syntax.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # This test requires media engines not purge buffered date before currentTime. |
| http/tests/media/video-buffered.html [ WontFix ] |
| ## --- End media wontfix tests --- |
| |
| ## --- Start unimplemented media tests --- |
| webkit.org/b/91611 media/media-higher-prio-audio-stream.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # WebKitDataCue is supported, not DataCue |
| media/track/track-datacue.html [ Skip ] |
| ## --- End unimplemeted media tests --- |
| |
| ## --- Start media tests failing on Mountain Lion and earlier --- |
| # Mountain Lion and prior do not support custom media data loading |
| Bug(jernoble) [ MountainLion ] media/video-src-blob.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Mountain Lion and prior do not allow access to in-band text tracks |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-in-band.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-in-band-cues-added-once.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-in-band-style.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-in-band-legacy-api.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-forced-subtitles-in-band.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-in-band-mode.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/103663 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-in-band-subtitles-too-large.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Mountain Lion and prior do not support HLS timed metadata |
| Bug(ericcarlson) [ MountainLion ] http/tests/media/track-in-band-hls-metadata.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Frequently times out on EWS, which is then misreported as crash. |
| webkit.org/b/130720 [ MountainLion Release ] media/W3C/audio/canPlayType/canPlayType_application_octet_stream.html [ Pass Failure Crash Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/132491 [ MountainLion ] http/tests/media/hls/video-controls-live-stream.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/134490 [ MountainLion ] media/video-ended-event-negative-playback.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/135071 [ MountainLion ] media/video-seek-with-negative-playback.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/136532 [ MountainLion ] media/audio-data-url.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136532 [ MountainLion ] media/sources-fallback-codecs.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136532 [ MountainLion ] media/video-seek-past-end-playing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] media/video-playbackrate.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| # Mountain Lion and earlier do not support Encrypted Media Extensions. |
| Bug(jernoble) [ MountainLion ] media/encrypted-media/ [ WontFix ] |
| Bug(jernoble) [ MountainLion ] fast/events/constructors/media-key-event-constructor.html [ WontFix ] |
| ## --- End media tests failing on Mountain Lion and earlier --- |
| |
| ## --- Start media tests failing on Mavericks and earlier --- |
| # HTTP Auth in Media is not supported in Mavericks and Mountain Lion |
| webkit.org/b/40382 [ Mavericks MountainLion ] http/tests/media/video-auth.html [ WontFix ] |
| webkit.org/b/137368 [ Mavericks ] media/video-controls-no-scripting.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Mavericks and prior do not support Media Source. |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] media/media-source [ WontFix ] |
| [ MountainLion Mavericks ] http/tests/media/media-source/ [ WontFix ] |
| ## --- End media tests failing on Mavericks and earlier --- |
| |
| ## --- Start flaky media tests --- |
| webkit.org/b/34331 http/tests/media/video-referer.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/35297 media/video-display-aspect-ratio.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/82976 media/W3C/video/networkState/networkState_during_progress.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/85525 media/video-played-reset.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/90725 media/media-blocked-by-beforeload.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112492 media/track/track-language-preference.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/112492 media/track/track-prefer-captions.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/112533 media/auto-play-in-sandbox-with-allow-scripts.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112659 media/video-playing-and-pause.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/114744 media/video-layer-crash.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/115048 media/media-element-play-after-eos.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/116277 media/video-buffered.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/121803 media/video-object-fit-change.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/121803 media/video-object-fit.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/track/track-cue-rendering-vertical.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122033 media/video-duration-known-after-eos.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122039 media/track/track-cue-overlap-snap-to-lines-not-set.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122042 media/media-controller-playback.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122126 media/click-volume-bar-not-pausing.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/122507 media/track/track-cue-rendering.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/123010 media/W3C/audio/networkState/networkState_during_loadstart.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/123099 media/media-controller-time-clamp.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/123522 [ Mavericks ] media/track/track-in-band-legacy-api.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/128312 [ Mavericks ] media/video-load-preload-metadata.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/130490 media/video-remote-control-playpause.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/130971 media/track/track-remove-track.html [ Pass Crash Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131855 media/event-attributes.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133363 media/video-rtl.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133686 media/track/w3c/interfaces/TextTrackCue/align.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133686 media/track/w3c/interfaces/TextTrackCue/endTime.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133686 media/track/w3c/interfaces/TextTrackCue/id.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133686 media/track/w3c/interfaces/TextTrackCue/pauseOnExit.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133686 media/track/w3c/interfaces/TextTrackCue/startTime.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/133686 media/track/w3c/interfaces/TextTrackCue/track.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/135160 media/track/track-in-band-subtitles-too-large.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/135160 media/track/track-long-word-container-sizing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137311 media/video-fullscreeen-only-playback.html [ Pass Failure Crash Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/138798 [ MountainLion ] media/track/track-cues-sorted-before-dispatch.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| ## --- End flaky media tests |
| |
| # Skipped while Eric Carlson works on a fix. |
| webkit.org/b/28221 media/audio-delete-while-step-button-clicked.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/136708 http/tests/media/video-play-stall-seek.html |
| webkit.org/b/136708 http/tests/media/video-play-stall.html |
| webkit.org/b/136708 media/media-fullscreen-not-in-document.html |
| |
| # This test requires generation of progress events during loading |
| webkit.org/b/100984 media/progress-events-generated-correctly.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/34287 http/tests/media/video-cookie.html |
| |
| # needs enhanced eventSender.contextMenu() return value |
