blob: 5a15245f3172fa53520ec29f6c4dc052ca655e94 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS basic with click()
PASS basic with dispatchEvent()
PASS basic with wrong event class
PASS look at parents only when event bubbles
FAIL look at parents when event bubbles assert_true: expected true got false
PASS pick the first with activation behavior <input type=checkbox>
PASS pick the first with activation behavior <a href>
PASS event state during post-click handling
PASS redispatch during post-click handling
PASS disabled checkbox still has activation behavior
PASS disabled checkbox still has activation behavior, part 2
PASS disconnected checkbox should be checked
PASS disconnected radio should be checked
PASS disconnected checkbox should be checked from dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'))
PASS disconnected radio should be checked from dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'))
PASS disconnected form should not submit