| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2010 Pawel Hajdan (phajdan.jr@chromium.org) |
| * Copyright (C) 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are |
| * met: |
| * |
| * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
| * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer |
| * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the |
| * distribution. |
| * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its |
| * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
| * this software without specific prior written permission. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "DRTTestRunner.h" |
| |
| #include "DRTDevToolsAgent.h" |
| #include "MockWebSpeechInputController.h" |
| #include "MockWebSpeechRecognizer.h" |
| #include "TestShell.h" |
| #include "WebAnimationController.h" |
| #include "WebBindings.h" |
| #include "WebConsoleMessage.h" |
| #include "WebDeviceOrientation.h" |
| #include "WebDeviceOrientationClientMock.h" |
| #include "WebDocument.h" |
| #include "WebElement.h" |
| #include "WebFindOptions.h" |
| #include "WebFrame.h" |
| #include "WebGeolocationClientMock.h" |
| #include "WebIDBFactory.h" |
| #include "WebInputElement.h" |
| #include "WebIntent.h" |
| #include "WebIntentRequest.h" |
| #include "WebKit.h" |
| #include "WebNotificationPresenter.h" |
| #include "WebPermissions.h" |
| #include "WebPrintParams.h" |
| #include "WebScriptSource.h" |
| #include "WebSecurityPolicy.h" |
| #include "WebSettings.h" |
| #include "WebSurroundingText.h" |
| #include "WebView.h" |
| #include "WebViewHost.h" |
| #include "WebWorkerInfo.h" |
| #include "platform/WebData.h" |
| #include "platform/WebSerializedScriptValue.h" |
| #include "platform/WebSize.h" |
| #include "platform/WebURL.h" |
| #include "v8/include/v8.h" |
| #include "webkit/support/webkit_support.h" |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <cctype> |
| #include <clocale> |
| #include <cstdlib> |
| #include <limits> |
| #include <sstream> |
| #include <wtf/OwnArrayPtr.h> |
| #include <wtf/text/WTFString.h> |
| |
| #if OS(LINUX) || OS(ANDROID) |
| #include "linux/WebFontRendering.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| using namespace WebCore; |
| using namespace WebKit; |
| using namespace std; |
| |
| class EmptyWebDeliveredIntentClient : public WebKit::WebDeliveredIntentClient { |
| public: |
| EmptyWebDeliveredIntentClient() { } |
| ~EmptyWebDeliveredIntentClient() { } |
| |
| virtual void postResult(const WebSerializedScriptValue& data) const { } |
| virtual void postFailure(const WebSerializedScriptValue& data) const { } |
| virtual void destroy() { } |
| }; |
| |
| DRTTestRunner::DRTTestRunner(TestShell* shell) |
| : m_shell(shell) |
| , m_closeRemainingWindows(false) |
| , m_deferMainResourceDataLoad(false) |
| , m_showDebugLayerTree(false) |
| , m_workQueue(this) |
| , m_intentClient(adoptPtr(new EmptyWebDeliveredIntentClient)) |
| , m_shouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload(false) |
| { |
| |
| // Initialize the map that associates methods of this class with the names |
| // they will use when called by JavaScript. The actual binding of those |
| // names to their methods will be done by calling bindToJavaScript() (defined |
| // by CppBoundClass, the parent to DRTTestRunner). |
| bindMethod("addFileToPasteboardOnDrag", &DRTTestRunner::addFileToPasteboardOnDrag); |
| bindMethod("addMockSpeechInputResult", &DRTTestRunner::addMockSpeechInputResult); |
| bindMethod("setMockSpeechInputDumpRect", &DRTTestRunner::setMockSpeechInputDumpRect); |
| #endif |
| bindMethod("addMockSpeechRecognitionResult", &DRTTestRunner::addMockSpeechRecognitionResult); |
| bindMethod("setMockSpeechRecognitionError", &DRTTestRunner::setMockSpeechRecognitionError); |
| bindMethod("wasMockSpeechRecognitionAborted", &DRTTestRunner::wasMockSpeechRecognitionAborted); |
| #endif |
| bindMethod("addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry", &DRTTestRunner::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry); |
| bindMethod("addUserScript", &DRTTestRunner::addUserScript); |
| bindMethod("addUserStyleSheet", &DRTTestRunner::addUserStyleSheet); |
| bindMethod("clearAllDatabases", &DRTTestRunner::clearAllDatabases); |
| bindMethod("closeWebInspector", &DRTTestRunner::closeWebInspector); |
| bindMethod("didAcquirePointerLock", &DRTTestRunner::didAcquirePointerLock); |
| bindMethod("didLosePointerLock", &DRTTestRunner::didLosePointerLock); |
| bindMethod("didNotAcquirePointerLock", &DRTTestRunner::didNotAcquirePointerLock); |
| #endif |
| bindMethod("disableAutoResizeMode", &DRTTestRunner::disableAutoResizeMode); |
| bindMethod("disableImageLoading", &DRTTestRunner::disableImageLoading); |
| bindMethod("display", &DRTTestRunner::display); |
| bindMethod("displayInvalidatedRegion", &DRTTestRunner::displayInvalidatedRegion); |
| bindMethod("dumpAsText", &DRTTestRunner::dumpAsText); |
| bindMethod("dumpBackForwardList", &DRTTestRunner::dumpBackForwardList); |
| bindMethod("dumpChildFramesAsText", &DRTTestRunner::dumpChildFramesAsText); |
| bindMethod("dumpChildFrameScrollPositions", &DRTTestRunner::dumpChildFrameScrollPositions); |
| bindMethod("dumpDatabaseCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpDatabaseCallbacks); |
| bindMethod("dumpEditingCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpEditingCallbacks); |
| bindMethod("dumpFrameLoadCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpFrameLoadCallbacks); |
| bindMethod("dumpProgressFinishedCallback", &DRTTestRunner::dumpProgressFinishedCallback); |
| bindMethod("dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks); |
| bindMethod("dumpResourceLoadCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpResourceLoadCallbacks); |
| bindMethod("dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes", &DRTTestRunner::dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes); |
| bindMethod("dumpSelectionRect", &DRTTestRunner::dumpSelectionRect); |
| bindMethod("dumpStatusCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpWindowStatusChanges); |
| bindMethod("dumpTitleChanges", &DRTTestRunner::dumpTitleChanges); |
| bindMethod("dumpPermissionClientCallbacks", &DRTTestRunner::dumpPermissionClientCallbacks); |
| bindMethod("dumpCreateView", &DRTTestRunner::dumpCreateView); |
| bindMethod("elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId", &DRTTestRunner::elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId); |
| bindMethod("enableAutoResizeMode", &DRTTestRunner::enableAutoResizeMode); |
| bindMethod("evaluateInWebInspector", &DRTTestRunner::evaluateInWebInspector); |
| bindMethod("evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld", &DRTTestRunner::evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld); |
| bindMethod("evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorldAndReturnValue", &DRTTestRunner::evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorldAndReturnValue); |
| bindMethod("setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin", &DRTTestRunner::setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin); |
| bindMethod("execCommand", &DRTTestRunner::execCommand); |
| bindMethod("forceRedSelectionColors", &DRTTestRunner::forceRedSelectionColors); |
| bindMethod("grantWebNotificationPermission", &DRTTestRunner::grantWebNotificationPermission); |
| bindMethod("denyWebNotificationPermission", &DRTTestRunner::denyWebNotificationPermission); |
| bindMethod("removeAllWebNotificationPermissions", &DRTTestRunner::removeAllWebNotificationPermissions); |
| bindMethod("simulateWebNotificationClick", &DRTTestRunner::simulateWebNotificationClick); |
| #endif |
| bindMethod("findString", &DRTTestRunner::findString); |
| bindMethod("isCommandEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::isCommandEnabled); |
| bindMethod("hasCustomPageSizeStyle", &DRTTestRunner::hasCustomPageSizeStyle); |
| bindMethod("layerTreeAsText", &DRTTestRunner::layerTreeAsText); |
| bindMethod("loseCompositorContext", &DRTTestRunner::loseCompositorContext); |
| bindMethod("markerTextForListItem", &DRTTestRunner::markerTextForListItem); |
| bindMethod("notifyDone", &DRTTestRunner::notifyDone); |
| bindMethod("numberOfActiveAnimations", &DRTTestRunner::numberOfActiveAnimations); |
| bindMethod("numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests", &DRTTestRunner:: numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests); |
| bindMethod("objCIdentityIsEqual", &DRTTestRunner::objCIdentityIsEqual); |
| bindMethod("overridePreference", &DRTTestRunner::overridePreference); |
| bindMethod("pathToLocalResource", &DRTTestRunner::pathToLocalResource); |
| bindMethod("pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId", &DRTTestRunner::pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId); |
| bindMethod("pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId", &DRTTestRunner::pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId); |
| bindMethod("queueBackNavigation", &DRTTestRunner::queueBackNavigation); |
| bindMethod("queueForwardNavigation", &DRTTestRunner::queueForwardNavigation); |
| bindMethod("queueLoadingScript", &DRTTestRunner::queueLoadingScript); |
| bindMethod("queueLoad", &DRTTestRunner::queueLoad); |
| bindMethod("queueLoadHTMLString", &DRTTestRunner::queueLoadHTMLString); |
| bindMethod("queueNonLoadingScript", &DRTTestRunner::queueNonLoadingScript); |
| bindMethod("queueReload", &DRTTestRunner::queueReload); |
| bindMethod("removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry", &DRTTestRunner::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry); |
| bindMethod("repaintSweepHorizontally", &DRTTestRunner::repaintSweepHorizontally); |
| bindMethod("resetPageVisibility", &DRTTestRunner::resetPageVisibility); |
| bindMethod("setAcceptsEditing", &DRTTestRunner::setAcceptsEditing); |
| bindMethod("setAllowDisplayOfInsecureContent", &DRTTestRunner::setAllowDisplayOfInsecureContent); |
| bindMethod("setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs", &DRTTestRunner::setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs); |
| bindMethod("setAllowRunningOfInsecureContent", &DRTTestRunner::setAllowRunningOfInsecureContent); |
| bindMethod("setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs", &DRTTestRunner::setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs); |