| webkit.org/b/116651 media/context-menu-actions.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/61487 http/tests/media/video-cross-site.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Opera-submitted tests to W3C for <track>, a lot of failures still. |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/idl/media-idl-tests.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/HTMLElement/HTMLMediaElement/crossOrigin.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/HTMLElement/HTMLTrackElement/kind.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/HTMLElement/HTMLTrackElement/src.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrack/activeCues.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TrackEvent/constructor.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TrackEvent/createEvent.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/getCueAsHTML.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/line.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/onenter.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/onexit.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/snapToLines.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/text.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCue/vertical.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackCueList/getter.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/interfaces/TextTrackList/getter.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/track-element/cloneNode.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/track-element/src-clear-cues.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/parsing/001.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/parsing-cue-data/tests/entities.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/parsing-cue-data/tests/tags.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/rendering/adhoc/12345_timestamps.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/parsing-cue-data/tests/timestamps.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/parsing-cue-data/tests/tree-building.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/rendering/adhoc/cue_font_size_transition.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/103926 media/track/opera/track/webvtt/rendering/adhoc/voice_with_evil_timestamp.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # WebVTT tests don't work because they need more than a 800x600 snapshot. |
| # They are also flakily failing on WebKit2, as snapshot sometimes has a black rectangle for video element instead of white one. |
| webkit.org/b/131476 media/track/w3c/track/webvtt [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/67716 media/media-controls-invalid-url.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_codecs_order_2.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_codecs_order_3.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/audio/canPlayType/canPlayType_supported_but_no_codecs_parameter_1.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_supported_but_no_codecs_parameter_2.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_two_implies_one_3.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_two_implies_one_4.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_two_implies_one_5.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/75184 media/W3C/video/canPlayType/canPlayType_two_implies_one_6.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/130234 [ Mavericks ] http/tests/media/media-play-stream-chunked-icy.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Imports from platform/mac/Skipped |
| media/media-document-audio-repaint.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84357 media/audio-repaint.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/121992 media/media-volume-slider-rendered-below.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/121992 media/media-volume-slider-rendered-normal.html [ Timeout Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/121995 media/video-controls-captions-trackmenu-hide-on-click-outside.html [ Timeout Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/121995 media/video-controls-captions-trackmenu-hide-on-click.html [ Timeout Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/121995 media/video-controls-captions-trackmenu-includes-enabled-track.html [ Timeout Failure ] |
| |
| # REGRESSION(r156546): 7 media tests broken (122021) |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/track/track-cue-mutable-text.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/track/track-cue-rendering-mode-changed.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/track/track-in-band-mode.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/video-controls-captions-trackmenu.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/video-controls-fullscreen-volume.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/video-controls-toggling.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/122021 media/video-controls-visible-exiting-fullscreen.html [ Failure ] |
| # --- End media tests --- |
| |
| # CSS Font Loading is only enabled on Mac, and tests are not run by default |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-download-error.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-events.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-loadingdone.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-multiple-faces-download-error.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-multiple-faces.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-multiple-families.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-page-cache.html [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 http/tests/webfont/fontloader-loading-attribute.html [ Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/136994 http/tests/media/hls/video-cookie.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Some inspector tests failing after r173992 |
| webkit.org/b/137157 inspector/page/main-frame-resource.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/137319 [ MountainLion ] fast/css/test-setting-canvas-color.html [ Pass Crash Timeout ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/15393179>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] webaudio/codec-tests/wav/24bit-22khz-resample.html [ Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] webaudio/oscillator-sawtooth.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/15971846>) |
| [ Yosemite ] accessibility/deleting-iframe-destroys-axcache.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/15972788>) |
| [ Yosemite ] accessibility/media-element.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Flaky logging underneath us |
| webkit.org/b/124219 [ Yosemite ] media/track/track-forced-subtitles-in-band.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/15971968>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] platform/mac/accessibility/misspelled-attributed-string.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/15764845>) |
| [ Yosemite ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/rendering/gl-scissor-test.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16040720>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] canvas/philip/tests/2d.drawImage.animated.poster.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/canvas/canvas-lineDash.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/canvas/canvas-scale-strokePath-shadow.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16187249>) |
| [ Yosemite ] transitions/transition-end-event-destroy-iframe.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite ] media/video-controls-in-media-document.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite ] media/video-document-types.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite ] media/auto-play-in-sandbox-with-allow-scripts.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/events/media-focus-in-standalone-media-document.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16663912>) |
