blob: 03923c8aa3562e8f5d4eabc8fdc14d8eed194091 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMConfiguration
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMCursor
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMError
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMErrorHandler
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMImplementationList
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMImplementationSource
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMLocator
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMObject
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMRequest
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMSettableTokenList
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: DOMUserData
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: Entity
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: EntityReference
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: EventException
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: NameList
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: Notation
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: TypeInfo
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: UserDataHandler
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: RangeException
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: createEntityReference
FAIL Historical DOM features must be removed: xmlEncoding assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) null
FAIL Historical DOM features must be removed: xmlStandalone assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (boolean) false
FAIL Historical DOM features must be removed: xmlVersion assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) null
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: strictErrorChecking
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: domConfig
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: normalizeDocument
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: renameNode
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: defaultCharset
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: height
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: width
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: commands
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: cssElementMap
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: async
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: origin
PASS document.load
PASS XMLDocument.load
PASS DOMImplementation.getFeature() must be removed.
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: schemaTypeInfo
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: setIdAttribute
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: setIdAttributeNS
PASS Historical DOM features must be removed: setIdAttributeNode
PASS Attr member must be removed: schemaTypeInfo
PASS Attr member must be removed: isId
PASS DocumentType member must be removed: entities
PASS DocumentType member must be removed: notations
PASS DocumentType member must be removed: internalSubset
PASS Text member must be removed: isElementContentWhitespace
PASS Text member must be removed: replaceWholeText
PASS Node member must be removed: hasAttributes
PASS Node member must be removed: attributes
PASS Node member must be removed: namespaceURI
PASS Node member must be removed: prefix
PASS Node member must be removed: localName
PASS Node member must be removed: isSupported
PASS Node member must be removed: getFeature
PASS Node member must be removed: getUserData
PASS Node member must be removed: setUserData
PASS Node member must be removed: rootNode
PASS Window member must be removed: attachEvent
PASS Event should not have this constant: MOUSEDOWN
PASS Event should not have this constant: MOUSEUP
PASS Event should not have this constant: MOUSEOVER
PASS Event should not have this constant: MOUSEOUT
PASS Event should not have this constant: MOUSEMOVE
PASS Event should not have this constant: MOUSEDRAG
PASS Event should not have this constant: CLICK
PASS Event should not have this constant: DBLCLICK
PASS Event should not have this constant: KEYDOWN
PASS Event should not have this constant: KEYUP
PASS Event should not have this constant: KEYPRESS
PASS Event should not have this constant: DRAGDROP
PASS Event should not have this constant: FOCUS
PASS Event should not have this constant: BLUR
PASS Event should not have this constant: SELECT
PASS Event should not have this constant: CHANGE
PASS Event.prototype should not have this property: getPreventDefault