| bindMethod("setAlwaysAcceptCookies", &DRTTestRunner::setAlwaysAcceptCookies); |
| bindMethod("setAuthorAndUserStylesEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setAuthorAndUserStylesEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setAutofilled", &DRTTestRunner::setAutofilled); |
| bindMethod("setCanOpenWindows", &DRTTestRunner::setCanOpenWindows); |
| bindMethod("setCloseRemainingWindowsWhenComplete", &DRTTestRunner::setCloseRemainingWindowsWhenComplete); |
| bindMethod("setCustomPolicyDelegate", &DRTTestRunner::setCustomPolicyDelegate); |
| bindMethod("setDatabaseQuota", &DRTTestRunner::setDatabaseQuota); |
| bindMethod("setDeferMainResourceDataLoad", &DRTTestRunner::setDeferMainResourceDataLoad); |
| bindMethod("setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme", &DRTTestRunner::setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme); |
| bindMethod("setAudioData", &DRTTestRunner::setAudioData); |
| bindMethod("setGeolocationPermission", &DRTTestRunner::setGeolocationPermission); |
| bindMethod("setIconDatabaseEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setIconDatabaseEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard", &DRTTestRunner::setJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard); |
| bindMethod("setMinimumTimerInterval", &DRTTestRunner::setMinimumTimerInterval); |
| bindMethod("setMockDeviceOrientation", &DRTTestRunner::setMockDeviceOrientation); |
| bindMethod("setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError", &DRTTestRunner::setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError); |
| bindMethod("setMockGeolocationPosition", &DRTTestRunner::setMockGeolocationPosition); |
| bindMethod("setPageVisibility", &DRTTestRunner::setPageVisibility); |
| bindMethod("setPluginsEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setPluginsEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously", &DRTTestRunner::setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously); |
| bindMethod("setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously", &DRTTestRunner::setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously); |
| #endif |
| bindMethod("setPopupBlockingEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setPopupBlockingEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setPOSIXLocale", &DRTTestRunner::setPOSIXLocale); |
| bindMethod("setPrinting", &DRTTestRunner::setPrinting); |
| bindMethod("setScrollbarPolicy", &DRTTestRunner::setScrollbarPolicy); |
| bindMethod("setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setTextSubpixelPositioning", &DRTTestRunner::setTextSubpixelPositioning); |
| bindMethod("setBackingScaleFactor", &DRTTestRunner::setBackingScaleFactor); |
| bindMethod("setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setStopProvisionalFrameLoads", &DRTTestRunner::setStopProvisionalFrameLoads); |
| bindMethod("setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements", &DRTTestRunner::setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements); |
| bindMethod("setUserStyleSheetEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setUserStyleSheetEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setUserStyleSheetLocation", &DRTTestRunner::setUserStyleSheetLocation); |
| bindMethod("setValueForUser", &DRTTestRunner::setValueForUser); |
| bindMethod("setWillSendRequestClearHeader", &DRTTestRunner::setWillSendRequestClearHeader); |
| bindMethod("setWillSendRequestReturnsNull", &DRTTestRunner::setWillSendRequestReturnsNull); |
| bindMethod("setWillSendRequestReturnsNullOnRedirect", &DRTTestRunner::setWillSendRequestReturnsNullOnRedirect); |
| bindMethod("setWindowIsKey", &DRTTestRunner::setWindowIsKey); |
| bindMethod("setXSSAuditorEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setXSSAuditorEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled); |
| bindMethod("showWebInspector", &DRTTestRunner::showWebInspector); |
| bindMethod("simulateLegacyWebNotificationClick", &DRTTestRunner::simulateLegacyWebNotificationClick); |
| #endif |
| bindMethod("startSpeechInput", &DRTTestRunner::startSpeechInput); |
| bindMethod("testRepaint", &DRTTestRunner::testRepaint); |
| bindMethod("waitForPolicyDelegate", &DRTTestRunner::waitForPolicyDelegate); |
| bindMethod("waitUntilDone", &DRTTestRunner::waitUntilDone); |
| bindMethod("windowCount", &DRTTestRunner::windowCount); |
| bindMethod("setTextDirection", &DRTTestRunner::setTextDirection); |
| bindMethod("setImagesAllowed", &DRTTestRunner::setImagesAllowed); |
| bindMethod("setScriptsAllowed", &DRTTestRunner::setScriptsAllowed); |
| bindMethod("setStorageAllowed", &DRTTestRunner::setStorageAllowed); |
| bindMethod("setPluginsAllowed", &DRTTestRunner::setPluginsAllowed); |
| |
| // The following are stubs. |
| bindMethod("abortModal", &DRTTestRunner::abortModal); |
| bindMethod("accessStoredWebScriptObject", &DRTTestRunner::accessStoredWebScriptObject); |
| bindMethod("addDisallowedURL", &DRTTestRunner::addDisallowedURL); |
| bindMethod("applicationCacheDiskUsageForOrigin", &DRTTestRunner::applicationCacheDiskUsageForOrigin); |
| bindMethod("callShouldCloseOnWebView", &DRTTestRunner::callShouldCloseOnWebView); |
| bindMethod("clearAllApplicationCaches", &DRTTestRunner::clearAllApplicationCaches); |
| bindMethod("clearApplicationCacheForOrigin", &DRTTestRunner::clearApplicationCacheForOrigin); |
| bindMethod("clearBackForwardList", &DRTTestRunner::clearBackForwardList); |
| bindMethod("dumpAsWebArchive", &DRTTestRunner::dumpAsWebArchive); |
| bindMethod("keepWebHistory", &DRTTestRunner::keepWebHistory); |
| bindMethod("objCClassNameOf", &DRTTestRunner::objCClassNameOf); |
| bindMethod("setApplicationCacheOriginQuota", &DRTTestRunner::setApplicationCacheOriginQuota); |
| bindMethod("setCallCloseOnWebViews", &DRTTestRunner::setCallCloseOnWebViews); |
| bindMethod("setMainFrameIsFirstResponder", &DRTTestRunner::setMainFrameIsFirstResponder); |
| bindMethod("setPrivateBrowsingEnabled", &DRTTestRunner::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled); |
| bindMethod("setUseDashboardCompatibilityMode", &DRTTestRunner::setUseDashboardCompatibilityMode); |
| bindMethod("storeWebScriptObject", &DRTTestRunner::storeWebScriptObject); |
| bindMethod("deleteAllLocalStorage", &DRTTestRunner::deleteAllLocalStorage); |
| bindMethod("localStorageDiskUsageForOrigin", &DRTTestRunner::localStorageDiskUsageForOrigin); |
| bindMethod("originsWithLocalStorage", &DRTTestRunner::originsWithLocalStorage); |
| bindMethod("deleteLocalStorageForOrigin", &DRTTestRunner::deleteLocalStorageForOrigin); |
| bindMethod("observeStorageTrackerNotifications", &DRTTestRunner::observeStorageTrackerNotifications); |
| bindMethod("syncLocalStorage", &DRTTestRunner::syncLocalStorage); |
| bindMethod("setShouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload", &DRTTestRunner::setShouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload); |
| bindMethod("enableFixedLayoutMode", &DRTTestRunner::enableFixedLayoutMode); |
| bindMethod("setFixedLayoutSize", &DRTTestRunner::setFixedLayoutSize); |
| bindMethod("selectionAsMarkup", &DRTTestRunner::selectionAsMarkup); |
| bindMethod("setHasCustomFullScreenBehavior", &DRTTestRunner::setHasCustomFullScreenBehavior); |
| bindMethod("textSurroundingNode", &DRTTestRunner::textSurroundingNode); |
| |
| // The fallback method is called when an unknown method is invoked. |
| bindFallbackMethod(&DRTTestRunner::fallbackMethod); |
| |
| // Shared properties. |
| // globalFlag is used by a number of layout tests in |
| // LayoutTests\http\tests\security\dataURL. |
| bindProperty("globalFlag", &m_globalFlag); |
| // webHistoryItemCount is used by tests in LayoutTests\http\tests\history |
| bindProperty("webHistoryItemCount", &m_webHistoryItemCount); |
| bindProperty("titleTextDirection", &m_titleTextDirection); |
| bindProperty("platformName", &m_platformName); |
| bindProperty("interceptPostMessage", &m_interceptPostMessage); |
| bindProperty("workerThreadCount", &DRTTestRunner::workerThreadCount); |
| bindMethod("sendWebIntentResponse", &DRTTestRunner::sendWebIntentResponse); |
| bindMethod("deliverWebIntent", &DRTTestRunner::deliverWebIntent); |
| } |
| |
| DRTTestRunner::~DRTTestRunner() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| DRTTestRunner::WorkQueue::~WorkQueue() |
| { |
| reset(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::WorkQueue::processWorkSoon() |
| { |
| if (m_controller->m_shell->webViewHost()->topLoadingFrame()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!m_queue.isEmpty()) { |
| // We delay processing queued work to avoid recursion problems. |
| postTask(new WorkQueueTask(this)); |
| } else if (!m_controller->m_waitUntilDone) |
| m_controller->m_shell->testFinished(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::WorkQueue::processWork() |
| { |
| TestShell* shell = m_controller->m_shell; |
| // Quit doing work once a load is in progress. |
| while (!m_queue.isEmpty()) { |
| bool startedLoad = m_queue.first()->run(shell); |
| delete m_queue.takeFirst(); |
| if (startedLoad) |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!m_controller->m_waitUntilDone && !shell->webViewHost()->topLoadingFrame()) |
| shell->testFinished(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::WorkQueue::reset() |
| { |
| m_frozen = false; |
| while (!m_queue.isEmpty()) |
| delete m_queue.takeFirst(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::WorkQueue::addWork(WorkItem* work) |
| { |
| if (m_frozen) { |
| delete work; |
| return; |
| } |
| m_queue.append(work); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpAsText(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpAsText = true; |
| m_generatePixelResults = false; |
| |
