| // |
| // CSS property names |
| // |
| // Some properties are used internally, but are not part of CSS. They are used to get |
| // HTML4 compatibility in the rendering engine. |
| // |
| // Microsoft extensions are documented here: |
| // http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/css/reference/attributes.asp |
| // |
| // StyleBuilder options: |
| // * Initial: |
| // Overrides the method name on RenderStyle to get the initial value for |
| // the property. By default, initial' + PropertyId is used (e.g. |
| // initialBorderCollapse()). |
| // |
| // * Getter: |
| // Overrides the method name on RenderStyle to get the current value for |
| // the property. By default, the PropertyId with first letter lowercased |
| // is used (e.g. borderCollapse()). |
| // |
| // * Setter: |
| // Overrides the method name on RenderStyle to set the current value for |
| // the property. By default, 'set' + PropertyId is used (e.g. |
| // setBorderCollapse()). |
| // |
| // * NameForMethods: |
| // Overrides the Getter / Setter / Initial method names on RenderStyle. |
| // For e.g. "NameForMethods=OverflowWrap" will use |
| // "overflowWrap() / setOverflowWrap() / initialOverflowWrap()". |
| // |
| // * Converter=XXX: |
| // If converting the input CSSValue into the setter method argument type |
| // is not trivial (i.e. the CSSPrimitiveValue cannot be implicitly converted |
| // to the expected type), then you can indicate that a Converter helper |
| // function in css/StyleBuilderConverter.h should be used. |
| // |
| // * ConditionalConverter=XXX: |
| // Similar to Converter=XXX but the converter function returns a WTF::Optional<> |
| // to indicate if the property setter should be called or not. |
| // |
| // * Custom=[Initial|Value|Inherit|All]: |
| // Custom=Initial option is used to indicate that the CSS property requires |
| // special handling to set its initial value. |
| // Custom=Inherit option is used to indicate that the CSS property requires |
| // special handling to set its inherit value. |
| // Custom=Value option is used to indicate that the CSS property requires special |
| // handling to set its value, and a regular Converter helper cannot be |
| // used. The Custom code for the property should be located in |
| // css/StyleBuilderCustom.h and named applyValue[CSSPropertyName](). |
| // If special handling is also needed to apply inherit or initial value, use |
| // Custom=All. Alternatively, several '|'-separated options can be passed: |
| // e.g. 'Custom=Inherit|Value". |
| // |
| // * SVG: |
| // Indicates that this is an SVG CSS property and that the corresponding |
| // methods are on SVGRenderStyle instead of RenderStyle. |
| // |
| // * AutoFunctions: |
| // Indicates that this CSS property requires handling of "auto" and has |
| // corresponding hasAutoXXX() / setHasAutoXXX() methods on RenderStyle. |
| // |
| // * VisitedLinkColorSupport: |
| // Indicates that this CSS property is a color property with a |
| // "setVisitedLinkXXX()" setter on RenderStyle to be called when |
| // StyleResolver::applyPropertyToVisitedLinkStyle() return true. |
| // The regular setter on RenderStyle will only be called if |
| // StyleResolver::applyPropertyToRegularStyle() returns true. |
| // |
| // * NoDefaultColor: |
| // Should only with used with "VisitedLinkColorSupport". It indicates that for |
| // setting the inherited value, it will not fallback to using the parent's |
| // "color" property if the inherited color is invalid. |
| // |
| // * AnimationProperty: |
| // Indicates that this CSS property is an animation / transition property. |
| // It must have corresponding methods on the Animation class. |
| // |
| // * FontProperty: |
| // Indicates that this CSS property is font-related. It must have corresponding |
| // methods on the FontDescription class. |
| // |
| // * FillLayerProperty: |
| // Indicates that this CSS property is a FillLayer property. It must have |
| // corresponding methods on the FillLayer class. |
| // |
| // * SkipBuilder: |
| // Ignore this property in the StyleBuilder. |
| // |
| // * Longhands=property1|property2|...: |
| // This is a shorthand property so it should not use the StyleBuilder. An |
| // ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() will be generated for this property in the StyleBuilder. |
| // property1, property2, ... are the longhands for this shorthand property. A |
| // corresponding "StylePropertyShorthand propertyIdShorthand()" function will be |
| // generated in StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.h header. |
| |
| |
| // high-priority property names have to be listed first, to simplify the check |
| // for applying them first. |
| color [Inherited, VisitedLinkColorSupport, NoDefaultColor] |
| direction [Inherited, Custom=Value] |
| display [Custom=Inherit|Value] |
