blob: 46492bf670341d34a7bc2a4843c9ddc51af8d6e1 [file] [log] [blame]
"This tests that a patchable GetById right after a watchpoint has the appropriate nop padding."
function foo(o, p) {
var a = p.f;
var b = o.f; // Watchpoint.
var c = p.g; // Patchable GetById.
return b(a + c);
function O() {
O.prototype.f = function(x) { return x + 1; };
var o = new O();
function P1() {
P1.prototype.g = 42;
function P2() {
P2.prototype.g = 24;
var p1 = new P1();
var p2 = new P2();
p1.f = 1;
p2.f = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
var p = (i % 2) ? p1 : p2;
var expected = (i % 2) ? 44 : 27;
if (i == 150) {
// Cause first the watchpoint on o.f to fire, and then the GetById
// to be reset.
O.prototype.g = 57; // Fire the watchpoint.
P1.prototype.h = 58; // Reset the GetById.
P2.prototype.h = 59; // Not necessary, but what the heck - this resets the GetById even more.
shouldBe("foo(o, p)", "" + expected);