| // Optional paramater, describing whether it's allowed to dump pixel results in dumpAsText mode. |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_generatePixelResults = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpDatabaseCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // Do nothing; we don't use this flag anywhere for now |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpEditingCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpEditingCallbacks = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpBackForwardList(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpBackForwardList = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpFrameLoadCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpFrameLoadCallbacks = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpProgressFinishedCallback(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpProgressFinishedCallback = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpResourceLoadCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpResourceLoadCallbacks = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpChildFrameScrollPositions(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpChildFrameScrollPositions = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpChildFramesAsText(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpChildFramesAsText = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpWindowStatusChanges(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpWindowStatusChanges = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpTitleChanges(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpTitleChanges = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpPermissionClientCallbacks(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpPermissionClientCallbacks = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpCreateView(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpCreateView = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAcceptsEditing(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_acceptsEditing = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::waitUntilDone(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (!webkit_support::BeingDebugged()) |
| postDelayedTask(new NotifyDoneTimedOutTask(this), m_shell->layoutTestTimeout()); |
| m_waitUntilDone = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::notifyDone(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // Test didn't timeout. Kill the timeout timer. |
| m_taskList.revokeAll(); |
| |
| completeNotifyDone(false); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::completeNotifyDone(bool isTimeout) |
| { |
| if (m_waitUntilDone && !m_shell->webViewHost()->topLoadingFrame() && m_workQueue.isEmpty()) { |
| if (isTimeout) |
| m_shell->testTimedOut(); |
| else |
| m_shell->testFinished(); |
| } |
| m_waitUntilDone = false; |
| } |
| |
| class WorkItemBackForward : public DRTTestRunner::WorkItem { |
| public: |
| WorkItemBackForward(int distance) : m_distance(distance) { } |
| bool run(TestShell* shell) |
| { |
| shell->goToOffset(m_distance); |
| return true; // FIXME: Did it really start a navigation? |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int m_distance; |
| }; |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueBackNavigation(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isNumber()) |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemBackForward(-arguments[0].toInt32())); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueForwardNavigation(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isNumber()) |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemBackForward(arguments[0].toInt32())); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| class WorkItemReload : public DRTTestRunner::WorkItem { |
| public: |
| bool run(TestShell* shell) |
| { |
| shell->reload(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueReload(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemReload); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| class WorkItemLoadingScript : public DRTTestRunner::WorkItem { |
| public: |
| WorkItemLoadingScript(const string& script) : m_script(script) { } |
| bool run(TestShell* shell) |
| { |
| shell->webView()->mainFrame()->executeScript(WebScriptSource(WebString::fromUTF8(m_script))); |
| return true; // FIXME: Did it really start a navigation? |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| string m_script; |
| }; |
| |
| class WorkItemNonLoadingScript : public DRTTestRunner::WorkItem { |
| public: |
| WorkItemNonLoadingScript(const string& script) : m_script(script) { } |
| bool run(TestShell* shell) |
| { |
| shell->webView()->mainFrame()->executeScript(WebScriptSource(WebString::fromUTF8(m_script))); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| string m_script; |
| }; |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueLoadingScript(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemLoadingScript(arguments[0].toString())); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueNonLoadingScript(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemNonLoadingScript(arguments[0].toString())); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| class WorkItemLoad : public DRTTestRunner::WorkItem { |
| public: |
| WorkItemLoad(const WebURL& url, const WebString& target) |
| : m_url(url) |
| , m_target(target) { } |
| bool run(TestShell* shell) |
| { |
| shell->webViewHost()->loadURLForFrame(m_url, m_target); |
| return true; // FIXME: Did it really start a navigation? |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| WebURL m_url; |
| WebString m_target; |
| }; |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueLoad(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) { |
| // FIXME: Implement WebURL::resolve() and avoid GURL. |
| GURL currentURL = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->document().url(); |
| GURL fullURL = currentURL.Resolve(arguments[0].toString()); |
| |
| string target = ""; |
| if (arguments.size() > 1 && arguments[1].isString()) |
| target = arguments[1].toString(); |
| |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemLoad(fullURL, WebString::fromUTF8(target))); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| class WorkItemLoadHTMLString : public DRTTestRunner::WorkItem { |
| public: |
| WorkItemLoadHTMLString(const std::string& html, const WebURL& baseURL) |
| : m_html(html) |
| , m_baseURL(baseURL) { } |
| WorkItemLoadHTMLString(const std::string& html, const WebURL& baseURL, const WebURL& unreachableURL) |
| : m_html(html) |
| , m_baseURL(baseURL) |
| , m_unreachableURL(unreachableURL) { } |
| bool run(TestShell* shell) |
| { |
| shell->webView()->mainFrame()->loadHTMLString( |
| WebKit::WebData(m_html.data(), m_html.length()), m_baseURL, m_unreachableURL); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| std::string m_html; |
| WebURL m_baseURL; |
| WebURL m_unreachableURL; |
| }; |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::queueLoadHTMLString(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) { |
| string html = arguments[0].toString(); |
| WebURL baseURL(GURL("")); |
| if (arguments.size() > 1 && arguments[1].isString()) |
| baseURL = WebURL(GURL(arguments[1].toString())); |
| if (arguments.size() > 2 && arguments[2].isString()) |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemLoadHTMLString(html, baseURL, WebURL(GURL(arguments[2].toString())))); |
| else |
| m_workQueue.addWork(new WorkItemLoadHTMLString(html, baseURL)); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::objCIdentityIsEqual(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() < 2) { |
| // This is the best we can do to return an error. |
| result->setNull(); |
| return; |
| } |
| result->set(arguments[0].isEqual(arguments[1])); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::reset() |
| { |
| if (m_shell) { |
| m_shell->webView()->setZoomLevel(false, 0); |
| m_shell->webView()->setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(true); |
| #if !OS(DARWIN) && !OS(WINDOWS) // Actually, TOOLKIT_GTK |
| // (Constants copied because we can't depend on the header that defined |
| // them from this file.) |
| m_shell->webView()->setSelectionColors(0xff1e90ff, 0xff000000, 0xffc8c8c8, 0xff323232); |
| #endif |
| m_shell->webView()->removeAllUserContent(); |
| WebKit::WebSize empty; |
| m_shell->webView()->disableAutoResizeMode(); |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setDeviceScaleFactor(1); |
| } |
| m_dumpAsText = false; |
| m_dumpAsAudio = false; |
| m_dumpCreateView = false; |
| m_dumpEditingCallbacks = false; |
| m_dumpFrameLoadCallbacks = false; |
| m_dumpProgressFinishedCallback = false; |
| m_dumpUserGestureInFrameLoadCallbacks = false; |
| m_dumpResourceLoadCallbacks = false; |
| m_dumpResourceResponseMIMETypes = false; |
| m_dumpBackForwardList = false; |
| m_dumpChildFrameScrollPositions = false; |
| m_dumpChildFramesAsText = false; |
| m_dumpWindowStatusChanges = false; |
| m_dumpSelectionRect = false; |
| m_dumpTitleChanges = false; |
| m_dumpPermissionClientCallbacks = false; |
| m_generatePixelResults = true; |
| m_acceptsEditing = true; |
| m_waitUntilDone = false; |
| m_canOpenWindows = false; |
| m_testRepaint = false; |
| m_sweepHorizontally = false; |
| m_shouldAddFileToPasteboard = false; |
| m_stopProvisionalFrameLoads = false; |
| m_deferMainResourceDataLoad = true; |
| m_globalFlag.set(false); |
| m_webHistoryItemCount.set(0); |
| m_titleTextDirection.set("ltr"); |
| m_platformName.set("chromium"); |
| m_interceptPostMessage.set(false); |
| m_userStyleSheetLocation = WebURL(); |
| m_isPrinting = false; |
| |
| webkit_support::SetAcceptAllCookies(false); |
| WebSecurityPolicy::resetOriginAccessWhitelists(); |
| |
| // Reset the default quota for each origin to 5MB |
| webkit_support::SetDatabaseQuota(5 * 1024 * 1024); |
| |
| setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); |
| |
| if (m_closeRemainingWindows) |
| m_shell->closeRemainingWindows(); |
| else |
| m_closeRemainingWindows = true; |
| m_workQueue.reset(); |
| m_taskList.revokeAll(); |
| m_shouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload = false; |
| m_hasCustomFullScreenBehavior = false; |
| #if OS(LINUX) || OS(ANDROID) |
| WebFontRendering::setSubpixelPositioning(false); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::locationChangeDone() |
| { |
| m_webHistoryItemCount.set(m_shell->navigationEntryCount()); |
| |
| // No more new work after the first complete load. |
| m_workQueue.setFrozen(true); |
| |
| if (!m_waitUntilDone) |
| m_workQueue.processWorkSoon(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::policyDelegateDone() |
| { |
| ASSERT(m_waitUntilDone); |
| m_shell->testFinished(); |