| font-family [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| font-size [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| font-style [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=Italic] |
| font-variant [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=SmallCaps] |
| font-weight [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| text-rendering [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=TextRenderingMode] |
| font-feature-settings [Inherited, FontProperty, Custom=Initial|Inherit, Converter=FontFeatureSettings, NameForMethods=FeatureSettings] |
| -webkit-font-kerning [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=Kerning] |
| font-kerning = -webkit-font-kerning |
| -webkit-font-smoothing [Inherited, FontProperty] |
| font-variant-ligatures [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=VariantLigatures, Custom=All] |
| font-variant-position [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=VariantPosition] |
| font-variant-caps [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=VariantCaps] |
| font-variant-numeric [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=VariantNumeric, Custom=All] |
| font-variant-alternates [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=VariantAlternates] |
| font-variant-east-asian [Inherited, FontProperty, NameForMethods=VariantEastAsian, Custom=All] |
| -webkit-locale [Inherited, Custom=Value] |
| -webkit-text-orientation [Inherited, Custom=Value] |
| -epub-text-orientation = -webkit-text-orientation |
| -webkit-text-size-adjust [Inherited, Custom=Value] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-writing-mode [Inherited, Custom=Value] |
| -epub-writing-mode = -webkit-writing-mode |
| -webkit-text-zoom [Inherited, Custom=Value] |
| zoom [Custom=All] |
| font-synthesis [Inherited, FontProperty, Converter=FontSynthesis] |
| |
| // Keep this in between the highest priority props and the lower ones. |
| -webkit-ruby-position [Inherited] |
| |
| // The remaining properties are listed in alphabetical order |
| alignment-baseline [SVG] |
| all [Longhands=all] |
| animation [Longhands=animation-name|animation-duration|animation-timing-function|animation-delay|animation-iteration-count|animation-direction|animation-fill-mode] |
| animation-delay [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Delay] |
| animation-direction [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Direction] |
| animation-duration [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Duration] |
| animation-fill-mode [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=FillMode] |
| animation-iteration-count [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=IterationCount] |
| animation-name [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Name] |
| animation-play-state [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=PlayState] |
| animation-timing-function [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=TimingFunction] |
| background [Longhands=background-image|background-position-x|background-position-y|background-size|background-repeat-x|background-repeat-y|background-attachment|background-origin|background-clip|background-color] |
| background-attachment [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Attachment] |
| background-blend-mode [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=BlendMode] |
| background-clip [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Clip] |
| background-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor, NoDefaultColor] |
| background-image [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Image] |
| background-origin [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Origin] |
| background-position [Longhands=background-position-x|background-position-y] |
| background-position-x [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=XPosition] |
| background-position-y [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=YPosition] |
| background-repeat [Longhands=background-repeat-x|background-repeat-y] |
| background-repeat-x [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=RepeatX] |
| background-repeat-y [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=RepeatY] |
| background-size [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Size] |
| baseline-shift [SVG, Custom=Value] |
| border [Longhands=border-top-color|border-top-style|border-top-width|border-right-color|border-right-style|border-right-width|border-bottom-color|border-bottom-style|border-bottom-width|border-left-color|border-left-style|border-left-width] |
| border-bottom [Longhands=border-bottom-width|border-bottom-style|border-bottom-color] |
| border-bottom-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| border-bottom-left-radius [Initial=initialBorderRadius, Converter=Radius] |
| -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius = border-bottom-left-radius |
| border-bottom-right-radius [Initial=initialBorderRadius, Converter=Radius] |
