blob: ff48dc2db3d3a95b7ec9e1b25cfe72f6ae7b91cd [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
<style id="toNukeAfterTest">
* {
background-color: white;
color: black;
:read-only {
background-color: red;
:read-write {
color: lime;
<div style="display:none;" id="test-block">
<!-- Default is true -->
<div contenteditable>
<div id="non-editable-block-1" contenteditable=false>
<div id="non-editable-subblock-1">Not editable</div>
<!-- True is true :) -->
<div contenteditable=true>
<div id="non-editable-block-2" contenteditable=false>
<div id="non-editable-subblock-2">Not editable</div>
<!-- The case of the attribute's value is irrelevant. -->
<div contenteditable="TrUe">
<div id="non-editable-block-3" contenteditable="FaLsE">
<div id="non-editable-subblock-3">Not editable</div>
<!-- The value "plaintext-only" is a WebKit extension, it defines an editing host too. -->
<div contenteditable="plaintext-only">
<div id="non-editable-block-4" contenteditable="false">
<div id="non-editable-subblock-4">Not editable</div>
<!-- Per definition, the rules for editing host and editable elements do not apply do <input> elements. -->
<div contenteditable=true>
<input type="text" id="read-write-input" value="read-write input">
<input type="text" disabled id="read-only-input-1" value="read-only input">
<input type="text" readonly id="read-only-input-2" value="read-only input">
<input type="text" contenteditable=true disabled id="read-only-input-3" value="read-only input">
<input type="text" contenteditable=true readonly id="read-only-input-4" value="read-only input">
<!-- Same story for <textarea>, it has its own definition of :read-write/:read-only. The rules for editing host and editable elements do not apply must be ignored. -->
<div contenteditable=true>
<textarea id="read-write-textarea">Editable text area</textarea>
<textarea disabled id="read-only-textarea-1">Non editable text area</textarea>
<textarea readonly id="read-only-textarea-2">Non editable text area</textarea>
<textarea contenteditable=true disabled id="read-only-textarea-3">Non editable text area</textarea>
<textarea contenteditable=true readonly id="read-only-textarea-4">Non editable text area</textarea>
description('Test the basic features of ":read-only", ":read-write" on elements with the design mode enabled. The definition is that ":read-write" is matches for "elements that are editing hosts or editable and are neither input elements nor textarea elements"');
// This test is derivative from the contenteditable test. Unlike that one, here designMode is enabled, everything is editable unless explicitely disabled.
document.designMode = "on";
var nonEditableElements = [
// Since altering the DOM changes the results, everything needs to be done prior to showing the results.
function testQuerySelector()
var allReadWrite = document.querySelectorAll(":read-write");
for (var i = 0; i < allReadWrite.length; ++i) {
if (nonEditableElements.indexOf(allReadWrite[i].id) >= 0) {
debug("Element i = " + i + " id = " + allReadWrite[i].id + "was expected to be read-write.");
return false;
var allReadOnly = document.querySelectorAll(":read-only");
for (var i = 0; i < allReadOnly.length; ++i) {
if (nonEditableElements.indexOf(allReadOnly[i].id) === -1) {
debug("Element i = " + i + " id = " + allReadWrite[i].id + "was expected to be read-only.");
return false;
return true;
function testStyling()
var allTestCases = document.querySelectorAll('*');
for (var i = 0; i < allTestCases.length; ++i) {
var isReadOnly = nonEditableElements.indexOf(allTestCases[i].id) >= 0;
var expectedColor = isReadOnly ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' : 'rgb(0, 255, 0)';
if (getComputedStyle(allTestCases[i]).color != expectedColor) {
debug("Expected color " + expectedColor + " on element i = " + i + " id = \"" + allTestCases[i].id + "\". Got " + getComputedStyle(allTestCases[i]).color);
return false;
var expectedBackgroundColor = isReadOnly ? 'rgb(255, 0, 0)' : 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
if (getComputedStyle(allTestCases[i]).backgroundColor != expectedBackgroundColor) {
debug("Expected background color " + expectedBackgroundColor + "on element i = " + i + " id = " + allTestCases[i].id + ". Got " + getComputedStyle(allTestCases[i]).backgroundColor);
return false;
return true;
document.getElementById("toNukeAfterTest").innerHTML = ""; // To style the results properly.
<script src="../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script>