| m_waitUntilDone = false; |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setCanOpenWindows(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_canOpenWindows = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webView()->setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::windowCount(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(static_cast<int>(m_shell->windowCount())); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setCloseRemainingWindowsWhenComplete(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_closeRemainingWindows = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAlwaysAcceptCookies(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0) |
| webkit_support::SetAcceptAllCookies(cppVariantToBool(arguments[0])); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webView()->settings()->setAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled(cppVariantToBool(arguments[0])); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::showWebInspector(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->showDevTools(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::closeWebInspector(const CppArgumentList& args, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->closeDevTools(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setWindowIsKey(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->setFocus(m_shell->webView(), arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setUserStyleSheetEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->userStyleSheetLocation = arguments[0].value.boolValue ? m_userStyleSheetLocation : WebURL(); |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setUserStyleSheetLocation(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) { |
| m_userStyleSheetLocation = webkit_support::LocalFileToDataURL( |
| webkit_support::RewriteLayoutTestsURL(arguments[0].toString())); |
| m_shell->preferences()->userStyleSheetLocation = m_userStyleSheetLocation; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAuthorAndUserStylesEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->authorAndUserStylesEnabled = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::execCommand(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() <= 0 || !arguments[0].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| std::string command = arguments[0].toString(); |
| std::string value(""); |
| // Ignore the second parameter (which is userInterface) |
| // since this command emulates a manual action. |
| if (arguments.size() >= 3 && arguments[2].isString()) |
| value = arguments[2].toString(); |
| |
| // Note: webkit's version does not return the boolean, so neither do we. |
| m_shell->webView()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8(command), WebString::fromUTF8(value)); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::isCommandEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() <= 0 || !arguments[0].isString()) { |
| result->setNull(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::string command = arguments[0].toString(); |
| bool rv = m_shell->webView()->focusedFrame()->isCommandEnabled(WebString::fromUTF8(command)); |
| result->set(rv); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPopupBlockingEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| bool blockPopups = arguments[0].toBoolean(); |
| m_shell->preferences()->javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = !blockPopups; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setImagesAllowed(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webPermissions()->setImagesAllowed(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setScriptsAllowed(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webPermissions()->setScriptsAllowed(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setStorageAllowed(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webPermissions()->setStorageAllowed(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPluginsAllowed(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webPermissions()->setPluginsAllowed(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setUseDashboardCompatibilityMode(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // We have no need to support Dashboard Compatibility Mode (mac-only) |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::clearAllApplicationCaches(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement to support application cache quotas. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::clearApplicationCacheForOrigin(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement to support deleting all application cache for an origin. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setApplicationCacheOriginQuota(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement to support application cache quotas. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::originsWithApplicationCache(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement to support getting origins that have application caches. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::applicationCacheDiskUsageForOrigin(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement to support getting disk usage by all application cache for an origin. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setScrollbarPolicy(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: implement. |
| // Currently only has a non-null implementation on QT. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setCustomPolicyDelegate(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| bool enable = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| bool permissive = false; |
| if (arguments.size() > 1 && arguments[1].isBool()) |
| permissive = arguments[1].value.boolValue; |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setCustomPolicyDelegate(enable, permissive); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::waitForPolicyDelegate(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->waitForPolicyDelegate(); |
| m_waitUntilDone = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setWillSendRequestClearHeader(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) { |
| string header = arguments[0].toString(); |
| if (!header.empty()) |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->addClearHeader(String::fromUTF8(header.c_str())); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setWillSendRequestReturnsNullOnRedirect(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setBlockRedirects(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setWillSendRequestReturnsNull(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setRequestReturnNull(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::pathToLocalResource(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() <= 0 || !arguments[0].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| string url = arguments[0].toString(); |
| #if OS(WINDOWS) |
| if (!url.find("/tmp/")) { |
| // We want a temp file. |
| const unsigned tempPrefixLength = 5; |
| size_t bufferSize = MAX_PATH; |
| OwnArrayPtr<WCHAR> tempPath = adoptArrayPtr(new WCHAR[bufferSize]); |
| DWORD tempLength = ::GetTempPathW(bufferSize, tempPath.get()); |
| if (tempLength + url.length() - tempPrefixLength + 1 > bufferSize) { |
| bufferSize = tempLength + url.length() - tempPrefixLength + 1; |
| tempPath = adoptArrayPtr(new WCHAR[bufferSize]); |
| tempLength = GetTempPathW(bufferSize, tempPath.get()); |
| ASSERT(tempLength < bufferSize); |
| } |
| string resultPath(WebString(tempPath.get(), tempLength).utf8()); |
| resultPath.append(url.substr(tempPrefixLength)); |
| result->set(resultPath); |
| return; |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| // Some layout tests use file://// which we resolve as a UNC path. Normalize |
| // them to just file:///. |
| string lowerUrl = url; |
| transform(lowerUrl.begin(), lowerUrl.end(), lowerUrl.begin(), ::tolower); |
| while (!lowerUrl.find("file:////")) { |
| url = url.substr(0, 8) + url.substr(9); |
| lowerUrl = lowerUrl.substr(0, 8) + lowerUrl.substr(9); |
| } |
| result->set(webkit_support::RewriteLayoutTestsURL(url).spec()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addFileToPasteboardOnDrag(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| m_shouldAddFileToPasteboard = true; |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setStopProvisionalFrameLoads(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| m_stopProvisionalFrameLoads = true; |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| bool DRTTestRunner::pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId(const WebString& animationName, double time, const WebString& elementId) |
| { |
| WebFrame* webFrame = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!webFrame) |
| return false; |
| |
| WebAnimationController* controller = webFrame->animationController(); |
| if (!controller) |
| return false; |
| |
| WebElement element = webFrame->document().getElementById(elementId); |
| if (element.isNull()) |
| return false; |
| return controller->pauseAnimationAtTime(element, animationName, time); |
| } |
| |
| bool DRTTestRunner::pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId(const WebString& propertyName, double time, const WebString& elementId) |
| { |
| WebFrame* webFrame = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!webFrame) |
| return false; |
| |
| WebAnimationController* controller = webFrame->animationController(); |
| if (!controller) |
| return false; |
| |
| WebElement element = webFrame->document().getElementById(elementId); |
| if (element.isNull()) |
| return false; |
| return controller->pauseTransitionAtTime(element, propertyName, time); |
| } |
| |
| bool DRTTestRunner::elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId(const WebString& elementId) |
| { |
| WebFrame* webFrame = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!webFrame) |
| return false; |
| |
| WebElement element = webFrame->document().getElementById(elementId); |
| if (element.isNull() || !element.hasTagName("input")) |
| return false; |
| |
| WebInputElement inputElement = element.to<WebInputElement>(); |
| return inputElement.autoComplete(); |
| } |
| |
| int DRTTestRunner::numberOfActiveAnimations() |
| { |
| WebFrame* webFrame = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!webFrame) |
| return -1; |
| |
| WebAnimationController* controller = webFrame->animationController(); |
| if (!controller) |
| return -1; |
| |