| -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius = border-bottom-right-radius |
| border-bottom-style [Initial=initialBorderStyle] |
| border-bottom-width [Initial=initialBorderWidth, Converter=LineWidth<float>] |
| border-collapse [Inherited] |
| border-color [Longhands=border-top-color|border-right-color|border-bottom-color|border-left-color] |
| border-image [Longhands=border-image-source|border-image-slice|border-image-width|border-image-outset|border-image-repeat] |
| border-image-outset [Custom=All] |
| border-image-repeat [Custom=All] |
| border-image-slice [Custom=All] |
| border-image-source [Converter=StyleImage<CSSPropertyBorderImageSource>] |
| border-image-width [Custom=All] |
| border-left [Longhands=border-left-width|border-left-style|border-left-color] |
| border-left-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| border-left-style [Initial=initialBorderStyle] |
| border-left-width [Initial=initialBorderWidth, Converter=LineWidth<float>] |
| border-radius [Longhands=border-top-left-radius|border-top-right-radius|border-bottom-right-radius|border-bottom-left-radius] |
| border-right [Longhands=border-right-width|border-right-style|border-right-color] |
| border-right-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| border-right-style [Initial=initialBorderStyle] |
| border-right-width [Initial=initialBorderWidth, Converter=LineWidth<float>] |
| border-spacing [Inherited, Longhands=-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing|-webkit-border-vertical-spacing] |
| border-style [Longhands=border-top-style|border-right-style|border-bottom-style|border-left-style] |
| border-top [Longhands=border-top-width|border-top-style|border-top-color] |
| border-top-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| border-top-left-radius [Initial=initialBorderRadius, Converter=Radius] |
| -webkit-border-top-left-radius = border-top-left-radius |
| border-top-right-radius [Initial=initialBorderRadius, Converter=Radius] |
| -webkit-border-top-right-radius = border-top-right-radius |
| border-top-style [Initial=initialBorderStyle] |
| border-top-width [Initial=initialBorderWidth, Converter=LineWidth<float>] |
| border-width [Longhands=border-top-width|border-right-width|border-bottom-width|border-left-width] |
| bottom [Initial=initialOffset, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| box-shadow [Custom=All] |
| box-sizing |
| buffered-rendering [SVG] |
| // -webkit-box-sizing worked in Safari 4 and earlier. |
| -webkit-box-sizing = box-sizing |
| caption-side [Inherited] |
| -epub-caption-side = caption-side |
| clear |
| clip [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-clip-path [Converter=ClipPath] |
| clip-path [SVG, Converter=SVGURIReference, NameForMethods=ClipperResource] |
| clip-rule [Inherited, SVG] |
| color-interpolation [Inherited, SVG] |
| color-interpolation-filters [Inherited, SVG] |
| color-profile [SkipBuilder] |
| color-rendering [Inherited, SVG] |
| content [Custom=All] |
| counter-increment [Custom=All] |
| counter-reset [Custom=All] |
| cursor [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| -webkit-cursor-visibility [Inherited] |
| #endif |
| cx [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| cy [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| dominant-baseline [SVG] |
| empty-cells [Inherited] |
| enable-background [SkipBuilder] |
| fill [Inherited, SVG, Custom=All] |
| fill-opacity [Inherited, SVG, Converter=Opacity] |
| fill-rule [Inherited, SVG] |
| float [NameForMethods=Floating] |
| flood-color [SVG, Converter=SVGColor] |
| flood-opacity [SVG, Converter=Opacity] |
| font [Inherited, Longhands=font-family|font-size|font-style|font-variant|font-weight|line-height] |
| font-stretch [SkipBuilder] |
| glyph-orientation-horizontal [Inherited, SVG, Converter=GlyphOrientation] |
| glyph-orientation-vertical [Inherited, SVG, Converter=GlyphOrientationOrAuto] |
| height [Initial=initialSize, Converter=LengthSizing] |
| image-orientation [Inherited] |
| #endif |
| image-rendering [Inherited] |
| image-resolution [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| #endif |
| kerning [Inherited, SVG, Converter=SVGLength] |
| left [Initial=initialOffset, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| letter-spacing [Inherited, Converter=Spacing] |
| lighting-color [SVG, Converter=SVGColor] |
| line-height [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| #else |
| line-height [Inherited, Getter=specifiedLineHeight, ConditionalConverter=LineHeight] |
| #endif |
| list-style [Inherited, Longhands=list-style-type|list-style-position|list-style-image] |
| list-style-image [Inherited, Converter=StyleImage<CSSPropertyListStyleImage>] |
| list-style-position [Inherited] |
| list-style-type [Inherited] |
| margin [Longhands=margin-top|margin-right|margin-bottom|margin-left] |
