| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <p id="description"></p> |
| <div id="console"></div> |
| <script> |
| description('Test to make sure we return correct text-decoration state. Note that "text-decoration: none" SHOULD NOT cancel text decorations.') |
| |
| var testContainer = document.createElement("div"); |
| testContainer.contentEditable = true; |
| document.body.appendChild(testContainer); |
| |
| function textdecorationState(decoration, content) |
| { |
| testContainer.innerHTML = content; |
| var e = document.getElementById('e'); |
| var s = window.getSelection(); |
| var r = document.createRange(); |
| r.setStart(e, 0); |
| r.setEnd(e, 1); |
| e.focus(); |
| s.removeAllRanges(); |
| s.addRange(r); |
| |
| return document.queryCommandState(decoration); |
| } |
| |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("underline","<u><b><i><span id=e>hello world</span></i></b></u>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("underline","<b><i><u><span id=e>hello world</span></u></i></b>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("underline","<b><i><span id=e style=\'text-decoration: underline;\'>hello world</span></i></b>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("underline","<span style=\'text-decoration: underline;\'><em id=e>hello world</em></span>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("underline","<u><b><i><span id=e style=\'text-decoration:none\'>hello world</span></i></b></u>")', 'true'); |
| |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("strikeThrough","<b><i><span id=e>hello world</span></i></b>")', 'false'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("strikeThrough","<s><b><i><span id=e>hello world</span></i></b></s>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("strikeThrough","<b><i><s><span id=e>hello world</span></s></i></b>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("strikeThrough","<b><i><span id=e style=\'text-decoration: line-through;\'>hello world</span></i></b>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("strikeThrough","<span style=\'text-decoration: line-through;\'><em id=e>hello world</em></span>")', 'true'); |
| shouldBe('textdecorationState("strikeThrough","<s><b><i><span id=e style=\'text-decoration:none\'>hello world</span></i></b></s>")', 'true'); |
| |
| document.body.removeChild(testContainer); |
| |
| var successfullyParsed = true; |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |