blob: 44f633d4857a9da761cb1edf0fef85febe8fb0a4 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Test driver
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface object length
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface object name
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: operation fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit)
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute x
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute y
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute z
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute w
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: operation matrixTransform(optional DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMPointReadOnly must be primary interface of new DOMPointReadOnly()
PASS Stringification of new DOMPointReadOnly()
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit) on new DOMPointReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "z" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "w" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "matrixTransform(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling matrixTransform(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMPointReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: default toJSON operation on new DOMPointReadOnly()
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMPoint interface object length
PASS DOMPoint interface object name
PASS DOMPoint interface: legacy window alias
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMPoint interface: operation fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit)
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute x
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute y
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute z
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute w
PASS DOMPoint must be primary interface of new DOMPoint()
PASS Stringification of new DOMPoint()
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: calling fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit) on new DOMPoint() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "z" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "w" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling fromPoint(optional DOMPointInit) on new DOMPoint() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "z" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "w" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "matrixTransform(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling matrixTransform(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMPoint() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: default toJSON operation on new DOMPoint()
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface object length
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface object name
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: operation fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute x
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute y
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute width
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute height
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute top
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute right
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute bottom
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute left
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMRectReadOnly must be primary interface of new DOMRectReadOnly()
PASS Stringification of new DOMRectReadOnly()
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: calling fromRect(optional DOMRectInit) on new DOMRectReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "width" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "height" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "top" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "right" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "bottom" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "left" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: default toJSON operation on new DOMRectReadOnly()
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMRect interface object length
PASS DOMRect interface object name
PASS DOMRect interface: legacy window alias
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMRect interface: operation fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute x
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute y
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute width
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute height
PASS DOMRect must be primary interface of new DOMRect()
PASS Stringification of new DOMRect()
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: calling fromRect(optional DOMRectInit) on new DOMRect() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "width" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "height" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: calling fromRect(optional DOMRectInit) on new DOMRect() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "width" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "height" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "top" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "right" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "bottom" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "left" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: default toJSON operation on new DOMRect()
PASS DOMRectList interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMQuad interface object length
PASS DOMQuad interface object name
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation fromQuad(optional DOMQuadInit)
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p1
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p2
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p3
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p4
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation getBounds()
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMQuad must be primary interface of new DOMQuad()
PASS Stringification of new DOMQuad()
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "fromRect(optional DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: calling fromRect(optional DOMRectInit) on new DOMQuad() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "fromQuad(optional DOMQuadInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: calling fromQuad(optional DOMQuadInit) on new DOMQuad() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p1" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p2" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p3" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p4" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "getBounds()" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
FAIL DOMQuad interface: default toJSON operation on new DOMQuad() assert_true: instanceof DOMPoint expected true got false
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface object length
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface object name
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation fromMatrix(optional DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute a
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute b
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute c
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute d
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute e
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute f
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m11
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m12
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m13
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m14
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m21
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m22
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m23
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m24
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m31
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m32
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m33
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m34
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m41
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m42
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m43
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m44
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute is2D
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute isIdentity
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation translate(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation scale(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
FAIL DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation scaleNonUniform(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "scaleNonUniform" missing
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation scale3d(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation rotate(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation rotateFromVector(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation rotateAxisAngle(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation skewX(optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation skewY(optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation multiply(optional DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation flipX()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation flipY()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation inverse()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation transformPoint(optional DOMPointInit)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation toFloat32Array()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation toFloat64Array()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: member
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly must be primary interface of new DOMMatrixReadOnly()
PASS Stringification of new DOMMatrixReadOnly()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "fromMatrix(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling fromMatrix(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling fromFloat32Array(Float32Array) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling fromFloat64Array(Float64Array) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "a" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "b" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "c" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "d" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "e" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "f" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m11" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m12" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m13" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m14" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m21" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m22" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m23" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m24" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m31" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m32" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m33" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m34" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m41" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m42" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m43" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m44" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "is2D" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "isIdentity" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "translate(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling translate(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "scale(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling scale(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
FAIL DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "scaleNonUniform(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "scaleNonUniform" not found in prototype chain
FAIL DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling scaleNonUniform(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "scaleNonUniform" not found in prototype chain
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "scale3d(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling scale3d(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "rotate(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling rotate(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "rotateFromVector(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling rotateFromVector(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "rotateAxisAngle(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling rotateAxisAngle(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "skewX(optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling skewX(optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "skewY(optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling skewY(optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "multiply(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling multiply(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "flipX()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "flipY()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "inverse()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "transformPoint(optional DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling transformPoint(optional DOMPointInit) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "toFloat32Array()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "toFloat64Array()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must not have property ""
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: default toJSON operation on new DOMMatrixReadOnly()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly must be primary interface of DOMMatrixReadOnly.fromMatrix({is2D: false})
PASS Stringification of DOMMatrixReadOnly.fromMatrix({is2D: false})
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMMatrix interface object length
PASS DOMMatrix interface object name
PASS DOMMatrix interface: legacy window alias
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation fromMatrix(optional DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute a
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute b
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute c
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute d
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute e
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute f
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m11
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m12
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m13
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m14
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m21
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m22
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m23
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m24
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m31
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m32
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m33
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m34
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m41
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m42
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m43
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m44
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation multiplySelf(optional DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation preMultiplySelf(optional DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation translateSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation scaleSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation scale3dSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation rotateSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation rotateFromVectorSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation rotateAxisAngleSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation skewXSelf(optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation skewYSelf(optional unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation invertSelf()
PASS DOMMatrix interface: member setMatrixValue
PASS DOMMatrix must be primary interface of new DOMMatrix()
PASS Stringification of new DOMMatrix()
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "fromMatrix(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling fromMatrix(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling fromFloat32Array(Float32Array) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling fromFloat64Array(Float64Array) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "a" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "b" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "c" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "d" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "e" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "f" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m11" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m12" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m13" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m14" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m21" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m22" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m23" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m24" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m31" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m32" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m33" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m34" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m41" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m42" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m43" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m44" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "multiplySelf(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling multiplySelf(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "preMultiplySelf(optional DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling preMultiplySelf(optional DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "translateSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling translateSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "scaleSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling scaleSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "scale3dSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling scale3dSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "rotateSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling rotateSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "rotateFromVectorSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling rotateFromVectorSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "rotateAxisAngleSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling rotateAxisAngleSelf(optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double, optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "skewXSelf(optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling skewXSelf(optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "skewYSelf(optional unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling skewYSelf(optional unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "invertSelf()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must not have property "setMatrixValue"
PASS DOMMatrix must be primary interface of DOMMatrix.fromMatrix({is2D: false})
PASS Stringification of DOMMatrix.fromMatrix({is2D: false})