| margin-bottom [Initial=initialMargin, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| margin-left [Initial=initialMargin, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| margin-right [Initial=initialMargin, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| margin-top [Initial=initialMargin, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| marker [Inherited, Longhands=marker-start|marker-mid|marker-end] |
| marker-end [Inherited, SVG, Converter=SVGURIReference, NameForMethods=MarkerEndResource] |
| marker-mid [Inherited, SVG, Converter=SVGURIReference, NameForMethods=MarkerMidResource] |
| marker-start [Inherited, SVG, Converter=SVGURIReference, NameForMethods=MarkerStartResource] |
| mask [SVG, Converter=SVGURIReference, NameForMethods=MaskerResource] |
| mask-type [SVG] |
| max-height [Initial=initialMaxSize, Converter=LengthMaxSizing] |
| max-width [Initial=initialMaxSize, Converter=LengthMaxSizing] |
| min-height [Initial=initialMinSize, Converter=LengthSizing] |
| min-width [Initial=initialMinSize, Converter=LengthSizing] |
| object-fit |
| opacity |
| // Honor -webkit-opacity as a synonym for opacity. This was the only syntax that worked in Safari 1.1, |
| // and may be in use on some websites and widgets. |
| -webkit-opacity = opacity |
| orphans [Inherited, AutoFunctions] |
| outline [Longhands=outline-color|outline-style|outline-width] |
| outline-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| outline-offset [Converter=ComputedLength<int>] |
| outline-style [Custom=All] |
| outline-width [Converter=LineWidth<unsigned short>] |
| overflow [Longhands=overflow-x|overflow-y] |
| overflow-wrap |
| overflow-x |
| overflow-y |
| padding [Longhands=padding-top|padding-right|padding-bottom|padding-left] |
| padding-bottom [Initial=initialPadding, Converter=Length] |
| padding-left [Initial=initialPadding, Converter=Length] |
| padding-right [Initial=initialPadding, Converter=Length] |
| padding-top [Initial=initialPadding, Converter=Length] |
| page [SkipBuilder] |
| page-break-after [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| page-break-before [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| page-break-inside [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| paint-order [SVG, Converter=PaintOrder] |
| pointer-events [Inherited] |
| position |
| quotes [Inherited, Converter=Quotes] |
| r [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| resize [Inherited, Converter=Resize] |
| right [Initial=initialOffset, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| rx [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| ry [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| shape-rendering [Inherited, SVG] |
| size [Custom=All] |
| src [SkipBuilder] |
| stop-color [SVG, Converter=SVGColor] |
| stop-opacity [SVG, Converter=Opacity] |
| stroke [Inherited, SVG, Custom=All] |
| stroke-dasharray [Inherited, SVG, Converter=StrokeDashArray, NameForMethods=StrokeDashArray] |
| stroke-dashoffset [Inherited, NameForMethods=StrokeDashOffset, Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| stroke-linecap [Inherited, SVG, NameForMethods=CapStyle] |
| stroke-linejoin [Inherited, SVG, NameForMethods=JoinStyle] |
| stroke-miterlimit [Inherited, SVG, Converter=Number<float>, NameForMethods=StrokeMiterLimit] |
| stroke-opacity [Inherited, SVG, Converter=Opacity] |
| stroke-width [Inherited, Initial=initialOneLength, Converter=Length] |
| speak [Inherited] |
| table-layout |
| tab-size [Inherited] |
| text-align [Inherited, Converter=TextAlign] |
| text-anchor [Inherited, SVG] |
| text-decoration [Converter=TextDecoration] |
| text-indent [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| text-line-through [SkipBuilder] |
| text-line-through-color [SkipBuilder] |
| text-line-through-mode [SkipBuilder] |
| text-line-through-style [SkipBuilder] |
| text-line-through-width [SkipBuilder] |
| text-overflow |
| text-overline [SkipBuilder] |
| text-overline-color [SkipBuilder] |
| text-overline-mode [SkipBuilder] |
| text-overline-style [SkipBuilder] |
| text-overline-width [SkipBuilder] |
| text-shadow [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| text-transform [Inherited] |
| -epub-text-transform = text-transform |
| text-underline [SkipBuilder] |
| text-underline-color [SkipBuilder] |
| text-underline-mode [SkipBuilder] |
| text-underline-style [SkipBuilder] |
| text-underline-width [SkipBuilder] |
| top [Initial=initialOffset, Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| transition [Longhands=transition-property|transition-duration|transition-timing-function|transition-delay] |
| transition-delay [SkipBuilder] |
| transition-duration [SkipBuilder] |
| transition-property [SkipBuilder] |
| transition-timing-function [SkipBuilder] |
| |
| unicode-bidi |
| unicode-range [SkipBuilder] |
| vector-effect [SVG] |
| vertical-align [Custom=Value] |
| visibility [Inherited] |
| white-space [Inherited] |
| widows [Inherited, AutoFunctions] |
