blob: 85c48fa38a85a0cadfe52bbf2c67d063aa600b3a [file] [log] [blame]
foo bar
Odd Even
1 2
3 4
hello world
Odd Even
End of test
This tests the accessible hierarchy for an HTML table.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
AXRole: AXWebArea
AXRole: AXTable
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: foo
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: bar
AXRole: AXTable
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXColumnHeader AXValue: Odd
AXRole: AXColumnHeader AXValue: Even
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 1
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 2
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 3
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 4
AXRole: AXTable
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: hello
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: world
AXRole: AXTable
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXColumnHeader AXValue: Odd
AXRole: AXColumnHeader AXValue: Even
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 1<\n><\n>
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: 1
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 2<\n><\n>
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: 2
AXRole: AXRow
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 3<\n><\n>
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: 3
AXRole: AXCell AXValue: 4<\n><\n>
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: 4
PASS successfullyParsed is true