| return controller->numberOfActiveAnimations(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(false); |
| if (arguments.size() > 2 && arguments[0].isString() && arguments[1].isNumber() && arguments[2].isString()) { |
| WebString animationName = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]); |
| double time = arguments[1].toDouble(); |
| WebString elementId = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[2]); |
| result->set(pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId(animationName, time, elementId)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(false); |
| if (arguments.size() > 2 && arguments[0].isString() && arguments[1].isNumber() && arguments[2].isString()) { |
| WebString propertyName = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]); |
| double time = arguments[1].toDouble(); |
| WebString elementId = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[2]); |
| result->set(pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId(propertyName, time, elementId)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0].isString()) { |
| result->set(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| WebString elementId = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]); |
| result->set(elementDoesAutoCompleteForElementWithId(elementId)); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::enableAutoResizeMode(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() != 4) { |
| result->set(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| int minWidth = cppVariantToInt32(arguments[0]); |
| int minHeight = cppVariantToInt32(arguments[1]); |
| WebKit::WebSize minSize(minWidth, minHeight); |
| |
| int maxWidth = cppVariantToInt32(arguments[2]); |
| int maxHeight = cppVariantToInt32(arguments[3]); |
| WebKit::WebSize maxSize(maxWidth, maxHeight); |
| |
| m_shell->webView()->enableAutoResizeMode(minSize, maxSize); |
| result->set(true); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::disableAutoResizeMode(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() !=2) { |
| result->set(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| int newWidth = cppVariantToInt32(arguments[0]); |
| int newHeight = cppVariantToInt32(arguments[1]); |
| WebKit::WebSize newSize(newWidth, newHeight); |
| |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setWindowRect(WebRect(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height)); |
| m_shell->webView()->disableAutoResizeMode(); |
| m_shell->webView()->resize(newSize); |
| result->set(true); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::numberOfActiveAnimations(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(numberOfActiveAnimations()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::disableImageLoading(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->preferences()->loadsImagesAutomatically = false; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setIconDatabaseEnabled(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // We don't use the WebKit icon database. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::callShouldCloseOnWebView(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(m_shell->webView()->dispatchBeforeUnloadEvent()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::grantWebNotificationPermission(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0].isString()) { |
| result->set(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| m_shell->notificationPresenter()->grantPermission(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0])); |
| #endif |
| result->set(true); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::denyWebNotificationPermission(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::removeAllWebNotificationPermissions(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::simulateWebNotificationClick(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| // FIXME: Implement. |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::simulateLegacyWebNotificationClick(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0].isString()) { |
| result->set(false); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (m_shell->notificationPresenter()->simulateClick(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]))) |
| result->set(true); |
| else |
| #endif |
| result->set(false); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() != 2 || !arguments[0].isBool() || !arguments[1].isString()) |
| return; |
| m_shell->webView()->setDomainRelaxationForbidden(cppVariantToBool(arguments[0]), cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1])); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setDeferMainResourceDataLoad(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() == 1) |
| m_deferMainResourceDataLoad = cppVariantToBool(arguments[0]); |
| } |
| |
| // |
| // Unimplemented stubs |
| // |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpAsWebArchive(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMainFrameIsFirstResponder(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::dumpSelectionRect(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_dumpSelectionRect = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::display(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| WebViewHost* host = m_shell->webViewHost(); |
| const WebKit::WebSize& size = m_shell->webView()->size(); |
| WebRect rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height); |
| host->updatePaintRect(rect); |
| host->paintInvalidatedRegion(); |
| host->displayRepaintMask(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::displayInvalidatedRegion(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| WebViewHost* host = m_shell->webViewHost(); |
| host->paintInvalidatedRegion(); |
| host->displayRepaintMask(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::testRepaint(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_testRepaint = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::repaintSweepHorizontally(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_sweepHorizontally = true; |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::clearBackForwardList(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::keepWebHistory(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::storeWebScriptObject(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::accessStoredWebScriptObject(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::objCClassNameOf(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addDisallowedURL(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setCallCloseOnWebViews(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->javaScriptCanAccessClipboard = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setXSSAuditorEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->XSSAuditorEnabled = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorldAndReturnValue(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| v8::HandleScope scope; |
| WebVector<v8::Local<v8::Value> > values; |
| if (arguments.size() >= 2 && arguments[0].isNumber() && arguments[1].isString()) { |
| WebScriptSource source(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1])); |
| // This relies on the iframe focusing itself when it loads. This is a bit |
| // sketchy, but it seems to be what other tests do. |
| m_shell->webView()->focusedFrame()->executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(arguments[0].toInt32(), &source, 1, 1, &values); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| // Since only one script was added, only one result is expected |
| if (values.size() == 1 && !values[0].IsEmpty()) { |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> scriptValue = values[0]; |
| // FIXME: There are many more types that can be handled. |
| if (scriptValue->IsString()) { |
| v8::String::AsciiValue asciiV8(scriptValue); |
| result->set(std::string(*asciiV8)); |
| } else if (scriptValue->IsBoolean()) |
| result->set(scriptValue->ToBoolean()->Value()); |
| else if (scriptValue->IsNumber()) { |
| if (scriptValue->IsInt32()) |
| result->set(scriptValue->ToInt32()->Value()); |
| else |
| result->set(scriptValue->ToNumber()->Value()); |
| } else if (scriptValue->IsNull()) |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() >= 2 && arguments[0].isNumber() && arguments[1].isString()) { |
| WebScriptSource source(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1])); |
| // This relies on the iframe focusing itself when it loads. This is a bit |
| // sketchy, but it seems to be what other tests do. |
| m_shell->webView()->focusedFrame()->executeScriptInIsolatedWorld(arguments[0].toInt32(), &source, 1, 1); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| |
| if (arguments.size() != 2 || !arguments[0].isNumber() || !arguments[1].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| m_shell->webView()->focusedFrame()->setIsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin( |
| arguments[0].toInt32(), |
| WebSecurityOrigin::createFromString(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1]))); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAllowDisplayOfInsecureContent(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webPermissions()->setDisplayingInsecureContentAllowed(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->allowFileAccessFromFileURLs = arguments[0].value.boolValue; |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAllowRunningOfInsecureContent(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shell->webPermissions()->setRunningInsecureContentAllowed(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| // Need these conversions because the format of the value for booleans |
| // may vary - for example, on mac "1" and "0" are used for boolean. |
| bool DRTTestRunner::cppVariantToBool(const CppVariant& value) |
| { |
| if (value.isBool()) |
| return value.toBoolean(); |
| if (value.isNumber()) |
| return value.toInt32(); |
| if (value.isString()) { |
| string valueString = value.toString(); |
| if (valueString == "true" || valueString == "1") |
| return true; |
| if (valueString == "false" || valueString == "0") |
| return false; |
| } |
| logErrorToConsole("Invalid value. Expected boolean value."); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t DRTTestRunner::cppVariantToInt32(const CppVariant& value) |
| { |
