| Tests that "Copy as cURL" returns valid POSIX output. |
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| == Running test suite: GenerateCURLValidPOSIXOutput |
| -- Running test case: SimpleURLGenerateCURL |
| PASS: Command should contain URL. |
| PASS: Command should be a GET request. |
| PASS: Command should contain User-Agent header. |
| PASS: Command should not contain a custom header. |
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| -- Running test case: SpecialURLGenerateCURL |
| PASS: Command should contain valid POSIX escaped URL. |
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| -- Running test case: SpecialHeadersGenerateCURLValidPOSIXOutput |
| PASS: Command should have correct custom header 1. |
| PASS: Command should have correct custom header 2. |
| PASS: Command should have correct custom header 3. |
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| -- Running test case: URLWithUTF8GenerateCURL |
| PASS: Command should contain URL with UTF8 characters. |
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| -- Running test case: POSTRequestURLEncodedDataGenerateCURL |
| PASS: Command should be a POST request. |
| PASS: Command should have correct Content-Type. |
| PASS: Command should contain correct data. |
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| -- Running test case: POSTRequestURLEncodedDataUTF8GenerateCURL |
| PASS: Command should contain URL with UTF8 characters. |
| PASS: Command should contain correct UTF8 data. |
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| -- Running test case: PUTRequestWithJSONGenerateCURL |
| PASS: Command should be a PUT request. |
| PASS: Command should have JSON Content-Type. |
| PASS: Command should contain correct JSON data. |
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