| width [Initial=initialSize, Converter=LengthSizing] |
| will-change [Custom=Value] |
| word-break [Inherited] |
| -epub-word-break = word-break |
| word-spacing [Inherited, ConditionalConverter=WordSpacing] |
| word-wrap [Inherited=EOverflowWrap, NameForMethods=OverflowWrap] |
| writing-mode [Inherited, SVG] |
| x [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| y [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| z-index [AutoFunctions] |
| alt [NameForMethods=ContentAltText, Custom=Value] |
| -webkit-alt = alt |
| -webkit-animation [Longhands=-webkit-animation-name|-webkit-animation-duration|-webkit-animation-timing-function|-webkit-animation-delay|-webkit-animation-iteration-count|-webkit-animation-direction|-webkit-animation-fill-mode] |
| -webkit-animation-delay [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Delay] |
| -webkit-animation-direction [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Direction] |
| -webkit-animation-duration [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Duration] |
| -webkit-animation-fill-mode [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=FillMode] |
| -webkit-animation-iteration-count [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=IterationCount] |
| -webkit-animation-name [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Name] |
| -webkit-animation-play-state [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=PlayState] |
| -webkit-animation-timing-function [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=TimingFunction] |
| -webkit-animation-trigger [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Trigger] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-appearance |
| -webkit-aspect-ratio [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| -webkit-backface-visibility |
| -webkit-background-clip [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Clip] |
| -webkit-background-composite [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Composite] |
| -webkit-background-origin [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Origin] |
| // -webkit-background-size differs from background-size only in the interpretation of |
| // a single value: -webkit-background-size: l; is equivalent to background-size: l l; |
| // whereas background-size: l; is equivalent to background-size: l auto; |
| -webkit-background-size [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Size] |
| -webkit-border-after [Longhands=-webkit-border-after-width|-webkit-border-after-style|-webkit-border-after-color] |
| -webkit-border-after-color [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-after-style [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-after-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-before [Longhands=-webkit-border-before-width|-webkit-border-before-style|-webkit-border-before-color] |
| -webkit-border-before-color [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-before-style [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-before-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-end [Longhands=-webkit-border-end-width|-webkit-border-end-style|-webkit-border-end-color] |
| -webkit-border-end-color [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-end-style [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-end-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-fit |
| -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing [Inherited, NameForMethods=HorizontalBorderSpacing, Converter=ComputedLength<short>] |
| -webkit-border-image [Initial=initialNinePieceImage, Converter=BorderImage<CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage>] |
| // -webkit-border-radius differs from border-radius only in the interpretation of |
| // a value consisting of two lengths: "-webkit-border-radius: l1 l2;" is equivalent |
| // to "border-radius: l1 / l2;" |
| -webkit-border-radius [Longhands=border-top-left-radius|border-top-right-radius|border-bottom-right-radius|border-bottom-left-radius] |
| -webkit-border-start [Longhands=-webkit-border-start-width|-webkit-border-start-style|-webkit-border-start-color] |
| -webkit-border-start-color [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-start-style [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-start-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-border-vertical-spacing [Inherited, NameForMethods=VerticalBorderSpacing, Converter=ComputedLength<short>] |
| -webkit-box-align |
| -webkit-box-direction [Inherited] |
| -webkit-box-flex |
| -webkit-box-flex-group |
| -webkit-box-lines |
| -webkit-box-ordinal-group |
| -webkit-box-orient |
| -webkit-box-pack |
| -webkit-box-reflect [Converter=Reflection] |
| // -webkit-box-shadow differs from box-shadow in its treatement of blur radii > 8px. |
| // Let -webkit-box-shadow blur radius be w_r and box-shadow blur radius be b_r. For |
| // w_r > 8px, b_r = 8 + 4 * sqrt((w_r - 8) / 2). |