| if (value.isNumber()) |
| return value.toInt32(); |
| if (value.isString()) { |
| string stringSource = value.toString(); |
| const char* source = stringSource.data(); |
| char* end; |
| long number = strtol(source, &end, 10); |
| if (end == source + stringSource.length() && number >= numeric_limits<int32_t>::min() && number <= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) |
| return static_cast<int32_t>(number); |
| } |
| logErrorToConsole("Invalid value for preference. Expected integer value."); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| WebString DRTTestRunner::cppVariantToWebString(const CppVariant& value) |
| { |
| if (!value.isString()) { |
| logErrorToConsole("Invalid value for preference. Expected string value."); |
| return WebString(); |
| } |
| return WebString::fromUTF8(value.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| Vector<WebString> DRTTestRunner::cppVariantToWebStringArray(const CppVariant& value) |
| { |
| if (!value.isObject()) { |
| logErrorToConsole("Invalid value for preference. Expected object value."); |
| return Vector<WebString>(); |
| } |
| Vector<WebString> resultVector; |
| Vector<string> stringVector = value.toStringVector(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < stringVector.size(); ++i) |
| resultVector.append(WebString::fromUTF8(stringVector[i].c_str())); |
| return resultVector; |
| } |
| |
| // Sets map based on scriptFontPairs, a collapsed vector of pairs of ISO 15924 |
| // four-letter script code and font such as: |
| // { "Arab", "My Arabic Font", "Grek", "My Greek Font" } |
| static void setFontMap(WebPreferences::ScriptFontFamilyMap& map, const Vector<WebString>& scriptFontPairs) |
| { |
| map.clear(); |
| size_t i = 0; |
| while (i + 1 < scriptFontPairs.size()) { |
| const WebString& script = scriptFontPairs[i++]; |
| const WebString& font = scriptFontPairs[i++]; |
| |
| int32_t code = u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_SCRIPT, script.utf8().data()); |
| if (code >= 0 && code < USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT) |
| map.set(static_cast<int>(code), font); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::overridePreference(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() != 2 || !arguments[0].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| string key = arguments[0].toString(); |
| CppVariant value = arguments[1]; |
| WebPreferences* prefs = m_shell->preferences(); |
| if (key == "WebKitStandardFont") |
| prefs->standardFontFamily = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitFixedFont") |
| prefs->fixedFontFamily = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitSerifFont") |
| prefs->serifFontFamily = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitSansSerifFont") |
| prefs->sansSerifFontFamily = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitCursiveFont") |
| prefs->cursiveFontFamily = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitFantasyFont") |
| prefs->fantasyFontFamily = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitStandardFontMap") |
| setFontMap(prefs->standardFontMap, cppVariantToWebStringArray(value)); |
| else if (key == "WebKitFixedFontMap") |
| setFontMap(prefs->fixedFontMap, cppVariantToWebStringArray(value)); |
| else if (key == "WebKitSerifFontMap") |
| setFontMap(prefs->serifFontMap, cppVariantToWebStringArray(value)); |
| else if (key == "WebKitSansSerifFontMap") |
| setFontMap(prefs->sansSerifFontMap, cppVariantToWebStringArray(value)); |
| else if (key == "WebKitCursiveFontMap") |
| setFontMap(prefs->cursiveFontMap, cppVariantToWebStringArray(value)); |
| else if (key == "WebKitFantasyFontMap") |
| setFontMap(prefs->fantasyFontMap, cppVariantToWebStringArray(value)); |
| else if (key == "WebKitDefaultFontSize") |
| prefs->defaultFontSize = cppVariantToInt32(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitDefaultFixedFontSize") |
| prefs->defaultFixedFontSize = cppVariantToInt32(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitMinimumFontSize") |
| prefs->minimumFontSize = cppVariantToInt32(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitMinimumLogicalFontSize") |
| prefs->minimumLogicalFontSize = cppVariantToInt32(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitDefaultTextEncodingName") |
| prefs->defaultTextEncodingName = cppVariantToWebString(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitJavaScriptEnabled") |
| prefs->javaScriptEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitWebSecurityEnabled") |
| prefs->webSecurityEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically") |
| prefs->javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitDisplayImagesKey") |
| prefs->loadsImagesAutomatically = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitPluginsEnabled") |
| prefs->pluginsEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitDOMPasteAllowedPreferenceKey") |
| prefs->DOMPasteAllowed = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabledPreferenceKey") |
| prefs->developerExtrasEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit") |
| prefs->shrinksStandaloneImagesToFit = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitTextAreasAreResizable") |
| prefs->textAreasAreResizable = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitJavaEnabled") |
| prefs->javaEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitUsesPageCachePreferenceKey") |
| prefs->usesPageCache = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitPageCacheSupportsPluginsPreferenceKey") |
| prefs->pageCacheSupportsPlugins = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard") |
| prefs->javaScriptCanAccessClipboard = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitXSSAuditorEnabled") |
| prefs->XSSAuditorEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitLocalStorageEnabledPreferenceKey") |
| prefs->localStorageEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled") |
| prefs->offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitTabToLinksPreferenceKey") |
| prefs->tabsToLinks = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitWebGLEnabled") |
| prefs->experimentalWebGLEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitCSSRegionsEnabled") |
| prefs->experimentalCSSRegionsEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitCSSGridLayoutEnabled") |
| prefs->experimentalCSSGridLayoutEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitHyperlinkAuditingEnabled") |
| prefs->hyperlinkAuditingEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitEnableCaretBrowsing") |
| prefs->caretBrowsingEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitAllowDisplayingInsecureContent") |
| prefs->allowDisplayOfInsecureContent = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitAllowRunningInsecureContent") |
| prefs->allowRunningOfInsecureContent = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitCSSCustomFilterEnabled") |
| prefs->cssCustomFilterEnabled = cppVariantToBool(value); |
| else if (key == "WebKitWebAudioEnabled") { |
| ASSERT(cppVariantToBool(value)); |
| } else { |
| string message("Invalid name for preference: "); |
| message.append(key); |
| logErrorToConsole(message); |
| } |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::fallbackMethod(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| printf("CONSOLE MESSAGE: JavaScript ERROR: unknown method called on DRTTestRunner\n"); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| |
| if (arguments.size() != 4 || !arguments[0].isString() || !arguments[1].isString() |
| || !arguments[2].isString() || !arguments[3].isBool()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebKit::WebURL url(GURL(arguments[0].toString())); |
| if (!url.isValid()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebSecurityPolicy::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry( |
| url, |
| cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1]), |
| cppVariantToWebString(arguments[2]), |
| arguments[3].toBoolean()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| |
| if (arguments.size() != 4 || !arguments[0].isString() || !arguments[1].isString() |
| || !arguments[2].isString() || !arguments[3].isBool()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebKit::WebURL url(GURL(arguments[0].toString())); |
| if (!url.isValid()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebSecurityPolicy::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry( |
| url, |
| cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1]), |
| cppVariantToWebString(arguments[2]), |
| arguments[3].toBoolean()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::clearAllDatabases(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| webkit_support::ClearAllDatabases(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setDatabaseQuota(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if ((arguments.size() >= 1) && arguments[0].isNumber()) |
| webkit_support::SetDatabaseQuota(arguments[0].toInt32()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPOSIXLocale(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() == 1 && arguments[0].isString()) |
| setlocale(LC_ALL, arguments[0].toString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| // Parse a single argument. The method returns true if there is an argument that |
| // is a number or if there is no argument at all. It returns false only if there |
| // is some argument that is not a number. The value parameter is filled with the |
| // parsed number, or given the default if there is no argument. |
| static bool parseCppArgumentInt32(const CppArgumentList& arguments, int argIndex, int* value, int defaultValue) |
| { |
| if (static_cast<int>(arguments.size()) > argIndex) { |
| if (!arguments[argIndex].isNumber()) |
| return false; |
| *value = arguments[argIndex].toInt32(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| *value = defaultValue; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| static bool parsePageNumber(const CppArgumentList& arguments, int argOffset, int* pageNumber) |
| { |
| if (static_cast<int>(arguments.size()) > argOffset + 1) |
| return false; |
| if (!parseCppArgumentInt32(arguments, argOffset, pageNumber, 0)) |
