| Test WorkerGlobalScope.close() method. Will print PASS multiple times, followed by DONE. |
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| Test 1: Call close() in the worker, then enter infinite loop. From the Worker object side, call terminate(). Verify the loop is terminated. |
| PASS: workerThreadCount = 0 |
| PASS: Worker thread created and closed, received message: closed |
| PASS: Worker exited after terminate() terminated the infinite loop. |
| Test 2: post 2 messages to a MessagePort into the worker. port.onmessage handler inside the worker will call close(). Verify that the second onmessage was not executed. |
| PASS: workerThreadCount = 0 |
| PASS: MessagePort multiple message test, received message: echo_ping1 |
| PASS: MessagePort messages were not delivered asfter close(). |
| DONE |
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