| -webkit-box-shadow [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-column-axis |
| -webkit-column-break-after [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| -webkit-column-break-before [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| -webkit-column-break-inside [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| column-count [AutoFunctions] |
| -webkit-column-count = column-count |
| column-fill |
| -webkit-column-fill = column-fill |
| column-gap [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-column-gap = column-gap |
| column-progression |
| -webkit-column-progression = column-progression |
| column-rule [Longhands=column-rule-width|column-rule-style|column-rule-color] |
| -webkit-column-rule = column-rule |
| column-rule-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| -webkit-column-rule-color = column-rule-color |
| column-rule-style [Initial=initialBorderStyle] |
| -webkit-column-rule-style = column-rule-style |
| column-rule-width [Converter=LineWidth<unsigned short>] |
| -webkit-column-rule-width = column-rule-width |
| column-span |
| -webkit-column-span = column-span |
| column-width [AutoFunctions, Converter=ComputedLength<float>] |
| -webkit-column-width = column-width |
| columns [Longhands=column-width|column-count] |
| -webkit-columns = columns |
| -webkit-box-decoration-break |
| #endif |
| mix-blend-mode [NameForMethods=BlendMode] |
| isolation |
| #endif |
| filter [ConditionalConverter=FilterOperations] |
| -webkit-filter = filter |
| align-content [Initial=initialContentAlignment, Converter=ContentAlignmentData] |
| -webkit-align-content = align-content |
| align-items [Initial=initialSelfAlignment, Converter=SelfOrDefaultAlignmentData] |
| -webkit-align-items = align-items |
| align-self [Initial=initialSelfAlignment, Converter=SelfOrDefaultAlignmentData] |
| -webkit-align-self = align-self |
| flex [Longhands=flex-grow|flex-shrink|flex-basis] |
| -webkit-flex = flex |
| flex-basis [Converter=LengthOrAuto] |
| -webkit-flex-basis = flex-basis |
| flex-direction |
| -webkit-flex-direction = flex-direction |
| flex-flow [Longhands=flex-direction|flex-wrap] |
| -webkit-flex-flow = flex-flow |
| flex-grow |
| -webkit-flex-grow = flex-grow |
| flex-shrink |
| -webkit-flex-shrink = flex-shrink |
| flex-wrap |
| -webkit-flex-wrap = flex-wrap |
| justify-content [Initial=initialContentAlignment, Converter=ContentAlignmentData] |
| -webkit-justify-content = justify-content |
| -webkit-backdrop-filter [ConditionalConverter=FilterOperations] |
| #endif |
| justify-self [Initial=initialSelfAlignment, Converter=SelfOrDefaultAlignmentData] |
| -webkit-font-size-delta [SkipBuilder] |
| justify-items [Initial=initialSelfAlignment, Converter=SelfOrDefaultAlignmentData] |
| -webkit-justify-items = justify-items |
| -webkit-grid [Longhands=-webkit-grid-template-columns|-webkit-grid-template-rows|-webkit-grid-template-areas|-webkit-grid-auto-flow|-webkit-grid-auto-columns|-webkit-grid-auto-rows] |
| -webkit-grid-area [Longhands=-webkit-grid-row-start|-webkit-grid-column-start|-webkit-grid-row-end|-webkit-grid-column-end] |
| -webkit-grid-auto-columns [Converter=GridTrackSize] |
| -webkit-grid-auto-rows [Converter=GridTrackSize] |
| -webkit-grid-column-end [ConditionalConverter=GridPosition, NameForMethods=GridItemColumnEnd] |
| -webkit-grid-column-gap [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-grid-column-start [ConditionalConverter=GridPosition, NameForMethods=GridItemColumnStart] |
| -webkit-grid-template [Longhands=-webkit-grid-template-columns|-webkit-grid-template-rows|-webkit-grid-template-areas] |
| -webkit-grid-template-columns [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-grid-template-rows [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-grid-row-end [ConditionalConverter=GridPosition, NameForMethods=GridItemRowEnd] |
| -webkit-grid-row-gap [Initial=initialZeroLength, Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-grid-row-start [ConditionalConverter=GridPosition, NameForMethods=GridItemRowStart] |
| -webkit-grid-column [Longhands=-webkit-grid-column-start|-webkit-grid-column-end] |
| -webkit-grid-gap [Longhands=-webkit-grid-column-gap|-webkit-grid-row-gap] |
| -webkit-grid-row [Longhands=-webkit-grid-row-start|-webkit-grid-row-end] |
| -webkit-grid-template-areas [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-grid-auto-flow [Converter=GridAutoFlow] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-hyphenate-character [Inherited, NameForMethods=HyphenationString, Converter=StringOrAuto] |
| -webkit-hyphenate-limit-after [Inherited, NameForMethods=HyphenationLimitAfter, Converter=NumberOrAuto<short>] |
| -webkit-hyphenate-limit-before [Inherited, NameForMethods=HyphenationLimitBefore, Converter=NumberOrAuto<short>] |
| -webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines [Inherited, NameForMethods=HyphenationLimitLines, Converter=WebkitHyphenateLimitLines] |
| -webkit-hyphens [Inherited] |
| -epub-hyphens = -webkit-hyphens |
| -webkit-initial-letter [Converter=InitialLetter] |
| -webkit-line-box-contain [Inherited, Converter=LineBoxContain] |
| -webkit-line-align [Inherited] |
| -webkit-line-break [Inherited] |
| -webkit-line-clamp |
| -webkit-line-grid [Inherited, Converter=StringOrNone] |
| -webkit-line-snap [Inherited] |
| -webkit-logical-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-logical-height [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-margin-after-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-before-collapse |
| -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse [NameForMethods=MarginAfterCollapse] |
| -webkit-margin-top-collapse [NameForMethods=MarginBeforeCollapse] |
| -webkit-margin-collapse [Longhands=-webkit-margin-before-collapse|-webkit-margin-after-collapse] |
| -webkit-margin-after [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-margin-before [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-margin-end [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-margin-start [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-marquee [Longhands=-webkit-marquee-direction|-webkit-marquee-increment|-webkit-marquee-repetition|-webkit-marquee-style|-webkit-marquee-speed] |
| -webkit-marquee-direction |
| -webkit-marquee-increment [ConditionalConverter=MarqueeIncrement] |
| -webkit-marquee-repetition [NameForMethods=MarqueeLoopCount, Converter=MarqueeRepetition] |
| -webkit-marquee-speed [Converter=MarqueeSpeed] |
| -webkit-marquee-style [NameForMethods=MarqueeBehavior] |
| -webkit-mask [Longhands=-webkit-mask-image|-webkit-mask-source-type|-webkit-mask-position-x|-webkit-mask-position-y|-webkit-mask-size|-webkit-mask-repeat-x|-webkit-mask-repeat-y|-webkit-mask-origin|-webkit-mask-clip] |
| -webkit-mask-box-image [Initial=initialNinePieceImage, Converter=BorderMask<CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImage>] |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-outset [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-repeat [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-slice [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-source [Converter=StyleImage<CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSource>] |
| -webkit-mask-box-image-width [Custom=All] |
| -webkit-mask-clip [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Clip] |
| -webkit-mask-composite [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Composite] |
| -webkit-mask-image [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Image] |
| -webkit-mask-origin [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Origin] |
| -webkit-mask-position [Longhands=-webkit-mask-position-x|-webkit-mask-position-y] |
| -webkit-mask-position-x [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=XPosition] |
| -webkit-mask-position-y [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=YPosition] |
| -webkit-mask-repeat [Longhands=-webkit-mask-repeat-x|-webkit-mask-repeat-y] |
| -webkit-mask-repeat-x [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=RepeatX] |
| -webkit-mask-repeat-y [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=RepeatY] |
| -webkit-mask-size [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=Size] |
| -webkit-mask-source-type [FillLayerProperty, NameForMethods=MaskSourceType] |
| -webkit-max-logical-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-max-logical-height [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-min-logical-width [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-min-logical-height [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-nbsp-mode [Inherited, Setter=setNBSPMode, Initial=initialNBSPMode] |
| order |
| -webkit-order = order |
| -webkit-padding-after [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-padding-before [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-padding-end [SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-padding-start [SkipBuilder] |
| perspective [ConditionalConverter=Perspective] |
| -webkit-perspective = perspective |
| perspective-origin [Longhands=perspective-origin-x|perspective-origin-y] |
| -webkit-perspective-origin = perspective-origin |
| perspective-origin-x [Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-perspective-origin-x = perspective-origin-x |
| perspective-origin-y [Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-perspective-origin-y = perspective-origin-y |
| -webkit-print-color-adjust [Inherited] |
| -webkit-rtl-ordering [Inherited, Setter=setRTLOrdering, Initial=initialRTLOrdering] |
| #if defined(ENABLE_CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) |
| -webkit-scroll-snap-points-x [Converter=ScrollSnapPoints, Custom=Initial|Inherit] |
| -webkit-scroll-snap-points-y [Converter=ScrollSnapPoints, Custom=Initial|Inherit] |
| -webkit-scroll-snap-type |