| return false; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPrinting(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| setIsPrinting(true); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::hasCustomPageSizeStyle(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(false); |
| int pageIndex = 0; |
| if (!parsePageNumber(arguments, 0, &pageIndex)) |
| return; |
| WebFrame* frame = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame(); |
| if (!frame) |
| return; |
| result->set(frame->hasCustomPageSizeStyle(pageIndex)); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::numberOfPendingGeolocationPermissionRequests(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| Vector<WebViewHost*> windowList = m_shell->windowList(); |
| int numberOfRequests = 0; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < windowList.size(); i++) |
| numberOfRequests += windowList[i]->geolocationClientMock()->numberOfPendingPermissionRequests(); |
| result->set(numberOfRequests); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::logErrorToConsole(const std::string& text) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->didAddMessageToConsole( |
| WebConsoleMessage(WebConsoleMessage::LevelError, WebString::fromUTF8(text)), |
| WebString(), 0); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::evaluateInWebInspector(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 2 || !arguments[0].isNumber() || !arguments[1].isString()) |
| return; |
| m_shell->drtDevToolsAgent()->evaluateInWebInspector(arguments[0].toInt32(), arguments[1].toString()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::forceRedSelectionColors(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| m_shell->webView()->setSelectionColors(0xffee0000, 0xff00ee00, 0xff000000, 0xffc0c0c0); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addUserScript(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 3 || !arguments[0].isString() || !arguments[1].isBool() || !arguments[2].isBool()) |
| return; |
| WebView::addUserScript( |
| cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]), WebVector<WebString>(), |
| arguments[1].toBoolean() ? WebView::UserScriptInjectAtDocumentStart : WebView::UserScriptInjectAtDocumentEnd, |
| arguments[2].toBoolean() ? WebView::UserContentInjectInAllFrames : WebView::UserContentInjectInTopFrameOnly); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addUserStyleSheet(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 2 || !arguments[0].isString() || !arguments[1].isBool()) |
| return; |
| WebView::addUserStyleSheet( |
| cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]), WebVector<WebString>(), |
| arguments[1].toBoolean() ? WebView::UserContentInjectInAllFrames : WebView::UserContentInjectInTopFrameOnly, |
| // Chromium defaults to InjectInSubsequentDocuments, but for compatibility |
| // with the other ports' DRTs, we use UserStyleInjectInExistingDocuments. |
| WebView::UserStyleInjectInExistingDocuments); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMockDeviceOrientation(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 6 || !arguments[0].isBool() || !arguments[1].isNumber() || !arguments[2].isBool() || !arguments[3].isNumber() || !arguments[4].isBool() || !arguments[5].isNumber()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebDeviceOrientation orientation; |
| orientation.setNull(false); |
| if (arguments[0].toBoolean()) |
| orientation.setAlpha(arguments[1].toDouble()); |
| if (arguments[2].toBoolean()) |
| orientation.setBeta(arguments[3].toDouble()); |
| if (arguments[4].toBoolean()) |
| orientation.setGamma(arguments[5].toDouble()); |
| |
| // Note that we only call setOrientation on the main page's mock since this is all that the |
| // tests require. If necessary, we could get a list of WebViewHosts from the TestShell and |
| // call setOrientation on each DeviceOrientationClientMock. |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->deviceOrientationClientMock()->setOrientation(orientation); |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: For greater test flexibility, we should be able to set each page's geolocation mock individually. |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52368 |
| void DRTTestRunner::setGeolocationPermission(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isBool()) |
| return; |
| Vector<WebViewHost*> windowList = m_shell->windowList(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < windowList.size(); i++) |
| windowList[i]->geolocationClientMock()->setPermission(arguments[0].toBoolean()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMockGeolocationPosition(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 3 || !arguments[0].isNumber() || !arguments[1].isNumber() || !arguments[2].isNumber()) |
| return; |
| Vector<WebViewHost*> windowList = m_shell->windowList(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < windowList.size(); i++) |
| windowList[i]->geolocationClientMock()->setPosition(arguments[0].toDouble(), arguments[1].toDouble(), arguments[2].toDouble()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0].isString()) |
| return; |
| Vector<WebViewHost*> windowList = m_shell->windowList(); |
| // FIXME: Benjamin |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < windowList.size(); i++) |
| windowList[i]->geolocationClientMock()->setPositionUnavailableError(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0])); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::abortModal(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addMockSpeechInputResult(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 3 || !arguments[0].isString() || !arguments[1].isNumber() || !arguments[2].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (MockWebSpeechInputController* controller = m_shell->webViewHost()->speechInputControllerMock()) |
| controller->addMockRecognitionResult(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]), arguments[1].toDouble(), cppVariantToWebString(arguments[2])); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMockSpeechInputDumpRect(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isBool()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (MockWebSpeechInputController* controller = m_shell->webViewHost()->speechInputControllerMock()) |
| controller->setDumpRect(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::addMockSpeechRecognitionResult(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 2 || !arguments[0].isString() || !arguments[1].isNumber()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (MockWebSpeechRecognizer* recognizer = m_shell->webViewHost()->mockSpeechRecognizer()) |
| recognizer->addMockResult(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]), arguments[1].toDouble()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMockSpeechRecognitionError(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 2 || !arguments[0].isNumber() || !arguments[1].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (MockWebSpeechRecognizer* recognizer = m_shell->webViewHost()->mockSpeechRecognizer()) |
| recognizer->setError(arguments[0].toInt32(), cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1])); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::wasMockSpeechRecognitionAborted(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(false); |
| if (MockWebSpeechRecognizer* recognizer = m_shell->webViewHost()->mockSpeechRecognizer()) |
| result->set(recognizer->wasAborted()); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::startSpeechInput(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() != 1) |
| return; |
| |
| WebElement element; |
| if (!WebBindings::getElement(arguments[0].value.objectValue, &element)) |
| return; |
| |
| WebInputElement* input = toWebInputElement(&element); |
| if (!input) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!input->isSpeechInputEnabled()) |
| return; |
| |
| input->startSpeechInput(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::layerTreeAsText(const CppArgumentList& args, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->layerTreeAsText(m_showDebugLayerTree).utf8()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::loseCompositorContext(const CppArgumentList& args, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| int numTimes; |
| if (args.size() == 1 || !args[0].isNumber()) |
| numTimes = 1; |
| else |
| numTimes = args[0].toInt32(); |
| m_shell->webView()->loseCompositorContext(numTimes); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::markerTextForListItem(const CppArgumentList& args, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| WebElement element; |
| if (!WebBindings::getElement(args[0].value.objectValue, &element)) |
| result->setNull(); |
| else |
| result->set(element.document().frame()->markerTextForListItem(element).utf8()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::findString(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebFindOptions findOptions; |
| bool wrapAround = false; |
| if (arguments.size() >= 2) { |
| Vector<std::string> optionsArray = arguments[1].toStringVector(); |
| findOptions.matchCase = true; |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < optionsArray.size(); ++i) { |
| const std::string& option = optionsArray[i]; |
| // FIXME: Support all the options, so we can run findString.html too. |
| if (option == "CaseInsensitive") |
| findOptions.matchCase = false; |
| else if (option == "Backwards") |
| findOptions.forward = false; |
| else if (option == "WrapAround") |
| wrapAround = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebFrame* frame = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame(); |
| const bool findResult = frame->find(0, cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]), findOptions, wrapAround, 0); |
| result->set(findResult); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setMinimumTimerInterval(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isNumber()) |
| return; |
| m_shell->webView()->settings()->setMinimumTimerInterval(arguments[0].toDouble()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAutofilled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() != 2 || !arguments[1].isBool()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebElement element; |
| if (!WebBindings::getElement(arguments[0].value.objectValue, &element)) |
| return; |
| |
| WebInputElement* input = toWebInputElement(&element); |
