blob: 60546a75311a0ed595719409ba2d933e6282100f [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Calling dispatchEvent(null).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (BeforeUnloadEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (CompositionEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (CustomEvent).
FAIL If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (DeviceMotionEvent). The operation is not supported.
FAIL If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (DeviceOrientationEvent). The operation is not supported.
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (DragEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (Event).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (Events).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (FocusEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (HashChangeEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (HTMLEvents).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (KeyboardEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (MessageEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (MouseEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (MouseEvents).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (StorageEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (SVGEvents).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (TextEvent).
FAIL If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (TouchEvent). The operation is not supported.
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (UIEvent).
PASS If the event's initialized flag is not set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown (UIEvents).
PASS If the event's dispatch flag is set, an InvalidStateError must be thrown.
PASS Exceptions from event listeners must not be propagated.
PASS Event listeners added during dispatch should be called
PASS Capturing event listeners should be called before non-capturing ones