| This test checks that grid-template-areas is properly parsed. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| Test getting grid-template-areas set through CSS. |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDefaultTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithSingleStringTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"area\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithTwoColumnsTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"first second\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithTwoRowsTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"first\" \"second\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithSpanningColumnsTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"span span\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithSpanningRowsDotTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"span\" \".\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithSpanningRowsDotsTemplate).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"span\" \".\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotColumn).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"header .\" \"footer .\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotsColumn).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"header .\" \"footer .\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotCells).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"first .\" \". second\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotsCells).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"first .\" \". second\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithComplexDotAreas).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". header header .\" \". . . .\" \"nav main main aside\" \"nav main main aside\" \". . . aside\" \". footer footer aside\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithComplexDotsAreas).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". header header .\" \". . . .\" \"nav main main aside\" \"nav main main aside\" \". . . aside\" \". footer footer aside\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithMixedDotAndDotsAreas).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". title .\" \". main main\" \"nav . aside\" \". footer .\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotsNoSpaceTwoColumns).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". A\" \". A\" \"B .\" \"B .\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotsNoSpaceThreeColumns).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". A .\" \". A .\" \"B . C\" \"B . C\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotsNoSpaceFourColumns).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". A . B\" \". A . B\" \". A . B\" \". A . B\" \"C . D .\" \"C . D .\" \"C . D .\" \"C . D .\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithDotsNoSpaceComplex).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\". title . nav . . main test\" \". title . nav . . main test\" \". title . nav . . main test\" \". title . nav . . main test\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithHorizontalRectangle).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"a a a\" \"a a a\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(gridWithVerticalRectangle).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"a a\" \"a a\" \"a a\"" |
| Test grid-template-areas: initial |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"foobar\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"foobar\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| Test grid-template-areas: inherit |
| PASS getComputedStyle(parentElement).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"foo bar\"" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "\"foo bar\"" |
| Test invalid grid-template-areas values. |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') is "none" |
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| FIXME: We currently don't validate that the named grid areas are <indent>. |
| FAIL getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('grid-template-areas') should be none. Was "nav-up". |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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