| if (!input) |
| return; |
| |
| input->setAutofilled(arguments[1].value.boolValue); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setValueForUser(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() != 2) |
| return; |
| |
| WebElement element; |
| if (!WebBindings::getElement(arguments[0].value.objectValue, &element)) |
| return; |
| |
| WebInputElement* input = toWebInputElement(&element); |
| if (!input) |
| return; |
| |
| input->setValue(cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1]), true); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::deleteAllLocalStorage(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::localStorageDiskUsageForOrigin(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::originsWithLocalStorage(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::deleteLocalStorageForOrigin(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::observeStorageTrackerNotifications(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::syncLocalStorage(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant*) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setShouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() == 1 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| m_shouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload = arguments[0].toBoolean(); |
| |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::enableFixedLayoutMode(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isBool()) |
| return; |
| bool enableFixedLayout = arguments[0].toBoolean(); |
| m_shell->webView()->enableFixedLayoutMode(enableFixedLayout); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setFixedLayoutSize(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 2 || !arguments[0].isNumber() || !arguments[1].isNumber()) |
| return; |
| int width = arguments[0].toInt32(); |
| int height = arguments[1].toInt32(); |
| m_shell->webView()->setFixedLayoutSize(WebSize(width, height)); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::selectionAsMarkup(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->selectionAsMarkup().utf8()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::workerThreadCount(CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->set(static_cast<int>(WebWorkerInfo::dedicatedWorkerCount())); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::sendWebIntentResponse(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| v8::HandleScope scope; |
| v8::Local<v8::Context> ctx = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->mainWorldScriptContext(); |
| result->set(m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->selectionAsMarkup().utf8()); |
| v8::Context::Scope cscope(ctx); |
| |
| WebKit::WebIntentRequest* request = m_shell->webViewHost()->currentIntentRequest(); |
| if (request->isNull()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (arguments.size() == 1) { |
| WebKit::WebCString reply = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]).utf8(); |
| v8::Handle<v8::Value> v8value = v8::String::New(reply.data(), reply.length()); |
| request->postResult(WebKit::WebSerializedScriptValue::serialize(v8value)); |
| } else { |
| v8::Handle<v8::Value> v8value = v8::String::New("ERROR"); |
| request->postFailure(WebKit::WebSerializedScriptValue::serialize(v8value)); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::deliverWebIntent(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() < 3) |
| return; |
| |
| v8::HandleScope scope; |
| v8::Local<v8::Context> ctx = m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->mainWorldScriptContext(); |
| result->set(m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->selectionAsMarkup().utf8()); |
| v8::Context::Scope cscope(ctx); |
| |
| WebString action = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[0]); |
| WebString type = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[1]); |
| WebKit::WebCString data = cppVariantToWebString(arguments[2]).utf8(); |
| WebSerializedScriptValue serializedData = WebSerializedScriptValue::serialize( |
| v8::String::New(data.data(), data.length())); |
| |
| WebIntent intent = WebIntent::create(action, type, serializedData.toString(), WebVector<WebString>(), WebVector<WebString>()); |
| |
| m_shell->webView()->mainFrame()->deliverIntent(intent, 0, m_intentClient.get()); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setTextSubpixelPositioning(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| #if OS(LINUX) || OS(ANDROID) |
| // Since FontConfig doesn't provide a variable to control subpixel positioning, we'll fall back |
| // to setting it globally for all fonts. |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) |
| WebFontRendering::setSubpixelPositioning(arguments[0].value.boolValue); |
| #endif |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| class InvokeCallbackTask : public MethodTask<DRTTestRunner> { |
| public: |
| InvokeCallbackTask(DRTTestRunner* object, PassOwnArrayPtr<CppVariant> callbackArguments, uint32_t numberOfArguments) |
| : MethodTask<DRTTestRunner>(object) |
| , m_callbackArguments(callbackArguments) |
| , m_numberOfArguments(numberOfArguments) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| virtual void runIfValid() |
| { |
| CppVariant invokeResult; |
| m_callbackArguments[0].invokeDefault(m_callbackArguments.get(), m_numberOfArguments, invokeResult); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| OwnArrayPtr<CppVariant> m_callbackArguments; |
| uint32_t m_numberOfArguments; |
| }; |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setBackingScaleFactor(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() < 2 || !arguments[0].isNumber() || !arguments[1].isObject()) |
| return; |
| |
| float value = arguments[0].value.doubleValue; |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setDeviceScaleFactor(value); |
| |
| OwnArrayPtr<CppVariant> callbackArguments = adoptArrayPtr(new CppVariant[1]); |
| callbackArguments[0].set(arguments[1]); |
| result->setNull(); |
| postTask(new InvokeCallbackTask(this, callbackArguments.release(), 1)); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPluginsEnabled(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isBool()) { |
| m_shell->preferences()->pluginsEnabled = arguments[0].toBoolean(); |
| m_shell->applyPreferences(); |
| } |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::resetPageVisibility(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webView()->setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityStateVisible, true); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPageVisibility(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].isString()) { |
| string newVisibility = arguments[0].toString(); |
| if (newVisibility == "visible") |
| m_shell->webView()->setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityStateVisible, false); |
| else if (newVisibility == "hidden") |
| m_shell->webView()->setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityStateHidden, false); |
| else if (newVisibility == "prerender") |
| m_shell->webView()->setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityStatePrerender, false); |
| else if (newVisibility == "preview") |
| m_shell->webView()->setVisibilityState(WebPageVisibilityStatePreview, false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAutomaticLinkDetectionEnabled(bool) |
| { |
| // Not Implemented |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setTextDirection(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() != 1 || !arguments[0].isString()) |
| return; |
| |
| // Map a direction name to a WebTextDirection value. |
| std::string directionName = arguments[0].toString(); |
| WebKit::WebTextDirection direction; |
| if (directionName == "auto") |
| direction = WebKit::WebTextDirectionDefault; |
| else if (directionName == "rtl") |
| direction = WebKit::WebTextDirectionRightToLeft; |
| else if (directionName == "ltr") |
| direction = WebKit::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight; |
| else |
| return; |
| |
| m_shell->webView()->setTextDirection(direction); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setAudioData(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isObject()) |
| return; |
| |
| // Check that passed-in object is, in fact, an ArrayBufferView. |
| NPObject* npobject = NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT(arguments[0]); |
| if (!npobject) |
| return; |
| if (!WebBindings::getArrayBufferView(npobject, &m_audioData)) |
| return; |
| |
| setShouldDumpAsAudio(true); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setHasCustomFullScreenBehavior(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 1 || !arguments[0].isBool()) |
| return; |
| m_hasCustomFullScreenBehavior = arguments[0].toBoolean(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::didAcquirePointerLock(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->didAcquirePointerLock(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::didNotAcquirePointerLock(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->didNotAcquirePointerLock(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::didLosePointerLock(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->didLosePointerLock(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously(const CppArgumentList&, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| m_shell->webViewHost()->setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously(); |
| result->setNull(); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void DRTTestRunner::textSurroundingNode(const CppArgumentList& arguments, CppVariant* result) |
| { |
| result->setNull(); |
| if (arguments.size() < 4 || !arguments[0].isObject() || !arguments[1].isNumber() || !arguments[2].isNumber() || !arguments[3].isNumber()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebNode node; |
| if (!WebBindings::getNode(arguments[0].value.objectValue, &node)) |
| return; |
| |
| if (node.isNull() || !node.isTextNode()) |
| return; |
| |
| WebPoint point(arguments[1].toInt32(), arguments[2].toInt32()); |
| unsigned maxLength = arguments[3].toInt32(); |
| |
| WebSurroundingText surroundingText; |
| surroundingText.initialize(node, point, maxLength); |
| if (surroundingText.isNull()) |
| return; |
| |
| result->set(surroundingText.textContent().utf8()); |
| } |