blob: f4899ef1c4525d1815a3c4ab36bc8d97c00903cb [file] [log] [blame]
PASS idl_test setup
PASS idl_test validation
PASS Partial interface Performance: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface Performance: member names are unique
PASS Partial interface Performance[2]: member names are unique
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface object length
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface object name
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute initiatorType
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute nextHopProtocol
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute workerStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute redirectStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute redirectEnd
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute fetchStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute domainLookupStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute domainLookupEnd
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute connectStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute connectEnd
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute secureConnectionStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute requestStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute responseStart
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute responseEnd
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute transferSize assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "transferSize" expected true got false
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute encodedBodySize assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "encodedBodySize" expected true got false
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: attribute decodedBodySize assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "decodedBodySize" expected true got false
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: operation toJSON()
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming must be primary interface of resource
PASS Stringification of resource
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "initiatorType" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "nextHopProtocol" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "workerStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "redirectStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "redirectEnd" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "fetchStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "domainLookupStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "domainLookupEnd" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "connectStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "connectEnd" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "secureConnectionStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "requestStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "responseStart" with the proper type
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "responseEnd" with the proper type
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "transferSize" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "transferSize" not found in prototype chain
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "encodedBodySize" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "encodedBodySize" not found in prototype chain
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "decodedBodySize" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "decodedBodySize" not found in prototype chain
PASS PerformanceResourceTiming interface: resource must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
FAIL PerformanceResourceTiming interface: default toJSON operation on resource assert_true: property "transferSize" should be present in the output of PerformanceResourceTiming.prototype.toJSON() expected true got false
PASS Performance interface: operation clearResourceTimings()
PASS Performance interface: operation setResourceTimingBufferSize(unsigned long)
PASS Performance interface: attribute onresourcetimingbufferfull
PASS Performance interface: performance must inherit property "clearResourceTimings()" with the proper type
PASS Performance interface: performance must inherit property "setResourceTimingBufferSize(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS Performance interface: calling setResourceTimingBufferSize(unsigned long) on performance with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS Performance interface: performance must inherit property "onresourcetimingbufferfull" with the proper type