| -webkit-scroll-snap-destination [Converter=SnapCoordinatePair] |
| -webkit-scroll-snap-coordinate [Converter=ScrollSnapCoordinates, NameForMethods=ScrollSnapCoordinates] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-svg-shadow [SVG, Custom=All] |
| -webkit-text-combine [Inherited] |
| -epub-text-combine = -webkit-text-combine |
| #if defined(ENABLE_CSS3_TEXT) && ENABLE_CSS3_TEXT |
| -webkit-text-align-last [Inherited] |
| -webkit-text-justify [Inherited] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-text-decoration [Longhands=-webkit-text-decoration-line|-webkit-text-decoration-style|-webkit-text-decoration-color] |
| -webkit-text-decoration-line [NameForMethods=TextDecoration, Converter=TextDecoration] |
| -webkit-text-decoration-style |
| -webkit-text-decoration-color [VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| -webkit-text-decoration-skip [Inherited, Converter=TextDecorationSkip] |
| -webkit-text-underline-position [Inherited, Converter=TextUnderlinePosition] |
| -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect [Inherited, SkipBuilder] |
| -webkit-text-emphasis [Inherited, Longhands=-webkit-text-emphasis-style|-webkit-text-emphasis-color] |
| -epub-text-emphasis = -webkit-text-emphasis |
| text-emphasis = -webkit-text-emphasis |
| -webkit-text-emphasis-color [Inherited, VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| -epub-text-emphasis-color = -webkit-text-emphasis-color |
| text-emphasis-color = -webkit-text-emphasis-color |
| -webkit-text-emphasis-position [Inherited, Converter=TextEmphasisPosition] |
| text-emphasis-position = -webkit-text-emphasis-position |
| -webkit-text-emphasis-style [Inherited, Custom=All] |
| -epub-text-emphasis-style = -webkit-text-emphasis-style |
| text-emphasis-style = -webkit-text-emphasis-style |
| -webkit-text-fill-color [Inherited, VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| -webkit-text-security [Inherited] |
| -webkit-text-stroke [Inherited, Longhands=-webkit-text-stroke-width|-webkit-text-stroke-color] |
| -webkit-text-stroke-color [Inherited, VisitedLinkColorSupport, Initial=invalidColor] |
| -webkit-text-stroke-width [Inherited, Converter=TextStrokeWidth] |
| transform [Converter=Transform] |
| -webkit-transform = transform |
| transform-origin [Longhands=transform-origin-x|transform-origin-y|transform-origin-z] |
| -webkit-transform-origin = transform-origin |
| transform-origin-x [Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-transform-origin-x = transform-origin-x |
| transform-origin-y [Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-transform-origin-y = transform-origin-y |
| transform-origin-z [Converter=ComputedLength<float>] |
| -webkit-transform-origin-z = transform-origin-z |
| transform-style [NameForMethods=TransformStyle3D] |
| // Keeping -webkit-transform-style around is how we'll detect legacy content. At that point we'll have to add a custom builder and a new ETransformStyle3D type. |
| -webkit-transform-style [NameForMethods=TransformStyle3D] |
| -webkit-transition [Longhands=-webkit-transition-property|-webkit-transition-duration|-webkit-transition-timing-function|-webkit-transition-delay] |
| -webkit-transition-delay [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Delay] |
| -webkit-transition-duration [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Duration] |
| -webkit-transition-property [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=Property] |
| -webkit-transition-timing-function [AnimationProperty, NameForMethods=TimingFunction] |
| -webkit-user-drag |
| -webkit-user-modify [Inherited] |
| -webkit-user-select [Inherited] |
| -webkit-flow-into [NameForMethods=FlowThread, Converter=StringOrNone] |
| -webkit-flow-from [NameForMethods=RegionThread, Converter=StringOrNone] |
| -webkit-region-fragment |
| -webkit-region-break-after [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| -webkit-region-break-before [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| -webkit-region-break-inside [Initial=initialPageBreak] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-shape-outside [Converter=ShapeValue] |
| -webkit-shape-margin [Converter=Length] |
| -webkit-shape-image-threshold [Converter=NumberOrAuto<float>] |
| #endif |
| max-zoom [SkipBuilder] |
| min-zoom [SkipBuilder] |
| orientation [SkipBuilder] |
| user-zoom [SkipBuilder] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-tap-highlight-color [Inherited, Converter=TapHighlightColor] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-dashboard-region [NameForMethods=DashboardRegions, Custom=Value] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-overflow-scrolling [Inherited, NameForMethods=UseTouchOverflowScrolling, Converter=OverflowScrolling] |
| #endif |
| -webkit-touch-callout [Inherited, NameForMethods=TouchCalloutEnabled, Converter=TouchCallout] |
| #endif |
| |
| -apple-trailing-word [Inherited, NameForMethods=TrailingWord] |
| #endif |