blob: 13a041e54c3e240e26db83c18a1f589e05cdc851 [file] [log] [blame]
from collections import MutableMapping
from six import itervalues, iteritems
MYPY = False
if MYPY:
# MYPY is set to True when run under Mypy.
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Text
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
# avoid actually importing these, they're only used by type comments
from . import item
from . import manifest
if MYPY:
TypeDataType = MutableMapping[Tuple[Text, ...], Set[item.ManifestItem]]
PathHashType = MutableMapping[Tuple[Text, ...], Text]
TypeDataType = MutableMapping
PathHashType = MutableMapping
class TypeData(TypeDataType):
def __init__(self, m, type_cls):
# type: (manifest.Manifest, Type[item.ManifestItem]) -> None
"""Dict-like object containing the TestItems for each test type.
Loading an actual Item class for each test is unnecessarily
slow, so this class allows lazy-loading of the test
items. When the manifest is loaded we store the raw json
corresponding to the test type, and only create an Item
subclass when the test is accessed. In order to remain
API-compatible with consumers that depend on getting an Item
from iteration, we do egerly load all items when iterating
over the class."""
self._manifest = m
self._type_cls = type_cls # type: Type[item.ManifestItem]
self._json_data = {} # type: Dict[Text, Any]
self._data = {} # type: Dict[Text, Any]
self._hashes = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[Text, ...], Text]
self.hashes = PathHash(self)
def _delete_node(self, data, key):
# type: (Dict[Text, Any], Tuple[Text, ...]) -> None
"""delete a path from a Dict data with a given key"""
path = []
node = data
for pathseg in key[:-1]:
path.append((node, pathseg))
node = node[pathseg]
if not isinstance(node, dict):
raise KeyError(key)
del node[key[-1]]
while path:
node, pathseg = path.pop()
if len(node[pathseg]) == 0:
del node[pathseg]
def __getitem__(self, key):
# type: (Tuple[Text, ...]) -> Set[item.ManifestItem]
node = self._data # type: Union[Dict[Text, Any], Set[item.ManifestItem], List[Any]]
for pathseg in key:
if isinstance(node, dict) and pathseg in node:
node = node[pathseg]
if isinstance(node, set):
return node
raise KeyError(key)
node = self._json_data
found = False
for pathseg in key:
if isinstance(node, dict) and pathseg in node:
node = node[pathseg]
found = True
if not found:
raise KeyError(key)
if not isinstance(node, list):
raise KeyError(key)
self._hashes[key] = node[0]
data = set()
path = "/".join(key)
for test in node[1:]:
manifest_item = self._type_cls.from_json(self._manifest, path, test)
node = self._data
assert isinstance(node, dict)
for pathseg in key[:-1]:
node = node.setdefault(pathseg, {})
assert isinstance(node, dict)
assert key[-1] not in node
node[key[-1]] = data
self._delete_node(self._json_data, key)
return data
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# type: (Tuple[Text, ...], Set[item.ManifestItem]) -> None
self._delete_node(self._json_data, key)
except KeyError:
node = self._data
for i, pathseg in enumerate(key[:-1]):
node = node.setdefault(pathseg, {})
if not isinstance(node, dict):
raise KeyError("%r is a child of a test (%r)" % (key, key[:i+1]))
node[key[-1]] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
# type: (Tuple[Text, ...]) -> None
self._delete_node(self._data, key)
except KeyError:
self._delete_node(self._json_data, key)
del self._hashes[key]
except KeyError:
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, ...]]
"""Iterator over keys in the TypeData in codepoint order"""
data_node = self._data # type: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]]
json_node = self._json_data # type: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]]
path = tuple() # type: Tuple[Text, ...]
stack = [(data_node, json_node, path)]
while stack:
data_node, json_node, path = stack.pop()
if isinstance(data_node, set) or isinstance(json_node, list):
assert data_node is None or json_node is None
yield path
assert data_node is None or isinstance(data_node, dict)
assert json_node is None or isinstance(json_node, dict)
keys = set() # type: Set[Text]
if data_node is not None:
keys |= set(iter(data_node))
if json_node is not None:
keys |= set(iter(json_node))
for key in sorted(keys, reverse=True):
stack.append((data_node.get(key) if data_node is not None else None,
json_node.get(key) if json_node is not None else None,
path + (key,)))
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
count = 0
stack = [self._data]
while stack:
v = stack.pop()
if isinstance(v, set):
count += 1
stack = [self._json_data]
while stack:
v = stack.pop()
if isinstance(v, list):
count += 1
return count
def __nonzero__(self):
# type: () -> bool
return bool(self._data) or bool(self._json_data)
__bool__ = __nonzero__
def __contains__(self, key):
# type: (Any) -> bool
# we provide our own impl of this to avoid calling __getitem__ and generating items for
# those in self._json_data
node = self._data
for pathseg in key:
if pathseg in node:
node = node[pathseg]
return bool(isinstance(node, set))
node = self._json_data
for pathseg in key:
if pathseg in node:
node = node[pathseg]
return bool(isinstance(node, list))
return False
def clear(self):
# type: () -> None
# much, much simpler/quicker than that defined in MutableMapping
def set_json(self, json_data):
# type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
"""Provide the object with a raw JSON blob
Note that this object graph is assumed to be owned by the TypeData
object after the call, so the caller must not mutate any part of the
if self._json_data:
raise ValueError("set_json call when JSON data is not empty")
self._json_data = json_data
def to_json(self):
# type: () -> Dict[Text, Any]
"""Convert the current data to JSON
Note that the returned object may contain references to the internal
data structures, and is only guaranteed to be valid until the next
__getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__ call, so the caller must not
mutate any part of the returned object graph.
json_rv = self._json_data.copy()
def safe_sorter(element):
# type: (Tuple[str,str]) -> Tuple[str,str]
""" key function to sort lists with None values.
Python3 is more strict typewise. Comparing None and str for example is valid
in python2 but throws an exception in python3.
if element and not element[0]:
return ("", element[1])
return element
stack = [(self._data, json_rv, tuple())] # type: List[Tuple[Dict[Text, Any], Dict[Text, Any], Tuple[Text, ...]]]
while stack:
data_node, json_node, par_full_key = stack.pop()
for k, v in iteritems(data_node):
full_key = par_full_key + (k,)
if isinstance(v, set):
assert k not in json_node
json_node[k] = [self._hashes.get(
full_key)] + [t for t in sorted((test.to_json() for test in v), key=safe_sorter)]
json_node[k] = json_node.get(k, {}).copy()
stack.append((v, json_node[k], full_key))
return json_rv
class PathHash(PathHashType):
def __init__(self, data):
# type: (TypeData) -> None
self._data = data
def __getitem__(self, k):
# type: (Tuple[Text, ...]) -> Text
if k not in self._data:
raise KeyError
if k in self._data._hashes:
return self._data._hashes[k]
node = self._data._json_data
for pathseg in k:
if pathseg in node:
node = node[pathseg]
return node[0] # type: ignore
assert False, "unreachable"
raise KeyError
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
# type: (Tuple[Text, ...], Text) -> None
if k not in self._data:
raise KeyError
if k in self._data._hashes:
self._data._hashes[k] = v
node = self._data._json_data
for pathseg in k:
if pathseg in node:
node = node[pathseg]
node[0] = v # type: ignore
self._data._hashes[k] = v
def __delitem__(self, k):
# type: (Tuple[Text, ...]) -> None
raise ValueError("keys here must match underlying data")
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[Text, ...]]
return iter(self._data)
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
return len(self._data)