| # Seems like this should happen everywhere, but it only does on Yosemite. |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/navigation/post-frames-goback1.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16664245>) |
| # We should land updated results if we can't get this bug fixed in time. |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/cache-override.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16687875>) |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/frames/flattening/iframe-flattening-fixed-width.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/frames/flattening/iframe-flattening-simple.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/138806 [ Yosemite+ ] media/track/track-in-band-cues-added-once.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16696298>) |
| [ Yosemite ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/textures/texture-size-limit.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/canvas/webgl/webgl-compressed-texture-size-limit.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16802900>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/forms/select-initial-position.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16802068>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/css/input-search-padding.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16801910>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/replaced/width100percent-textarea.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16801814>) |
| [ Yosemite ] media/controls-after-reload.html [ Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] media/controls-without-preload.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/15992006>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/text/international/text-combine-image-test.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16804845>) |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/forms/hidpi-textarea-on-subpixel-position.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/17458024>) |
| [ Yosemite ] http/tests/misc/webtiming-ssl.php [ Skip ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/17458211>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] platform/mac/fast/text/systemFont.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Mavericks ] platform/mac/fast/text/systemFont.html [ Failure ] |
| [ MountainLion ] platform/mac/fast/text/systemFont.html [ Pass ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/17476688>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] media/media-source/media-source-tracks.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Passing Media Source tests |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/ [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-addsourcebuffer.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-append-buffer.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-closed.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-config-change-mp4-v-bitrate.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-config-change-mp4-v-framerate.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-endofstream-invaliderror.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-multiple-attach.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-play.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-remove.html [ Pass ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] http/tests/media/media-source/mediasource-sourcebufferlist.html [ Pass ] |
| |
| # These two tests have "Error: InvalidStateError: DOM Exception 11" in output. |
| [ Yosemite+ ] media/media-source/media-source-duplicate-seeked.html [ Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] media/media-source/media-source-play.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # This test times out. |
| [ Yosemite+ ] media/media-source/media-source-seek-complete.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/17748495>) |
| # Some of these failures already have individual bugs, others are covered by this one. |
| [ Yosemite ] compositing/backgrounds/fixed-background-on-descendant.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] compositing/iframes/become-overlapped-iframe.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] compositing/masks/solid-color-masked.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/canvas/canvas-overflow-hidden-animation.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/layers/wrong-clipping-semi-transparent-compositing-layer-on-subpixel-position.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/repaint/fixed-move-after-keyboard-scroll.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # These tests used to only fail with WK2, but on Yosemite, they also fail with WK1. |
| webkit.org/b/132766 [ Yosemite ] fast/hidpi/filters-blur.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/132766 [ Yosemite ] fast/hidpi/filters-hue-rotate.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/132766 [ Yosemite ] fast/hidpi/filters-invert.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/132766 [ Yosemite ] fast/hidpi/filters-multiple.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/132766 [ Yosemite ] fast/hidpi/filters-reference.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla |
| platform/mac/editing/input/undo-grouping-on-text-insertion.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/17890720>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] fast/dom/Geolocation/requestQueuingForHiddenPage.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test fails in compositing mode, so pre-Yosemite failures are WK2 only, and now it fails on WK1 too. |
| webkit.org/b/136109 [ Yosemite+ ] fast/multicol/mixed-opacity-fixed-test.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/18232228>) |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/canvas/image-potential-subsample.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| [ Yosemite ] fast/canvas/webgl/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-potentially-subsampled-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/18273139>) |
| [ Yosemite+ ] storage/websql/sql-error-codes.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Some inspector tests fail when run from Production builds due to missing test resources. |
| # FIXME: Needs bugzilla (<rdar://problem/16200275>) |
| # Also, these tests are flaky in Debug/Release builds, <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138636> |
| # and <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=129817>. |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/css/matched-style-properties.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/css/pseudo-element-matches.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/css/selector-specificity.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/dom/content-flow-content-removal.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/dom/content-flow-list.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/event-listener-set.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/event-listener.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/model/parse-script-syntax-tree.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/protocol-promise-result.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Yosemite+ ] inspector/test-harness-trivially-works.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Specific to Yosemite's font fallback |
| webkit.org/b/138328 [ Mavericks MountainLion ] platform/mac/fast/text/font-cursive-italic-cjk.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/138075 [ Yosemite ] transforms/2d/hindi-rotated.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138075 [ Yosemite ] fast/text/international/hindi-spacing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/82980 http/tests/navigation/back-twice-without-commit.html [ Timeout ] |
| |
| # Verified passing, so override generic skip |
| webkit.org/b/89235 css3/line-break [ Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/138115 css3/line-break/line-break-auto-hyphens.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138115 css3/line-break/line-break-auto-sound-marks.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |