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<title>IndexedDB: Test error events fired at requests from aborted transaction</title>
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(t, db) => {
(t, db) => {
const tx = db.transaction('store');
const request = tx.objectStore('store').get(0);
request.onsuccess = t.unreached_func('request should not succeed');
let connection_saw_error = false;
let transaction_saw_error = false;
request.onerror = t.step_func(e => {
assert_equals(request.readyState, 'done',
'Request\'s done flag should be set');
assert_equals(request.result, undefined,
'Request\'s result should be undefined');
assert_equals(, 'AbortError',
'Request\'s error should be AbortError');
assert_equals(, request, 'event target should be request');
assert_equals(e.type, 'error', 'Event type should be error');
assert_true(e.bubbles, 'Event should bubble');
assert_true(e.cancelable, 'Event should cancelable');
'Event propagated through connection');
'Event propagated through transaction');
// Event propagates via "get the parent" on request and transaction.
db.addEventListener('error', t.step_func(e => {
connection_saw_error = true;
assert_equals(, request, 'event target should be request');
assert_equals(e.type, 'error', 'Event type should be error');
assert_true(e.bubbles, 'Event should bubble');
assert_true(e.cancelable, 'Event should cancelable');
}), true);
tx.addEventListener('error', t.step_func(e => {
transaction_saw_error = true;
assert_equals(, request, 'event target should be request');
assert_equals(e.type, 'error', 'Event type should be error');
assert_true(e.bubbles, 'Event should bubble');
assert_true(e.cancelable, 'Event should cancelable');
'Event propagated through connection');
}), true);
'Properties of error events fired at requests when aborting a transaction');