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| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns no frames for various kinds of empty enimations assert_equals: number of frames when @keyframes has empty keyframes expected 0 but got 2 |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for a simple animation |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns frames with expected easing values, when the easing comes from animation-timing-function on the element |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns frames with expected easing values, when the easing is specified on each keyframe assert_equals: value of 'easing' on ComputedKeyframe #1 expected "ease-in-out" but got "linear" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns frames with expected easing values, when the easing is specified on some keyframes assert_equals: value of 'easing' on ComputedKeyframe #1 expected "steps(1, start)" but got "linear" |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for a simple animation that specifies a single shorthand property |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with a 0% keyframe and no 100% keyframe assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #1 expected "color,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with a 100% keyframe and no 0% keyframe assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "color,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with no 0% or 100% keyframe but with a 50% keyframe assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "color,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with a partially complete 100% keyframe (because the !important rule is ignored) assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #1 expected "composite,computedOffset,easing,marginBottom,marginTop,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,marginBottom,offset" |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with different properties on different keyframes, all with the same easing function |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with different properties on different keyframes, with a different easing function on each assert_equals: value for 'easing' on ComputedKeyframe #1 expected "steps(1)" but got "linear" |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with multiple keyframes for the same time, and all with the same easing function |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with multiple keyframes for the same time and with different easing functions assert_equals: number of frames expected 3 but got 2 |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for an animation with multiple keyframes for the same time and with different but equivalent easing functions assert_equals: value for 'easing' on ComputedKeyframe #2 expected "ease" but got "steps(1)" |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected frames for overlapping keyframes |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with filter properties and missing keyframes assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "composite,computedOffset,easing,filter,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| PASS KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animation with drop-shadow of filter property |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with text-shadow properties and missing keyframes assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset,textShadow" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with background-size properties and missing keyframes assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "backgroundSize,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with CSS variables as keyframe values assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset,transform" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with CSS variables as keyframe values in a shorthand property assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "composite,computedOffset,easing,marginBottom,marginLeft,marginRight,marginTop,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with a CSS variable which is overriden by the value in keyframe assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "color,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" |
| FAIL KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() returns expected values for animations with only custom property in a keyframe assert_equals: value for 'transform' on ComputedKeyframe #0 expected "translate(100px, 0px)" but got "none" |
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