blob: 10cde01c712a95cff3b6cc3b8306eb0142632925 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL a: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS abbr: Define a customized built-in element
PASS abbr: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL abbr: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL abbr: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS address: Define a customized built-in element
PASS address: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL address: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL address: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL area: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS article: Define a customized built-in element
PASS article: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL article: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL article: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS aside: Define a customized built-in element
PASS aside: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL aside: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL aside: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL audio: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS b: Define a customized built-in element
PASS b: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL b: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL b: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL base: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS bdi: Define a customized built-in element
PASS bdi: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL bdi: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL bdi: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS bdo: Define a customized built-in element
PASS bdo: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL bdo: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL bdo: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL blockquote: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL body: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL br: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL button: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL canvas: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL caption: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS cite: Define a customized built-in element
PASS cite: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL cite: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL cite: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS code: Define a customized built-in element
PASS code: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL code: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL code: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL col: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL colgroup: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL data: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS dd: Define a customized built-in element
PASS dd: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL dd: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL dd: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL del: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL details: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS dfn: Define a customized built-in element
PASS dfn: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL dfn: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL dfn: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL div: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL dl: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS dt: Define a customized built-in element
PASS dt: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL dt: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL dt: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS em: Define a customized built-in element
PASS em: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL em: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL em: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL embed: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL fieldset: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS figcaption: Define a customized built-in element
PASS figcaption: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL figcaption: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL figcaption: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS figure: Define a customized built-in element
PASS figure: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL figure: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL figure: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS footer: Define a customized built-in element
PASS footer: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL footer: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL footer: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL form: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL h1: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL h2: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL h3: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL h4: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL h5: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL h6: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS header: Define a customized built-in element
PASS header: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL header: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL header: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS hgroup: Define a customized built-in element
PASS hgroup: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL hgroup: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL hgroup: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL hr: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL html: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS i: Define a customized built-in element
PASS i: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL i: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL i: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL iframe: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL img: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL input: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL ins: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS kbd: Define a customized built-in element
PASS kbd: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL kbd: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL kbd: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL label: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL legend: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL li: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL link: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS main: Define a customized built-in element
PASS main: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL main: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL main: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL map: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS mark: Define a customized built-in element
PASS mark: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL mark: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL mark: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL menu: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL meta: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL meter: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS nav: Define a customized built-in element
PASS nav: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL nav: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL nav: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS noscript: Define a customized built-in element
PASS noscript: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL noscript: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL noscript: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL object: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL ol: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL optgroup: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL option: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL output: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL p: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL param: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL picture: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL pre: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL progress: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL q: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS rp: Define a customized built-in element
PASS rp: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL rp: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL rp: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS rt: Define a customized built-in element
PASS rt: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL rt: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL rt: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS ruby: Define a customized built-in element
PASS ruby: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL ruby: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL ruby: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS s: Define a customized built-in element
PASS s: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL s: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL s: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS samp: Define a customized built-in element
PASS samp: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL samp: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL samp: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL script: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS section: Define a customized built-in element
PASS section: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL section: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL section: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL select: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS small: Define a customized built-in element
PASS small: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL small: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL small: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL source: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL span: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS strong: Define a customized built-in element
PASS strong: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL strong: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL strong: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL style: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS sub: Define a customized built-in element
PASS sub: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL sub: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL sub: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS summary: Define a customized built-in element
PASS summary: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL summary: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL summary: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
PASS sup: Define a customized built-in element
PASS sup: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL sup: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL sup: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL table: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL tbody: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL td: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL template: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL textarea: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL tfoot: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL th: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL thead: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL time: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL title: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL tr: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL track: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS u: Define a customized built-in element
PASS u: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL u: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL u: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL ul: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS var: Define a customized built-in element
PASS var: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL var: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL var: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL video: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS wbr: Define a customized built-in element
PASS wbr: Operator 'new' should instantiate a customized built-in element
FAIL wbr: document.createElement() should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL wbr: innerHTML should instantiate a customized built-in element assert_equals: expected function "class extends HTMLElement {}" but got function "function HTMLElement() {
[native code]
FAIL dialog: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL slot: Define a customized built-in element The superclass is not a constructor.