blob: 14e550e8487bb4e69a2a755e82ef7cf0a015a70f [file] [log] [blame]
PASS HTMLElement constructor must throw a TypeError when NewTarget is equal to itself
PASS HTMLElement constructor must throw a TypeError when NewTarget is equal to itself via a Proxy object
PASS HTMLElement constructor must throw TypeError when it has not been defined by customElements.define
FAIL Custom element constructor must throw TypeError when it does not extend HTMLElement The superclass is not a constructor.
FAIL Custom element constructor must throw TypeError when it does not extend the proper element interface The superclass is not a constructor.
PASS HTMLElement constructor must infer the tag name from the element interface
PASS HTMLElement constructor must allow subclassing a custom element
PASS HTMLElement constructor must allow subclassing an user-defined subclass of HTMLElement
PASS HTMLElement constructor must only get .prototype once, calling proxy constructor directly
PASS HTMLElement constructor must only get .prototype once, calling proxy constructor via Reflect
PASS HTMLElement constructor must only get .prototype once, calling proxy constructor via Reflect with no inheritance
FAIL HTMLElement constructor must not get .prototype until it finishes its extends sanity checks, calling proxy constructor directly assert_throws: Should not be able to construct an HTMLElement named 'button' function "function () { new countingProxy() }" did not throw
FAIL HTMLElement constructor must not get .prototype until it finishes its extends sanity checks, calling via Reflect assert_throws: Should not be able to construct an HTMLElement named 'button' function "function () { Reflect.construct(HTMLElement, [], countingProxy) }" did not throw
PASS HTMLElement constructor must not get .prototype until it finishes its registration sanity checks, calling proxy constructor directly
PASS HTMLElement constructor must not get .prototype until it finishes its registration sanity checks, calling via Reflect